Júlia Farré de Pablo

Júlia Farré de Pablo
University of Barcelona | UB · Department of Crystallography, Mineralogy and Mineral Deposits

Geologist, PhD


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September 2014 - September 2016
University of Geneva
Field of study
  • Geochemistry, Alpine Tectonics and Ore Deposits
September 2010 - June 2014
University of Barcelona
Field of study
  • Geology


Publications (40)
Conference Paper
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The ultramafic rocks of the Herbeira massif in the Cabo Ortegal Complex host chromitite bodies. On the basis of their morphology, host rocks and unaltered chromite cores compositions, they can be grouped into two types: Type-I chromitites, which are massive pods in dunites with Cr# values [Cr/(Cr+Al) atomic ratio] between 0.60-0.63; and Type-II chr...
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Roadside dust contains many mineral grains and, among them, some of REEs (Rare Earth Elements) which have an uncertain origin. This paper characterizes and illustrates for the first time the occurrence of such REEs' particles from four locations near Barcelona (Spain), by means of mineralogical studies, with the aim of identifying their source and...
Uplift and unroofing of Jurassic-Cretaceous, mantle and crust, arc-and plume-related rock units in the Median Belt of the Dominican Republic exposed basement rocks with a protracted record of tectono-thermal events delineating the evolution of the northern edge of the Caribbean plate. In this article we focus on crustal rock units in the northeaste...
The Hamutenha intrusion (Huíla province, SW Angola) is a 3-km-long elongated magmatic body defined by a set of two intrusive units. The northern unit is formed by alternating bands of dunites and olivine gabbros, while the southern unit is composed of amphibole diorites. The Hamutenha body is hosted by the Paleoproterozoic Epupa Complex in the Ango...
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Platinum-group elements (PGEs) occur in ophiolitic chromitite in the Dominican Republic as platinum-group minerals (PGMs) in spatial association with hydrothermal uvarovite and chromian clinochlore. Bulk-rock total PGE content in a single analyzed chromitite sample is of 6.54 g/t. Three main PGM types are distinguished: euhedral magmatic laurite co...
This study provides the first-ever report of U-Pb isotopic ages of zircon and rutile from high-Cr chromitites of the Orhaneli Ophiolite Complex (OOC). The chromites within the OOC chromitites yield Cr-numbers between 0.77 and 0.86, Mg-numbers between 0.46 and 0.71 and TiO2 < 0.26 wt%. They exhibit V, Ga and Ni depletion and Sc, Ti, Zn, Co and Mn en...
This paper focuses on a nanoscale study of nano- and micrometer-size Os-rich mineral particles hosted in a Ni-Fe-Cu sulfide globule found in an olivine megacryst from the Udachnaya pipe (Yakutia, Russia). These platinum-group element mineral particles and their host sulfide matrices were investigated using a combination of techniques, including fie...
Conference Paper
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Although experimental work predicts that platinum-group elements (PGE) are soluble in hydrothermal fluids at temperatures <500 ºC during serpentinization in ophiolite complexes, mineralization-mechanisms driving to the formation of hydrothermal epigenetic PGE mineralizations are still poorly understood. In this communication we describe hydrotherma...
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Platinum-group elements (PGE) are included among the so-called critical metals, and are essential metals for the technological industry. However, there are very few deposits in the world from which these metals can be extracted. The present work investigates three Ni-laterite profiles (hydrous Mg silicate type) formed over the ultramafic rocks of C...
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The Havana-Matanzas Ophiolite contains one of the few examples of ophiolitic platinum group minerals (PGM)-rich chromitites associated with orthopyroxenites in the mantle section of ophiolitic complexes. The chromitites occur as veins hosted by ortho-pyroxenite bands within mantle peridotites. The peridotites are mostly harzburgites and their acces...
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Porphyry Cu can contain significant concentrations of platinum-group elements (PGE: Os, Ir, Ru, Rh, Pt, Pd). In this study, we provide a comprehensive in situ analysis of noble metals (PGE, Au, Ag) for (Cu-Fe)-rich sulfides from the Elatsite, one of the world’s PGE-richest porphyry Cu deposits. These data, acquired using laser ablation-inductively...
One of the limiting factors for the analysis of minor elements in multiphase materials by electron probe microanalysis is the effect of secondary fluorescence (SF), which is not accounted for by matrix corrections. Although the apparent concentration due to SF can be calculated numerically or measured experimentally, detailed investigations of this...
The highly siderophile elements (HSE: Os, Ir, Ru, Rh, Pt, Pd, Re, Au) exist in solid solution in accessory base-metal sulfides (BMS) as well as nano-to-micron scale minerals in rocks of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM). The latter include platinum-group minerals (PGM) and gold minerals, which may vary widely in morphology, composition...
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Chromitite bodies hosted in peridotites typical of suboceanic mantle (s.l. ophiolitic) are found in the northern and central part of the Loma Caribe Peridotite in the Cordillera Central of the Dominican Republic. These chromitites are massive pods of small size (less than a few meters across) and veins that intrude both dunite and harzburgite. Comp...
We are grateful to Massonne (2019) and Yang et al. (2019) for their constructive Comments to our recent publication (Farré-de-Pablo et al., 2018). We appreciate their interest in discussing our results and interpretations, which confirm that our work is a benchmark for future research. We are pleased to have the opportunity to address in further de...
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The Huari Huari deposit, Potosí Department in SW Bolivia, hosts polymetallic stratiform and vein mineralization of Miocene age with significant concentrations of the critical metal indium (In). Vein mineralization records document early crystallization of quartz and cassiterite followed by prominent associations of sulfides and sulfosalts. The earl...
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RESUMEN La minería de los recursos de hierro del área de Gavà (Cataluña) fue activa de forma intermitente durante las épocas Ibérica y Romana, la Edad Media, y hasta la era industrial, lo cual se ha probado mediante datos arqueológicos y documentos históricos. Es posible que, inclusive, la minería de hierro en el área haya existi-do durante el peri...
Recent findings of diamonds in ophiolitic peridotites and chromitites challenge our traditional notion of Earth mantle dynamics. Models attempting to explain these findings involve incorporation of diamonds into chromite near the mantle transition zone. However, the occurrence of metastable diamonds in this context has not been considered. Here, we...
Conference Paper
The Mineralogy teaching collection from the University of Barcelona has proved to be a successful tool for students. The urge of its renewal to meet the necessities of modern industry brought the idea to replicate this collection in order to offer high quality teaching material to other universities worldwide. This project has led to an internation...
We present and discuss temperatures, major and trace element gas geochemistry, radiogenic isotopes (Pb, Sr) and the first Zn isotope data of fumarole condensates and altered rocks from the Vulcano fumarolic field. The fumaroles of the La Fossa cone, sampled on 5th May 2015, have temperatures ranging between 233 and 427 °C. They plot compositionally...
Podiform chromitites occur in mantle peridotites of the Late Triassic Puerto Nuevo Ophiolite, Baja California Sur State, Mexico. These are high-Cr chromitites [Cr# (Cr/Cr + Al atomic ratio = 0.61–0.69)] that contain a range of minor- and trace-elements and show whole-rock enrichment in IPGE (Os, Ir, Ru). That are similar to those of high-Cr ophioli...
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Volcanic rocks from the Maimón Formation, metamorphosed under greenschist facies conditions, represent the most ancient arc magmatism recorded in the Cretaceous Caribbean island arc. From new geochemical data, and on the basis of immobile trace elements (high field strength elements - HFSE, rare earth elements - REE), a predominance of basaltic pro...
Conference Paper
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The Loma Caribe peridotite belt (Central Cordillera, Dominican Republic) is the largest exposure of oceanic mantle in the island of Hispaniola. It consists of peridotites that record partial melting associated with the development of the Greater Antilles island arc during Early Cretaceous times. Small pods of massive chromitite (up to 10 m in lengt...
Conference Paper
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The lithochemistry of the VMS bearing lower Cretaceous Maimón Formation (Dominican Republic) is revisited here from new data and its classification is discussed and updated. Magmatism in the Maimón Formation was mafic-dominated bimodal with mafic and felsic rocks with boninite and LOTI affinities. LOTI basalts are depleted in LREE and classify as f...
Conference Paper
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La col·lecció de Mineralogia és una de les infraestructures més antigues de la Universitat de Barcelona (UB). Un segle i mig més tard d'haver estat eliminats els estudis universitaris a Barcelona pels decrets de Nova Planta, i cercant-ne la restauració, la influent Societat Econòmica Barcelonesa d'Amics del Pais plantejà el 1835 la creació d'una cà...
Conference Paper
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The mineral deposits of San José and Gloria (Pb-Zn-Ag) from the Sierra de Cartagena were formed by hydrothermal replacement of marble beds. The extensive development of mushketovite-siderite replacing an older Pb-Zn association suggests that a superposition of metallogenetic events exists in the Sierra de Cartagena area. This mushketovitization may...


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