Jürgen Fleiß

Jürgen Fleiß
University of Graz | KFU Graz · Business Analytics and Data Science-Center



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October 2010 - September 2014
University of Graz
  • Researcher
September 2009 - October 2013
University of Graz
Field of study
  • Social and Economic Sciences
October 2004 - July 2009
University of Graz
Field of study
  • Sociology


Publications (46)
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Studies on environmental behavior commonly assume single respondents to represent their entire household or employ proxy-reporting, where participants answer for other household members. It is contested whether these practices yield valid results. Therefore, we interviewed 84 couples, wherein both household members provided self- and proxy-reports...
Working Paper
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This paper investigates the determinants of (dis)honesty of reporters filing unverified claims for money. First, does honest reporting increase when each reporter's unverified claim is made public? We present experimental evidence to this effect. The driver behind this is activation of the preference for appearing honest. Second, does honest report...
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There is accumulating evidence that decision makers are sensitive to the distribution of resources among themselves and others, beyond what is expected from the predictions of narrow self-interest. These social preferences are typically conceptualized as being static and existing independently of information about the other people influenced by a D...
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We study intra- and intergroup cooperation in the production and distribution of a jointly created good. Over several periods, members of one group can choose whether or not to contribute to the good’s production. Members of the other group vote to implement a fair or a discriminatory sharing policy for the good’s proceeds. More cooperative behavio...
Conference Paper
In times of interconnected and digitalized supply chains (SCs), managing knowledge risks is challenging. As sharing data is associated to the risk of unintentional disclosure of competitive knowledge, SC partners must balance knowledge sharing and protection. However, knowledge risks can inhibit knowledge sharing and therefore harm the SC managemen...
We experimentally study policy variations to examine economic migrants’ willingness to relocate to, and take up work in, a destination country, and, in turn, destination country citizens’ willingness to allow economic migrants to relocate to and pursue formal work in their country. We focus on economic migrants coming from less developed countries...
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Despite the high potential of artificial intelligence (AI), its actual adoption in recruiting is low. Explanations for this discrepancy are scarce. Hence, this paper presents an exploratory interview study investigating HR professionals’ beliefs about AI to examine their impact on use cases and barriers and to identify the reasons that lead to the...
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aTrain is an open-source and offline tool for transcribing audio data in multiple languages with CPU and NVIDIA GPU support. It is specifically designed for researchers using qualitative data generated from various forms of speech interactions with research participants. aTrain requires no programming skills, runs on most computers, does not requir...
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The use of conversational agents (CAs) based on artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more common in the field of recruiting. Organizations are now adopting AI-based CAs for applicant (pre-)selection, but negative news coverage and especially the black box character of AI, has hindered adoption. So far, little is known about the contextual facto...
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) as decision support for personnel preselection, e.g., in the form of a dashboard, promises a more effective and fairer selection process. However, AI-based decision support systems might prompt decision makers to thoughtlessly accept the system's recommendation. As this so-called automation bias contradicts ethical and...
Conference Paper
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly common, but adoption in sensitive use cases lacks due to the black-box character of AI hindering auditing and trust-building. Explainable AI (XAI) promises to make AI transparent, allowing for auditing and increasing user trust. However, in sensitive use cases maximizing trust is not the goal, rathe...
Conference Paper
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is adopted in many businesses. However, adoption lacks behind for use cases with regulatory or compliance requirements, as validation and auditing of AI is still unresolved. AI's opaqueness (i.e., "black box") makes the validation challenging for auditors. Explainable AI (XAI) is the proposed technical countermeasure th...
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We experimentally study economic migrants’ willingness to relocate to, and take up work in, the destination country, and, in turn, destination country citizens’ willingness to allow economic migrants to relocate to and pursue formal work in their country. In doing so, we focus on economic migrants coming from less developed countries and citizens o...
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While the ontogeny of prosociality during infancy, childhood, and adolescence has received substantial attention over the last decades, little is known about how prosocial preferences develop beyond emerging adulthood. Recent evidence suggests that the previously observed positive association between age and prosocial preferences is less robust tha...
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Despite the omnipresence of inter-group conflicts, little is known about the heterogeneity and stability of individuals' social preferences toward in-group and out-group members. To identify the prevalence and stability of social preferences in inter-group conflict, we gather quota-representative, incentivized data from a lab-in-the-field study dur...
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We experimentally study economic migrants' willingness to take up work and integrate into society, and, in turn, destination country citizens' willingness to allow economic migrants to pursue formal work and integrate into society and its social security and welfare system. We find clear evidence for a reciprocal relationship between the individual...
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Social preferences like social value orientation are considered a promising solution to social dilemmas, such as mitigating anthropogenic climate change. However, evidence on the relationship between social preferences and environmental concerns is mixed, possibly because these constructs have commonly been measured by distinct methods that do not...
Datengetriebenes Marketing gewinnt mit der zunehmenden digitalen Transformation in vielen Unternehmen immer mehr an Bedeutung. Grosse Datenmengen können zur Prognose zukünftigen Konsumentenverhaltens herangezogen werden, um so potenzeille Marktvorteile zu erlangen. Um mit Big Data Analytics auch wirklich zum Erfolg zu kommen, müssen jedoch verschie...
Der Bankenmarkt sieht sich seit geraumer Zeit tiefgreifenden Veränderungen gegenüber. Die Treiber dieses Prozesses sind vielschichtig und werden häufig unter den Schlagworten Technologie und Innovation, Kundenverhalten und Nachfrage, Regulatorik sowie makro- und sozioökonomische Entwicklungen zusammengefasst. Darüber hinaus findet sich die Branche...
In many situations, economic actors submit claims for money which are unverifiable or hard to verify. Examples include claims for a tax return or an insurance payout. This paper investigates what role anonymity and externalities play for the decision of whether to be (dis)honest when making such claims. First, does honest claiming increase when ano...
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This paper investigates the determinants of (dis)honesty of reporters filing unverified claims for money. First, does honest reporting increase when each reporter's unverified claim is made public? We present experimental evidence to this effect. The driver behind this is activation of the preference for appearing honest. Second, does honest report...
The paper reports the results of an ultimatum game experiment designed to test the effects of meritocratic norms on individual behavior and aggregate outcomes. In one treatment the roles of proposer and responder were assigned randomly. In the other treatment the roles were earned in a general knowledge quiz. The results show that proposers offer s...
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The EURO Mini-Conference on “Collaborative Decision Systems in Economics and in Complex Societal and Environmental Applications” took place from October 17 through 19, 2013 in Graz, Austria (https://eurominiconferencegraz2013.wordpress.com/). It was organized by the EURO Working Groups of DSS, E-CUBE, MCSP and ORAFM together with the main organizer...
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Evidence for the relationship between social and environmental concerns is mixed. However, these constructs have commonly been measured by diverse methods that do not readily facilitate a direct comparison of results. We employ a consistent incentivized method to assess subjects’ social value orientations (SVO) and also their motivations for the en...
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The literature shows a significant correlation between people's concerns for others and their concerns for the environ-ment. However, these social and environmental considerations were commonly measured by means of attitude ques-tionnaires that were not incentivized and did not readily facilitate a direct comparison of the results. In the present e...
The reliability of human behavior in situations where cooperation is beneficial for all but is hindered by individual incentives not to cooperate is a central research question in economics and the social sciences. Little is known about how the interaction results of a subject with one partner may affect this subject's behavior when subsequently ma...
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We experimentally investigate whether human subjects are willing to give up individual freedom for improved coordination. We conduct a modified iterated public goods game in which subjects in each period first decide whether to join a group with a voluntary contribution mechanism or one with an allocator contribution mechanism. In the coordinator t...
The following article deals with the question of cooperation in dilemma situations. We ran an iterated Prisoner's Dilemma experiment and measured the players social value orientation using the Ring Measure of Social Value. We then analyze the players behavior in the Prisoner's Dilemma in relation to their social value orientation to test the hypoth...
Die Entwicklung soziologischer Theorie kann nicht als einheitlich bezeichnet werden. Dies ist bereits darauf zurückzuführen, dass der Th eoriebegriff innerhalb der Sozialwissenschaften in keinster Weise einheitlich gebraucht wird (vgl. Acham 1983: 145). Weiters ist es umstritten, ob die Soziologie bzw. die Sozialwissenschaften danach streben sollen...
The following article deals with the connections between the typological method proposed by Paul Lazarsfeld and the Grounded Theory. The question how good typologies in qualitative social research can be constructed will be raised. It will be argued that formal criteria are necessary but not sufficient in judging whether a typology is good. The typ...
In contemporary political sociology, a distinction is often made between “positive” and “negative” national pride (patriotism and nationalism). In this article, we examine whether this theoretical distinction can be verified empirically using data of the International Social Survey Programme 2003. In a first step, statistical tests of criterion val...


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