Julia Llompart

Julia Llompart
Autonomous University of Barcelona | UAB ·  Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura, y de las Ciencias Sociales



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Publications (29)
Linguistic diversity is often addressed within wider abstract educational frameworks, making it difficult to concretize in teacher training. In this article we explore how linguistic diversity is connected to such frameworks as sustainable development (United Nations, 2015), inclusive education (UNESCO, 1994), and (global) citizenship education (UN...
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Wanneer alle leerlingen verzekerd zijn van gelijke toegang tot onderwijs, kunnen ze succes behalen op school, ongeacht hun moedertaal, cultuur, sociale achtergrond, herkomst en leeftijd. Het Erasmus+-project Linguistically sensitive teaching in all classrooms (Listiac) is van mening dat alle leraren ondersteuning verdienen om talensensitiever te wo...
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Las políticas educativas actuales, con el objetivo de dar respuesta a la necesidad de gestionar aulas lingüística y culturalmente diversas, promueven un modelo de educación inclusiva que requiere docentes que sean lingüísticamente sensibles en sus creencias, actitudes y acciones en las aulas ordinarias. Por ello, es preciso que la formación inicial...
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This chapter investigates student teacher discourses on plurilingualism in four European initial teacher education (ITE) institutions located in Spain (Catalonia), Slovenia and Finland. As part of the European project called Linguistically Sensitive Teaching in All Classrooms, we collected student group thoughts using reflection instruments based o...
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Què passa a les aules de Catalunya quan alumnat i docent s’ajunten per construir coneixement, aprendre llengües i alhora establir relacions socials i afectives? En aquest text oferim algunes eines sociolingüístiques i didàctiques per guiar l’observació del que Spolsky denomina les polítiques en les pràctiques a l’escola (o les polítiques practicade...
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In this article, we analyse the language regimentation of multilingual repertoires and plurilingual practices of young people of Moroccan origin in three different areas of Spain – Barcelona, Galicia, and Madrid. By focusing on the family and the school as two highly interconnected settings (Heller, 2012) which have an impact on their socialisation...
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La conversa que es desenvolupa a continuació entre Luci Nussbaum i Siham Lech-Hab gira entorn de quins són, encara avui, els desafiaments i les possibilitats de la presència d’escolars d’origen migrant a l’escola de Catalunya, així com quines oportunitats ofereix aquesta realitat tant a les escoles com a la universitat. El diàleg que s’estableix en...
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En este monográfico nos proponemos poner en diálogo distintos estudios que plantean, desde perspectivas diversas pero afines, aspectos sobre la socialización y las prácticas plurilingües y de pluriliteracidad de estudiantes de educación primaria y secundaria de origen cultural diverso mientras participan en espacios de educación formal y no formal,...
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This study examined student teachers' beliefs about teaching multilingual classrooms across three European contexts; Slovenia, Spain (Catalonia), and Finland. Research shows that teachers' confidence in handling linguistically diverse classrooms is lacking. Linguistically sensitive teaching (LST) was used as a lens to explore different expressions...
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When all pupils are assured equal conditions, they can achieve educational success, regardless of their first language, culture, social background, origin, and age. The Erasmus+ project Linguistically sensitive teaching in all classrooms (Listiac) believes in supporting all teachers in becoming more linguistically sensitive to enable opportunities...
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This article examines the possibilities and challenges in turning a top-down action research project led by high-level public authorities into a shared and collaborative, multi-site and multi-professional bottom-up action research project. For this purpose, the article explores the initial stages of a European level action research project called '...
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This study sought to explore the ideological and implementational spaces for mainstreaming multilingual pedagogies (MPs) in initial teacher education (ITE) policies and curricula across the European Union. The concept of linguistically sensitive teaching (LST) was used as a lens to examine inclusive, equity-centred MPs in ITE. A multi-sited compara...
The beliefs of pre-service teachers in initial teacher education (ITE) in Catalonia about plurilingualism and teaching in diverse classrooms are analysed and tensions in their discourse are observed. Following the analysis of discourse in interaction (e.g. Heller [2005]. Discourse and interaction. In D. Schiffrin, D. Tannen, & H. E. Hamilton (Eds.)...
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This article reports findings from an investigation into migrant and non-migrant origin pre-service teachers’ beliefs about multilingualism and the relationship between their linguistic trajectories as students and how they perceive themselves as future teachers. We analize the beliefs of around seventy pre-service teachers taking part in a univers...
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Este artículo parte de un dilema ético que surgió al usar vídeos para la comunicación transnacional en un proyecto global de educación e investigación en el cual participaban jóvenes. Analizamos datos que permiten la reconstrucción del proceso de producción y recepción de uno de los videos en particular producido por adolescentes participantes de C...
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L’article parteix de la recerca realitzada al llarg de les últimes dècades en l’àmbit de la didàctica de la llengua. Es planteja, en primer lloc, la competència plurilingüe com la base i l’objectiu dels ensenyaments i aprenentatges lingüístics. A continuació, es repassem algunes de les grans apostes didàctiques basades en la pluralitat de llengües...
We analyse data collected at multilingual schools in Catalonia, taking a plurilingual and socio-cultural Conversation Analysis approach to the interactions studied. The analytical sections of the article show how plurilingual practices are resources for students’ participation in classroom activities; we argue that language learning is a process th...
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García-Sánchez shows, through an extensive and rich ethnographic study of Vallenuevo, a small town southeast of Madrid, how Moroccan immigrant children manage the politics of 'belonging' in their daily interactions in various areas of their lives. Through a clear and precise introduction, seven chapters and a conclusion, the author brings us the re...
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Aquesta entrevista amb la Dra Lorenza Mondada, Catedràtica de lingüística general i lingüística francesa a la Universitat de Basilea, Suïssa, està escrit en quatre idiomes (francès, italià, anglès i espanyol). L'entrevistada és doctora en lingüística per la Universitat de Lausanne (1994), guardonada l’any 2001 amb el National Latsis Prize (premi an...
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The objective of this article is to investigate the dynamics of language transmission in families from Pakistan and Morocco, especially between mothers and their daughters who have been educated, totally or partially, in Catalonia. Its focus is to analyze the daughters’ ideas about their families and languages, and therefore, how they categorize th...


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