Julide SagirogluPrivate University Consortium Ltd
Julide Sagiroglu
Doctor of Medicine
Breast oncoplastic surgeon and adjunct faculty/clinical instructor
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Julide Sagiroglu currently works as a Breast Surgery Specialist and general laparoscopic surgeon at private sector UAE
Additional affiliations
January 2005 - March 2010
Haydarpaşa Training and Research Hospital
- General Surgery Resident
Publications (88)
BACKGROUND: Acute left colonic diverticulitis (ALCD) ranges from localized diverticulitis to perforation and fecal peritonitis, and treatment varies from conservative management to emergency surgery. The risk factors for recurrence following nonoperative management of ALCD is still controversial. We aimed to define the factors predicting severity l...
Erken meme kanseri (EMK), uzak metastaz olmaksızın, meme kanserinin me-meyle birlikte bölgesel lenf nodu yayılımının olmadığı veya sadece aksillada ya-yıldığı durumu kapsar (1). Amerikan Kanser Cemiyeti 8. Baskıya göre (AJCC 8th Edition), memedeki evre 1, 2a ve 2b kanserler EMK sayılmaktadır. Günümüzde EMK'nin cerrahi tedavisi geçmişe oranla daha a...
Surgical procedures applied in the treatment of early breast cancer (EBC) to achieve satisfactory oncological results lie in a wide spectrum. There has been a major shift toward less-invasive treatments during the past decades. We compared the outcomes of oncoplastic breast surgery (OBS), non-oncoplastic breast conserving surgery (NBCS...
Paget's disease of the breast, dermatologic features and role of surgery
Acute left colonic diverticulitis (ALCD) ranges from localized diverticulitis to perforation and fecal peritonitis, and treatment varies from conservative management to emergency surgery. The risk factors for recurrence following nonoperative management of ALCD is still controversial. We aimed to define the factors predicting severity...
Giriş ve amaç: Renal transplantasyon sonrası ilk yıllarda mortalite ve morbiditenin ana nedeni kardiyovasküler komplikasyonlardır. Kardiyovasküler hastalığın (KVH) risk faktörleri olan hipertansiyon, diyabet, obezite, erkek cinsiyet, hiperlipidemi ve sigara içimi, transplante böbreğin prognozunda belirleyicidir. Sirolimusun (SRL) düz kas proliferas...
Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) is accepted as the standard procedure to determine the axillary lymph node metastasis in breast cancer at early stage. However, in many cases with sentinel lymph node positivity, the axilla does not contain any tumor cells. As a result, the accuracy of SLNB to predict axillary lymph node metastasis mus...
Background: Multiple risk factors contribute to the development of breast cancer, including age, positive family history, early menarche, late menopause and the strongest factor being female gender. In this study, we aimed to investigate the proportion of breast cancer patients with certain risk factors, the prevalence of each cancer type, in addit...
BaCKgrOuND: Many surgeons perform subtotal cholecystectomy (SC) to avoid serious biliovascular injury, when total laparoscopic chole-cystectomy is unfeasible due to technical difficulty such as distorted anatomy at the Calot's triangle resulting from severe fibrosis. however, SC may bring its own risks besides its benefits. We reviewed our postoper...
Factors affecting severity and progression of acute left colonic diverticulitis.
Introduction: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) are the most common mesenchymal tumors of the digestive tract. The aim of this study was to evaluate 21 patients operated for GIST. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed medical and surgical records of 21 patients diagnosed with GIST who were operated between 2008 and 2014 in our clinic. Gastroint...
Laparoscopic resection of jejunal pseudocyst
Ketamine and Midazolam Anesthesia in
Surgical Operations: An Experience of
Sierra Leone
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor
Introduction High dose of ketamine is administered in general anesthesia and low dose is used to induce analgesia. Intravenous ketamine is usually used for hernia repair as well as cutaneous interventions in general surgery, for dilatation and curettage in gynecology, and hydrocele repair in urology.Materials and Methods This study reports the outc...
AMAÇ: Laparoskopik kolesistektomi, semptomatik safra kesesi taşı hastalığı tedavisinde altın standarttır. Teknik sebepler, ileri seviyede akut kolesistit, geçirilmiş karın ameliyatına bağlı adezyonlar ve siroz gibi safra kesesi ve Callot üçgeninin tam eksplore edilemediği durumlarda, safra kesesinin kısmen rezeke edildiği subtotal kolesistektomi (S...
Paget hastalığı meme başının kronik egzematöz lezyonu ile kendini gösterir. Klinik ve histopatolojik açıdan nadir bir durumdur. Yaygın duktal karsinoma in situ ile birlikte görülür. Malign kitlesel lezyonla birlikte görülebilir; veya sadece meme başına sınırlı kalabilir. Tedavisi cerrahidir. Giriş: Memenin Paget hastalığı ilk kez 1874'te tanımlanmı...
Amaç: Meme kanseri kadınlarda en sık görülen ve en çok mortaliteye sebep olan kanser olmaya devam etmektedir. Meme kanserli hastalarda erken tanının önemi büyük olup, 5 yıllık sağkalım oranları erken evre hastalıkta %90'lardayken ileri evre tümörlerde %15'lere kadar düşmektedir. Bu nedenle uygulanan tarama yöntemlerinin yanısıra tanısal duyarlılığı...
Giriş: Solid papiller karsinomun (SPK) meme kanserlerinin %1.1-%1.7'sini teşkil eder. Meme karsinomları arasında, nöroendokrin diferansiasyon SPK ve tip B müsinöz karsinomlarda izlenebilmektedir. SPK aynı zamanda müsinöz diferansiasyon da gösterebilmektedir. Papiller karsinomlar sıklıkla yedinci ve sekizinci dekatta görülmekle birlikte diğer meme k...
Diagnosis and treatment of acute diverticulitis of colon.
Amaç: Onkoplastik meme cerrahisi (OMC), meme kanserinde doğru onkolojik cerrahi tedaviyi, tatminkar estetik sonuçlardan vazgeçmeksizin sağlama yolunda uygulanan tümör rezeksiyon yöntemleridir. Çalışmamızda erken evre meme kanserli hastalarda yapılan onkoplastik cerrahi, non-onkoplastik meme koruyucu cerrahi (MKC) ve mastektomi yöntemlerinin nüks ve...
Erken meme kanserinde onkoplastik meme cerrahisi ve konvansiyonel teknikler: Retrospektif karşılaştırma
Microcalcifications are generally accepted as highly specific for thyroid malignancy, especially for papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC). The aim of this study was to determine the significance of microcalcification within nodules that were classified as being of “indeterminate cytology” (IC) according to fine-needle aspiration biops...
General surgical diseases have been long treated via conventional (open) or laparoscopic operations.
With the advances in technology, there is a paradigm shift from conventional laparoscopy.
As a result, single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS), natural orifice transluminal
endoscopic surgery (NOTES), and robotic surgery have evolved as new trea...
Importance of complete absence of a hemidiaphragm or unilateral diaphragmatic agenesis in adulthood in relation to performing laparoscopic procedures has not been well documented previously. We report for the first time in literature a case of successful laparoscopic cholecystectomy in an adult with previously undiagnosed unilateral diaphragmatic a...
Breast pain is one of the leading complaints that ends up with referral to breast surgery clinics. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the factors that cause mastalgia, and its relation with benign or malignant breast disease.
The study was performed in 700 patients. Data obtained from surveys, and imaging fi...
Original article, retrospective study
We aimed to analyze the factors that affect the axillary lymph node involvement in Turkish breast cancer patients with clinically non-palpable axillary lymph node.
Sentinel lymph node biopsy is the gold standard technique to evaluate the axillary lymph node status that directly influences the prognosis and the treatment o...
zet Amaç: Laparoskopik total ekstraperitoneal (TEP) onarım yöntemi cerrahlar tarafından sıklıkla uygulanmaktadır. Mesh tespitinin büyük fıtık defekti, yetersiz mesh gibi du-rumlar dışında herhangi bir avantajının olmadığı, tespitsiz yöntem kullanıldığında, başta kronik ağrı ve rekürrens ol-mak üzere tespit nedenli morbiditeden, uzamış operas-yondan...
Background: This report is an analysis of outcomes of laparoscopic
total extraperitoneal (TEP) inguinal hernia repair without
using mesh fixation.
Methods: Hospital records of 60 patients who underwent laparoscopic
TEP inguinal hernia repair between 2012 and 2015 in
the clinic were retrospectively analyzed for length of operative
time, postoperativ...
OBJECTIVES: Colorectal cancer (CRC) incidence is increasing
among young adults, in contrast to the decreasing rates observed for adults in the screened population (aged 50 and above). Our aim was to investigate the clinical and pathological caharacterstics of surgically treated CRC cases under 50 years of age.
METHODS: Hospital records of patients...
OBJECTIVE: In Africa, there is critical shortage of surgeons. Majority of the surgeons work in urban centers, and almost none of them is working in the rural areas. This study documents surgical interventions performed in Guinea-Bissau by Doctors Worldwide Turkey. METHODS: A group of surgeons from the Doctors Worldwide Turkey performed various surg...
Objectives: Colorectal cancers have different histological
subtypes such as classical adenocarcinomas (CAC),
adenocarcinoma with mucinous component (ACMC) and
mucinous adenocarcinoma (MAC). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical and pathological features, surgical and oncologic outcomes of patients with colorectal cancer with a muci...
İnce bağırsak yerleşimli gastrointestinal stromal tümör perforasyonu: Nadir bir akut batın nedeni
Künt karın travması nedeniyle interne edilen hastalarımızın takip ve tedavi sonuçları
Background: Benign breast lesions are the most common breast disease in females. Careful history, physical examination, imaging and biopsies are key to diagnosis. Some of these benign conditions are associated with increased risk of subsequent breast cancer. We aimed to study the patterns of clinically benign breast disease and evaluate with the pa...
Background: Oncoplastic breast surgery (OBS) encompasses surgical procedures designed for tumor excision with satisfactory oncological and cosmetic results. We aimed to present our initial experience of OBS.
Methods: A retrospective analysis of cases of breast carcinoma who underwent OBS over three year period was carried out in Istanbul Medeniyet...
Robotics was introduced in clinical practice more than two decades ago, and it has gained remarkable popularity for a wide variety of laparoscopic procedures. We report our results of robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery (RALS) in the most commonly applied general surgical procedures.
Ninety seven patients underwent RALS from...
To evaluate the long-term effectiveness of colonic stents in colorectal tumors causing large bowel obstruction.
We retrospectively analyzed data from 49 patients with colorectal cancer who had undergone colorectal stent placement between January 2008 and January 2013. Patients' symptoms, characteristics and clinicopathological data were obtained by...
Skin sparing and nipple areola complex sparing subcutaneous mastectomies are both oncologically safe surgical procedures. Although autologuous breast reconstruction has been considered as a standard means of surgical approach, excellent cosmetic results have been obtained by implant based breast reconstruction. In this report, we present the result...
Abdominal cocoon is a rare disease characterized by a thick fibrous membrane surrounding and compressing the small intestines completely or partially, which results in mechanical small bowel obstruction. The clinical findings of the disease include recurrent ileus and subileus episodes, colicky abdominal pain, weight loss, and abdominal distension...
Omental torsion is a rare cause of acute abdominal pain and can mimic clinically many diseases. Laparoscopy is a useful method in the diagnosis and treatment of the omental torsion. In this article, a case with omental torsion which was detected during diagnostic laparoscopy and the necrosed omental tissue resection was done laparoscopically has be...
The pathological diagnosis of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is generally easy on routine sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E). However, the differentiation of the follicular variant of PTC (FVPTC) from other suspected follicular-patterned lesions of the thyroid is highly difficult. Among these, the lesions for which FVPTC cannot be...
Complications associated with wound healing after abdominal tumor operations continue to be a significant problem. This study aimed to determine the significance of retention sutures in preventing these complications. For this purpose, early and late term results of patients who underwent application of polydioxanone (PDS) and additional retention...
Our aim is to compare mammographic, demographic and clinicopathological characteristics of patients whose mammographies were classified as subgroups of BI-RADS 4 category (Breast Imaging – Reporting and Data System).
In total, 103 patients with mammography (Senographe 600t Senix HF; General Electric, Moulineaux, France) results c...
Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis (IGM) is a rare benign breast disease which often mimics breast carcinoma both clinically and radiologically. Confirmation of diagnosis is only made by histopathological analysis. This study aims to define clinical and demographic features of IGM patients and discuss the results of treatment modalities...
Laparoskopik total ekstraperitoneal kasık fıtığı onarımında non-fiksasyon tekniği sonuçlarımız
Nadir bir eritema nodosum nedeni: Memenin granülomatöz mastiti
Amaç Meme kanseri tanısıyla opere edilen 35 yaş ve daha genç hastaların demografik özellikler, tanı, tedavi ve takip sonuçları açısından değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem Ocak 2008 ve haziran 2013 arasında kliniğimizde meme kanseri tanısıyla opere edilen 816 hastanın dosyaları incelenerek 35 yaş ve altında olanlar kaydedildi. Hastaların...
Amaç Meme kanseri tanısıyla opere edilen 65 yaş ve üzeri hastaların demografik özellikler, tanı, tedavi sonuçları açısından değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem Ocak 2008 ve haziran 2013 arasında kliniğimizde meme kanseri tanısıyla opere edilen 816 hastanın dosyaları incelenerek 65 yaş ve üzerinde olanlar kaydedildi. Hastaların klinik ve pa...
Amaç Meme polikliniğimize başvuran hastalarda muayenede ele gelmeyen fakat görüntüleme yöntemleriyle rastlanan meme lezyonlarının ultrasonografi yardımıyla telle işaretleme sonrası eksizyon sonuçlarının retrospektif değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem Aralık 2008 ve nisan 2013 arasında meme cerrahisi polikliniğimize rutin tarama amaçlı vey...
Amaç Meme kanseri tanısıyla opere edilen hastalar arasında bilateral meme kanseri (BMK) tanısı almış olanların demografik özellikler, sıklık, tanı ve tedavi yönünden değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem Ocak 2010 ve mayıs 2013 arasında kliniğimizde meme kanseri tanısıyla opere edilen 223 hastanın dosyaları incelenerek BMK tanısı alanlar kay...
Amaç Tüm meme kanserlerinin %1'den azı erkeklerde görülür. Yıllık görülme insidansı 1/100.000'dir. Kadınlarda olduğu gibi, erkeklerde de en sık rastlanan histolojik alt tip invaziv duktal karsinomdur. Gereç ve Yöntem Ocak 2008-Haziran 2013 yılları arasında İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi Genel Cerrahi Kliniğinde meme kanseri nedeniyle opere edilen...
Amaç Aksiller tüberküloz lenfadenit oldukça nadir görülen bir hastalıktır. Risk faktörleri arasında kadın cinsiyet, genç yaş ve malignite gibi bağışıklığın baskılandığı hastalıklar sayılabilmektedir. Gereç ve Yöntem Mayıs 2009-Haziran 2013 tarihleri arasında İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi Genel Cerrahi Kliniğinde aksiller kitle şikayeti ile başvur...
Diagnosis and treatment methods of phylloides tumors of the breast.
Amaç Fibroadenomlar fibröz stromadan oluşan mobil, lastik kıvamlı, kapsüllü, iyi sınırlı ve histopatolojik olarak benign kitlelerdir. Fibroadenomun bir varyantı olan dev fibroadenom adolesan çağda memede unilateral makromastinin en sık sebeplerinden biri olup insidansı %0,5-2'dir. Dev jüvenil fibroadenom, fibroadenomun çapının 5 cm'den büyük veya a...
Amaç Meme hamartomları memenin benign tümörlerinin %0.7'sini oluşturmaktadır. İnsidansı %0.04-1.15'dir. Genellikle iyi sınırlı ve ağrısızdır. Büyük boyutlara ulaşarak meme asimetrisine neden olabilmektedir. Olgu Onsekiz yaşında kadın hasta meme polikliniğine sağ memede kitle şikayeti ile başvurdu. Fizik muayenede sağ meme üst iç kadranda 5x6 cm boy...
Amaç: Acil servisimize başvuran penetran abdominal delici kesici alet yaralanması (DKAY) vakalarında non-operatif (NO) yaklaşımımızın sonuçlarının saptanması amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Ocak 2010 ve kasım 2012 arasında acil servisimize başvurarak interne edilen abdominal penetran DKAY tanı-lı 39 hastanın retrospektif analizi yapıldı. Non-operatif t...
sillofasyal bölge yaralanmaları mevcuttu. Abdominal yaralan-maların; 56'sı (%23.6) dalak, 34'ü (%14.3) karaciğer, 25'i (%10.5) böbrek, 10'u (%4.2) bağırsak, 7'si (%3) pankreas, 6'sı (%2.5) büyük damar ve 2'si (%0.8) diyafram yaralanmasıydı. Dalak ya-ralanmalarının %71.4'ü, karaciğer yaralanmalarının %79.4'ü, böbrek yaralanmalarının %88'i nonoperati...
The abdominal wall is an uncommon site of extrapelvic endometriosis. It usually develops in a previous surgical scar and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any abdominal swelling. Classical symptoms of endometriosis may resemble abdominal wall lesions such as an incisional hernia, hematoma, granuloma, abscess or various soft tiss...
Seminomas in undescended testes may present as abdominal wall tumours. A unilateral testis tumour in a 29 year old man with ipsilateral undescended testis is presented and relevant literature is reviewed.
A 29 year old man presenting with a tender left lower abdominal mass was admitted to our clinic and initial diagnostic tests followed by abdomina...
Aim of this study was to report our experience in elective and emergency surgery on chronic hemodialysis (CH) patients for end-stage renal disease (ESRD).
All patients on CH for ESRD who underwent various surgical procedures in our unit within the past 9-year period (2001-2010) were included in this study. These patients were divided into two group...
Introduction: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause
of mortality and morbidity for renal transplant recipients after renal
transplantation. This study is aimed to assess and compare the
effects of sirolimus (SRL) and calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs) on the
progression of posttransplant atherosclerosis prospectively . Methods:
The study inc...
Purpose: Mechanical outflow obstruction is one of the most important complications encountered by chronic peritoneal dialysis patients. Our aim was to assess the effectiveness of partial omental resection and suturing the dialysis catheter on the pelvic peritoneum via laparoscopic revision in the patients who developed mechanical outflow obstructio...
Colonic complications of Behcet's disease due to intestinal involvement are rarely reported in the literature. Ulcers are the most frequently seen intestinal complications that cause bleeding and perforation predominantly in the ileocecal region. In this article, we report a patient with Behcet's disease who presented with multiple perforations alo...
A significant body of literature supports a role for the dura mater underlying cranial sutures in the regulation of sutural fate. These studies have implicated regional differentiation of the dura mater based on association with fusing and patent rat cranial sutures. The purpose of these experiments was to isolate and characterize dural cells assoc...
TGF-B1 is the specific upregulator of TGF-B3 of the primary fibroblasts which are important in wound healing.
The role of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-[beta]) in the regulation of cranial suture fusion has been studied by various qualitative techniques such as in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. Although the relative expression of TGF-[beta] isoforms has been assessed in these studies, increased expression of TGF-[beta] has not been dem...
The role of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) in the regulation of cranial suture fusion has been studied by various qualitative techniques such as in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. Although the relative expression of TGF-beta isoforms has been assessed in these studies, increased expression of TGF-beta has not been demonstra...
Dura mater and TGF-B play the major roles in fibroblast migration and cranial suture fusion.
Description of a new distraction device on canine mandible model to utilize in bone healing
Thrombocytosis in patients undergoing free tissue transfer for coverage of posttraumatic lower extremity defects may be associated with an increased incidence of microvascular thrombosis. Patients with isolated lower extremity trauma have an elevated platelet count that peaks approximately 2 weeks after injury. It is our theory that a humoral compo...
Segmental loss of a peripheral nerve has been a challenging reconstructive problem. Management of the nerve gap has been accomplished classically with nerve grafting. However, autogenous nerve grafts are not always available for bridging large nerve gaps, and clinical results of large nerve cable grafts have been disappointing. Newer techniques con...