Judith FestlBaugeologisches Büro Bauer, Munich, Germany
Judith Festl
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April 2012 - March 2013
October 2008 - December 2014
October 2008 - March 2012
January 2010 - December 2014
October 2006 - September 2008
October 2003 - September 2006
Publications (23)
Mainly in the context of global climate change the awareness of
landslide hazards has risen considerably in most mountainous regions
worldwide in the last years. National and regional hazard mapping
programs were set up in many countries and most of the potentially
endangered sites have been identified. Although exclusive geodetic and
In the framework of the alpEWAS project the Aggenalm landslide was instrumented with a monitoring system, which monitors deformation and potential trigger factors. Since rainfall has a major influence on the slope’s movements, the temporal offset between rainfall, pore water pressure, and increase in deformation has been analyzed by time series ana...
In course of the alpEWAS ( = alpine Early Warning System) research project a cost-effective landslide monitoring and early warning system has been developed between 2007 and 2010. The core of the project has been the development and testing of the three innovative, economically and continuously working measurement systems time domain reflectometry...
Von den vielfältigen, oftmals indirekten, geologischen, hydrogeologischen und ingenieurgeologischen Erkundungsmöglichkeiten sind Bohrungen als eine der wenigen direkten Aufschlussmöglichkeiten von zentraler Bedeutung. ...
Bevor jedoch eine Erkundungsbohrung abgeteuft werden kann, sind eine Vielzahl an Überlegungen bezüglich Erkundungszweck, -ziel...
Die im 11. Jahrhundert gegründete Benediktinerabtei Plankstetten liegt im fränkischen Jura, südlich von Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz. Die an der Talflanke des Sulztals gelegene Klosteranlage liegt am Fuß eines rd. 150 m hohen Hangs, der aus Gesteinen des Braunjura (Dogger) und Weißjura (Malm) aufgebaut wird. Im Januar 2018 wurde mit den Aushubarbeiten...
The significance of the excavatability for the successful completion of constructional projects has been recognized in recent years, but little attention has been paid specifically to rotary pile boring. Given the quantity of geological parameters alone which need to be taken into account, it is apparent that the estimation of the drilling rate is...
Deep-seated landslides are an important and widespread natural hazard within alpine regions and can have significant impacts on infrastructure. Pore water pressure plays an important role in determining the stability of hydrologically triggered deep-seated landslides. Based on a simple tank model structure, we improve groundwater level prediction b...
Within the framework of the alpEWAS project the Aggenalm landslide has been instru-mented with a monitoring system, which monitors the slope's deformation as well as potential trigger factors, such as precipitation. All data collected within the project have been evaluated and interpreted holistically in terms of integration into an early warning s...
Deep-seated landslides are an important and widespread natural hazard within alpine regions, and can have a massive impact on infrastructure. Pore water pressure plays an important role in determining the stability of hydro-triggered deep-seated landslides. We improve current methods of groundwater level prediction by introducing a means to account...
Constructed in the 13th century, Trostburg Castle is situated on an impressive castle hill above the village Waidbruck (Ital. Ponte Gardena) in South Tyrol (Italy), about 17 km northeast of Bozen (Ital. Bolzano). The walls of Trostburg Castle are crossed by many cracks. There are various possible causes for these damages. On the one hand, there are...
In course of the alpEWAS (= alpine Early Warning System) research project a costeffective landslide monitoring and early warning system has been developed during the last 3 years (2007-2010). The core of the project has been the development and testing of the three innovative, economically and continuously working measurement systems time domain re...
Due to the feared increase in landslide activity in context of the
climate change and the continuous extension of settlement areas in
mountainous regions, landslide monitoring gained more importance in the
last years. It became necessary to monitor more mass movements not only
in order to minimize the conflict between land use and natural hazard
In the 1980s Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) has been introduced as a
subsurface deformation monitoring system in boreholes, which allows
identifying and localizing discrete deformation zones with high
accuracy. While TDR offers several advantages as e.g. low costs and the
possibility to continuously monitor deformation along the complete
In context of global climate change and the continuous extension of settlement areas in the Alps, especially due to tourism, an increasing conflict can be observed between land use and natural hazard prevention. This also includes deep‐seated landslides, which can cause considerable damage to settlements and infrastructure when they occur and even...
In context of global climate change and the continuous extension of settlement areas in the Alps especially due to tourism, an increasing conflict between land use and natural hazard prevention can be observed. This also includes deep seated landslides, which if activated can cause considerable damage to settlements and infrastructure and even can...
Zusammenfassung Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) Messungen, die mit einem Koaxialkabel in einem Bohrloch erfolgen, sind eine interessante Alternative oder Ergänzung zu Inklinometer-messungen bei der Überwachung von Hangbewegungen. Durch den Einsatz von Datenlog-gern und/oder einer Datenfernübertragungs-Einrichtung können die Messdaten mit sehr hoher...