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Jürgen Hoyer

Jürgen Hoyer
TU Dresden | TUD · Institut für Klinische, Diagnostische und Differentielle Psychologie

Prof. Dr.


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January 1999 - present
TU Dresden


Publications (461)
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Background: Although meta-analyses suggest comparable efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in older adults compared to working-age adults, little is known about its effectiveness in naturalistic settings across different age groups. Hence, this study compared symptom change, attrition rates, and treatment duration in outpatient CBT betwee...
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Background The Personalized Advantage Index (PAI) shows promise as a method for identifying the most effective treatment for individual patients. Previous studies have demonstrated its utility in retrospective evaluations across various settings. In this study, we explored the effect of different methodological choices in predictive modelling under...
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The Diagnostic Interview for Sexual Dysfunctions in Women (DISEX-F) is a clinician-administered instrument allowing for an ICD-11 and DSM-5-compliant assessment of female sexual dysfunctions. Due to limited time and resources in practice and research, as well as patients' reticence in discussing sexual issues, a computer-administered self-report ve...
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Cognitive motivation (COM) in conjunction with self-regulation (SR) was demonstrated to be positively linked to mental health in educational and clinical contexts. We introduce COM and SR in the occupational context and hypothesize these traits—based on their conceptual link to hardiness - to counteract health-risking stressors. Data from two large...
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Randomized controlled trials are routinely used to assess the efficacy of psychotherapy. To date, our knowledge about how patients experience participation in such a trial is scant. Therefore, the present analysis aims at an in-depth exploration of patients’ perspectives on how a trial environment affects them. This study was conducted within the f...
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Background: Suicidal ideation represents a major concern in clinical practice. Yet, little is known about the effects of routine psychotherapy on the amelioration of suicidal ideation. Therefore, the aim of the current study is to assess mental disorder-specific changes of suicidal ideation in a large sample of adult outpatients undergoing routine-...
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Background Anhedonia is a risk factor for a severe course of depression but is often not adequately addressed in psychotherapy. This study presents the Training to Enhance Reward Experience (T-REx), a novel self-help approach that uses savoring and mental imagery to target impairments in reward experience associated with anhedonia. We aimed to exam...
Das Lehrbuch stellt die zentralen Inhalte des reformierten Masterstudiengangs Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie dar. Eingegangen wird dabei auf alle psychotherapeutischen Richtlinienverfahren, also die Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie, die Systemische Therapie, die Tiefenpsychologisch fundierte Therapie und die Analytische Psychotherapie, sowie...
While structured clinical interviews are considered the gold standard for diagnosing mental disorders, respective instruments are still lacking in the field of sexual dysfunctions. The study evaluates the psychometric properties of the new Diagnostic Interview for Sexual Dysfunctions in Women (DISEX-F), which is based on the eleventh edition of the...
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The study demonstrates that institution effects (IE) are a relevant contributor to symptom change, treatment duration, and dropout probability in psychological therapies. Neglecting the institution level can lead to an overestimation of the therapist effect (TE). Therefore, future research should consider the inclusion of institution-level variable...
Einsicht gilt als zentraler Wirkmechanismus von Psychotherapie, wurde jedoch bisher kaum empirisch in der Behandlung Posttraumatischer Belastungsstörungen (PTBS) untersucht. Zunächst wird ein objektbeziehungstheoretisches Modell der PTBS skizziert, welches deren Aufrechterhaltung unter anderem auf maladaptive interpersonelle Muster zurückführt. Anh...
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Anxiety and related disorders are a significant public-health burden with rising prevalence in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. As demand for effective anxiety treatment increases, so too does the need for strategies to bolster treatment outcomes. Research on the mechanisms of exposure therapy, the frontline behavioral treatment, will be critical...
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Background Behavioral activation (BA) and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) have shown to be efficacious treatment methods for depression. Previous studies focused mostly on the outpatient treatment either in group or individual setting. The present study aimed at comparing the efficacy of group treatment BA vs. CBT, when embedded in inpatient psy...
Theoretical Background: Suicide is among the leading causes of death for young people and a major public health concern. While intervention programs targeting youth at risk seem promising, more research is warranted to determine what works for whom. The HEYLiFE universal school-based suicide prevention program aims to promote three putative protect...
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Background Suicidal ideation is a major concern in clinical practice. Yet, little is known about prevalence rates of suicidal ideation in patients undergoing outpatient psychotherapeutic treatment. Therefore, the aim of the current study is to assess the prevalence of suicidal ideation in a large sample of psychotherapy outpatients in Germany. The...
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Background Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts present a serious public health concern among adolescents and young adults. School-based suicide prevention programs are a key tool for addressing this problem. However, more research is necessary to assess their effectiveness, acceptability, and safety. In response, the HEYLiFE suicide prevention p...
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Objectives The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the newly developed Diagnostic Interview for Sexual Dysfunctions in Women (DISEX‐F), which covers diagnostic criteria of DSM‐5 and ICD‐11. Methods Thirty‐two actresses portrayed 32 cases of female sexual dysfunctions (= standardized patients). To calculate inter‐rater...
Objective: Controversy exists about the comparative efficacy of open versus closed group therapy format. Most of the findings come from outpatient, closed group research. In practice, the open format is more widely used. This monocentric study aims to compare the efficacy in symptom reduction as well as group cohesion during inpatient group psychot...
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Background: Sexual dysfunction frequencies and diagnostic indicators among older populations are relevant for public health measures, but evidence from large population-based studies is still scarce. Aim: To determine sexual dysfunction frequencies for women and men according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (fifth ed...
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Background: Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts pose a serious public health concern among adolescents and young adults. School-based suicide prevention programs are a key tool for addressing this problem. However, more research is necessary to assess their effectiveness, acceptability, and safety. In response, the HEYLiFE suicide prevention pro...
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Abstract:Group therapy has the potential to reach more people seeking treatment at the same time while achieving similar success rates asindividual therapy. We examined whether adding group therapy (behavioral activation) before individual therapy shortens the duration oftherapy while being no less effective than pure individual therapy. In a cogni...
Abstrakt: Validierung der deutschen Version des Savoring Beliefs Inventory (SBI) Hintergrund und Zielstellung Obwohl depressive Störungen gemeinsam mit Angststörungen die häufigsten psychischen Erkrankungen sind und eine besondere Bedeutung für Rehabilitation und Sozialmedizin haben (Köllner, 2016; Adem-Kessler, 2021), gibt es im deutschsprachigen...
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Background: Early interpersonal traumatic events, such as childhood maltreatment, increase the risk of developing complex posttraumatic stress symptoms. The biphasic treatment program STAIR-NT (Skills Training for Affective and Interpersonal Regulation with Narrative Therapy), developed specifically for this patient group, combines interventions to...
The number and type of traumatic experiences (especially childhood maltreatment) appear to increase the risk of developing complex trauma symptoms. There is initial evidence that patients with complex trauma benefit from phase-based therapeutic approaches. STAIR-NT (Skills Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation with Narrative Therapy) i...
Despite striking empirical support, exposure-based treatments for anxiety disorders are un-derutilized. This is partially due to clinicians’ concerns that patients may reject exposure or experience severe side effects, particularly in intensive forms of exposure. We examined ac-ceptance and side effects of two randomly assigned variants of predicti...
Individuals diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD) and social phobia (SP) have difficulties in social interactions. It is unknown, however, whether such difficulties prevent them from helping others, thereby depriving them of the natural benefits of helping, such as receiving gratitude. Using event sampling methodology (ESM), individuals (M...
Background. Previous research, especially in educational and clinical contexts, suggests cognitive motivation (COM) in combination with self-regulation (SR) to be associated with a broad range of positive mental health, coping, and well-being indicators. Surprisingly, the interplay of these variables has rarely been considered in the occupational c...
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Despite striking empirical support, exposure-based treatments for anxiety disorders are underutilized. This is partially due to clinicians’ concerns that patients may reject exposure or experience severe side effects, particularly in intensive forms of exposure. We examined acceptance and side effects of two randomly assigned variants of prediction...
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Zusammenfassung. Theoretischer Hintergrund: Das BDI-II ist ein Selbstbeurteilungsinstrument zur Erfassung des Schweregrads einer Depression. Es liegen kaum Analysen mit Modellen aus der Item-Response-Theorie (IRT) vor. Fragestellung: Wie hoch ist die Messgenauigkeit des BDI-II über die unterschiedlichen Ausprägungen des latenten Traits (Depressivit...
It can happen that one behaves in a supposedly embarrassing or insufficient manner; however, short-term feelings such as shame or self-doubt usually remain without significance. However, if there is excessive and persistent fear or significant avoidance behaviour, it may be a case of social anxiety disorder (SAS). This article provides an overview...
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Individual responses to behavioral treatment of anxiety disorders vary considerably, which requires a better understanding of underlying processes. In this study, we examined the violation and change of threat beliefs during exposure. From 8,484 standardized exposure records of 605 patients with different anxiety disorders, learning indicators were...
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Behavioral activation (BA) interventions systematically encourage positive and value-based activities. Engaging in them is an effective way to counteract negative affect, but it is unknown whether there are subtypes of activities that may have differential effects on mood. This study investigated the factorial structure of 99 potentially rewarding...
Zusammenfassung Einleitung Obwohl in vielen Bereichen psychischer Störungen in den letzten Jahrzehnten eine Harmonisierung der Diagnosekategorien gemäß DSM-5 und ICD-11 erreicht wurde, gilt dies für den Bereich der sexuellen Funktionsstörungen nicht. Forschungsziele Anliegen dieser Übersicht ist ein Vergleich der Konzeptionen sexueller Funktionsstö...
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Purpose We aimed to synthesize the evidence for an association between childhood maltreatment and body image disturbances in adulthood. Information on maltreatment subtypes and mediator variables was included to gain further insights into the mechanisms of the association. In addition, we aimed to examine the role of body image disturbances in the...
Die Anzahl sowie die Art erlebter traumatischer Erfahrungen (v. a. Missbrauch und Misshandlung in der Kindheit) scheinen das Risiko für die Entwicklung einer komplexen Traumasymptomatik zu erhöhen. Es gibt erste Evidenzen, dass Patient*innen mit einer komplexen Traumatisierung von phasenbasierten Therapieansätzen profitieren. STAIR-NT (Skillstraini...
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Individual responses to behavioral treatment of anxiety disorders vary considerably, calling for better understanding of underlying processes. This study examined the violation and change of threat beliefs during exposure. From 8484 standardized exposure records of 605 patients with different anxiety disorders, learning indicators were derived: Exp...
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Research on the link between childhood sexual abuse experiences (CSAE) and pedohebephilia is limited by its focus on events that the respondents rate as abusive. We asked 199 German-speaking (Study 1) and 632 English-speaking (Study 2) men with and without self-reported pedohebephilia to complete the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) and scales...
Introduction: Embarrassment is a social affect. Once experienced in social interactions (SIs), it can be a precursor of clinical symptoms like depersonalization and ruminative thinking. This experience sampling study investigated predictors of embarrassment in social phobia (SP), major depressive disorder (MDD), and controls. Methods: For seven day...
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Purpose: The Comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) processes (CompACT) is a 23-item self-report questionnaire assessing psychological flexibility, which is the overarching construct underpinning the ACT framework. We conducted a two-phase project to develop validated versions of the CompACT in three languages: phase 1...
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The neurodevelopmental theory of pedohebephilia states that sexual interests in children arise from early neurodevelopmental perturbations, as, for example, evidenced by increased non-right-handedness, more childhood head injuries, and reduced intelligence and height. As corroborating evidence largely rests on samples of convicted men, we conducted...
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The neurodevelopmental theory of pedohebephilia states that sexual interests in children arise from early neurodevelopmental perturbations, as, for example, evidenced by increased non-right-handedness, more childhood head injuries, and reduced intelligence and height. As corroborating evidence largely rests on samples of convicted men, we conducted...
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Background While cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is the gold-standard psychological treatment for major depression (MD), non-response and lacking stability of treatment gains are persistent issues. Potential factors influencing treatment outcome might be lifetime trauma history and possibly associated primarily prefrontal-cortex- and hippocampus...
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Background: Depressive symptoms compromise cognitive and self-regulating capacities. Overcoming associated deficits (e.g., attentional bias) demands cognitive effort and motivation. Previous studies on healthy individuals have found cognitive motivation to positively relate to self-regulation and negatively to depressive symptoms. A test of these a...
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Background: Research suggests that shame and guilt may play a role in anxiety disorders. For social anxiety disorder (SAD), however, only a few studies investigated patients with the primary diagnosis of SAD. Thus, further research on shame and guilt in SAD is required. Methods: A secondary analysis of Data from the SOPHO-NET multicenter treatment...
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Introduction: Group psychotherapy has proved to be an effective treatment for depression. Controversy exists about the comparative efficacy of different group formats (e.g., [slow-] open, closed). Most of the findings come from outpatient, closed-group research. In practice, the open format is often more economical and widely used. Randomized studi...
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Objective: Decades of research on behavioral activation (BA) have proven its efficacy either as group or as individual psychotherapy. Due to its easier applicability and lower requirements on cognitive abilities, BA constitutes an attractive alternative to other group psychotherapy forms. Theaim of the present study was to compare the efficacy of g...
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Background: Despite the promising evidence for the effectiveness of school-based awareness programs in decreasing the rates of suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts in young people, no guidelines on the targets and methods of safe and effective awareness programs exist. Aims: This study intends to distill recommendations for school-based suicide a...
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The COVID‐19 outbreak strongly restricted daily activities, creating a risk factor for negative affect and depression. This study assessed the immediate effects of a behavioural activation (BA) intervention on positive (PA) and negative (NA) state affect. We expected depression and anxiety to function as moderators reducing the intervention effects...
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Humans need meaningful social interactions, but little is known about the consequences of not having them. We examined meaningful social interactions and the lack thereof in patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD) or social phobia (SP) and compared them to a control group (CG). Using event-sampling methodology, we sampled participan...
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Hintergrund und Zielstellung: Die aktuelle COVID-19-Pandemie belastet das Gesundheitssystem und die Bevölkerung seit Ende Dezember 2019 weltweit auf unterschiedlichsten Ebenen und stellt diese vor neue Herausforderungen (Wang et al. 2020; Yao et al., 2020). Ziel unserer Arbeit ist es, die Auswirkungen der COVID-19 Pandemie und den damit einhergehen...
Fragestellung: Patientenerwartungen beeinflussen Verlauf und Ergebnis medizinischer und psychotherapeutischer Behandlungen. In der vorliegenden Studie analysieren wir, wie ausgeprägt dieser Effekt in der stationären psychosomatischen Rehabilitation bei depressiven Syndromen ausfällt. Angesichts der Heterogenität depressiver Syndrome legen wir den S...
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Background Psychology is at the beginning of a cooperative revolution. Traditionally, psychological research has been conducted by individual labs, limiting its scope in clinical samples and promoting replication problems. Large-scale collaborations create new opportunities for highly powered studies in this resource-intensive research area. To pre...
Background Alongside depression, anxiety disorders are the most frequent reason for consulting a psychotherapist.Objective This article describes the recent progress in understanding basic learning processes in anxiety treatment, the resulting therapeutic procedures, the current state of knowledge on the efficacy of the various psychotherapeutic pr...
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Exposure is a highly effective treatment for pathological fear and anxiety, but rarely used in routine care. Issues of practicability and lack of therapists in rural areas are main barriers for the dissemination of exposure. Smart glass devices may enable therapists to guide exposure from their own office via real-time feedback and may thereby incr...
Zusammenfassung Einleitung Sexuelle Funktionsstörungen gelten als häufig. Gleichzeitig fehlen epidemiologische Daten zur Behandlungsprävalenz sexueller Funktionsstörungen in der ambulanten Psychotherapie. Im Rahmen eines Projekts zur Koordination der Datenerhebung an den deutschen Hochschulambulanzen für Psychotherapie wird erstmals eine Schätzung...
In order to understand the psychopathology of the social anxiety disorder (SAD) at the neuroendocrine level, standardized experimental studies on endocrine and physiological markers are necessary, especially since empirical data are still ambiguous. Hence, differences in both, the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and the endocrine stress responses (A...
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Background Post-event processing (PEP) after social interactions (SIs) contributes to the persistence of social phobia (SP). This study investigated whether PEP as a transdiagnostic process also occurs in major depressive disorder (MDD) and controls. We also tested to what extent PEP was explained by trait levels of social anxiety (SA) or depressio...
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Introduction: Stress and social isolation are potent predictors of negative health outcomes and are impacted in mood and anxiety disorders. Difficulties in social interactions have been particularly noted in people diagnosed with major depression disorder (MDD) and social phobia (SP). It remains poorly understood, however, how these variables inte...
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Introduction: Success rates of psychotherapy in post-traumatic stress disorder related to childhood maltreatment (PTSD-CM) are limited. Methods and analysis: Observer-blind multicentre randomised clinical trial (A-1) of 4-year duration comparing enhanced methods of STAIR Narrative Therapy (SNT) and of trauma-focused psychodynamic therapy (TF-PDT...
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Exposure is a highly effective treatment for pathological fear and anxiety, but rarely usedin routine care. Issues of practicability and lack of therapists in rural areas are main barriers forthe dissemination of exposure. Smartglass devices may enable therapists to guide exposurefrom their own office via real-time feedback and may thereby increase...
Expositionsübungen (Reizkonfrontationen) stellen die wichtigste Interventionskomponente bei Angststörungen dar; Verhaltensexperimente die wichtigste beobachtungsbezogene Disputationsmethode. Beides sind Beispiele erfahrungsorientierten Lernens in der Verhaltenstherapie. In der vorliegenden Übersichtsarbeit werden diese Vorgehensweisen definiert, in...
Background: Psychology is at the beginning of a cooperative revolution. Traditionally, psychological research has been conducted by individual labs, limiting its scope in clinical samples and promoting replication problems. Large-scale collaborations create new opportunities for highly powered studies in this resource-intensive research area. To pr...
Background: Sexual dysfunctions are considered to be common. However, there is a lack of epidemiological data on the prevalence of sexual dysfunction in outpatient psychotherapy. For the first time, a robust estimate is possible based on coordinated data collection at the German university outpatient clinics for psychotherapy.Method: 16 university...
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Cognitive‐behavioral therapy (CBT) fundamentally aims to ameliorate generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) symptoms, which stem from habitual, inflexible, and spiraling systems of interaction between somatic, cognitive, and emotional responses to appraised threats. This chapter describes the core components of CBT often employed in clinical trials of G...
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Objective: Social interactions are crucial to human beings. As technology advances, new possibilities of interaction emerge, bringing both opportunities and risks, especially when interpersonal behaviors are impaired (e.g., depression) or associated with strong fear (e.g., social phobia). The authors investigated whether technological social intera...
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Although substantial evidence suggests altered executive functioning and autobiographical memory in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the clinical significance of these findings remains unclear. Here, we investigated the effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) on different aspects of cognitive functioning (working memory, interference sus...
Zusammenfassung. Theoretischer Hintergrund: Bisher ist wenig über symptombezogene Teilgruppen von Patient_innen mit agoraphobischer Angst über die Betrachtung als mit oder ohne Panikstörung hinausgehend bekannt. So sind existierende Behandlungsprogramme meist nicht modularisiert und berücksichtigen die möglicherweise vorhandenen spezifischen Bedarf...