Juan Carlos A. Sandoval-Rivera

Juan Carlos A. Sandoval-Rivera
Universidad Veracruzana | UV · Instituto de Investigaciones en Educación

Research project: Towards a new pertinence and relevance of rural and indigenous education.


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Juan Carlos A. Sandoval-Rivera currently works at the Instituto de Investigaciones en Educación, Universidad Veracruzana. Juan-Carlos does research in Qualitative Educational Research. His current project is "Towards a new pertinence and relevance of rural and indigenous education: situated learning for sustainability based on narratives, concerns, knowledge and practices and its articulation to the national curriculum".


Publications (35)
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La versión digital se puede consultar en: https://revistas.crefal.edu.mx/decisio/ SABERES PARA LA ACCIÓN EN EDUCACIÓN DE ADULTOS Formación docente acompañada para una educación orientada a la justicia social y ecológica.
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Introducción En este artículo presentamos el proyecto CARE-México que se orienta a propiciar aprendizajes si-tuados considerando centralmente preocupaciones socioecológicas, conocimientos y prácticas locales a través de progresiones de aprendizaje situado, es decir, proyectos que tienen la ética del cuidado del entorno natural y social al centro a...
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Introducción El cambio climático es el fenómeno de carácter global que podemos considerar como la mayor preocupación del siglo XXI (González et al., 2019). En el sexto informe del Grupo Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el Cambio Climático (IPCC) (2021), se ofrece por primera vez un análisis detallado del cambio climático en América Latina, en e...
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This chapter is a critical review of Hand-Print CARE toward the inclusion of intergenerational knowledge and ethics in contemporary curriculum settings as plural knowledge mediation environments. The Hand-Print concept emerged as a proposition for learner-led action learning in the Centre for Environment Education, India. “CARE” emerged as an acron...
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Inspirados por la noción de conciencia crítica que propone Paulo Freire para lograr una educación liberadora (2009) y la relectura que hace de su obra bell hooks (1994), llevamos a cabo el diseño e implementación de una propuesta educativa situada y ecofeminista para la identificación de la violencia machista –una de las opresiones más invisibiliza...
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Intergenerational indigenous knowledge practices are explored as a foundation for emancipatory learning transactions at the margins of colonial modernity. Here heritage practices are contemplated as foundations for transformative learning actions from below, together. This vantage point is used to inform situated learning in classroom settings usin...
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This article describes a case of active and situated pedagogy in Mexico. It proposes rethinking school–community participation policies in times of climate change. The authors argue that exploring climate change at school from a situated perspective, while also including local knowledge and practices, helps understand it and generates actions to fi...
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This international teacher education handbook offers a rich resource for how to put ESD into practice in the classroom. It offers a pedagogy allowing teachers to integrate ESD into their daily teaching practice and it provides a variety of exemplars, videos, pictures and other materials to help them realise this step. Because of its global nature,...
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Given the historically unprecedented socioecological crisis created by human domination of the natural world, this article offers insights derived from “critical development theories” supported by examples from traditional communities that call on western researchers to think about development knowledge differently. It will be argued that a single...
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En este capítulo hablamos del cuidado, tratando de argumentar y explicar por qué consideramos que se trata de una perspectiva ontológica y epistemológica relevante para la educación en general y para desarrollar procesos educativos orientados al cambio y hacia la justicia social y ecológica desde una posición ética y política.
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Cuidado del entorno natural y social, aprendizaje situado y transformación para la justicia social, ambiental y epistémica son las ideas clave que inspiran este libro y que buscamos compartir a quienes tengan interés en profundizar en alternativas para una educación situada, pertinente, relevante y que contribuya a superar la crisis socio-ecológica...
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En este texto se desarrolla un modelo para el aprendizaje activo guiado por la ética a partir de una crítica a las inclinaciones instrumentales presentes en la educación que no siempre están situadas desde el punto de vista cultural, sustentadas con datos empíricos, ni articuladas de manera adecuada con prácticas sostenibles.
El cambio climático es el fenómeno de carácter globalque podemos considerar como la mayor preocupacióndel siglo XXI (González et al., 2019). En el sexto informe delGrupo Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el CambioClimático (IPCC) (2021), se ofrece por primera vez un análisisdetallado del cambio climático en América Latina, en el quese identifica...
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Visuals are deployed in textbooks, including in those used for Environmental Education (EE) instruction in India, Japan, and Mexico, to perform various pedagogical functions that are not evident at first glance. Formal EE today engages with students in developing necessary skills, favourable attitudes, and capacities for participation, which are es...
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El artículo analiza la importancia de las historias, que contienen preocupaciones, conocimientos y prácticas para el cuidado del entorno socio-ecológico, para detonar procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje situados y pertinentes en educación primaria en contextos rurales e indígenas en Veracruz, México. Particularmente, se centra en las historias sobr...
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Consideramos que la transformación del mundo es posible. Para ello, es crucial trabajar en la pertinencia y la relevancia de la educación a través de métodos para articular conocimientos locales y/o indígenas y conocimientos escolares. Requerimos concretar métodos que nos ayuden a lograr aprendizajes situados y en conexión haciendo énfasis en forma...
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In this case report, we present how we have approached the topic of the milpa in rural and indigenous contexts in Mexico as a basis for understanding the impacts of climate change, and as a traditional practice that can inform adaptation from a situated learning perspective in line with the curriculum. This research demonstrated effective ways to a...
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Hand-Print 'CARE' emerged as an acronym reflecting an ethic of inclusive respect through Concern for others, being Attentive to needs, showing Respect for each other and being Engaged in learning actions for the common good. Hand-Print CARE was thus activated as a co-engaged mediation process towards 'Learning to look after others to best care for...
This article delivers the results of an ethnographic educational research project carried out in an indigenous community in Veracruz State, Mexico, in which cultural practices were identified that produce Indigenous Knowledge aligned with the sustainability paradigm, and therefore with the SDGs. Empirical findings are shown regarding knowledge and...
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The core paper and collection of short papers from Mexico, Africa, India and Sweden that make up this study on social-ecological landscapes developed as a South–South collaboration that was extended to include a case in the North. Our concern was to explore how situated, intergenerational knowledge commonly takes a back seat to the conceptual propo...
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Based on ethnographic fieldwork conducted in an indigenous community of Veracruz, Mexico, traditional socio-ecological knowledge was identified embedded in the oral tradition of fisherwomen of the local community. The reflections presented show the educational potential of indigenous knowledge that, from their own epistemology, has allowed the inha...
Mentoring has proved useful in gathering knowledge and creating leadership when mediating hands‐on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) experiences. This article describes the implementation of an educational project transformed through an ESD leadership program. A case study in Mexico is used to discuss the importance of contextualizing loc...
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Gestión intercultural de la biodiversidad: investigación acción en un proceso educativo con campesinos de Veracruz. El artículo presenta resultados de la sistematización de una experiencia de capacitación que se llevó a cabo con campesinos que manejan especies de fauna silvestre en la región de Los Tuxtlas en Veracruz, México. Se describe el marco...
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This paper describes some of the actions undertaken by a group of scholars from Mexico and South Africa, aimed at including indigenous knowledge in school and non-school contexts, to foster sustainability. The group’s departure centres on the relevance of academia reaching out to indigenous knowledge to allow a wider and more complex view of the wo...
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This article reports the development and use of video materials for the mediating of learning in relation to indigenous knowledge practices in southern Veracruz, Mexico. The case study describes the production of a video on traditional livelihood practices with youth and how sharing the video took participants back to cultural experiences and envir...
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p>El artículo reporta el desarrollo de una investigación colaborativa en donde se utilizó la metodología de video participativo para documentar prácticas de conocimiento indígena en el sur de Veracruz, México. El estudio de caso describe la producción de un video documental con jóvenes indígenas sobre prácticas locales y cómo el proceso de creación...
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This article proposes the articulation of intercultural education and sustainability, linking the recognition of cultural diversity to socio-environmental concerns. This implies transcending formal education and classrooms; moving towards educational modalities that could impact people of different ages, and levels of scholastic achievement, with d...
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This article reports the development of a collaborative research through the use of a participatory video methodology to document indigenous knowledge practices in southern Veracruz, Mexico. The case study describes the production of a video on livelihood practices with youth and how the process of the creation of the video took participants back t...
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El enfoque intercultural desde el cual se desarrolla la tesis, permite respondernos preguntas respecto a la producción de materiales audiovisuales en contextos de diversidad cultural; también, sobre temáticas relacionadas con el conocimiento indígena y el uso del territorio desde la cosmovisión local, así como de procesos de aprendizaje significati...
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The objective of this paper is to analyze the implications of a documentary production experience which was carried out with indigenous youngsters in the southern part of Veracruz. During the project, traditional fishing practices used by women of the community of Zaragoza were filmed under a participatory approach.Using this experience and the mat...
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Un equipo de profesores y estudiantes de la Universidad Veracruzana y campesinos que trabajan con vida silvestre bajo una modalidad de manejo intensivo, desarrolló el proyecto “Fortalecimiento, capacitación, asesoría, asistencia técnica y difusión en unidades de manejo de vida silvestre para 12 proyectos de ejidos y comunidades de la Reserva de la...
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This paper describes the Intercultural University of Veracruz (UVI), an institutional Programme at the University of Veracruz in Mexico (Universidad Veracruzana Intercultural), as a product of the analysis and research carried out over a 10‐year period on cultural diversity and education. There were several institutions and over 20 people involved...


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