Judith Pardo-PérezUniversity of Magallanes | UMAG · GAIA-Antártica
Judith Pardo-Pérez
Working on ichthyosaurs from Chile. Current Projects: FONDECYT de iniciación 11240506 ANID-Chile (2024-2027) -FOVI240097
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Chilean researcher currently working at Universidad de Magallanes. Academic Editor of PLOS ONE journal.
Research interest: vertebrate paleontology, paleobiology, paleoecology and Palaeopathologies.
Main projects: 'Population level measures of skeletal pathologies in Mesozoic marine reptiles (Ichthyosauria)' (DFG MA4693/4-1 2016-2019)
'Early Cretaceous ichthyosaurs from the eastern border of the Tyndall Glacier, Torres del Paine National Park Southern Chile.' (PAI77200036 2020-2024)
Additional affiliations
October 2019 - December 2021
May 2016 - August 2019
March 2009 - December 2015
Publications (81)
Early Cretaceous ichthyosaurs were globally distributed pelagic marine reptiles, but many remains are fragmentary, creating a Northern Hemisphere diversity bias. A rich Hauterivian locality near the Tyndall Glacier inside Torres del Paine National Park in southern Chile yields important new data regarding ichthyosaurian diversity along the Pacific...
La presencia de ictiosaurios es conocida en rocas del Jurásico Superior en el norte de Chile, no obstante, hasta ahora no existen identificaciones taxonómicas válidas más precisas para estos hallazgos. En este trabajo presentamos tres nuevos especímenes de ictiosaurios, recuperados desde niveles oxfordianos de
la Formación Cerro Campamento, expuest...
Las rocas expuestas producto de la continua pérdida de masa de hielo del Glaciar Tyndall en el Parque Nacional Torres del Paine, corresponden a depósitos sedimentarios del Cretácico inferior de la antigua Cuenca de Rocas Verdes en la Región de Magallanes. Esta localidad conserva numerosos ictiosaurios, la mayoría de ellos completos y articulados, a...
Las localidades de Punta Santa Ana y Punta Carrera se sitúan en el margen suroriental de la Península de Brunswick, en la Provincia de Magallanes. En dichas localidades se exponen sucesiones sedimentarias del Cretácico Superior, correspondientes a las Formaciones Fuentes y Rocallosa del Maastrichtiano de la Cuenca de Magallanes. A pesar de que esta...
Since 2004, paleontological expeditions have been conducted to the Tyndall Glacier in Torres del Paine National Park, Chilean Patagonia, resulting in the discovery of almost a hundred ichthyosaur skeletons to date. The ichthyosaurs are exposed in the rocks as a consequence of the ongoing melting of the glacier caused by climate change. Most of the...
Desde el año 2004 expediciones paleontológicas al Glaciar Tyndall en el Parque Nacional Torres del Paine han dado con el hallazgo de casi un centenar de ictiosaurios. Los ictiosaurios se encuentran en rocas que han quedado expuestas como consecuencia del continuo deshielo del glaciar. La mayoría de los esqueletos se encuentran completos y articulad...
Las localidades de Puerto del Hambre y Rinconada Bulnes se ubican en borde suroriental de la Península de Brunswick, en la Provincia de Magallanes. En este sector aflora un registro sedimentario del Cretácico Superior en sus plataformas costeras. De acuerdo a diferentes autores, en estas localidades se expone la Formación Rocallosa, del Maastrichti...
Durante el Cretácico Superior la Región de Magallanes era parte de la antigua Cuenca de Magallanes, habitada por diversos invertebrados marinos, así como también por grandes reptiles marinos. Previo a este descubrimiento, el hallazgo de una aleta aislada de plesiosaurio había sido reportada de un sector de la Reserva Nacional Laguna de Parrilla en...
Secuencias de rocas sedimentarias Mesozoicas afloran en el borde costero de las áreas comprendidas entre Rinconada Bulnes y Puerto del Hambre al SE de Punta Arenas. Autores han atribuido estas secuencias a la Formación Rocallosa (Maastrichtiano;
ca. 72–66 millones de años) de la antigua Cuenca de Magallanes. Sin embargo, a pesar de que existen estu...
La historia paleontológica del Monte Tarn (825 m.s.n.m) se remonta al año 1873 en el que Charles Darwin descubre restos del ammonoídeo Maorites en su cima, adquiriendo una relevancia internacional al corresponder al primer invertebrado fósil descubierto
en Sudamérica. Sin embargo, a pesar de los cientos de años que han pasado desde la prospección d...
The prevalence of injuries in fossil populations over evolutionary time scales can elucidate
intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting organism health, and shed light on ancient ecosystems and organismal palaeobiology. We used ichthyosaurs as a model system to examine factors affecting the prevalence of osteopathologies, surveying 624 specimens fro...
Pathologies in skeletal remains have been instrumental to decipher the ecology and life history of extinct taxa, but this distinct fossil evidence was barely documented within marine vertebrate communities of the Cenozoic. Here, we present the first record of pathological bones in marine vertebrates recovered from five localities (9-~4.5 million ye...
Díez Díaz, V.; Belvedere, M.; Böhmer, C.; Bueno, E.; Choiniere, J.; Darlim, G.; Drozdz, D.; Iannucci, A.; Kotthoff, U.; Malafaia, E.; Mallison, H.; Marigó, J.; Miedema, F.;Mujal, E.; Pardo, J.; Perillo, M.; Sciscio, L.; Tajika, A.; Tschopp, E.; van Heteren, A.H.; Vlachos, E. 2021. How to bring taxonomy into the third dimension: developing guideline...
Changing predator-prey interactions during the Mesozoic Marine Revolution (MMR) profoundly altered the trajectory of marine tetrapod evolution. Here, we assess potential signatures of this landmark
transition through the fossil record of skeletal pathologies in ichthyosaurs — iconic marine reptiles that developed increasingly ‘fish-like’ body plans...
Palaeoepidemiological studies related to palaeoecology are rare, but have the potential to provide information regarding ecosystem-level characteristics by measuring individual health. In order to assess factors underlying the prevalence of pathologies in large marine vertebrates, we surveyed ichthyosaurs (Mesozoic marine reptiles) from the Posidon...
Paleopathologies document skeletal damage in extinct organisms and can be used to infer the causes of injury, as well as aspects of related biology, ecology and behavior. To date, few studies have been undertaken on Jurassic marine reptiles, while ichthyosaur pathologies in particular have never been systematically evaluated. Here we survey 41 spec...
MeshLab is an open source system for processing and editing 3D triangular meshes. The install file can be downloaded from http://www.meshlab.net/#download. Versions for Win 64, MacOS, and Linux are available. In order to view a mesh, drag and drop it into Meshlab or open it via the File menu, option Import mesh. Meshlab will automatically display t...
3D Photogrammetric reconstruction of SMNS 15950 showing the pathological area in the skull at the left premaxilla, maxilla and dentary (Fig 5b and 5c–5f).
Percentage of completeness of the specimens of Temnodontosaurus from the museum collections, according to its anatomical units.
3D Photogrammetric reconstruction of SMNS 15950.
3D Photogrammetric reconstruction of SMNS 13488 showing the area with fibre remodeling at the right and left premaxillae and left dentary (Fig 4a and 4e).
3D Photogrammetric reconstruction of SMNS 13488 showing the pathological area at the right lower jaw (Fig 4h and 4k–4n).
Frequency of preserved anatomical units of Temnodontosaurus.
Total specimens of Temnodontosaurus studied in the museum collections.
3D Photogrammetric reconstruction of SMNS 13488.
Instructions for viewing the 3D files in MeshLab software.
Pathological studies in palaeontology represent a useful tool for understanding the behavior and interactions
between species or individuals as the possible causes of injuries. Such studies, however, are not
common in fossil vertebrates. We considered ichthyosaur fauna from the Posidonienschiefer Formation
(Early Jurassic: Toarcian) from Southweste...
Pathological studies in palaeontology represent a useful tool for understanding the behavior and interactions
between species or individuals as the possible causes of injuries. Such studies, however, are not
common in fossil vertebrates. We considered ichthyosaur fauna from the Posidonienschiefer Formation
(Early Jurassic: Toarcian) from Southweste...
A pathological specimen of Temndontosaurus trigonodon (SMNS 15950) from the collection of the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart, Germany. The specimen shows healed trauma in the skull and healed broken ribs.
Image from our article: Ichthyosaurian palaeopathology: evidence of injury and disease in fossil 'fish lizards'
Photo credit: J. Par...
Estudios paleontológicos recientes han incrementado no sólo el número de taxa de
ictiosaurios, sino también el conocimiento sobre su disparidad ecomorfológica, distribución latitudinal y el rango de tamaño del grupo. Uno de los más diversos y dispersos grupos es Ophthalmosauridae, un clado Jurásico y Cretácico de ictiosaurios parvipelvianos que se...
Campañas paleontológicas al Glaciar Tyndall en el Parque Nacional Torres del Paine,
financiadas por el Gobierno Alemán entre los años 2007 y 2010, llevaron al descubrimiento y localización de 51 especímenes de ictiosaurios. La mayoría de los
esqueletos se encuentran virtualmente completos y articulados. Los niveles fosilíferos son parte de la Forma...
Paleopatologías documentan daños esqueléticos y enfermedades que ocurren en
poblaciones fósiles. Estudios paleopatológicos ayudan a determinar las causas de una
lesión traumática e interpretar aspectos de la biología, ecología y comportamiento del
animal. Existen pocos estudios paleopatológicos en reptiles marinos y paleopatologías
nunca han sido a...
The documented record of ichthyosaurian paleopathologies reveals an array of injury-related bone modifications and instances of disease evidenced through multiple clades, skeletal regions and body-size classes from the Middle Triassic to middle Cretaceous. Examples include traumatic injuries, as well as a high incidence of articular diseases, inclu...
Paleopathologies document skeletal damage occurring in fossil populations, and can be used to infer the causes of traumatic injury, as well as interpret aspects of related biology, ecology and behavior. Such studies in Jurassic marine reptiles are relatively few, and in particular ichthyosaur pathologies have never been analyzed at population level...
Paleopathologies document ancient skeletal damage and can be used to infer the causes of injury, as well as aspects of related biology, ecology and behaviour. Few studies have been undertaken on Jurassic marine reptiles, and ichthyosaur pathologies in particular have never been evaluated at a generic level. Here we survey 51 specimens from the Earl...
Se resumen los registros de ictiosaurios (Reptilia: Ichthyosauria) conocidos hasta la fecha en Chile. Los hallazgos en el norte del país incluyen abundantes registros desde el Triásico tardío hasta el Jurásico Medio, sin embargo, el material es hasta ahora fragmentario y poco diagnóstico, correspondiendo en todos los casos a Ichthyosauria indet. Po...
During the Late Jurassic, important palaeogeographic events occurred in Eurasia, North America and Gondwana. Continental rift, subduction and orogeny produced different levels of marine inundation of terrestrial systems, with rising sea level. Shallow epicontinental seaways started to separate North America from Eurasia, Gondwana, and also between...
An ichthyosaurian skeletal remains assigned to the genera Arthropterygius and Ophthalmosaurus are described from
the Volgian deposits of the Komi Republic and Nenets Autonomous Region (Okrug) (Russia). These specimens
along with findings from Svalbard provide an opportunity to draw some preliminary conclusions on the distribution
of ichthyosaurs du...
Remnants of ophthalmosaurid ichthyosaurs recently discovered in the vicinity of the Tyndall Glacier in the Torres del Paine National Park of southern Chile are extremely abundant and well preserved. After three field campaigns to the area, a total of 46 articulated and virtually complete ichthyosaur specimens, both adults and juveniles, were tentat...
Expeditions to the Tyndall Glacier (Torres del Paine National Park, South Chile) in 2009 and 2010 recov-ered an articulated ichthyosaurian forefin that displayed traits consistent with Platypterygius. The combination of features observed in this forefin has not been observed in other Platypterygius species, i.e.: (1) one preaxial row and three or e...
The image correspond at an isolated forefin of Platypterygius recovered from the Tyndall Glacier fossil locality in the Southernmost Chile.
Article: An ichthyosaurian forefin from the Lower Cretaceous Zapata Formation of Southern Chile: implications for morphological variability within Platypterygius
Photo credit: J. Pardo-Pérez
Ichthyosauria is a diverse clade of marine amniotes that spanned most of the Mesozoic. Until recently, most authors interpreted the fossil record as showing that three major extinction events affected this group during its history: one during the latest Triassic, one at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary (JCB), and one (resulting in total extinction)...
Description of the characters used in the phylogenetic analysis.
Fast (accelerated transformation) and slow (delayed transformation) optimizations. The characters were optimized on the tree using Winclada [36].
Nexus file of the character-taxon matrix.
Character-taxon matrix.
Como resultado de exploraciones realizadas en el área de Glacial Tyndall en el parque nacional Torres del Paine, personal de la Universidad de Magallanes (Chile) localizó varios esqueletos asignables a ictiosaurios. Los mismos han sido hallados en la Formación Zapata (Cretácico Inferior). Los ejemplares localizados corresponden a esqueletos articul...
Questions (4)
I'm writing an opinion article and thinking it should be the best to send it as a correspondence, though we are several authors. I don't know if Current Biology has a restricted number for authors in correspondence or perspective articles.
Hi! is there anybody by chance have access to the article: Dana, J. D. 1848b. Belemnit of Tierra del Fuego. Annals of Magazine of Natural History. 149.??
A truly challenge to find it!...
Thanks a lot in advance!!
Does anybody know if it is possible to include more than one affiliation during the submission of a manuscript in Scientific Reports?. I see there is only the option to select the primary affiliation but not more (I have three).
Thanks a lot in advance!
Hi!!, I'll be very grateful if anybody can provide me a pdf copy of this article: Buikstra, J. E. Healed fractures in Macaca mulatta: age, sex and symmetry. Folia Primatol. 23, 140–148 (1975)
Many thanks in advance!