Julia Haske

Julia Haske
Technical University Georg Agricola · Research Center of Post-Mining

Master of Arts
Head of Land Use & Transition at the Research Center of Post-Mining at University of Applied Sciences THGA


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Currently working on: Research on Post-Mining & Coal Mining in China; Sustainability & Climate Change due to Mining in China; Renewable Energies; Conversion of former mining areas.


Publications (22)
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Heritage and culture tourism involve features that commemorate a valued past. Mining heritage tourism allows visitors to experience the past, guided by former mining landscapes and engaging interactively with material artifacts. This paper introduces the CoalHeritage European project, focusing on the promotion of coal mining heritage through the pr...
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This article describes a part of the POTENTIALS project promoted by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) of the EU, which, in general, has aimed to develop business models for the reuse of former industrial and mining sites in different European regions. The goal of this project focused on the creation of so-called eco-industrial parks to en...
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This article describes the POTENTIALS project, which aimed to develop business models for the reuse of former industrial and mining sites in different regions. The project focused on the creation of eco-industrial parks as a result to enable sustainable energy production and reduce waste and pollution. A key aspect was the Territorial Impact Assess...
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The Ruhr area is not only the former heartland of industry in Germany, but still the largest urban agglomeration and now the region with the highest density of universities. Yet, after decades of deep structural change leading away from coal and steel, the region is still marked by ongoing structural weaknesses and chronically high unemployment rat...
Wind power is one of the politically prioritised options for the energy transition to climate neutrality at coal sites, although the use of "Carbon Capture and Storage" (CCS) technology during coal-burning operations is also possible method for the reduction of CO2 emissions. Wind power is undergoing impressive technological and economic developmen...
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Im Wesentlichen zielte die Machbarkeitsstudie MUM | InduKult Ruhr auf die UAV-basierte bausubstanzliche Bewertung von identitätsstiftenden Objekten und Denkmalen der Industriekultur im Ruhrgebiet ab. Ziel war es über moderne Methoden des Umwelt-und Geomonitorings, insbesondere unter Einsatz diverser Sensoren, Materialschäden an Objekten der Industr...
Conference Paper
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Against the background of advancing climate change, more and more countries are in different phases of the coal phase-out – be it lignite or hard coal. For the coal phase-out regions, energy policy issues in the context of the phase-out are one aspect of many. For this reason, there is a need for innovative instruments to support regional managemen...
Conference Paper
Aktivitetet pas minerare, të njohura gjithashtu si mbyllja e minierave ose rikuperimi i minierave, kanë fituar vëmendje të konsiderueshme vitet e fundit për shkak të përshkallëzimit të ndikimeve mjedisore dhe sociale të operacioneve minerare në mbarë botën. Aktivitetet pas minerare ngrenë gjithashtu çështje komplekse sociale dhe ekonomike. Mbyllja...
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The topic of post-mining is becoming increasingly important globally in times of climate change and sustainability. This includes not only dealing with the post-mining heritage through adequate mine water management or environmental monitoring. Rather, it requires concepts for a successful transition in affected mining regions. China, as the world'...
Conference Paper
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Over the last decades, all hard coal mines (the last one in 2018) and many industrial facilities (e.g. coking plants, steel mills) have been closed in the Ruhr region as part of an ongoing, long-term transition process. The centuries-old mining tradition is nevertheless very much embedded in the population. For this reason, the monuments of the ind...
The world’s energy industry is going through a period of noticeable reductions in the production and use of hard coal. These reduction rates vary from fairly radical in the EU to very flexible and gradual in large Asian economies. Nevertheless, the general trend – as determined by the climate and environmental policy of the green transition – signi...
Over the last decades, all hard coal mines (the last one in 2018) and most industrial plants (e.g. coking plants, steel mills) have been closed in the Ruhr region as part of an ongoing, long-term transition process. The centuries-old mining tradition is nevertheless very much embedded in the population. For this reason, the monuments of the industr...
Mit dem Ziel der Klimaneutralität bis zum Jahr 2060 hat China den Pfad in eine kohlenstofffreie Zukunft eingeschlagen. Dementsprechend schreitet die Integration von erneuerbaren Energiealternativen wie Solaranlagen und Windkraftanlagen, aber auch die Herstellung von Elektrofahrzeugen, rasant voran. Im Zuge dessen steht China an der Spitze der weltw...
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The Ukraine has started to restructure its coal mining activities. The country will probably face similar challenges and obstacles that German hard coal mining had experienced. The restructuring of old mine sites to new economic hubs requires governance practices and efficient management processes. Best practice, lessons learned, training and reski...
Im Zuge der global angestoßenen Transformation hin zur Klimaneutralität für eine nachhaltigere Zukunft befindet sich auch China als das weltweit größte Steinkohlebergbauland in einem Umbruch. Der Klimawandel und Drang, unverzüglich zu handeln, sind im Bewusstsein von Chinas Entscheidungsträgern längst angekommen. So erfordert das Erreichen der Klim...
Восстановление и преобразование - новое направление научных исследований, разработанное Исследовательским центром пост-майнинга при Техническом университете Георга Агриколы (THGA) в Бохуме / Германия. Его цель – перевести бывшие горнодобывающие регионы в экологически устойчивое будущее. В этом документе показано, что подразумевается под «восстановл...
Due to the recent announcement by the Chinese President Xi Jinping to become carbon neutral by 2060, China is facing a major upheaval. Because in China, power generation is the largest consumer of coal and remains a major future source of energy. In the upcoming age of renewable energies and climate protection, the transition to a more sustainable...
Durch den für Deutschland und nicht nur dort beschlossenen Kohleausstieg mit der Folge entsprechender Wertschöpfungs und Arbeitsplatzverluste rund um die Kohlegewinnung und -nutzung stellt sich zugleich die Frage, wie für die Regionen des Kohle-Nachbergbaus hinreichende neue Beschäftigungsimpulse gesetzt werden können. Die Antwort der Bundesregieru...


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