Juan Serratosa

Juan Serratosa



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Publications (19)
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There is an increasing expectation for companies to revise their activities to minimize impacts on biodiversity, as well as undertake compensatory and proactive actions to restore biodiversity. To contribute towards global biodiversity goals, such actions need to be both ambitious and effective. Yet, implementation of mitigation actions to avoid im...
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Human-induced direct mortality affects huge numbers of birds each year, threatening hundreds of species worldwide. Tracking technologies can be an important tool to investigate temporal and spatial patterns of bird mortality as well as their drivers. We compiled 1704 mortality records from tracking studies across the African-Eurasian flyway for 45...
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Human-induced direct mortality affects huge numbers of birds each year, threatening hundreds of species worldwide. Tracking technologies can be an important tool to investigate temporal and spatial patterns of bird mortality as well as their drivers. We compiled 1704 mortality records from tracking studies across the African-Eurasian flyway for 45...
Understanding the physiology of stress in wild animals is essential for the conservation of species subject to anthropogenic perturbations. Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) are exposed to increasing anthropogenic impacts in their natural habitat. In this species, females are typically smaller and dive less deep than males. In related specie...
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• For Rapa Nui (Easter Island) and its largest islet, Motu Nui, the change of the species assemblage over time was analysed, and a trait‐based approach to evaluate the potential losses in seabird function across the past centuries was applied. At a finer scale, the seasonal changes in seabird species composition in the current seabird assemblage wa...
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1. While floating near the sea surface plastic debris interacts with a number of external factors, including many different organisms. Seabirds have the most extensive documented history of interactions with plastics, through ingestion, entanglement, and nest construction. 2. In the present study, eight seabird species from the South Pacific Ocean...
Aim For seabirds, food supplies and nest sites are largely driven by oceanographic gradients and island habitats, respectively. Research into seabirds’ ecological roles in insular ecosystems is crucial to understanding processes that structure seabird nesting assemblages. We examined the influence of island physiography and oceanographic factors on...
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The largest population of Humboldt Penguins resides in a fertile archipelago of the north-central coast of Chile, formed by eight islands in proximity to upwelling centers of the Humboldt Current System. However, five of these islands lack legal protection. Here, we report the results of breeding Humboldt Penguins tracked while foraging from Tilgo...
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Artículo de divulgación científica que recopila y dar a conocer las investigaciones sobre las aves marinas de las islas oceánicas chilenas llevadas a cabo por el Núcleo Milenio de Ecología y Manejo Sustentable de Islas Oceánicas (ESMOI) durante los últimos 6 años (2014-2019). Publicado en la revista de divulgación La Chiricoca (http://www.lachiric...
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The South Pacific Gyre has the most hyper-oligotrophic waters in the world and is considered the largest “oceanic desert.” Rapa Nui (Easter Island), located within the South Pacific Gyre, is a breeding ground for masked boobies (Sula dactylatra), which are seabirds with a foraging range that effectively confines them within the gyre. The foraging e...
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Seabird distributions are determined by physical and biological factors operating at variable scales and levels of ecological organization. Accordingly, changes in the composition of the marine avifauna often correspond to large-scale (macro-mega) shifts in water mass properties. Yet, few studies have addressed biogeographical patterns across multi...
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We report the breeding attempt of South American Terns (Sterna hirundinacea) on three boats in Coquimbo, northern Chile. The first breeding attempt was reported in winter 2011 where at least one chick fledged. From April to June 2015, all nests on the boats were monitored. We recorded eggs and chicks during May and early June. However, towards the...
The South Pacific Gyre has the most hyper-oligotrophic waters in the world and is considered to be the largest oceanic desert. How seabirds inhabit this gyre is still poorly known. Easter Island lays in the South Pacific Gyre, and a colony of Masked boobies (Sula dactylatra) is present in one of its islets. To study how Masked boobies from Easter I...
Seabirds have been traditionally excluded from any attempt to produce bioregions at global scales. In this work, for the first time, we make a global classification of bioregions based on the distribution at sea of 359 species of seabirds. To identify these bioregions (geographically distinct assemblages of species and communities) we employ a new...
Conference Paper
Estudiamos en forma directa la mortalidad de aves marinas en embarcaciones de cerco y enmalle a lo largo de la costa durante un año. Analizamos la relación entre el número de aves muertas por lance de pesca usando modelos generalizados lineales. En cerco (n = 104 lances) murieron 98 individuos de 7 especies de aves; la especie más afectada fue el p...
El gaviotín Sudamericano Sterna hirundinacea es residente común en la costa de Sudamérica, con colonias reproductivas en Ecuador, Perú y Chile en el Pacífico y Brasil y Argentina en el Atlántico. Nidifica principalmente en playas de arena o roca, así como en pequeños islotes o acantilados rocosos entre las grietas. Aquí, reportamos la reproducción...
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Positive species-genetic diversity correlations (SGDCs) are often thought to result from the parallel influence of neutral processes on genetic and species diversity. Yet, confounding effects of non-neutral mechanisms have not been explored. Here, we investigate the impact of non-neutral genetic diversity on SGDCs in high Andean wetlands. We compar...
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The Antarctic fur seal, Arctocephalus gazella, has a wide distribution range and breeds primarily in subantarctic and Antarctic locations of the Southern Ocean. We report the first record of this species in northern Chile in August, 2014. Although no external trauma was ob- served, the seal was presumed to be sick because it ap- peared to be underw...


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