Julio González

Julio González
Jaume I University | UJI · Department of Basic and Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology

Ph. D.


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May 2005 - August 2005
University at Buffalo, State University of New York
  • Examining potential hemispheric differences in talker effects in spoken word recognition


Publications (75)
In addition to language, the human voice carries information about the physical characteristics of speakers, including their body size (height and weight). The fundamental speaking frequency, perceived as voice pitch, and the formant frequencies, or resonators of the vocal tract, are the acoustic speech parameters that have been most intensely stud...
Sex identification of faces without any cultural or conventional sex cue is primarily based on two independent components: a) shape or facial structure, and b) surface reflectance (skin texture and color). The present work studied the relative contribution of each component by means of two experiments based on 3D face models created with different...
To a certain degree, human listeners can perceive a speaker's body size from their voice. The speaker's voice pitch or fundamental frequency (Fo) and the vocal formant frequencies are the voice parameters that have been most intensively studied in past body size perception research (particularly for body height). Artificially lowering the Fo of iso...
The relationship between the age of acquisition (AoA) of words and their cerebral hemispheric representation is controversial because the experimental results have been contradictory. However, most of the lexical processing experiments were performed with stimuli consisting of written words. If we want to compare the processing of words learned ver...
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In just a year and a half, an enormous volume of scientific research has been generated throughout the world to study a virus/disease that turned into a pandemic. All the articles on COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 included in the SCI-EXPANDED database (Web of Science), signed by more than a third of a million of authorships, were analyzed. Gender could be...
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Some evidence suggests that lay persons are able to perceive sexual orientation from face stimuli above the chance level. A morphometric study of 390 heterosexual and homosexual Canadian people of both sexes reported that facial structure differed depending on the sexual orientation. Gay and heterosexual men differed on three metrics as the most ro...
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The science of epidemiology studies and analyses the patterns, distributions and determinants of health-related entities. Peer review is crucial to the biomedical journal ecosystem. Furthermore, gender inequality persists in science and improving gender representation is a key international goal. For these reasons, we evaluated the geographical loc...
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The achievement of gender equity by 2030 is one of the international Sustainable Development Goals adopted by United Nations member states. Peer review is crucial to academia and diverse perspectives add significant value by avoiding publication biases. We investigated the trend in female peer reviewers in JAMA, a globally influential medical journ...
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Despite recent advances, gender inequality persists in many scientific fields including medicine. Thus far, no study has extensively analyzed the gender composition of contemporary researchers in the oncology field. We examined 40 oncological journals (Web of Science, Oncology category) with different impact factors (Q1–Q4) and extracted all the ar...
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This study tested the hypothesis that two lexical properties, both phonological neighborhood density (ND) and neighborhood frequency (NF), influence the recognition of target words when preceded by either a semantically congruent or semantically neutral context. Our study is the first to test this hypothesis using a language other than English (i.e...
Background: Semantic inhibition is often found to be impaired in Alzheimer´s disease (AD). The sentence completion task (Hayling test) was used to investigate whether it would be useful for differentiating mild AD from moderate AD. Method: Latency responses and error scores in the automatic and inhibition parts of the test were registered in the...
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Despite recent advances, gender inequality persists in many scientific fields, and Psychology is not alien to this phenomenon. This study presents the evolution of gender composition in American Psychological Association publications in the past six decades, from 1963 to 2016. Longitudinal analysis revealed an important change: women rose from a ti...
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The Lancet. Volume 391, No. 10140, p2601, 30 June 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(18)31139-5 Author Gender in The Lancet journals. Abstract Despite substantial advances in recent decades, gender inequality persists in many scientific fields,1including medicine2,3 and global health. In an upcoming theme issue on women in science, med...
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Sexual attraction in humans is influenced by cultural or moral factors, and some gender differences can emerge in this complex interaction. A previous study found that men dissociate sexual attraction from moral judgment more than women do. Two experiments consisting of giving attractiveness ratings to photos of real opposite-sex individuals showed...
This study aims to identify the gender of researchers who published in Personality and Individual Differences (PAID) during the 2008–2016 period. Of a total of 12,137 authorships, gender could be identified in 11,023 (90.8%). Results show a slight gender imbalance in favor of men that tends to diminish throughout the years, almost reaching parity i...
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Research has shown that lay people can perceive sexual orientation better than chance from face stimuli. However, the relation between facial structure and sexual orientation has been scarcely examined. Recently, an extensive morphometric study on a large sample of Canadian people (Skorska, Geniole, Vrysen, McCormick, & Bogaert, 2015) identified th...
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Despite important advances made in recent decades, women are still underrepresented in science (less than 30% of authorships). This study presents a bibliometric analysis of all the Psychology articles published in 2009 included in the Web of Science database (Thomson Reuters) in order to examine the contribution of women in contemporary Psychology...
Neuroscience or Neural Science is a very active and interdisciplinary field that seeks to understand the brain and the nervous system. In spite of important advances made in recent decades, women are still underrepresented in neuroscience research output as a consequence of gender inequality in science overall. This study carries out a scientometri...
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Objective: Cognitive aging is commonly associated with a decrease in executive functioning (EF). A specific component of EF, semantic inhibition, is addressed in the present study, which presents a meta-analytic review of the literature that has evaluated the performance on the Hayling Sentence Completion test in young and older groups of individua...
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Research has shown that syllables play a relevant role in lexical access in Spanish, a shallow language with a transparent syllabic structure. Syllable frequency has been shown to have an inhibitory effect on visual word recognition in Spanish. However, no study has examined the syllable frequency effect on spoken word recognition. The present stud...
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Would you find an opposite-sex individual physically less attractive if you knew that he/she was a bad person? Would you feel the same if you were a man or a woman? This study examined whether gender differences exist in the influence of moral judgements on heterosexual physical attraction. In a first Experiment, participants (N = 214) rated on att...
Expone los principales temas de la psicología del lenguaje, ahondando en los conceptos básicos de la disciplina, los niveles de comprensión oral y escrita, la producción oral del lenguaje y la lectura, así como los trastornos propios del lenguaje. http://www.medicapanamericana.com/Libros/Libro/5432/Psicologia-del-Lenguaje.html
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-Previous research has found evidence in favor of two subsystems underlying object recognition: an abstract-category subsystem that mainly works in the left hemisphere (LH) and a specific-exemplar subsystem that mainly works in the right hemisphere (RH). This asymmetry has been observed in both the visual and auditory domains by means of long-term...
The journal Psychological Science (PS) has undergone various changes over 22 years since its birth in 1990. Analysis of Web of Science's records shows that the publication has increased in volume and collaborations between authors, and has become more international. Keyword analysis suggests the new role of neuroscience in contemporary psychology a...
Cuando Wilhem Wundt funda en 1879 su laboratorio en la Universidad de Leipzig, nace la Psicología como ciencia. Considerado el primer laboratorio de la nueva disciplina, sirvió de inspiración y referencia a decenas de laboratorios repartidos por el mundo. PREMIO UNE a la mejor monografía universitaria en CC. Salud (2014). http://ujiapps.uji.es/serv...
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Can learning capacity of the human brain be predicted from initial spontaneous functional connectivity (FC) between brain areas involved in a task? We combined task-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI) before and after training with a Hindi dental-retroflex nonnative contrast. Previous fMRI results w...
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I analysed the geographic distribution of authors of papers in Nature and Science during 1996–2010 (data from Thomson Reuters' Science Citation Index; 2012) and found that both journals are publishing an increasing number of contributions from Europe. In Nature these now predominate alongside papers from the United States; in Science, European publ...
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For a long time neuropsychological research has been the major source of evidence for understanding how language is organized in the human brain. However, modern electrophysiological and neuroimaging techniques provide new data on language processing in the intact brain, showing that language-related processes seem to be much more widely distribute...
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Understanding the circumstances under which talker (and other types of) variability affects language perception represents an important area of research in the field of spoken word recognition. Previous work has demonstrated that talker effects are more likely when processing is relatively slow (McLennan & Luce, 2005). Given that listeners may take...
¿Cómo es posible que surja un estado mental, o incluso un "yo" consciente, a partir de un conjunto de células? Ésta es la gran pregunta para la que la ciencia contemporánea no tiene todavía una respuesta y a la se dirige este libro, que nos acerca de forma amena, pero rigurosa, a la evolución de las ideas que la humanidad ha producido sobre el órga...
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Because many words are typically used in the context of their referent objects and actions, distributed cortical circuits for these words may bind information about their form with perceptual and motor aspects of their meaning. Previous work has demonstrated such semantic grounding for sensorimotor, visual, auditory, and olfactory knowledge linked...
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This article describes the development of a test for measuring the intelligibility of speech in noise for the Spanish language, similar to the test developed by Kalikow, Stevens, and Elliot (Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 5, 1337-1360, 1977) for the English language. The test consists of six forms, each comprising 25 high-predictabil...
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In the visual domain, Marsolek and colleagues (1999, 2008) have found support for two dissociable and parallel neural subsystems underlying object and shape recognition: an abstract-category subsystem that operates more effectively in the left cerebral hemisphere (LH), and a specific-exemplar subsystem that operates more effectively in the right ce...
Previous studies demonstrate that listeners are faster to recognize words recently spoken by the same talker, relative to a different talker. However, there is evidence that such talker effects are more robust when processing is relatively slow. The purpose of the present study was to examine talker effects in bilingual listeners as a function of w...
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This paper presents a pool of Spanish sentences designed for use in cognitive research and speech processing in circumstances in which the effects of context are relevant. These lists of sentences are divided into six lists of 25 equivalent high-predictability sentences and six lists of 25 low-predictability sentences according to the extent to whi...
SOCIOMET es un programa informático diseñado para la elaboración automática de análisis sociométricos. Va dirigido fundamentalmente a niños y adolescentes en contexto escolar, aunque también se puede emplear con grupos de adultos en contexto laboral. Proporciona abundante información sobre las relaciones sociales entre los evaluados, el clima socia...
Recent work has found support for two dissociable and parallel neural subsystems underlying object and shape recognition in the visual domain: an abstract-category subsystem that operates more effectively in the left cerebral hemisphere than in the right, and a specific-exemplar subsystem that operates more effectively in the right hemisphere than...
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An aligned rank test for a nonparametric analysis of the two way interaction. Research problems that require nonparametric analysis of the interaction frequently arise in the behavioral sciences. There is, however, a lack of available procedures in commonly used statistical packages such as SAS or SPSS. The purpose of the present study is to review...
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Problemas que requieren un análisis no paramétrico de la interacción surgen con cierta frecuencia en estudios del comportamiento. Hay, sin embargo, una ausencia de procedimientos en paquetes estadísticos usuales como SAS o SPSS. El objetivo del presente trabajo es revisar los fundamentos del contraste de rangos alineados en dos diseños de investiga...
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In the visual domain, Marsolek and colleagues have provided support for their claim that two dissociable and parallel neural subsystems underlie abstract and specific object recognition [Marsolek, 1999; Marsolek & Burgund, 2003]. According to their dissociable subsystems theory, an abstract-category subsystem operates more effectively in the left h...
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A previous study showed that the scores on recognition of plosive-vowel syllables improve with noise preceding the speech, compared to noise gated on and off simultaneously with the signal [1]. To investigate this question further, the present study examined the influence of masker bandwidth, masker and signal spectral separation and masker level o...
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Generally, there is a significant relationship between some acoustic measures (F0 and formant parameters) and the body size of speakers; however, data become less clear when age and sex variables are controlled. To date, no other vocal parameter apart from F0 has been studied in relation to body size. In the present study, correlations between a se...
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Variability in talker identity, one type of indexical variation, has demonstrable effects on the speed and accuracy of spoken word recognition. Furthermore, neuropsychological evidence suggests that indexical and linguistic information may be represented and processed differently in the 2 cerebral hemispheres, and is consistent with findings from t...
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Aprevious study showed that the scores on recognition of plosive-vowel syllables improve with noise preceding the speech, compared to noise gated on and o ff simultaneously with the signal [1]. To investigate this question further,t he present study examined the influence of masker bandwidth, masker and signal spectral separation and masker levelo...
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Some words immediately and automatically remind us of odours, smells and scents, whereas other language items do not evoke such associations. This study investigated, for the first time, the abstract linking of linguistic and odour information using modern neuroimaging techniques (functional MRI). Subjects passively read odour-related words ('garli...
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If we consider people of different ages and sex, we can observe significant correlations between some acoustic measures of speech and the body size of the speaker. However, data become less clear when individual differences are studied and controlled by age and sex variables. This chapter reviews possible associations between some speech acoustic p...
Considerable research on speech intelligibility for cochlear-implant users has been conducted using acoustic simulations with normal-hearing subjects. However, some relevant topics about perception through cochlear implants remain scantly explored. The present study examined the perception by normal-hearing subjects of gender and identity of a talk...
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of tobacco on the voice in a relatively early stage of the cigarette-smoking habit (<10 years). A multi-parameter acoustic analysis tool, the Multi-Dimensional Voice Program (MDVP), was used to obtain a set of 27 parameters from sustained vowel phonations of 134 non-dysphonic young adults (aged 2...
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The present study deals with a right-handed female polyglot suffering from a Foreign Accent Syndrome (FAS) which affects her native language (L1), but not her other languages learnt since the age of 12. She had a small infarct in the left corona radiata as the result of a carotid occlusion. Her L1 was Spanish, but she also had a good command of Fre...
This paper investigates the relationship between formant frequencies and body size in human adults. In Experiment I, correlation coefficients were obtained between acoustic correlates of the five Spanish vowels uttered by 82 speakers as a function of speakers’ heights and weights. In Experiment II correlations were calculated from formant parameter...
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término disartria designa un conjunto de alteraciones del habla causadas por una lesión neurológica. Se trata del trastorno adquirido del habla más frecuente, por ello, la medida de la inteligibilidad en los pacientes disártricos es muy importante tanto para el diagnóstico clínico como para la investigación de la disartria. Sin embargo, una medida...
The MPEG-1 Layer 3 compression schema of audio signal, commonly known as mp3, has caused a great impact in recent years as it has reached high compression rates while conserving a high sound quality. Music and speech samples compressed at high bitrates are perceptually indistinguishable from the original samples, but very little was known about how...
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Research on identification of speakers' weight and height from their speech has yielded controversial results. Conclusions from a series of reports conducted by Lass and colleagues must be interpreted with caution because they are based on comparisons of only two types of data, mean of actual values and mean of estimated values. Cohen and others cl...
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Foreign accent syndrome (FAS) is an unusual neurological speech disorder documented in not more than twenty specific studies. As a consequence of a cerebral mainly subcortical injury, the patient s speech is foreign sounding to native listeners. As subject cannot avoid this foreign accent, and given its abrupt emergence, this disorder usually invol...
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INTRODUCCIÓN Actualmente se halla en estudio, desde la Universidad Jaume I y la Sección de Neurología del Hospital General de Castellón, un interesante caso de síndrome de acento extranjero (FAS, del in-glés Foreign Accent Syndrome) [1]. De pronto, una mujer de mediana edad que sufre una lesión subcortical en el hemisferio derecho, a consecuencia d...
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La fiabilidad del análisis acústico de la voz es una cuestión relevante poco estudiada todavía. Se presenta aquí un estudio correlacional sobre la fiabilidad de los parámetros de la voz en una muestra de 148 adultos sanos. El análisis se llevó a cabo mediante el MDVP- Multi-Dimensional Voice Program instalado en una unidad de CSL-Computerized Speec...
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A correlational study of the reliability of acoustic voice parameters was made of 148 healthy adults. Acoustic analysis was performed with MDVP-Multi-Dimensional Voice Program implemented in a CSL-Computerized Speech Lab of Kay Elemetrics. A set of 29 voice parameters were obtained from two samples of sustained vowel /a/ recorded from each subject....
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The purpose of this study was to describe the acoustic characteristics of Spanish vowels in subjects who had undergone a total laryngectomy and to compare the results with those obtained in a control group of subjects who spoke normally. Our results are discussed in relation to those obtained in previous studies with English-speaking laryngectomize...
The MPEG-1 Layer 3 compression schema of audio signal, or commonly known as mp3, has caused a great impact in recent years as it has reached high compression rates while also conserving a high sound quality. Previous listening tests have shown that music and speech samples compressed at high bitrates are virtually indistinguishable from the origina...
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El efecto perceptivo magnético es un fenómeno que investigaciones recientes lo presentan como controvertido (Lively & Pisoni, 1997; Lotto, Kluender, & Holt, 1998). De acuerdo con Kuhl (1991), el efecto imán, o magnético, ocurre cuando la discriminación en torno a un buen ejemplar de una categoría fonética es peor que la discriminación en torno a un...
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El objetivo del trabajo que aquí se presenta es estudiar el reconocimiento del habla a partir de réplicas sinusoidales dado que no existe, hasta el momento, información al respecto que permita la comparación con las tasas de inteligibilidad encontradas para la lengua inglesa; evaluar la resistencia de las SWS a situaciones diferentes de enmascarami...
Se ha estudiado la comprensión de relaciones anafóricas escritas en 810 niños de 8 años y 10 meses a 10 años y 10 meses de edad. A través de 32 textos cortos en una tarea de lápiz y papel, se han considerado cinco clases de anáforas: pronombres personales átonos, pronombre relativo "que", adverbio de lugar "donde", pronombres demostrativos y el con...
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En un trabajo anterior sobre la comprensión infantil de anáforas, se comprobó que un tipo de relación anafórica (contraste éste/aquél) no había sido adquirida aún en ese período evolutivo. En este estudio se examina su adquisición en un momento posterior de desarrollo y el efecto de la distancia entre sus elementos. Dicha relación anafórica tiene l...
In a previous study on anaphoric acquisi-lion in Spanish-speaking children, it was found that the anaphoric relation of demonstrative pronouns "éste/aquél" (this/that) were yet not to be acquired. This study examines the acquisition of this anaphora at a later stage of development in children and the effect of the distance between its elements. The...
The purpose of this paper is to examine the tip of the tongue experience (TOT) in Spanish by means of two studies. In Study 1, 101 subjects answered a restrospective questionnaire on naturally occurring TOTs is their daily life. Results suggest that TOTs are familiar experience, occour about once a week, are frequently caused by proper names, the s...
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The purpose of this paper was to examine the tip of the tongue experience (TOT) in Spanish by means of two studies. In Study 1, 101 subjects answered a retrospective questionnaire on naturally occurring TOTs in their quotidian life. Results suggest that TOTs are a familiar experience, occur about once a week, are frequently caused by proper names,...
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El campo de las aplicaciones de la informática y microelectrónica a la educación especial ha experimentado en los últimos años un notable avance, conquistándose de forma progresiva mayores cotas de comunicación y control del entorno por parte de los niños y niñas discapacitados. Se presenta aquí una panorámica general al respecto en uno de los país...


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