Juana Claudia Leyva Aguilera

Juana Claudia Leyva Aguilera
Juana verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Juana verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Autonomous University of Baja California | UABC · Facultad de Ciencias (Ensenada)

Doctorado en Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo


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Publications (41)
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Diferentes estudios muestran la capacidad de los plaguicidas para inducir daño genético (DG) con diversos efectos en la salud. En el presente trabajo se estudia la genotoxicidad en residentes del valle agrícola de San Quintín, Baja California, México (VSQ). El objetivo fue determinar si la exposición laboral y ambiental a plaguicidas en la región d...
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Wind energy development has expanded the fastest globally among all renewable sources during the last 20 years. However, wind farms have documented adverse impacts on bats, including mortality from collisions with turbine blades and disruptions to habitat and behavior. As the world's sixth most attractive economy for renewables, with 70 operating w...
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El pez espinocho (Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnaeus, 1758) es una especie de afinidad holártica distribuida en América en los humedales de la costa del Pacífico, desde el Estrecho de Bering, Alaska hasta el río El Rosario, Baja California, México (Bell y Foster, 1994). En Baja California, la distribución histórica del pez espinocho abarcó once locali...
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Las cocinas representan una forma de explorar la identidad de un territorio. Estas, así como el uso de ciertos ingredientes, son un ejemplo crucial entre las prácticas del paisaje gastronómico en contextos rurales. Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las caracte-rísticas de las cocinas de restaurantes rurales en un contexto local, e identifi...
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La sardinilla peninsular, Fundulus lima (Vaillant, 1894) es una especie íctica perteneciente a la familia Fundulidae y al orden Cyprinodontiformes. Es una de las dos especies dulceacuícolas endémicas de la península de Baja California, México (Ruiz-Campos et al., 2003). Tiene una distribución confinada en los oasis de las cuencas del Río San Ignaci...
This work aims to documenting use and importance of natural resources identified as edible by the Kumiai, native people from the northwestern region of Baja California. For this study a qualitative investigation was carried out in both historical and current contexts, to identify edible plants with cultural value and symbolism for the native cuisin...
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Traditional foods, once central to the diets of different cultures, are losing relevance as knowledge about food and its natural ecosystem deteriorates. This qualitative study describes the traditional food system of a Kumiai community in Baja California, and the ways in which the Kumiai have continually adapted their use and management of wild foo...
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Las zonas áridas cubren 40% de la superficie terrestre en donde habita el 40% de la población humana. Tras el desarrollo de las zonas áridas estas evolucionaron como sistemas socio-ecológicos (SSE) altamente vulnerables al cambio climático y a la desertificación. Para cumplir con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), se requieren nuevas for...
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Sustainability requires a combination of meaningful co-production of locally relevant solutions, synthesis of insights gained across regions, and increased cooperation between science, policy and practice. The Programme for Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS) has been coordinating Place-Based Social-Ecological Sustainability Research (PBSESR) acros...
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The use of song and ornamental birds (SOB) as pets is a traditional and commercial activity in Mexico. This paper is part of a larger research which aim was to analyze the commercial use of birds. The objective is to depict the complexity of the stake-holders system involved in the activity of live birds selling in Mexico. We display in diagrams th...
1. Marine mammals are indicators of ecosystem health, and thus stranding records are an nvaluable information source. The response to marine mammal stranding (RMMS) must be comprehensive, taking into account three components: (i) operations, (ii) research, and (iii) information dissemination. Although RMMS had previously been practised in several...
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Kumeyaay people were historically hunter-gatherers with a strong relationship with their natural resources. Due to various processes, such as missionary colonization, agrarian reform, and the definition of the border between the USA and Mexico in 1838, the Indigenous populations faced reduced mobility within their territory and modified their lifes...
Using the Driving Forces-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) framework, this paper proposes indicators to measure human activities affecting three surf breaks located within Bahía de Todos Santos World Surfing Reserve (BTSWSR) in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. To develop these indicators, a learning community was formed where interdisciplina...
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Due to their antibacterial and antiviral effects, silver nanoparticles (AgNP) are one of the most widely used nanomaterials worldwide in various industries, e.g., in textiles, cosmetics and biomedical-related products. Unfortunately, the lack of complete physicochemical characterization and the variety of models used to evaluate its cytotoxic/genot...
The land-use planning effort for a semiarid watershed where wine is the staple economic product was evaluated. Over the last 30 years, three top-down local public policies have been in effect with the shared objective of building a sustainable valley where rural settlements, Mediterranean-type crops, and tourism can thrive. The evaluation result wa...
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The complexity of environmental issues focuses on the multiplicity of actors and interests that are integrated in the management of socio-ecological systems. This approach has been analyzed from different perspectives. In recent decades one of the approaches that have been incorporated into discourses, research, and public policies at the internati...
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La prospectiva ambiental permite proyectar escenarios futuros con el fin de tomar decisiones par-ticipativas; metodológicamente requiere de un análisis retrospectivo que permita dar explicación a la situación que interesa analizar. El objetivo de este artículo es hacer la retrospectiva de una duna costera ubicada en el ejido Nueva Odisea en Ensenad...
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El turismo en espacios naturales es un fenómeno que se intensificó en las últimas décadas. El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar los impactos de esta actividad en los Parques Nacionales Sierra de San Pedro Mártir y Constitución de 1857. Para ello, se realizó observación directa y 18 entrevistas semiestructuradas a funcionarios y habitantes de...
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We studied the fish fauna of the Río Saín Alto (Río Aguanaval endorheic basin) in Zacatecas, Mexico, during the dry (May) and wet (October) seasons of 2011 in order to evaluate changes in the distribution of the species and its relationship with environmental variables. A total of 12 fish species (6 native and 6 exotic) were registered. The longitu...
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Las áreas naturales bajo régimen de protección han sido consideradas lugares con limitada participación comunitaria, especialmente en Latinoamérica, donde son evidentes los niveles de marginación y desigualdad. Los proyectos de geoparques fungen como alternativas vinculantes entre la sociedad y el patrimonio natural con base en las áreas protegidas...
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Birds are used in México for subsistence income and have traditionally been part of local cultural heritage. A group of people called pajareros are required by law to apply for permits for harvesting and selling birds, which are authorized by Mexican environmental and wildlife government officers mostly for subsistence use. While environmental mana...
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Birds are used in México for subsistence income and have traditionally been part of local cultural heritage. A group of people called pajareros are required by law to apply for permits for harvesting and selling birds, which are authorized by Mexican environmental and wildlife government officers mostly for subsistence use. While environmental mana...
Se presenta un análisis espacial para identificar cinco subproductos que pueden ser valorizados del flujo de los urbanos en la ciudad de Pachuca de Soto Hidalgo. Se utilizó un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG), con el software ArcGIS. Las distancias de aproximación que se usaron fue de 1, 3, 6 y 9 km; los subproductos que se incluyeron fueron...
Se presenta un análisis espacial para identificar cinco subproductos que pueden ser valorizados del flujo de los urbanos en la ciudad de Pachuca de Soto Hidalgo. Se utilizó un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG), con el software ArcGIS. Las distancias de aproximación que se usaron fue de 1, 3, 6 y 9 km; los subproductos que se incluyeron fueron...
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In 2009 we conducted a pre – construction study at La Rumorosa wind farm, with the objective of knowing general characteristics of the bat community and determine the effect of the installation of the wind farm on this group of mammals and mitigate its impact once the wind farm was operating.
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Las áreas naturales bajo régimen de protección, han sido consideradas como sitios con limitada participación comunitaria, especialmente en Latinoamérica, donde son evidentes los niveles de marginación y desigualdad. Los proyectos de geoparques fungen como alternativas vinculantes entre la sociedad y el patrimonio natural con base en las áreas prote...
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Por décadas la conservación de los recursos naturales han estado ligados a la biodiversidad y la prevención de presiones antrópicas sobre ecosistemas frágiles o vulnerables. Este enfoque ha influido en la desvalorización de otros componentes, que en conjunto con la biodiversidad pueden funcionar como estrategias importantes para el desarrollo local...
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The certification of 'clean beaches' is an instrument of public policy which seeks to safeguard both the health of beach users and the characteristics of the area which make it attractive for their use. In order to certify a beach as 'clean', we suggest the incorporation of beach users' perceptions into the process as a means to generate responses...
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Colonet, Baja California, is a rural community located in an arid zone where the development of a new port of huge dimensions has been proposed. We conducted a socio–environmental diagnosis in order to identify current environmental problems and possible solutions through the analysis of social perception and environmental threats. The lack of wate...
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This article identifies the value that have been created surrounding the antropic, biotic and abiotic factors of the megaport proyect in Colonet Bay. The work was based on the analysis of 409 news articles from five northwest Mexico-USA border region online newspapers. The interpretative epistemologic frame was chosen, and the quantity and quality...
Coastal succulent scrub of Baja California is being fragmented and replaced by agriculture, residential, recreational, commercial, and industrial land uses. This study evaluated fragmentation effects of a residential-recreational development. The site was a mosaic of native coastal succulent scrub (CSS) in a matrix of introduced grasslands and tour...
In this paper the limitations to regional planning are exposed, especially regarding ecological ordinances since they need horizontal and vertical coordination among different government levels and several actors to better know, adapt and apply the law in their own competences. We propose the possible use of Strategic Environmental Assessment as a...
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En este artículo se exponen las limitaciones de planeación para la implementación de ordenamientos ecológicos que requieren coordinación tanto horizontal como vertical de los distintos niveles de gobierno y otros actores que permitan conocer, adaptar y aplicar de mejor manera la normatividad legal en el ámbito de competencia de cada una de estas in...
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Postgraduate programmes in ecosystems management, conservation biology, or sustainable development attempt to understand environmental issues from an interdisciplinary approach. We list the main problems and solutions dealing with the evaluation of interdisciplinary work. The evaluation processes are attached to more funding and higher salaries; th...
Development threats to beautiful and productive agricultural areas occur throughout the world. This case study of one such productive valley reveals its agricultural uniqueness to Mexico and the pressures for its industrialization. Landscape and regional planning and environmental impact assessment tools were applied to suggest compatible and susta...


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