Juana Perpiñá-GalvañUniversity of Alicante | UA · Nursing Department
Juana Perpiñá-Galvañ
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Publications (38)
To evaluate a postgraduate educational intervention that integrates communication and technical skills in critical healthcare situations for interprofessional teams from the perspective of students and lecturers.
In phase 1, students and lecturers participated in the evaluation of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats o...
Background: Overcrowding in emergency services (ESs) is an escalating issue in many countries worldwide, and it is also evident in the paediatric context. Specifically, in paediatric emergency departments (PEDs) in Europe, there has been a noticeable upward trend in demand for care over the past decade, peaking at 9.1 million visits in 2020. Object...
Multiple trauma injuries are the leading cause of death and disability in people under the age of 45 and require prompt and specialised care. However, medical and nursing education programmes do not always include specific training in emergency pre-hospital care, resulting in a lack of basic practical skills in trauma management.
Antecedentes: Los profesionales deben ser capaces de atender lasnecesidades clínicas y psicosociales de los pacientes de manera simultánea.Objetivo: Evaluar una intervención educativa con entrenamiento combinadode habilidades técnicas y comunicativas en situaciones de cuidados críticosdentro de un curso de posgrado en ciencias de la salud para equi...
There is no clear evidence on the relationship between nursing student learning outcomes and the type of simulator used or its cost-effectiveness.
Compare nursing student learning outcomes using either the hybrid patient or mannequin and the cost-utility of both simulators.
A randomised experimental study with an ex...
The incidence of high-grade anal intraepithelial lesions (HSILs) has increased in recent years among men who have sex with men with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This work evaluated the validity of the human papilloma virus viral load (HPV-VL) versus cytological and qualitative HPV results to detect HSILs.
From May 2017 to...
The aim of this study was to understand the perspectives of female residents of Spain from West Africa in terms of the factors that condition their lives. Pierre Bourdieu's theory and the model of intersectionality formed the framework we used to qualitatively analyse the life stories of these women, which was complemented with life lines. The resu...
Mannequin vs Hybrid patient to train in polytrauma nursing skills
To the best of our knowledge, no studies have yet examined the emotional repercussions of the care processes among people infected with the human immunodeficiency virus who participate in preventive anal cancer screening programs.
This study aimed to explore the knowledge, emotions, sexuality, barriers, and facilitators pe...
Symptoms of fatigue and lack of energy are very common in caregivers of palliative care (PC) patients, traditionally associated with variables such as burden or depression. There are no Spanish-language instruments validated for assessing fatigue levels in this population. The Fatigue Assessment Scale (FAS) is a useful and simple instrument for ass...
In this article, we explore the beliefs, values and attitudes about female genital mutilation in the diaspora of sub-Saharan women and how the migration process has influenced these beliefs. Our qualitative analysis of the life stories and lifelines of 10 women in the sub-Saharan diaspora in light of the Social Convention Theory indicated that maki...
En el ámbito de las emergencias y catástrofes, los profesionales sanitarios se enfrentan
a situaciones complejas que requieren la aplicación de competencias actitudinales,
cognitivas y procedimentales en un entorno desfavorable, lleno de presión, interrupciones e imprevisibilidad. Estas condiciones laborales influyen negativamente en la calidad asi...
Se sabe poco sobre las características de los programas de rehabilitación cardíaca implantados en la actualidad en España, por lo que el objetivo de este estudio fue conocer la efectividad de la rehabilitación cardíaca en pacientes con cardiopatía isquémica en España, mediante una revisión sistemática exploratoria de la literatura científic...
Self-efficacy is a critical element of social cognitive theory and refers to a person's estimation of their ability to complete a specific task. Self-efficacy scales evaluate the effectiveness of communication skills training programs. There were not validated scales in Spanish.
to cross-culturally adapt the Self-efficacy quest...
There is a need for trained health professionals who can swiftly respond to disasters occurring worldwide. Little is known about whether the currently available programmes in disaster management are in line with the recommendations of expert researchers. Our objective was to qualitatively review the characteristics of European educational programme...
The use of qualitative methodologies together with visual methods is being incorporated into different lines of research to offer an alternative form of expression that can provide richer and more meaningful data. The objective of this study was to analyse the use of life histories and lifelines in the study of female genital mutilation (FGM) in th...
Breastfeeding self‐efficacy is a relevant predictor of exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months of life. The Prenatal Breastfeeding Self‐Efficacy Scale (PBSES) is a 20‐item tool developed to determine breastfeeding self‐efficacy during pregnancy. Our study aimed to assess the structural validity and psychometric characteristics of the PB...
Patient safety and quality of care are fundamental pillars in the health policies of various governments and international organizations. The purpose of this study is to evaluate nurses’ perceptions on the degree of implementation of a protocol for the standardization of care and to measure its influence on notification of adverse events related to...
Simulación de alta fidelidad con paciente estandarizado para el entrenamiento de habilidades de comunicación
The complexity of palliative care means that the emotional distress and burden that primary family caregivers suffer under can be particularly high. The objective of this study was to determine the level of burden endured by these primary family caregivers and to identify the variables that predict it in the caregiving relatives of people who requi...
Introducción: La adquisición de competencias relacionadas con aspectos emocionales y habilidades de comunicación es fundamental en asignaturas como Cuidados Paliativos, Salud Mental y Enfermería Comunitaria, por lo que desarrollar un programa de entrenamiento de dichas habilidades mediante simulación de alta fidelidad sería beneficioso. Objetivo: (...
During the transfer of patients, both ambulance and hospital emergency service professionals need to exchange necessary, precise, and complete information for an effective handover. Some factors threaten a quality handover such as excessive caseload, patients with multiple comorbidities, limited past medical history, and frequent inter...
In health and clinical studies, health-related quality of life is often assessed using the well-established KIDSCREEN-52 questionnaires as well as the Vécu et Santé Perçue de l’Adolescent (VSP-A). The purpose of this study was twofold: to perform an adjusted linguistic validation of the Colombian version of the KIDSCREEN-52 and to assess its psycho...
La seguridad del paciente es una cuestión primordial en el ámbito sanitario y una dimensión clave de la
calidad asistencial. La práctica clínica es una actividad compleja, acompañada de riesgos e
incertidumbres. En el contexto de los cuidados de enfermería, el aprendizaje y la formación en
competencias procedimentales es imprescindible para el desa...
Identificar las principales quejas de los pacientes en relación a los servicios sanitarios recibidos, podría
ayudar a los alumnos de enfermería a tomar conciencia de algunas de las necesidades de los pacientes que
no son abordadas correctamente por algunos profesionales sanitarios. El estudio se propone conocer las
opiniones de los alumnos de enfer...
La seguridad del paciente es objetivo de la OMS. Debe determinar la calidad asistencial y la formación grado/posgrado. En el aprendizaje en competencias procedimentales el alumnado debe de ser capaz de reproducir lo aprendido en espacios controlados en el contacto con las personas enfermas. Se presenta el material audiovisual y la validación de "ch...
Innovaciones metodológicas en docencia universitaria: resultados de investigación (ISBN: 978-84-608-4141-4) 2015 131. Evaluación del Practicum del Grado en Enfermería. Estudio comparativo entre dos instituciones universitarias RESUMEN. El EEES pone en el centro de nuestras actuaciones al alumnado y nos identifica como elementos incentivadores y mot...
El alumnado acude a la Universidad con intención de adquirir competencias profesionales. Planteamos el currículo de titulación y su contenido y el método deben traducirse eficazmente en la práctica. Si encontramos un vacío provocamos un “shock de realidad.” Para evitarlo surge el consenso de Guía de Practicum con los Centros Sanitarios, la adquisic...
Las dificultades manifestadas, en los primeros meses de funcionamiento de la herramienta informatizada de evaluación del Practicum del Grado en Enfermería, por alumnos, tutores y profesores hace necesario analizar la pertinencia de los objetivos de aprendizaje y de sus criterios de evaluación incluidos en la herramienta. Se realizó un análisis de c...
In order to measure anxiety in physically and cognitively debilitated patients, such as patients receiving invasive mechanical ventilation, the use of reliable and valid instruments is recommended; however, these instruments should be short.
To analyze the reliability and validity of a short version of the state subscale f...
The goal was to describe the content validity of a short version of the state subscale of Spielberger's "State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI)", based on the original version adapted to Spanish, in Spanish patients receiving invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV). The sample consisted of 16 patients receiving IMV at the Alicante Hospital (Spain), who...
There is comorbidity between respiratory disease and anxiety. In order to measure the anxiety of hospitalized patients it is necessary to use reliable and valid, and preferably short questionnaires.
To analyze the reliability and validity of a shortened version of the state subscale of the “State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI)” in respiratory patie...
La metodología educativa de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) supone que el estudiante adquiera la capacidad de identificar problemas y pueda buscar la información para resolverlos. Con el objetivo de desarrollar materiales de apoyo para el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje con metodología ABP, nueve profesores del Departamento de Enfermería des...
To review studies of anxiety in critically ill patients admitted to an intensive care unit to describe the level of anxiety and synthesize the psychometric properties of the instruments used to measure anxiety.
The CUIDEN, IME, ISOC, CINAHL, MEDLINE, and PSYCINFO databases for 1995 to 2005 were searched. The search focused on 3 concepts: anxiety, i...
ObjetiveTo analyze the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing registers of the General University Hospital of Alicante, to compare the results with those of a similar study performed in 1995 in the same ICU and to analyze the contents in greater depth and taking other features into account. The results obtained could serve as the basis for recommendatio...
During the last few years the need to implant written Nursing registers has been transferred from Schools to the different official organisms. The Servicio Valenciano de Salud took it as an aim to achieve by 1992 and we also know the Insalud and other autonomic sanitary organisms have shown their interest for the creation of such registers, and the...