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Publications (20)
The present article assesses the Basque Interpretation Hypothesis (BIH) of the text contained in the hand of Irulegi. Given that the basic premise of the BIH is the alleged cognacy between sorion and the Basque collocation zori on ‘good fortune’, this article examines the phonetic evolution of other lexicalized adjective phrases with on as a head....
The sound change from Latin /f/ to Old Spanish and Gascon /h/ has often been attributed to stratal influence from Basque. The motivation would be that Old Basque lacked /f/, and instead had a phoneme /h/, with which bilingual speakers replaced it when speaking in Romance. However, this hypothesis presents several difficulties. Most importantly, Nav...
Lan honetan mahats hitzaren etimologia eman dugu. Argudiatu dugu Erdi Aroko mailegu bat duela abiaburu, erromantzezko banasta, eta euskararen barrenean sortu dela, berranalisiz. Horretarako, hitzak Erdi Aroko toponimian duen presentzia urria azaleratu dugu, eta nabarmendu erromantzezko banasta-k nolako bizitasuna zukeen mahastizaintzan garai horret...
2004ko otsailaren 18an aurkeztu zen jendaurrean Lazarraga Eskuizkribua eta harro handia sortu zuen filologo, literaturzale eta euskaltzaleen artean, Arabako euskaraz idatziriko lehen lekukotasun luzea zelako (xvi. mendearen amaiera edo xvii. mendearen hasierakoa).
Autoreek berehala ekin zioten talde-lanari, eskuizkribuaren azterketa eta edizio fid...
2004ko otsailaren 18an aurkeztu zen jendaurrean Lazarraga Eskuizkribua eta harro handia sortu zuen filologo, literaturzale eta euskaltzaleen artean, Arabako euskaraz idatziriko lehen lekukotasun luzea zelako (xvi. mendearen amaiera edo xvii. mendearen hasierakoa).
Autoreek berehala ekin zioten talde-lanari, eskuizkribuaren azterketa eta edizio fid...
The present paper addresses three particular issues in the reconstruction of the Proto-Romance lexicon, offering an insight from the field of Basque historical-etymological studies. In the evolution from Proto-Romance */ˈdɪk-t-u/ to Idio-Romance dit / dicho ‘said’, the variant * deito is not attested; the Basque word deitu ‘call, be named’, however...
Euskal inesibo singularrean -e- epentetiko irregular bat dugu kontsonante-bukaera duten hitzetan (cf. lanean, hitzean...). Hori azaltzeko, inesiboa -gan berreraiki behar zela proposatu zuen Jacobsenek (1977). Artikulu honek proposamen horren aurkako argudioak biltzen ditu eta erakusleen gramatikalizazioan oinarrituriko hipotesi alternatibo bat plaz...
Artikulu honetan, iturri eta ezker euskal hitzentzat proposamen etimologiko berri bana egiten dut. Uhlenbeckekin bat, partizipio zahartzat jotzen dut iturri, eta erroa hur dela proposatu. Ezker hitzari dagokionez, berriz, hezi aditzaren erro bera dagoela proposatzen dut, eta etimologikoki 'hezigaitz' litzatekeela, eskuari gagozkiolarik.
This paper deals with some aspects of the Basque definite article.
The first part is devoted to some synchronic aspects of nowadays use of the definite article, and how it can be related to data coming from different dialects, as well as how can it be fitted into a more general, cross-linguistic view of the emerging of definite articles.
The secon...
This article addresses a problem that has not been too often raised when reconstructing Basque demonstratives. I will propose that distal plural demonstratives underwent a morphological restructuring ; thus, the dialectal variation we find across texts and nowadays speech (basically aek vs. ek) is due not to phonetic changes, but to the aforesaid m...
In this paper I present some ideas dealing with grammaticalized demonstratives, appearing in some place-names listed on a Middle Age document
This paper focuses on the use and non use of the so called Basque definite article -a in eastern dialects. More especifically it addresses the variation on its use in adjective predicates on the one hand, and in objects on the other.
In this paper I offer a reconstruction of some aspects of the diachrony of basque declension, especially adressing problems related to the locative singular case, local plural cases and genitive and ergative plural cases. I also focus on the issue of how this reconstruction fits with the view of Basque as an agglutinative language.
In this paper I criticize some views on the role that contact has allegedly played in the genesis and development of basque definite and indefinite articles. The criticism focuses on works by Haase, and Heine and Kuteva. An in deep knowledge of Basque diachrony is claimed, in order to treat contact issues.