Juan Manuel Sánchez CéspedesDistrict University of Bogotá | UDISTRITAL
Juan Manuel Sánchez Céspedes
Master of Business Administration
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Develop artificial intelligence tools for public policy
Skills and Expertise
Publications (36)
High levels of poverty in rural areas constitute one of the main challenges for developing countries. Since agricultural employment is the main source of income in these areas, the design of tools that simulate and help public policymakers will be remarkably useful. This work proposes the development of a model for agricultural employment in Colomb...
Poor air quality in large cities such as Bogotá, due to fixed and mobile emission sources of particulate matter, negatively affects the social, economic and ecological systems of the city. Population growth is one of the main causes that influence air pollution. Therefore, it is considered necessary to analyze the cause-effect relationships of poll...
The purpose of this article consists of analyzing publications discussing the use of agent-based artificial intelligence models in sustainable agriculture research. The analysis involved bibliometric indicators and the Rstudio software with Bibliometrix library. The methodology is descriptive with a quantitative approach. Scientific databases SCOPU...
La mala calidad del aire en las grandes ciudades como Bogotá, debido a fuentes de emisión fijas y móviles de material particulado, afectan negativamente a los sistemas sociales, económicos y ecológicos de la ciudad. El crecimiento de la población es una de las principales causas que influye en la contaminación atmosférica. Por lo que se considera n...
El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar una revisión sobre el uso de las técnicas de inteligencia artificial (IA) aplicadas a la formulación de políticas públicas que contribuyan a la vocación agrícola de las regiones, para lo cual se usó una metodología descriptiva con enfoque mixto. El diseño metodológico utilizado fue el PRISMA (Preferred Repor...
This article presents the design, development and implementation of a software tool, serving as an alternative to the problems involving management, control and reporting of processes within the institutional plan for environmental management (known as plan institucional de gestión ambiental (PIGA) by its Spanish acronym) for the Universidad Distri...
Electronic waste generated from Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has become a global is- sue as this represents a negative impact on both environment and human health. Consequently, it is noticeably useful to develop tools to soften such impact. Therefore, this article presents a rules-based system implemented in Prolog aiming at gu...
This paper models the operation of Internet 2, the advanced national academic network (RENATA) in Colombia, by as-sessing the fundamental services that it supports and its respective performance. The academic and scientific importance of the article lies on discussing the problem of NRAN networks not being harnessed as scientific tools that may hav...
Este manuscrito tiene como objeto establecer los impactos generados por quienes residen en la margen del cuerpo de agua denominado caño la Cuerera, en el transecto correspondiente al barrio Macunaima, en la ciudad de Villavicencio Meta, Colombia. Este se abordó desde un enfoque cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo, realizando observaciones in situ, así...
Los establecimientos comerciales son los entes en los que se soporta la economía de Villavicencio, el Centro histórico de la ciudad se caracteriza por agrupar comerciantes dedicados a distintas actividades, a su vez funciona como acopio de mercancías para la venta al detal como al por mayor, convirtiéndose en despensa regional. Por eso, se consider...
Este manuscrito considera algunos elementos teóricos y conceptuales de análisis de política de seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en países tropicales. Se aplicó un método descriptivo. Se analizaron enfoques de desarrollo, desde las diferentes posturas de pensamientos y las estrategias apropiadas para el desarrollo de una seguridad alimentaria y e...
El presente estudio se desarrolló con los comerciantes presentes en la Central de Abastos de Villavicencio. Su objeto es determinar el impacto en la dimensión económica de este tipo de comercio ocasionado por la suspensión del flujo vehicular entre las ciudades de Villavicencio y Bogotá por la autopista al Llano ISSN 2256-acaecido en el año 2019. A...
El componente Agrored y su implicación como agente de cambio que coadyuve al desarrollo rural de la localidad, partiendo del análisis de las estrategias hasta ahora desarrolladas por la Política de seguridad alimentaria y el plan maestro de abastecimiento de alimentos y seguridad alimentaria, para al final estructurar un plan de recomendaciones que...
This paper aims to analyze the existence of acts of domestic violence in the city of Bogotá, Colombia, during the period between 2014 to 2018, when one or more members profess a different religion to which the other members of his family, belief, custom or manifest not believing in anything; how this type of violence due to religion is related to o...
This document considers the aspects of the analysis of limits in the exercise of the right to religious freedom, worship and conscience, it is an issue of special relevance considering that it is not an "unrestricted and erga omnes" right because there are limits based on respect for the rights of others. It is necessary to promote a culture of res...
In Colombia, one of the big problems has been to formulate agricultural policies that benefit the entire agriculture community, since the generated policies, have brought unexpected effects that in some cases have taken side impacts not so positive, in significant sectors of the farming community. The main reason is that the formulation process is...
The process of formulating agricultural public policies is complex due to the large number of variables involved in it. However, there is a methodology that helps the process: the development of decision support systems (DSS). This article shows the results of reviewing the developments made on implementing DSS on the formulating agricul...
This document considers the elements of the international and national review of the legal framework of religious freedom and worship, in the field of qualitative research and a methodological approach to case studies, se pretende which aims to humanize the life and dignity of victims of discrimination and religious violence belonging to religious...
Este artículo presenta una revisión a los trabajos desarrollados en la aplicación de métodos de ciencia de datos para calcular y gestionar los riesgos financieros de los proyectos de ingeniería, enfocándose en la simulación y los resultados obtenidos, analizando los datos históricos, países, autores, temática y sectores en los cuales se ha desarrol...
The objective of this article is to review how Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools have helped the process of formulating agricultural public policies in the world. For this, a search process was carried out in the main scientific repositories finding different publications. The findings have shown that, first, the most commonly used AI tools are ag...
Floods are one of the worst natural disasters in the world. Colombia is a country that has been greatly affected by this disaster. For example, in the years 2010 and 2011 there was a heavy rainy season, which caused floods that affected at least two million people and there were economic losses of 6.5 million dollars, which is equivalent to 5.7% of...
El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las publicaciones científicas especializadas en el uso de herramientas de inteligencia artificial en el proceso de toma de decisiones durante la formulación de políticas públicas. Como herramienta metodológica se creó una ecuación de búsqueda para ubicar las publicaciones concernientes, la cual fue probada y...
The development of a method that identifies radioelectric spectrum opportunities in a channel of a mobile cellular network for an urban environment using received signal power forecast is presented. Radioelectric spectrum occupancy forecast has proven useful in the design of wireless systems able to harness spectrum opportunities like cognitive rad...
Due to its topographical characteristics and its particular hydrometerelogical regime, Colombia has long extensions susceptible of flooding; considering this situation, in this article a system based on artificial neural networks is proposed to model and predict the water level in the river system. The variables used in this model include: historic...
In this paper, the main features of MPLS Traffic Engineering are presented to illustrate how telecommunication service providers use them to create interconnections between each other in order to offer telecom services satisfying QoS commitments. Based on previous traffic models, a new model, which deals with traffic queue balancing for different C...
Este artículo considera una revisión de la literatura de los principales métodos de índices de calidad del agua aplicados en cuerpos de aguas superficiales, propuestos para la evaluación de la significancia de parámetros de calidad del agua en la evaluación de las corrientes hídricas superficiales y que usualmente son utilizados en la toma decision...
En este artículo se describe el diseño de una red de fibra óptica entre Bogotá y Medellin, cuyo objetivo principal es optimizar el ancho de banda por la tecnología DWDM. El diseño fue realizado con equipos de transmisión óptica OSN 6800 con la última tecnología, que puede manejar hasta 80 longitudes de onda. Además, esta red utiliza nodos de contro...
This article reviews the main international and national indicators developed in science, technology and innovation, seen from the perspective of the value chain of public policy and its effectiveness to measure the achievement of the objectives in these policies. For this, firstly a theoretical review of management indicators is performed. Secondl...
Los procesos de formación contemporáneos han identificado en las TIC y en la virtualización, estrategias claves para fortalecer la formación. Este proceso se ve mediado por la producción de contenidos digitales orientados al aprendizaje. Desarrollo que requiere de unos estándares que permitan aprovechar factores como reusabilidad, escalabilidad y a...
This article describes the development of a security monitoring device for vehicles which gives instant reports to the user about any anomaly that occurs in his absence. This device also allows remote and local control actions, using GSM technology and Bluetooth, giving more functionality than common vehicle security systems. In this paper the diff...
This article presents the simulation of an IPv4 network connected to two IPv6 isles. Those protocols are not compatible; therefore, transition mechanisms were implemented to fulfill a fundamental role. Meanwhile, this reaches the total deployment of IPv6, such as: Tunneling and Address translation. The first, encapsulates an IPv6 packet inside an I...