Julie Carmen FahyHES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland · inTNE - Institut Terre-Nature-Environnement
Julie Carmen Fahy
Master of Science in Environmental Sciences
PhD student and assistant in aquatic ecology at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland
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PhD student specialising in freshwater ecosystems, taking part in the PONDERFUL H2020 project and EUROPONDS.
My main interests relate to biodiversity monitoring, ecosystem restoration and the ecosystem services of water bodies. Previous work as a research assistant also pertained to issues of thermal comfort and the urban heat island phenomenon.
I am currently trained in geomatics and statistical ecology (with R), aquatic macroinvertebrate sampling and Odonata (dragonflies) identification.
Publications (13)
(in German)
Alpine Landschaften zeichnen sich durch ihre Sensibilitât gegenüber Umweltverânderungen aus, Oberflâchengewâsser sind besonders empfindlich, da viele von Gletscherschmelzwasser beeinflusst werden, das mit dem Rückzug der Gletscher weltweit abnimmt. Solche Verânderungen hinterlassen Spuren bei den wirbellosen Kleinlebewesen-auch in den G...
Permanent ponds are valuable freshwater systems and biodiversity hotspots. They provide diverse ecosystem services (ES), including water quality improvement and supply, food provisioning and biodiversity support. Aquatic subsidies provide a high nutritional quality, energy density and nutrient concentration. Among those, emerging insects are rich i...
Small waterbodies such as ponds are widely represented in cities, contributing to the blue-green infrastructure, improving human well-being. Ornamental ponds are particularly abundant in the densest urbanized areas, especially in parks, in private grounds such as gardens and also imbedded in the green infrastructure. However, their multifunctionali...
As climate change increasingly threatens biodiversity, it is important to monitor closely the ecosystems at risk. Alpine waterbodies are particularly vulnerable to changes in temperature and precipitation, and the rarefaction or extinction of boreo-alpine species is forecasted at local and regional scales.
Located at high elevation (>2600 m a.s.l....
Permanent ponds are valuable freshwater systems and biodiversity hotspots. They provide diverse ecosystem services (ES), including water quality improvement and supply, food provisioning and biodiversity support. This is despite being under significant pressure from multiple anthropogenic stressors and the impacts of ongoing global change. However,...
Permanent ponds represent important habitats for aquatic biodiversity and provide vital
ecosystem services as key elements for blue landscape connectivity. Although mostly
neglected in management programmes, protection schemes and biodiversity studies in
general, ponds constitute habitats with high α- and spatial β-diversity, providing unique
Ponds, whilst being mostly neglected in management and protection plans, can constitute habitats with high α- and β-diversity, including many rare and endemic species. In heterogeneous landscapes, ponds can also contribute to habitat connectivity and enhance γ-diversity whilst delivering many ecosystem services. Semi-aquatic insects are one of the...
Whilst being small and shallow, permanent ponds provide valuable habitats for a multitude
of organisms as well as provide habitats for animals like aquatic insects and others,
including many rare species. These ponds, which were often neglected in limnological
studies, were the core of our joint project, the 3rd freshwater project - EUROPONDS in or...
This poster was a contribution by Juan Rubio-Ríos and Encarnación Fenoy from EUROPONDS project to the online Symposium about "Researches in Experimental Sciences" ("IX Simposio de Investigación en Ciencias Experimentales") from University of Almería in Spain.