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Julio C N Santos

Julio C N Santos
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Triângulo Mineiro, Uberlândia, Brasil

Doctor in Agricultural Engineering


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Publications (36)
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For a crop to reach its maximum productive capacity, water availability in the root zone is necessary. Thus, water deficit is a factor that most limits the potential development of a crop. In this context, this study aimed to determine the best time for soybean cultivation in the region of Uberlândia-MG, considering a historical series of 40 years...
The interception process impacts rainfall magnitude and intensity under the canopy. In this study, the effect of plant interception on throughfall characteristics was assessed in the deciduous Caatinga vegetation, at different canopy development stages and for temporal scales ranging from seasonal to the intra-event scale. Throughfall and stemflow...
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Entre los servicios ecosistémicos prestados al hombre se encuentran el agua potable, los alimentos, la biomasa, la calidad del aire y la regulación climática. En las tierras secas del planeta, los habitantes ejercen una fuerte presión en los ecosistemas, para la producción de alimentos y biomasa. Este trabajo plantea cómo los servicios ambientales...
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Information on hydrology, and vegetation distribution is essential for the development of techniques and strategies to cope with droughts in semi-arid environments. The objective of this study was to evaluate the partitioning of gross rainfall into throughfall, stemflow, and interception loss in the Brazilian Northeastern Atlantic Forest, and its c...
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Study region: Iguatu Experimental Basin, located in the semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil. Study focus: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of rainfall characteristics on throughfall, stemflow and interception loss in a deciduous forest of a tropical semi-arid region, from a data series of eight consecutive years. The data...
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The adoption of measures to prevent and control erosive processes requires information about the factors affecting the erosion and the sediment transport conditions. However, the sediment yield of a basin depends on the availability of eroded material and the sediment transport capacity. Thus, the objective of this study was to identify the factors...
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The scarcity of information on the processes of rainfall-flow limits understanding of the hydrology of dry regions of the world. In order to minimise the problem, this study was developed to investigate the influence of the characteristics of rainfall events and plant cover on the effective precipitation (Pe) in a seasonally dry tropical forest (SD...
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Dry tropical forests account for over 1,000,000 km², and there is still lack of knowledge on their hydrologic processes. The curve number (CN) hydrologic model developed by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is widely applied for runoff determination in various parts of the world, but not so in tropical semiarid regions. This study a...
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Resumo Erosion and sediment transport processes are strongly dependent on the spatial scale and land use. The objective of this study is to analyse the effects of slash and burn of vegetation followed by grass cultivation for grazing, on the hydrological and sedimentological behaviour at different spatial scales in a semiarid region in Brazil. Rai...
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The objective of this work was to evaluated the precipitation characteristics (depth, I30 and erosivity) and their effects on sediment production in three watersheds under different managements of land use 35-year regenerating Caatinga (RC), thinned Caatinga (TC), which underwent thinning of trees with diameter smaller than 10 cm; and deforested Ca...
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The semi-arid region in the northeast of Brazil is characterised by rains of high intensity and short duration, with the processes of erosion being aggravated by an inappropriate land-use model. In this region, the lack of measured data for runoff and sediment yield increases the need to apply hydro-sedimentological models in estimating erosion, re...
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Rainfall intensity, duration, frequency and magnitude influence both runoff generation and sediment yield. In this study, 176 rainfall events over a five-year period were classified into four regimes based on rainfall depth, duration and 30-minute maximum intensity, using hierarchical cluster analysis in the semiarid region of Brazil. Rainfall Regi...
Conference Paper
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Objetivou-se com esta pesquisa, avaliar a qualidade das águas superficiais para fins de irrigação e variabilidade temporal dos sais dessas águas em função do volume armazenado pelos dos reservatórios durante o período de 2011 a 2015 na sub-bacia do Alto Jaguaribe, Ceará. O estudo foi realizado em 10 reservatórios, com dados provenientes do banco de...
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The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of anthropic activities on the effective precipitation (eP) and soil loss in watersheds under different land uses in a tropical dry forest region. The experimental area was located in the central part of the State of Ceará, Brazil. The land uses evaluated were: fallow Caatinga (FC), thinned C...
Dados e informações básicas sobre os processos relacionados com a produção de sedimentos e as influências do manejo da vegetação são escassos em regiões semiáridas. Neste sentido, este trabalho objetivou analisar as relações das características das chuvas (altura, intensidade e erosividade) na geração de escoamento e nas produções de sedimentos em...
Soil and water resources effective management and planning in a river basin rely on understanding of runoff generation processes, yield, and their relations to rainfall. This study analyzes the effects of antecedent soil moisture in an expansive soil and the influence of dry spells on soil cracking, runoff generation and yield in a semiarid tropica...
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Objetivou-se, neste estudo, calibrar e validar os fatores C da Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo e os coeficientes da Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo Modificada, para as coberturas de Caatinga Nativa, Caatinga Raleada e Capim (pós desmatamento e queima) no semiárido brasileiro. Os dados foram coletados no período de 2009 a 2012. A avaliação d...
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Water body eutrophication process has been a serious problem around the world, especially in semiarid and arid region where main approach to storage water is reservoir. The aim of this work was to investigate the spatial and seasonal variability in water quality of a reservoir in a semi-arid tropical region with regards to its trophic state, and to...
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The characteristics of rainfall can provide important information for management and land use may also minimize the water erosion problems. This study was carried out to evaluate soil and water loss in erosion plots with different coverage, and the interference of natural rainfall characteristics on these processes. The experiment was carried out d...
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The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the sedimentological behavior in two small rural watersheds in the semiarid Northeast of Brazil, examining the influence of human activity on the sediment yields. The studied area is sited in the Alto Jaguaribe basin, more precisely in the Iguatu County, Ceará State. The experimental area was compos...
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Na região Nordeste do Brasil, com clima semiárido e ambiente de contrastes, verifica-se lado a lado a exploração intensiva dos recursos naturais por empresas agrícolas e a agricultura e pecuária praticada por pequenos produtores como forma de garantir a subsistência. Estas explorações ocorrem na grande maioria de forma insustentável, resultando na...
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1 RESUMO Objetivou-se com o presente estudo calibrar e validar o numero de curva (CN) para diferentes manejos da vegetacao caatinga no semiarido brasileiro. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em tres microbacias experimentais localizadas na regiao Centro Sul do Ceara, Brasil. Os dados de precipitacao e escoamento foram medidos no periodo de 2008 a 2011 po...
Conference Paper
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Due to the environmental impacts generated by economic activities and faced with the challenge of producing food for an increasing population, the sustainability of production methods should be analyzed to determine those with the highest relative yield and the least degradation of the environment. Seeking alternatives for sustainable use of the ca...
Conference Paper
Although the Runoff Curve Number method has been developed in the 1950’s, and extensively used worldwide, it has not been so in Brazil, yet. The present study was conducted in a small experimental watershed in the southern central region of Ceará State, Brazil (6°32’S, 39°5’W). The watershed is representative of caatinga, a type of scrubby forest,...
Conference Paper
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Erosion is a phenomenon whose impact on renewable natural resources has been worrying governments and institutions in different parts of the world. To this effect, this study aimed to generate and analyze information obtained in the field, involving the main processes and sources of variation in soil-loss data on different spatial scales in a semi-...
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RESUMO Técnicas de estatística multivariada foram empregadas com o objetivo de identificar a similaridade dos reservatórios superficiais do Ceará, com relação à salinidade das águas e identificar os fatores determinantes da qualidade das águas. Os dados utilizados foram provenientes do banco de dados da Companhia de Gestão dos Recursos Hídricos do...
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Multivariate statistical techniques were employed in order to identify the similarity in the salinity levels of the water reservoirs of Ceará State, Brazil. Also, to identify the factors that explain the variability of water quality. The data set used in this investigation came from the Company of Water Management (COGERH). The studied period exten...
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Multivariate statistical techniques were employed in order to identify the similarity in the salinity levels of the water reservoirs of Ceará State, Brazil. Also, to identify the factors that explain the variability of water quality. The data set used in this investigation came from the Company of Water Management (COGERH). The studied period exten...
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Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar as perdas de solo e nutrientes por erosão hídrica em quatro áreas sob vegetação de Caatinga com diferentes coberturas vegetal em três alturas pluviométricas. Foram instalados 24 coletores de solo distribuídos em quatro microbacias (A, B, C e D) localizadas em uma área de caatinga no município de Iguatu, Ceará. O...
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This work was carried out to develop a comparative study of Na+, Cl-, Ca2+ + Mg2+ e K+ concentrations between an irrigated area and undisturbed land, as well as to evaluate rainfall effects over lixiviation. The study was conducted in the Araras Norte Irrigated District (DIPAN), Ceará, Brazil. The studied was carried out in a grape (Vitis vinifera...
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This work was carried out to identify the major contribution of ions to the surface water salinity to the upper and down perennialized segments of the Curu river watershed. Water samples were collected, monthly, from oct./2004 to sept./2005, in nine points spread out along the Curu river, totalizing 85 samples. Analyses were carried out in the Soil...


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