Julieta CarillaNational University of Tucumán | UNT · Instituto de Ecología Regional (IER)
Julieta Carilla
Dr. Biological Science
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Publications (72)
How does the diversity of successional forests evolve with stand age, and to what extent do permanent plots validate the previously studied successional patterns of tree diversity and composition observed through chronosequences? To evaluate the role of successional forests as reservoirs for many species, it is essential to examine how bio...
Patterns of species diversity have been associated with changes in climate across latitude and elevation. However, the ecological and evolutionary mechanisms underlying these relationships are still actively debated. Here, we present a complementary view of the well-known tropical niche conservatism (TNC) hypothesis, termed the multiple zones of or...
Background and aims:
Understanding diaspore morphology and how much a species invests on dispersal appendages is key for improving our knowledge of dispersal in fragmented habitats. We investigate diaspore morphological traits in high-Andean Compositae, their main abiotic and biotic drivers and test whether they play a role in species distribution...
Climate change is transforming mountain summit plant communities worldwide, but we know little about such changes in the High Andes. Understanding large‐scale patterns of vegetation changes across the Andes, and the factors driving these changes, is fundamental to predicting the effects of global warming. We assessed trends in vegetation cover,...
Andean social–ecological systems (SES) play a key role in the livelihoods of South American people by conserving biodiversity, providing natural resources, and regulating water supply. Long-term social–ecological monitoring (LTSEM) of Andean SES needs to be coordinated to inform sustainable management and increase resilience. We combined quantitati...
Natural reforestation may represent an opportunity for ecosystem restoration but is highly dependent on the socioeconomic context, which may modify succession rates and forest species composition. Plant species dominance determines the functioning of the forests and their capacity to offset Carbon emissions, however, few studies have discriminated...
The Argentine Puna is an example of rewilding of the herbivore community, with wild camelids recovering (mainly vicuñas, Vicugna vicugna and guanacos Lama guanicoe) while livestock decreases. Peatlands are the most diverse ecosystem in the region and are key resources for herbivores. Here, we tested the hypothesis that herbivore rewilding is associ...
Mountain ecosystems are sensitive to climate fluctuations; however, the scarcity of instrumental data makes necessary the use of complementary information to study the effect of climate change on these systems. Remote sensing permits studying the dynamics of vegetation productivity and wetlands in response to climate variability at different scales...
Serie de Guías Audiovisuales de Biodiversidad de Antofagasta de la Sierra
Esta serie de guías nace de compartir intereses, motivaciones y conocimientos con la población local del departamento Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca.
La Guía de plantas de vegas de Antofagasta de la Sierra recopila información de 61 especies de plantas vasculares que hem...
R������. Las parcelas forestales permanentes son áreas de muestreo donde se registran periódicamente la identidad, abundancia y tamaño de los árboles, para estudiar cómo cambian los bosques en relación con el clima, los disturbios naturales y los usos y manejos. Hasta hoy, los patrones de cambio observados con parcelas permanentes en la Argentina t...
Climate change is expected to impact mountain biodiversity by shifting species ranges and the biomes they shape. The extent and regional variation in these impacts are still poorly understood, particularly in the highly biodiverse Andes. Regional syntheses of climate change impacts on vegetation are pivotal to identify and guide research prio...
Most studies on forest transition (FT) have focused on temporal patterns of forest cover across whole countries or regions, without much consideration of the local spatio-temporal heterogeneity or the species composition of new forests. We hypothesize that peri-urban forest transitions are driven by processes associated with urban-based economies a...
High‐Andean vegas are key functional wetlands in the Puna ecoregion. Plant communities in combination with ecogeographic characteristics determine their functional processes. In this study, we identified groups of vegas based on their plant composition and characterized these groups with spatial and spectral variables representing their ecogeo...
Tree mortality and its relationships with forest structure and environmental factors have been studied for many decades using permanent plots. In the last decades, plot monitoring showed that tree mortality rates were increasing in tropical and temperate regions. We analyzed tree mortality in subtropical montane forests of Northwestern Argentina to...
Tropical forests are the most diverse and productive ecosystems on Earth. While better understanding of these forests is critical for our collective future, until quite recently efforts to measure and monitor them have been largely disconnected. Networking is essential to discover the answers to questions that transcend borders and the horizons of...
Esta guía es el resultado de muchos años de trabajo en la meseta de Huaca Huasi en las Cumbres Calchaquíes, provincia de Tucumán. La zona es representativa de la Ecoregión Altoandina de Tucumán y buena parte de Catamarca y Salta, por lo que pensamos que su utilidad puede extenderse bastante más allá del área de estudio. Incluye las especies que pue...
Tropical forests are the most diverse and productive ecosystems on Earth. While better understanding of these forests is critical for our collective future, until quite recently efforts to measure and monitor them have been largely disconnected. Networking is essential to discover the answers to questions that transcend borders and the horizons of...
Tropical forests are the most diverse and productive ecosystems on Earth. While better understanding of these forests is critical for our collective future, until quite recently efforts to measure and monitor them have been largely disconnected. Networking is essential to discover the answers to questions that transcend borders and the horizons of...
It is largely unknown how South America's Andean forests affect the global carbon cycle, and thus regulate climate change. Here, we measure aboveground carbon dynamics over the past two decades in 119 monitoring plots spanning a range of >3000 m elevation across the subtropical and tropical Andes. Our results show that Andean forests act as strong...
The relationship between environment and organisms has been a central focus of community ecology. Different approaches have been made for analyzing different aspects of this interaction, but more integral studies are missing to understand the implications of the environment for the whole biodiversity at regional scales. In this work, we assess the...
Dispersal is a key ecological process that influences plant community assembly. Therefore, understanding whether dispersal strategies are associated with climate is of utmost importance, particularly in areas greatly exposed to climate change. We examined alpine plant communities located in the mountain summits of the tropical Andes across a 4,000‐...
Our knowledge about the structure and function of Andean forests at regional scales remains limited. Current initiatives to study forests over continental or global scales still have important geographical gaps, particularly in regions such as the tropical and subtropical Andes. In this study, we assessed patterns of structure and tree species dive...
The climate variability hypothesis (CVH) predicts that locations with reduced seasonal temperature variation select for species with narrower thermal ranges. Here we (a) test the CVH by assessing the effect of latitude and elevation on the thermal ranges of Andean vascular plant species and communities, and (b) assess tropical alpine plants vul...
In Fig. 2 of this Article, the positive part of the y axis scale should read 0, 0.02, 0.04 instead of 0, 0.04, 0.02. This has been corrected online.
Resumen — La región reconocida geográficamente como Puna en Argentina esta subdi vidida en dos provincias fitogeográficas: Puneña y Altoandina. La provincia Puneña incluye dos subunidades, la Puna seca (precipitaciones de 100-400 mm/año) y la Puna desértica (<100 mm/año). La Puna seca es pri nci pal mente una estepa arbusti va, con Bacchari s, Fabi...
Global warming is forcing many species to shift their distributions upward, causing consequent changes in the compositions of species that occur at specific locations. This prediction remains largely untested for tropical trees. Here we show, using a database of nearly 200 Andean forest plot inventories spread across more than 33.5° latitude (from...
As global climate change leads to warmer and dryer conditions in the central Andes, alpine plant communities are forced to upward displacements following their climatic niche. Species range shifts are predicted to have major impacts on alpine communities by reshuffling species composition and abundances. Using a standardized protocol, we surveyed a...
The high tropical Andes host one of the richest alpine floras of the world, with exceptionally high levels of endemism and turnover rates. Yet, little is known about the patterns and processes that structure altitudinal and latitudinal variation in plant community diversity. Herein we present the first continental-scale comparative study of plant c...
Nuestro conocimiento de las respuestas de los bosques tropicales a cam-bios ambientales todavía es limitado (Lewis et al., 2004, Clark, 2004, Wright, 2005). Incluso los patrones generales de dinámica y producti-vidad de bosques andinos han sido pobremente caracterizados debido a la falta de estudios ecológicos de campo, y por la complejidad de la v...
Spatial patterns in communities of aquatic macroinvertebrates of Argentinean Puna. The macroinvertebrates
are a vital component of freshwater ecosystems as they contribute to the process of organic matter while
serving as food for other organisms such as fish and amphibians. Unfortunately, the knowledge of the aquatic
diversity is poor in the high...
Lithium-based batteries are the key component of booming green technologies, including hybrid electric, plug-in hybrid electric and
battery electric vehicles. Nearly 80% of the global lithium resources are located in the subtropical “Puna” highlands of Argentina,
Bolivia and Chile. In these arid ecosystems, most biodiversity is related to wetlands:...
Size fluctuations in endorheic lakes in northwestern Argentina (NWA) and southwestern Bolivia (SWB) are very sensitive to basin hydrological balances, and consequently, very vulnerable to deleterious effects from climatic changes. The management of these water resources and their biodiversity requires a comprehensive knowledge of their natural vari...
High-elevation endorreic lakes in the Southern Altiplano of South America represent a major source of local biodiversity. Size and depth of wetlands in Northwest Argentine (NWA) and Southwest Bolivia (SWB) have shown to be very sensitive to basin hidrological balances, and consequently, very vulnerable to deleterious effects from climate changes. T...
General patterns of forest dynamics and productivity in the Andes Mountains are poorly characterized. Here we present the first large-scale study of Andean forest dynamics using a set of 63 permanent forest plots assembled over the past two decades. In the North-Central Andes tree turnover (mortality and recruitment) and tree growth declined with i...
The XXVI Scientific Meeting of the Argentine Association of Geophysicists and Geodesists was held in Tucuman, Argentine, November 5-9, 2012. It included numerous contributions from representatives from the neighboring countries. The first issue of GEOACTA Volume 2014 is a Special Edition based on papers carefully selected from the sc...
Rock glaciers are frozen water reservoirs in the mountain areas of the world. Water resources are important for the local habitants and economies. The presence of rock glaciers is commonly used as a direct indicator of mountain permafrost conditions.
In the headwaters of the upper basin of Bermejo river rock glaciers have been located using visual...
This protocol has five modules with methodologies used to conduct ecological research in
high altitude grasslands in Andean ecosystems. It has been developed using standardized methodologies for grasslands around the world, including the Nutrient Network (NutNet), the International Tundra Experiment (ITEX) and the Global Research Initiative in Alp...
Environmental trends and ecosystems' ranges of variability are little known in tropical very high elevation Andean ecosystems (above 4400 m a.s.l.). We combined satellite image analyses and dendrochronological methods with instrumental records at lower elevation to assess changes in lake size and indices of plant productivity of subtropical high-el...
Grazing and fire have been the most common disturbances in many grasslands ecosystems for many centuries. However, some mountain regions are currently experiencing a decrease in land use, and therefore in frequency or intensity of these disturbances. In this study, we evaluated how fire and grazing affect vegetation structure in mountain grasslands...
Los bosques montanos subtropicales del noroeste argentino forman un mosaico de diferentes unidades boscosas originadas por la reducción de la presión ganadera en distintas etapas sucesionales. Este estudio analizó la trayectoria sucesional de cuatro situaciones boscosas con diferente composición, estructura y demografía, incluyendo tres situaciones...
Subtropical montane forests from NW Argentina are characterized by a mosaic of different forest unities originated after grazing pressure reduction in different successional stages. This study analyzed successional trajectory of four forest situations, in terms of composition, structure and demography; including three secondary forest situations do...
Presentamos un mapa de unidades de vegetación incluyendo la sierra de San Javier y sierras vecinas (Periquillo, Loma Montuosa, Yerba Huasi) en base a imágenes Landsat de 2006. El área analizada tiene más de 40,000 has en un rango altitudinal de 500 a 1900 m, y un rango de precipitaciones entre 600 y 1500 mm anuales. Tras un uso intenso en el pasado...
Extensive areas of montane cloud forests have been transformed into degraded grasslands due to intensive land use in the past. As a consequence of economic modernization and rural-to-urban migration, land-use intensity is decreasing in many of these areas. This chapter combines analysis of historic land use with dendrochronologic estimates of clima...
Degraded grasslands resulting from intensive land use appear to be highly resistant to tree invasion due to interactions between land use, climate, grazing and fire. We describe long-term patterns of tropical montane forest regeneration into degraded grasslands and analyze their relationships with historical changes in rainfall, grazing and fire in...
En el noroeste de Argentina se observa la recuperación de distintos ecosistemas naturales, históricamente degradados por usos agrícolas y ganaderos tradicionales en zonas marginales para la producción. Estas nuevas oportunidades de conservación y restauración ecológica se asocian a la modernización agrícola y la urbanización poblacional.
En el noroeste de Argentina se observa la recuperación de distintos ecosistemas naturales, históricamente degradados por usos agrícolas y ganaderos tradicionales en zonas marginales para la producción. Estas nuevas oportunidades de conservación y restauración ecológica se asocian a la modernización agrícola y la urbanización poblacional.