Jürgen BaumertMax Planck Institute for Human Development | MPIB
Jürgen Baumert
Professor Dr.
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January 1996 - November 2010
Publications (332)
At the State Europe School of Berlin (SESB) students with different language backgrounds learn together in two languages of instruction: German and one of nine partner languages (English, French, Greek, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish).
This study investigates the reading proficiency trajectories in the mi...
Increasing evidence points to a relation between cardiometabolic and mental health, but population-based data are scarce. We investigated the association of type 2 diabetes (T2D) risk to general and mental health with a focus on potential differences between women and men.
The study population comprised 5,192 adults (18+ years)...
Self-esteem and test anxiety, perseverance and conscientiousness, and mental health, non-cognitive skills, character development, impulsivity and self-regulation, empathy and/or social skills or character development are exemplary socio-emotional constructs (often also referred to as non-cognitive skills) that can be found in educational discourse...
Multilingualism is often associated with advantages for acquiring additional languages. Theoretical approaches explain these advantages by assuming a Common Underlying Proficiency or a Metalinguistic Awareness. At the State Europe School in Berlin, students from different language backgrounds receive instruction in German and a partner language acc...
As Western societies become more ethnically and culturally diverse, understanding the acculturation of immigrant youth is essential for fostering social cohesion. How the cultural identity formation of ethnic minority adolescents relates to their academic, social, and psychological adjustment is an important and as yet unresolved research question....
The effects of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) on students’ foreign language skill development have been overestimated by previous studies, as most studies needed to have considered selection and preparation effects appropriately. We used complete survey data from a 1996–2003 cohort to investigate English skill development of N = 33...
This article examines the extent to which normative beliefs on acculturation constitute (a) individual resources and risk factors for adolescents facing developmental tasks and (b) institutional norms that define developmental milieus in secondary schools. To what extent do egalitarianism, multiculturalism, assimilationism, and segregationism help...
Two-way immersion (TWI) is a variant of the increasingly popular bilingual instruction. Most TWI research lacks longitudinal data or the consideration of background variables to control for possible selection effects. This article examines the development of German reading comprehension of TWI students (N = 984) from fourth to sixth grade compared...
This study aims to investigate how test scores from PIAAC (Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies) can be interpreted, by comparing the PIAAC competencies literacy and numeracy to reasoning and perceptual speed. Dimensionality analyses supported, that the PIAAC competencies can be separated into a common factor overlapping...
Eine der zentralen Fragen sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschung ist die Vorhersage sozioökonomischen Erfolges im Erwachsenenalter. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Bedeutung des Selbstwertes und dessen Zusammenspiel mit sozialer Herkunft und kognitiven Grundfähigkeiten im frühen Jugendalter für die Vorhersage des Bildungs- und beruflichen Erfolge...
The positive effects of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) on the development of students’ foreign language skills may have been overestimated by previous studies, since most studies failed to consider selection and preparation effects appropriately. Therefore, the present study used complete survey data from a 2002–2007 cohort to inve...
Inwiefern der Besuch unterschiedlicher Schulformen Lernen und Bildungsverläufe beeinflusst, ist ein vieldiskutiertes Thema. Arbeiten zu Effekten der Schulformen für den Erfolg auf dem Arbeitsmarkt liegen jedoch bislang nur wenige vor. Hier setzt der vorliegende Beitrag an, in dem in einer längsschnittlichen Perspektive ( N = 5292 Pe...
Patient-assessed quality of chronic illness care is important to guide medical care for patients with diabetes and other complex chronic diseases, but information from epidemiological studies is scarce. Thus, we examined self-assessed quality of care among adults with type 2 diabetes (T2D) based on a population-based design.
While life expectancy (LE) is rising, years lived with severe health impairments especially due to chronic diseases also increase. Diabetes is one of the major chronic diseases with high potential for co-morbidity and premature deaths needing life-long care. Therefore, information about loss in LE and healthy life years (HLY) in people w...
Non-communicable diseases (NCD) are a major public health challenge in Germany and throughout the world. The epidemiology of diabetes, in particular type 2 diabetes, exemplifies the need for effective prevention and control. To support policy making with actionable evidence, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) is developing a diabetes survei...
Throughout Europe, there is a growing trend for students to start learning foreign languages at elementary school. Although policymakers expect early‐start programs to boost second language skills, empirical findings are mixed; recent studies have raised many questions. In this large‐scale study, we aimed to close some of these gaps. We examined th...
Zusammenfassung. Die Vorverlegung des Fremdsprachenunterrichts von der Sekundar- in die Primarstufe ist im europäischen Bildungsraum innerhalb der letzten beiden Jahrzehnte annähernd flächendeckend umgesetzt worden. Grundlage dieser Politik des frühen Fremdsprachenlernens ist die Annahme, dass Kinder besser Sprachen lernten, je jünger sie seien. De...
Diabetes mellitus is a non-communicable disease with high public health relevance in Germany. Therefore, the Robert Koch Institute startetd to establish a national diabetes surveillance system in Germany in 2016. Essential part of a surveillance system is the dissemination of health information to the relevant stakeholders to facilitate...
The Global Activity Limitation Indicator (GALI) is part of the Minimum European Health Module and has been shown to be a valid indicator of functional limitations. The present study aims to identify determinants of GALI prevalence among adults in Europe.
We used data from the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) Wave 2 which...
Two-way immersion combines native speakers of the majority language with native speakers of a minority language and provides instruction in both languages. It remains unclear whether students have better reading comprehension in their L1 (native language hypothesis) and/or whether all students, irrespective of their L1, have better reading comprehe...
What drives socioeconomic success within a society? This study analyzes how late childhood intelligence, parental socioeconomic background, and gender relate to multiple dimensions of adult socioeconomic success (i.e., education, occupational status, and income). A particular focus is placed on education, which is considered as both an indicator of...
Ein zentraler Trend in der Entwicklung der Bildungsbeteiligung in Deutschland ist der kontinuierliche Anstieg der Quote der Hochschulzugangsberechtigten. Mit der Umstellung des Sekundarschulsystems auf Zweigliedrigkeit scheint diese Expansion neue Dynamik zu erhalten. Gleichzeitig wird das Problem der Standardsicherung und der Vergleichbarkeit von...
Herkunftsspezifische Disparitäten beim Übergang von der Grundschule in die weiterführenden Schulen werden in der Bildungsforschung als ein Schlüsselelement zur Erklärung von sozialen Ungleichheiten im weiteren Bildungserwerb verstanden. Dieser Zusammenhang ist in Deutschland für die Wahl der Schulform umfassend theoretisch aufgearbeitet und empiris...
To project the number of people with Type 2 diabetes in Germany between 2015 and 2040.
Based on data from 65 million insurees of the German statutory health insurance, we projected the age‐specific prevalence of diabetes using mathematical relations between prevalence, incidence rate and mortality. We compared several scenarios regard...
Dieser Beitrag gibt einen Überblick darüber, welchen Beitrag Large-Scale Assessments zur Untersuchung sozialer Ungleichheiten im Bildungserwerb und in der Bildungsbeteiligung leisten können. Auf Grundlage empirischer Befunde werden die Konzepte der Bildungsarmut sowie der primären und sekundären Herkunftseffekte vorgestellt. Es wird deutlich, dass...
Der vorliegende Beitrag behandelt Platzierungsentscheidungen von Lehrkräften beim Übergang in die gymnasiale Oberstufe an nichtgymnasialen Schulen im mehr- und zweigliedrigen Berliner Schulsystem im Hinblick auf ihre Sensitivität für askriptive Merkmale wie soziale und ethnische Herkunft und das Geschlecht. Auch beim Übergang in die...
Die Frage nach der Implementation von large-scale-Reformen spielte bzw. spielt sowohl in der Vergangenheit als auch in den aktuellen Debatten um Strukturveränderungen und Qualitätsoffensiven im Bildungssystem eine entscheidende Rolle. Bei der Umsetzung dieser Reformen richtet sich der Blick in besonderem Maße auf die einzelne Schule und damit vor a...
Der Fokus des Beitrags liegt auf dem Wechsel vom Gymnasium auf eine Integrierte Sekundarschule (ISS) nach der 7. Klasse (Probejahr) in Berlin. Es wurde untersucht, welche leistungsbezogenen, schulbiografischen und familiären Hintergrundmerkmale prädiktiv für das Nichtbestehen des Probejahres sind. Von Interesse war dabei insbesondere, ob beim Schul...
Mehrsprachigkeit wird nach Cummins‘ Interdependenz- und Schwellenhypothese sowie darauf aufbauenden kognitionspsychologischen und psycholinguistischen Prozesstheorien mit Vorteilen für das Erlernen weiterer Sprachen in Verbindung gebracht. An den Standorten der Staatlichen Europa-Schule Berlin (SESB) werden Schülerinnen und Schüler unterschiedliche...
Unter bilingualem Lernen werden einerseits das Lernen einer Fremd- oder Zweitsprache und andererseits Lernprozesse in einer Fremd- oder Zweitsprache verstanden. Als Medium der Lernprozesse oder Instruktionssprache kommen also die Erstsprache und mindestens eine weitere Sprache zum Einsatz. In diesem Stichwortbeitrag werden die neben dem konventione...
Students are frequently required to integrate text and picture information into coherent knowledge structures. This raises the questions of how students deal with texts and how they deal with graphics when they try to integrate the two sources of information, and whether there are differences between students from different school types and grades....
Teaching and learning from texts with integrated pictures are challenging tasks for teachers and students. Nevertheless, this kind of material is universal in secondary school as well as in elementary school and holds huge potential for student learning, if instruction and presentation are appropriate. The project “BiTe” investigates teachers’ and...
This article investigates contributions and limitations of empirical educational research at the interface between science and politics using the example of large scale assessment-studies (LSA). Within the meta-theoretical frame of the divergent rationalities of science and politics and with reference to Goldthorpe’s (2001) concept of causation as...
Die Entwicklung der empirischen Bildungsforschung in Deutschland seit den 1990er-Jahren ist zunächst als eine Erfolgsgeschichte zu beschreiben. Es hat in diesen Jahren einen beeindruckenden quantitativen wie qualitativen Ausbau gegeben, der zu vielfältigen und auch international anerkannten Forschungsleistungen geführt hat. Dies lässt sich nicht nu...
This study investigates the vocational competencies of students attending academic-track vocational secondary schools in Schleswig-Holstein. Students in two branches, economic and technical academic-track vocational secondary schools, were compared. The two branches differ in the extent to which vocational subjects are implemented in the correspond...
In diesem Sonderheft der ‘Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft’ diskutieren Protagonisten und Kritiker über Leistungen und Defizite der empirischen Bildungsforschung. Ansätze und Ergebnisse, die in den vergangenen Jahren große Aufmerksamkeit erzeugt haben, werden aufgegriffen. Und die kritischen Positionen, die Funktionen und Effekte dieser Forsc...
Dealing with heterogeneous students often implies an adaptation of the sight structures of classroom instruction. Yet, in comparison to sight structures, the quality of deep structures (classroom management or learning support) is more important to students' learning outcomes. However, differential effects of deep structures of learning have rarely...
Der Beitrag untersucht Leistungen und Leistungsgrenzen empirischer Bildungsforschung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik am Beispiel von Large-Scale-Assessment-Studies (LSA). Im metatheoretischen Rahmen differenter Handlungslogiken von Wissenschaft und Politik und unter Bezugnahme auf Goldthorpe’s (2001) Konzeption von Verursachung a...
This longitudinal study investigated the bidirectional relationship between negative life events and self-esteem during the transition from adolescence to young adulthood (N = 2272). Drawing on theories of human development over the lifespan and just-world theory, we analyzed age-graded changes in self-esteem and their interplay with negative life...
Different coping patterns for children's transition to secondary school have been reported in the literature, and the influence of the subjective anticipation of this critical life event has been discussed. The current study uses cognitive-transactional theory (Lazarus & Folkman, 1987) and establishes a connection between primary and secondary appr...
Empirical studies have demonstrated that students who are taught in a group of students with higher average achievement benefit in terms of their achievement. However, there is also evidence showing that being surrounded by high-achieving students has a negative effect on students' academic selfconcept, also known as the big-fish-little-pond effect...
Zusammenfassung. Der Ubergang an die weiterfuhrende Schule stellt eine Veranderung der schulischen Lernumwelt dar, die mit Anderungen im Wohlbefinden assoziiert sein kann. Als masgeblicher Einflussfaktor wird in der Literatur die weiterfuhrende Schulform erortert, wobei vor allem Unterschiede in der Bezugsgruppe und institutionelle Unterschiede zwi...
Reading for learning frequently requires integrating text and picture information into coherent knowledge structures. This paper presents an experimental study which aimed at analyzing the strategies used by students for integrating text and picture information. Four combinations of texts and pictures (text-picture units) were selected from textboo...
PISA ist in aller Munde. Das Akronym ist fast zu einem Synonym für jegliche Art von Veränderungsbedarf bzw. für Mängel im deutschen Bildungssystem geworden. Seit der Veröffentlichung der international vergleichenden Ergebnisse aus 32 Staaten im Dezember 2001 (Baumert u.a. 2001; OECD, 2001) und dem im Sommer des nachfolgenden Jahres erschienenen Ver...
The authors examine whether the pedagogical-psychological knowledge (PPK) of future teachers is of significance to the later successfulness of their teaching. PKK, defined as knowledge required for the design of lessons in different subjects, was surveyed by applying a test instrument containing 39 items (Voss, Kunter & Baumert, 2011). 181 candidat...
The present study investigates school context effects on psychosocial characteristics (academic self-concept, peer relations, school satisfaction, and school anxiety) of high-achieving and gifted students. Students who did or did not make an early transition from elementary to secondary schools for high-achieving and gifted students in 5th grade in...
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob das pädagogisch-psychologische Wissen (PPK) von angehenden Lehrkräften bedeutsam ist für deren späteren Unterrichtserfolg. PPK, definiert als Wissen, das zur Gestaltung des Unterrichts in ver-schiedenen Fächern notwendig ist, wurde anhand eines Testinstruments mit 39 Items erfasst (Voss, Kunter & Baum...
Das Sonderheft der Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft gibt einen aktuellen Überblick über die vorliegenden Befunde zum Thema Ungleichheit in der Bildungsbiographie von der frühen Kindheit bis ins Erwachsenenalter. Darüber hinaus werden Interventions- und Fördermöglichkeiten zum Abbau herkunftsbedingter Bildungsungleichheiten aufgezeigt und vorl...
Over the last decade, the debate on school quality (U.S. Congress, 2001) has focused increased attention on teachers’ professional development. According to the National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future’s (2003), “strong professional development opportunities must be embedded in the very fabric of public education” (p. 129).
The present study investigates school context effects on psychosocial characteristics (academic self-concept, peer relations, school satisfaction, and school anxiety) of high-achieving and gifted students. Students who did or did not make an early transition from elementary to secondary schools for high-achieving and gifted students in 5th grade in...
When students read for learning, they frequently are required to integrate text and graphics information into coherent knowledge structures. The following study aimed at analyzing how students deal with texts and how they deal with graphics when they try to integrate the two sources of information. Furthermore, the study investigated differences be...
This study examines the extent to which the quality of mentoring and its frequency during the first years of teaching influence teachers' professional competence and well-being. Analyses are based on a sample of more than 700 German beginning mathematics teachers who participated in a pre-test/post-test study over the course of one year. Findings i...
This study investigates teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge, professional beliefs, work-related motivation, and self-regulation as aspects of their professional competence. Specifically, it examines how these aspects impact instruction and, in turn, student outcomes. In a nationally representative sample of 194 German secondary school mathemati...
This first chapter gives an overview of the studies that constitute the COACTIV research program, summarizes the research questions guiding the program, and outlines the research traditions on which it builds. The research strands informing COACTIV include research on teaching and learning, expertise research, and research on motivational and occup...
This work reports the findings of the Professional Competence of Teachers, Cognitively Activating Instruction, and Development of Students' Mathematical Literacy project (COACTIV). COACTIV applies a broad, innovative conceptualization of teacher competence to examine how mathematics teachers' knowledge, beliefs, motivational orientations, and self-...
The article topicalizes the interdependencies between enrollment prerequi-sites, study programs offered, and the individual use of the courses, as well as the struc-ture and development of educational-scientific knowledge in the field of university-based teacher training. The study is based on data collected through a census survey carried out in N...
In reviews of university teacher training, the parts of the curriculum based on educational science are often criticized as missing practical relevance and being non-cumulative. At the same time, uncertainty exists regarding which educational science based content is important for teacher candidates. The objective of the Delphi study presented here...
Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and content knowledge (CK) are key components of teacher competence that affect student progress. However, little is known about how teacher education affects the development of CK and PCK. To address this question, our research group constructed tests to directly assess mathematics teachers’ CK and PCK. Based on...
Learning materials incorporating written texts as well as instructional pictures are the basis for learning in many subjects. However, text–picture integration makes high cognitive demands of learners, and it seems plausible that the development of this competence is influenced by teachers’ instructional skills. The present studies investigated fir...
Der deutsche „Bildungsföderalismus“ wird vom Bundesverfassungsgericht als „Kernstück der Eigenstaatlichkeit der Länder“ betrachtet. Damit wird die deutliche Priorität der Zuständigkeiten der Länder in Bildungsfragen unterstrichen, ohne dass von Verfassungswegen eine grundsätzliche Bestimmung der Mitwirkung des Bundes in Bildungsfragen vorgegeben wä...
Based on theories of social-cognitive development, the present study investigated the yet unknown social structure that underlies the concept of empathy in adolescence. A total of 3.159 seventh graders (13.67 years, 56% girls) from 166 school classes participated by providing information on empathy, related psychosocial factors, and friendship patt...
Immigrant students’ school success is often hampered by limited second language (L2) proficiency, yet the effectiveness of different approaches to L2 support is unclear. Using a summer camp setting, we tested effects of (1) implicit support focusing on meaning of language by engaging students in language-intensive activities without drawing their a...
This article examines the development of social and ethnic disparities in academic achievement in elementary schooling. It investigated whether reading and mathematics development in 136 mixed-ability classes shows path-dependent processes of cumulative advantage (Matthew effects) from Grades 4 to 6 (Grade 4 mean age = 10.62, SD = 0.57) resulting i...