Julimar BicharaAutonomous University of Madrid | UAM · Departamento de Estructura Económica y Economía del Desarrollo
Julimar Bichara
PhD Economics
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Publications (96)
This article investigates the impacts of the digital revolution on the international monetary and financial system (IMFS), emphasizing the effects generated by the new China’s digital currency, e-CNY. It is argued that from the point of view of emerging and developing countries (EDCs) the transformations of the digital age imply considering costs a...
This article brings to the fore the role of interstate politics in the process of currency internationalization, investigating to what extent Brazilian policies have supported China to establish the RMB as an international currency. Brazil is a relevant case-study because it has helped to build the narrative about the need of reforming the internat...
In this paper, we study the relationship between unionisation and workplace innovation in a cross‐country and multisectoral approach. This is an important and controversial issue in the industrial relation literature; however, the empirical literature on the links between innovation and unionism is rather scarce and results are mixed and ambiguous,...
The present research aims to analyze two archetypal 20th century development strategy cases: Brazil’s and South Korea’s. During the last century, both countries had been experiencing catching up processes, but by the 1980’s Brazil started to lag behind while South Korea began to technologically and productively forge ahead. In light of this, this p...
A movimentação em posto de fiscalização e terminais portuários desenvolve-se a cada ano e com este desenvolvimento, é importante utilizar tecnologias que podem diminuir o tempo gasto em circunstâncias adversas, tais como, encontrar e verificar um material/contêiner dentro do terminal portuário de forma rápida e produtiva. Este sistema pode ser exec...
La elección de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva para un tercer mandato en la presidencia de Brasil supone un revulsivo para un país que enfrenta grandes retos –políticos, sociales y económicos– en un contexto nacional e internacional convulso. En una sociedad fuertemente polarizada y con unos órganos legislativos claramente escorados a la derecha, la gobe...
Los jóvenes de América Latina tienen graves dificultades para integrarse al mercado laboral. La tasa de desempleo juvenil y de informalidad laboral son muy elevadas. Las investigaciones sobre este tema son escasas, centradas en la oferta (capital humano) y poco concluyentes, sobre todo en un contexto de elevada informalidad laboral, como es el caso...
In this study, we will perform a simulation exercise to investigate whether the use of explicit fiscal rules improves the macroeconomic performance in the economic framework of the European Union (EU), where the fall in income levels occurred very asymmetrically, and this has accentuated the social inequality that existed before the recent crises....
The promotion of economic development is a recurrent area of interest, both in the policy ground as well as in the academic arena. Developed and developing countries are aware that there are pending issues to be solved. Trying to offer a response to some of them, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations bala...
The paper’s main objective is to analyze the collective bargaining response in terms of internal flexibility during the Great Recession (GR) in five EU countries (Spain, Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom), and three economic sectors (industry, commerce and hospitality, and financial services and real estate), at the establishment level (ECS201...
The sustainable development goals (SDGs) aim to raise quality employment, gender equity in access to employment and increase coverage in education. However, in Colombia, high unemployment rates and the informality of young people are risks of achieving these goals. The purpose of this research is to estimate the determinants of youth unemployment a...
En América Latina, como en todas las economías en desarrollo, gran parte de los hogares dependen de los ingresos generados en los mercados de trabajo para mejorar su bienestar o simplemente para subsistir. Esta estrecha relación entre el bienestar de los hogares y la dinámica de los mercados laborales hace que el estudio de los factores asociados a...
This paper aims at, on the one hand, analyzing the Brazilian fiscal performance since the implementation of inflation targeting regime (ITR), June 1994, and the usefulness of fiscal rules to reach fiscal discipline in Brazil. On the other hand, it tries to evaluate what would have happened to the Brazilian government deficit if the new fiscal regim...
Resumen de las ponencias realizadas en la III Reunión Iberoamericana de Socioeconomía (III RISE - SASE). 16-18 de noviembre de 2017. CARTAGENA DE INDIAS (Colombia).
Sociedad para el Avance de la Socioeconomía (SASE) Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) Universidad Tecnológica Bolívar (UTB)
Resumo: O estudo procura articular conceitos teóricos da Economia Política dos Sistemas-Mundo com a abordagem da economia da complexidade. A abordagem da EPSM ainda encontra dificuldades operacionais, no sentido de articular o conceito de cadeias mercantis com a estratificação do sistema interestatal, conforme proposto originalmente Wallerstein e d...
In many countries the regulations governing survivors' pensions were established in periods when female labour market participation was lower than at present. However, the current trend in many Latin American countries is for growing levels of female labour participation. In Brazil, where there are no restrictions on the concurrent receipt of retir...
Este artículo analiza los retornos salariales de los jóvenes y adultos, comparando la influencia de la educación y la experiencia. Se examina principalmente la teoría del capital humano y las críticas a esta, a través del estudio de la relación entre educación, experiencia y salarios. El análisis empírico se base en el modelo de Mincer, pero median...
Resumo: O presente artigo se dedica a investigação do processo de mudança estrutural ocorrido no Brasil entre os anos de 1950 e 2010. O estudo mostra que o Brasil a partir da década de 1980 inaugurou um período de falling behind, marcado pela estagnação da produtividade, desindustrialização e heterogeneidade estrutural. Defende-se a hipótese de que...
Este trabajo de investigación se realizó gracias a la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Programa Universitario de Estudios del Desarrollo de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Ciro Murayama y Santos M. Ruesga. Entidades: Cámara de Senadores. Instituto Belisario Domínguez.
Se realiza una propuesta de un Sistema Nacional de salud para México....
Ever since the late 1990s, conventional economic wisdom has been challenged by the increasing instability of the financial markets and the emergence of new economic powers that have not been strictly following the so-called Washington Consensus, particularly China and India. In this context, the global financial crisis, which began in August 2007,...
The recent economic interaction between Latin America and Asia, particularly between Brazil and China, has attracted the attention of the academic world that seeks to understand the effects of this approach in terms of business cycle convergence, economic structure and development trajectory. This paper contributes to this debate, presenting new ev...
Desde comienzos del siglo XXI, la economia brasilena ha experimentado un ciclo de crecimiento de caracteristicas peculiares en comparacion con su experiencia historica previa, consistentes en una combinacion de crecimiento, estabilidad macroeconomica y avances en el perfil distributivo. En ese contexto, este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar los...
Since the start of the twenty-first century, the Brazilian economy has experienced a growth cycle with characteristics unlike those of its previous historical experience, combining growth, macroeconomic stability and distributive progress. In this context, the study aims to analyse the factors and distributive effects of occupational mobility in Br...
Since the start of the twenty-first century, the Brazilian economy has experienced a growth cycle with characteristics unlike those of its previous historical experience, combining growth, macroeconomic stability and distributive. progress. In this context, the study aims to analyse the factors and distributive effects of occupational mobility in B...
This article has two objectives: to estimate the determinants of college students' entry in the labour market and to estimate the implications of the determinants thus found for academic performance. In Spain there is much debate about the determinants of school failure and academic performance for college students, yet there are few references to...
En este artículo se analiza la movilidad ocupacional y su impacto sobre el salario de los trabajadores metropolitanos brasileños. Los datos muestran una elevada movilidad de la mano de obra del país, sobre todo entre los trabajadores informales. También se observa que la mayor movilidad de los informales no implica necesariamente mejores trayectori...
This article analyzes Brazilian macroeconomic policy and its economic performance as a response to the Great Recession. First, we present a theoretical analysis of Keynesian economic policies to coordinate and stabilize the dynamic of monetary economies. Second, we analyze Brazilian macroeconomic policy efforts to overcome the effects of the Great...
Au Brésil, les travailleurs pour compte propre sont largement exclus du système de prévoyance sociale. Les auteurs présentent deux programmes, lancés dans les années 2000, qui ont donné de bons résultats quant à l'intégration de ces travailleurs au secteur formel et quant à leur protection. Ces programmes comprennent des procédures simplifié...
Self-employed workers in Brazil are to a large extent excluded from the national social security system. This article describes two programmes introduced in the 2000s that have achieved good results in terms of the “formalization” and protection of these workers. The programmes offer microentrepreneurs and self-employed workers simplified administr...
Los trabajadores por cuenta propia del Brasil constituyen un grupo en gran parte excluido del régimen de previsión social. El artículo presenta dos programas iniciados en el decenio de 2000 que han logrado muy buenos resultados en términos de formalización y protección de estos trabajadores. Los programas ofrecen trámites de declaración sim...
This paper analyzes job mobility and income distribution in Brazil. Our results
suggest that: (i) low income workers have more difficulties to change their
occupational status; (ii) job mobility has been used as a source of wage
increases, even though it implies a reduction in socio-occupational status; (iii)
wage premium is higher for...
This paper analyzes some variables connected to the recent performance of the Brazilian economy in order to assess whether, under this conjunctional analyses, it can be detected that the country returned to a new matrix of developmentalist policies. An analysis is examined regarding the recent performance of the economy and the contextualization of...
Véase: http://augustoplato.blogspot.com.es/2013/06/la-reforma-laboral-de-2012-y-sus.html#.UieiI5K-2So
BIBLID [1130-2887 (2013) 65, 185-207] Fecha de recepción: 29 de marzo del 2013 Fecha de aceptación: 6 de septiembre del 2013 RESUMEN: Este trabajo tiene por objetivo analizar los impactos del ascenso de China como potencia económica en los países latinoamericanos, con especial referencia a Brasil. Los estudios destacan que las relaciones económicas...
This paper assesses how China’s rise as a global power has affected Latin America, in general, and Brazil, in particular. If the global economy will increasingly be Asian-centered and Sino-centered in the decades to come, we must ask which role will be reserved for Latin American countries. We argue that, despite the intentions of a re-orientation...
This paper analyses how China’s rise has impacted Latin American countries in
general, and Brazil, in particular. We emphasize the post global financial crisis period
and argue that, despite the intentions of a growth model re-orientation, Chinese
policymakers response to the great recession reinforced, at least in the short and
medium terms, t...
This paper analyses how China?s response to the global financial crisis (GFC) has affected Latin American countries, particularly Brazil. We argue that, despite the intentions of a growth model re-orientation, Chinese policymakers' response to the GFC, at least in the short and medium terms, will reinforce the previous reliance on exports and inves...
RESUMO: Este trabalho analisa como a reação do governo chinês à crise financeira global afetou a América Latina, particularmente o Brasil. A despeito das intenções de reorientação do seu modelo de crescimento, a resposta chinesa à crise reforçou, pelo menos a curto e médio prazos, a dependência das exportações e dos investimentos. Em um quadro de l...
Introduction During the first decade of the 21 st century, China consolidated its position as the world's second largest economy in terms of its product, international trade and property of financial assets abroad 6 . Not even the global financial crisis, originated in the U.S. mortgage market in 2007 and whose consequences are felt until today, wa...
"Since the seventies of the last century, the flexibility has been the key concept in the theoretical discussion and legal and business reforms in the field of labor relations. In the Spanish case, virtually all of the legislative changes that have been introduced, and the subsequent use thereof, have tended to facilitate flexible settings through...
Since early 2000's, China's rise as a global economic and political power has been at the forefront of academic and political debates. In this paper we analyze some impacts of this watershed event on Brazil. More specifically, we investigate the evolution of bilateral trade and business cycle patterns of convergence between those two countries, con...
This paper explores the macroeconomic determinants of Spanish foreign direct
investment in Latin America during the 1990s and 2000s. We use pull-push factors models in
order to analyse Spanish capital boom. Previous researches had explored microeconomic
determinants of Spanish FDI, while this paper tried to contribute using panel data econo...
En el primer año de gobierno, la administración de Lula implantó una política macroeconómica caracterizada por una fuerte restricción fiscal y monetaria y por reformas estructurales (tributaria y de la seguridad social) criticadas por el Partido de los Trabajadores y por sus bases de apoyo social en las dos últimas décadas. Teniendo en cuenta estos...
In the first year of government, the administration of Lula implanted a macro- economic politics characterized by a strong fiscal and monetary restriction and for structural reformations (tributary and of the Social Security) before criticized by the Party of the Workers and for its bases of social support in the last two decades. Keeping in mind t...
A finales de este año la economía brasileña se convertirá en la sexta mayor potencia económica del mundo. Todo eso es derivado de un ciclo virtuoso de crecimiento combinado con una mayor estabilidad macroeconómica, reducción del riesgo país, generación de empleo, reducción de la desigualdad y de la pobreza. Este artículo presenta un resumen de las...
Despite the strong theoretical expected linkages between financial openness and economic growth, the financial globalization has been primarily a source of economic instability. This article presents a strategy of alternative political economy to the passivity of Latin American countrieś political economy facing up to the globalization. It emphasiz...
Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Departamento de Estructura Económica y Economía del Desarrollo. Fecha de lectura: 27-06-08 Bibliogr.: h.197-214.- Anexos
Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Departamento de Estructura Económica y Economía del Desarrollo. Fecha de lectura: 25-02-02 Bibliografía: h.189-194
Introducción Este artículo tiene como objeto describir la situación laboral de los inmigrantes latinoame-ricanos ocupados y afiliados a la seguridad social española, es decir, los que disponen de una relación laboral formal. Para ello se utiliza la Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales (MCVL), que es un conjunto de microdatos extraídos de los registr...
Este artículo tiene por objetivo analizar la situación de los brasileños formalmente
ocupados en España, utilizando las informaciones de la Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales
de 2007. De modo general, los brasileños se encuentran empleados en puestos de trabajo
de la construcción civil y en los empleos domésticos, sobre todo las mujeres. Los resul...
A integração monetária e financeira está de volta à agenda no Mercosul. Novos mecanismos de cooperação têm sido criados, tais como o Fundo Estrutural de Convergência (2006), o Banco do Sul (2007) e a possibilidade da utilização de pesos argentinos e reais brasileiros para a liquidação de transações internacionais. Neste novo contexto, o presente ar...
En abril de 2008, en medio de las perturbaciones internacionales de la crisis inmobiliaria de los EE.UU., la agencia de evaluación de riesgo Standard & Poors elevó la nota de la deuda externa brasileña para el grado de inversión. Esa nueva situación aproximó a Brasil a otras economías emergentes que ya disponían de este estatus de grado de inversió...
This study aims to estimate the determinants and macroeconomic impacts generated by Spanish FDI in Latin America during 1993-2003. With regard to the causes identified as the input motion of Spanish investment in Latin America can be explained by the size of the economies and the process of privatization in the region. Furthermore, in contrast to t...
Este estudio tiene por objetivo estimar los factores condicionantes y los impactos macroeconómicos generados por la IED españolas en América Latina durante el periodo 1993-2003. Con respecto a las causas se identifica cómo el movimiento de entrada de inversiones españolas en Latinoamérica puede ser explicado por el tamaño de las economías destino y...
This article aims to present the main characteristics of Brazilian workers who work in the formal labor market in Spanish, using the new source of information from the Spanish Social Security. In general, Brazilians workers are occupied mainly in the construction sector, main motor of the Spanish economy in recent years, and in domestic services, f...
Industry delocalization is currently a much debated subject in Spain, particularly due to its effects on unemployment. The movement of the production of intermediate goods produced in Spain to other regions in the world is analysed in the present work. After presenting a literature review and analysing present-day evidence of foreign direct investm...
Starting off with the recent discussion on economic integration in two peripheral regions, Asia and South America, this article evaluates whether conditions of economic convergence in the scope of the denominated groups ASEAN+3 and MERCOSUR exist, which could lead to a greater monetary and financial integration in both regions. On one hand, the his...
Brasil ve ya los resultados del apoyo al multilateralismo y a la integración en Suramérica. Miembro de los BRIC —Brasil, Rusia, India y China—, el país reclama un papel acorde a su economía.
Starting off with the recent discussion on economic integration in two peripheral regions, Asia and South America, this article evaluates whether conditions of economic convergence in the scope of the denominated groups ASEAN+3 and MERCOSUR exist, which could lead to a greater monetary and financial integration in both regions. On one hand, the his...
O objetivo desse artigo é analisar as causas e efeitos dos investimentos estrangeiros diretos
(IDE) espanhóis na América Latina. Entre o começo dos anos 1990 e 2000, foi notório o movimento de internacionalização das empresas espanholas para o espaço econômico latino-americano; representando cerca de 1/5 dos fluxos de IDE que se direcionaram para a...
Wages are the most important price of an economic system, the labor factor, which defines the same living conditions of the majority of the population. With few exceptions, in market economies such wages, as well as other working conditions, both essential in the social, political and economic territory are determined largely as a result of the int...
A pesar de los argumentos teóricos relacionando apertura financiera y crecimiento económico, el reciente ciclo de liberalización financiera ha generado crisis cambiarias, inestabilidad macroeconómica y bajo nivel de crecimiento en los países capitalistas periféricos. Se enfatiza la idea de que existe una tensión permanente entre la tendencia a la i...
El objetivo central de este artículo es analizar los efectos de la deslocalización industrial sobre el empleo en la economía española, analizando la evolución de los flujos de inversión extranjera directa, con especial interés en la desinversión y cómo ésta incide sobre el empleo y las relaciones laborales.
A pesar de los argumentos teóricos relacionando apertura financiera y crecimiento económico, el reciente ciclo de liberalización financiera ha generado crisis cambiarias, inestabilidad macroeconómica y bajo nivel de crecimiento en los países capitalistas periféricos. Se enfatiza la idea de que existe una tensión permanente entre la tendencia a la i...
This work tries to answer a question that is constantly present in both political as well as academic environments in the European community. It deals with analyzing if the problems of economic insertion in globalization which are occurring in this environment in European Union countries are due fundamentally to the effects of the growing presence...
The paper analyzes the recent effort to create institutional support for monetary and financial integration process in the Asia-Pacific region. We argue that the 1997-1998 financial crisis was the catalytic force behind the emergence of new cooperation mechanisms. Considering the European history and the theory of optimal currency areas we suggest...
In the aftermath of 1997-98 financial crises the asian countries initiated a more ambitious process of economic and institutional coordination. In a long term scenario that movement opens a new perspective: the emulation of European integration process, culminating with the creation of a common currency. In this paper we explore the recent effort o...
This article thoroughly analyzes the main determinants of the process of internationalization of Spanish firms in Latin America during the second half of the nineties. The results of the interviews that have been carried out show that the process of internationalization of Spanish firms reflects both the maturity of Spanish economic growth and the...
En el primer año de gobierno, la administración de Lula implantó una política macroeconómica caracterizada por una fuerte restricción fiscal y monetaria y por reformas estructurales (tributaria y de la seguridad social) criticadas por el Partido de los Trabajadores y por sus bases de apoyo social en las dos últimas décadas. Teniendo en cuenta estos...
El presente estudio forma parte de la amplia serie de trabajos que se han dedicado en los últimos años a valorar la relación entre mundialización y desempleo. Frente a las tesis conocidas de Woods y otros de que la competencia inherente a la globalización provoca desempleo y malas condiciones de vida de trabajo entre determinados colectivos de los...
Entre las políticas laborales se encuentran las que promueven acciones con el objeto de paliar los desequilibrios y desajustes del mercado de trabajo, distinguiéndose entre las que lo hacen con carácter anticipador (las denominadas políticas activas) o de forma compensadora (pasivas). Tras el Tratado de Amsterdam (1997) la puesta en marcha de la Es...
ISSN 1579-1475
El Mercosur se ha convertido, en los últimos años, en el socio comercial extra comunitario más dinámico de España, al tiempo que nuestro país es el principal inversor europeo en la zona y el segundo a nivel mundial, por detrás de Estados Unidos. Pero este acercamiento n...
Para evaluar la actual situación de la economía brasileña, en este artículo se incluye, primero, un análisis de los antecedentes con una perspectiva de largo plazo, examinando con mayor detenimiento el contenido y las consecuencias del Plan Real, hasta llegar a la crisis de 2002. A continuación, se estudian las medidas de austeridad macroeconómica...
This paper analyzes the perspectives of monetary and financial cooperation in Mercosur, comparing recent integrationist trends in two different emerging regions: Asia and South America. Key Word: monetary and financial cooperation, Mercosur, Asia JEL: F33, F15 Introdução Em sua recente análise sobre as alternativas para a redução da vulnerabilidade...
Resumo: o presente trabalho analisa as principais características do esforço recente de institucionalização do processo de integração monetária e financeira no Pacífico Asiático. Argumentamos que a crise financeira de 1997-1998 foi um fator catalisador para a implementação de uma série de novos mecanismos de cooperação. Com base na experiência hist...
In MERCOSUR, the monetary and financial integration currency is back to the negotiating agenda. It has created new mechanisms of cooperation, such as the Structural Convergence Fund (2006), the Bank of the South (2007) and the use of the Argentine peso and the Brazilian real as currency to compensate international transactions. In this new context,...
En este trabajo se trata de responder a una pregunta que de modo constante circula tanto en los ambientes políticos como académicos de la Europa comunitaria. Se trata de analizar si los problemas de inserción económica en la globalización que se están manifestando en este ámbito, en los países de la Unión Europea, son debidos, fundamentalmente a lo...
Dissertação (Mestrado)--Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo. Bibliografia.