![Judith Van Erp](https://i1.rgstatic.net/ii/profile.image/278530798702596-1443418325820_Q128/Judith-Erp.jpg)
Judith Van ErpUtrecht University | UU · School of Governance (USG)
Judith Van Erp
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Judith Van Erp currently works at the School of Governance (USG), Utrecht University. Judith does research in Regulatory Governance, Public Administration, and Criminology. Her current projects include a book project on naming and shaming corporations, a project on succesful public governance, and a project 'Corporate Rule of Law Responsibility'.
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April 2015 - present
January 2006 - July 2015
Publications (78)
Business actors play increasingly important roles in global governance and international regulation. This paper considers how regime complexity influences the roles of businesses and impacts opportunities for business influence on international regulatory regimes. We conducted a scoping literature review of 243 articles from the International Regim...
Establishing and maintaining citizen trust is vital for the effectiveness and long-term viability of regulatory agencies. However, limited empirical research has been conducted on the relationship between regulatory action and citizen trust. This article addresses this gap by investigating the influence of various regulatory enforcement styles on c...
This article reports findings of a Q Methodology study in which we explored the opinions of employees from eight Dutch regulatory agencies on how agencies gain their reputation. This is the largest study to date examining employee's views on the relative importance of different factors in reputation acquisition by public organizations, and the firs...
Criminological literature has often pointed to the absence or weakness of existing international regulation as important explanatory factors of corporate crime in global markets. This paper addresses the presence of multiple parallel, nested and overlapping regulatory regimes, and explores how such international regime complexity creates pathways t...
Journalists, politicians, watchdog institutions, and public administration scholars devote considerable energy to identifying and dissecting failures in government. Studies and case-studies of policy, organizational and institutional failures in the public sector figure prominently in public administration curriculums and classrooms. Such a focus o...
The goal of this article is to identify evidence-based building blocks for smart and sensible practices of policy design, public leadership and management, while recognizing that universal templates for success are not the right approach. It is critical that strategies to improve governance show appropriate sensitivity to context. The author...
Governments today often perform demonstrably well on many fronts, much of the time. Yet, their accomplishments are taken for granted or overshadowed by their shortcomings. The public, the media, and even the public service itself are collectively predisposed to notice government failures over successes. A focus on failure, breakdown and crisis help...
This essay explores the topic of strategic libel and defamation suits by corporate actors against NGOs and journalists in Europe in relation to corporate environmental crime and corruption – issues that are often related. This essay adopts a criminological perspective by placing strategic litigation in the broader context of corporate strategies to...
From corporate corruption and the facilitation of money laundering, to food fraud and labour exploitation, European citizens continue to be confronted by serious corporate and white-collar crimes. Presenting an original series of provocative essays, this book offers a European framing of white-collar crime. Experts from different countries foregrou...
On 31 May 2016, Resolute Forest Products, a Canadian pulp and paper manufacturer, filed suit against Greenpeace and Stand.earth, environmental organizations that had been engaged in a campaign against Resolute regarding its allegedly unsustainable forestry activities. Resolute accused Greenpeace of racketeering under the United States’...
Invented in 2008 with Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies represent a radical technological innovation in finance and banking; one which threatened to disrupt the existing regulatory regimes governing those sectors. This article examines, from a reputation management perspective, how regulatory agencies framed their response. Through a content analysis, we c...
This deliverable offers a systematic and comprehensive review of the literature on trust and regulation and their relations in three parts. Section 1 provides a brief overview of trust and distrust; their relationship; and antecedents (drivers) and positive and negative consequences. This second part of provides an overview of phases and processes...
The modern health care landscape is increasingly hard to capture in regulation and difficult to control by supervision agencies since, due to technological innovation and societal developments, new products and new health risks often emerge that extant regulation does not cover adequately. To counteract potentially harmful conduct, supervision agen...
Smart Mixes for Transboundary Environmental Harm - edited by Judith van Erp March 2019
Smart Mixes for Transboundary Environmental Harm - edited by Judith van Erp March 2019
This work offers a multidisciplinary approach to legal and policy instruments used to prevent and remedy global environmental challenges. It provides a theoretical overview of a variety of instruments, making distinctions between levels of governance (treaties, domestic law), types of instruments (market-based instruments, regulation, and liability...
A special issue containing contributions on corruption; toxic corporate culture; collusion; ethical culture; whistleblowing; and corporate security.
Inspectorates and enforcement agencies increasingly depend on information from societal actors to detect and enforce business offenses, but little is known about the factors underlying external reporting. This paper aims to contribute to a better understanding of what drives external reporters to report offenses to enforcement agencies, and how rep...
This paper seeks to bridge the disciplinary gap between regulation and governance studies, and criminology. Based on a review of theoretical and empirical work on corporate crime, this paper argues that divergent approaches to questions of individual agency, localized variety, and political context, have drawn these two disciplines in different dir...
This article studies the role of a public regulator in managing the performance of healthcare professionals. It combines a networked governance perspective with responsive regulation theory to show the mechanisms that have added to significant changes in medical cost management in the Netherlands. In a five‐year period, hospital practices transitio...
The petro-chemical industry is a critical infrastructure that is vulnerable to cybercrime. In particular, industrial process control systems contain many vulnerabilities and are known targets for hackers. A cyberattack to a chemical facility can cause enormous risks to the economy, the environment, and public health and safety. This gives rise to t...
This article directs the ‘visual turn’ in criminology to corporate crime, a topic that has been understudied by cultural criminologists. A recent trend of corporate crime movies suggests that film can compellingly critique economic crime and unethical business cultures. This article studies how law enforcement agencies, particularly competition aut...
Seagoing vessels frequently blend heavy fuel oil (HFO) with toxic waste and subsequently dump the oil in the sea. This contributes considerably to marine and air pollution. This chapter discusses the scope and nature of both activities. The high costs of legal waste management and the relative ease and impunity with which waste materials can be mix...
In this study we investigate the effect of showing suspects of crime in a TV programme on the probability of apprehension. We exploit exogenous variation in the number of viewers of the crime programme induced by Champions League games broadcasted on competing channels. The estimates show that an increase in the number of viewers of the TV programm...
Het overgrote deel van handhavings- en nalevingsonderzoek richt zich op het optreden van toezichthouders en de manier waarop ondernemers daarop reageren. Naar de manier waarop ondernemers reageren op het uitblijven van handhavend optreden is nagenoeg geen onderzoek gedaan. Dit is opmerkelijk aangezien de meeste inspecties jaarlijks zelden meer dan...
Recently, Situational Crime Prevention Theory (SCPT) has been proposed as an alternative to offender-based theories of white-collar
crime. This paper uses the results of a cross-case analysis of 23 criminal investigations of environmental crime in the Netherlands
to explore the fruitfulness of SCPT as a method of scientific study of environmental c...
Enforcement against corporate offenses is increasingly carried out by specialized regulatory agencies. These often use publicity as a regulatory tool, in the expectation that disclosure of sanctions will invoke the threat of reputational damage and broadcasts a moral message about desired behavior. This article investigates how media represent admi...
Enforcement agencies increasingly disclose or “name and shame” corporate offenders. This article uses responsive regulation as a framework for an empirical study of the impact of non-anonymous publication of sanctions in the Dutch financial market. These publications are characterized as “naming without shaming”, because they are used for technical...
Regulatory disclosure of names of offending companies is increasingly popular as an alternative to traditional command and control regulation. However, the goals and intended effects of disclosure are not always clear. Do regulators wish to increase their transparency, or do they intend to name and shame? This article aims to contribute to a better...
This policy essay discusses the potential of smart regulation on the basis of supply-chain regulation by the European Union (EU), and in particular the regulatory enforcement policy of e-waste in the Netherlands. On the issue of e-waste, the Dutch Inspectorate of Environment has developed an innovative enforcement approach and plays a leading role...
This article analyses how reputation functions as a mechanism for social control in private and public regulation. It discusses three cases of private markets where reputation is a powerful and effective mechanism for social control. From the case studies, four characteristics of markets with effective reputational sanctions are identified. Reputat...
In deze bijdrage gaan we in op openbaarmaking van toezichtsresultaten door toezichthouders. We onderscheiden twee doelen van openbaarmaking: een marktordeningsdoel of een toezichtsdoel. In deze bijdrage zijn we geïnteresseerd in de wijze waarop toezichthouders in de praktijk invulling geven aan deze doelstellingen. Op welke wijze maken toezichthoud...
Two contradictory developments characterize modern corporate regulation. On the one hand, the demand for public supervision and control is ever increasing. New supervisory authorities are founded and existing agencies are assigned more power. On the other hand, corporations should be trusted for their abilities to regulate themselves and monitor th...
Toen de Franse bank Société Générale (SG) halverwege januari 2008 een miljar-denfraude ontdekte, moest ze tot haar schaamte constateren dat deze fraude door slechts één medewerker was gepleegd. Deze 31-jarige Jerome Kerviel was het gelukt de interne controlemechanismen van de bank te omzeilen en op die manier bijna 5 miljard euro te verliezen. Het...
Disclosure of inspection results not only contributes to consumer empowerment, but also affect company compliance. Disclosure stimulates compliance because fear of bad publicity serves as a deterrent for violations. However, excessively stigmatic disclosure can become counter-productive and lead to defiance. To help draw the balance between a deter...
Responsive regulation is de belangrijkste theorie in het debat over regulering en handhaving van organisatiecriminaliteit. Met name de handhavingspiramide van John Braithwaite wordt door veel Nederlandse toezichthouders omarmd. Dit artikel onderzoekt de grondslagen van die handhavingspiramide. We laten zien dat de centrale uitgangspunten van de pir...
De dreiging van negatieve publiciteit vormt voor ondernemingen een belangrijke drijfveer voor regelnaleving. Deze dreiging is vele malen groter dan de afschrikwekkende werking die uitgaat van de handhaving. In deze bijdrage is de vraag aan de orde of en hoe handhavers hier hun voordeel mee kunnen doen. Vormt negatieve publiciteit een alternatief vo...
It has been widely established that reputation is a powerful social control device. But what happens when regulators try to make use of this strength by transforming reputational sanctioning into an instrument of public policy? Regulatory disclosure, or naming and shaming, is becoming more and more popular among regulators. This paper aims to explo...
This article studies community notification of suspects, as in Crimewatch and its Dutch equivalent, Opsporing Verzocht, and on police websites. It explores how these messages frame crime, and how these frames change when police messages are copied by private websites. Publication of suspects by the police is characterized as responsibilization, bec...
Recentelijk werden de hoofdverdachten in de ‘Klimop-zaak’ door de Rechtbank Haarlem in eerste aanleg veroordeeld tot uiteenlopende straffen. Strafrechtelijke vervolging van fraude zou er mede toe moeten dienen witteboordencriminaliteit ondubbelzinnig te veroordelen. Welke rol spelen de media bij deze pogingen om een grens te trekken in het grijze g...
Laten ondernemingen zich afschrikken door de dreiging van schadevergoeding? Die vraag staat in deze bijdrage centraal. In de discussie over preventieve effecten van schadevergoedingen wordt vaak uitsluitend gerefereerd aan de directe kosten van te vergoeden schade. De afschrikwekkende werking daarvan is onvoldoende om in effectieve preventie te kun...
“Naming en shaming” in het toezicht is in opkomst. Steeds meer toezichthouders maken de identiteit van overtredende ondernemingen bekend in inspectierapporten, openbare sanctieregisters, of zwarte lijsten. Meestal gebeurt dit om consumenten te informeren of om verantwoording af te leggen over het toezicht. Maar speelt deze informatie werkelijk een...
De gezondheidszorg is het meest omvangrijke onderdeel van de Nederlandse publieke dienstverlening. Meer dan een miljoen mensen werkt in de zorg, en er gaat in de zorg zo’n 65 miljard euro aan publieke middelen om. Met het oog op de vergrijzing is het beheersbaar houden van de kosten en efficiënter maken van de zorg een van de grootste opgaven van h...
De vraag die wij in onze bijdrage willen onderzoeken is hoe overheidstoezicht en burgertoezicht zich tot elkaar kunnen verhouden. Overheids- en burgertoezicht hebben steeds naast elkaar bestaan en zijn op verschillende manieren met elkaar vervlochten. Interessant aan deze tijd is echter dat praktijken van zowel onder toezicht gestelden als van toez...