Juan Rodriguez TeruelUniversity of Valencia | UV · Department of Constitutional Law and Political Science
Juan Rodriguez Teruel
Political Science and Administration
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Juan Rodriguez Teruel currently works at the Department of Constitutional Law and Political Science, University of Valencia. Juan does research in Comparative Politics, Political Elites and Parties. Their current project is 'Members and Activists of Political Parties'.
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February 2015 - present
September 2009 - September 2010
February 2009 - February 2015
Publications (78)
After a stunning breakthrough in the 2014 European election, Podemos became the third largest parliamentary party in Spain in the 2016 general election and achieved representation in all regions. This article examines how Podemos has adapted to the opportunities and dilemmas posed by Spain’s multi-level setting in several ways: its formation in ear...
El nuevo Grado en Ciencias Políticas y de la Administración de la Universidad de Valencia se encuentra en proceso de implantación. La asignatura "Universidad, Investigación y Política", una de las principales novedades de este nuevo grado, pretende introducir a los estudiantes los objetivos y metodologías de la ciencia política, así como familiariz...
Focusing on the central government’s response to the Covid-19 crisis during the first wave in Spain, the article analyses the executive’s strategy of power concentration, and the factors that shape its implementation. We sketch how the crisis erupted, the main measures and strategies adopted by the national executive, the role of the experts, and t...
This chapter examines how policy analysis is conducted within political parties in Spain. Firstly, it provides a description of the main characteristics, developments and policy analysis trends in the case of both mainstream and challenger parties, as well as small and regional parties represented in the Spanish Parliament. Subsequently, the chapte...
This study focuses on Catalan cabinet ministers in democratic Spain with a view to understanding what function they perform in the central government: regional ambassador or state agent? To this end, this analysis draws on a sub-dataset comprised of 22 Catalan cabinet ministers taken from a general pool of 220 cabinet ministers and 371 ministerial...
As noted in the introduction to this volume, policy analysis can be understood as ‘a method for structuring information and providing opportunities for the development of alternative choices’ (see Chaqués-Bonafont and Jordana, this volume). While such a definition may be widely accepted, its implications are far from obvious, since, fo...
Although frequently depicted as a purely majoritarian system, the recruitment of executive elites in Spain is said to incorporate unofficial ‘quotas’ allowing the representation of territorial minorities. But does the selection of cabinet ministers in Spain produce consociational-like effects? This study aims to answer this question through a stati...
El artículo analiza la evolución de la afiliación y el activismo partidista en Europa en los últimos veinte años. Tenemos dos objetivos principales. En primer lugar, proporcionamos una nueva tipología de los diferentes modos de vinculación a los partidos políticos. De acuerdo con el modelo de afiliación multi-speed de Susan Scarrow, abogamos por un...
Este artículo tiene como objetivo identificar diferentes modos de participación entre los miembros más activos dentro de los partidos políticos y explorar las razones detrás de esta variación. Las investigaciones previas se han centrado en la posición jerárquica de los miembros según su vinculación a la organización, para explicar diferentes tipos...
The article analyses the consequences of elite polarization at the mass level in the centre-periphery dimension. We analyse the rapid rise in support for independence in Catalonia, focusing on the role of party competition around the centre-periphery cleavage. We argue that mainstream actors’ adoption of centrifugal party strategies with respect to...
This chapter outlines the main findings of the edited book. Through the study of a wide range of political parties from Europe and beyond, this book has explored the different degrees of digitalisation that political parties present, and, at the same time, discussed the main technological, democratic issues and trade-offs that political parties hav...
This chapter outlines the main dimensions of analysis for assessing how mainstream and new parties are building their digital platforms and transitioning from traditional (offline) organisations into the digital world. So far, most of the academic attention has been focused on the impact of the use of digital technologies on party competition and c...
Participation in the public debate constitutes one of the most evident avenues for political scientists to demonstrate the social relevance of the discipline. This article focuses on two questions: the types of roles political scientists adopt in their public interventions and the potential tensions between their public engagement and the epistemic...
The article analyses the consequences of elite polarisation at the mass level. We study the electoral re-alignment within the right-wing Spanish electorate in recent years, whereby support for the long-predominant Partido Popular has been eroded dramatically to the benefit of new challengers. Measuring ideological polarisation at the party system l...
This book analyzes how mainstream and new parties are building their digital platforms and transitioning from traditional (offline) organizations into the digital world.
The authors present an innovative empirical exploration of the democratic consequences and technical challenges of the digitalization of party organizations from a comparative per...
This handbook examines Spanish politics and government since the transition to democracy. The volume studies the political history, institutional changes, bureaucratic decision-making, political behaviour, and foreign affairs of Spain. The introductory chapter provides an overview of the main themes of democratic Spain and discusses the end of Span...
In the midst of the great recession, the Spanish Socialists Worker’s Party (PSOE) lost the Government and experienced a process of instability while trying to reconnect with its electorate. The party’s strategic response was embracing highly inclusive deliberations on both key institutional and policy issues that eventually sparked tensions and div...
La tesis de la crisis de la representación postula el declive y transformación de los partidos políticos y algunas instituciones tradicionales como instrumentos de intermediación entre la sociedad y el estado. Esta perspectiva condiciona la forma en que los ciudadanos y los propios parlamentarios conciben y ejercen la representación política. Sin e...
Surveys and observation are two strategies of inquiry that gather rich amounts of data about political elites’ opinions, attitudes, and behavior. These research techniques have experienced advances benefitting from the development of the Internet and new technological tools. Survey research has evolved from country studies to comparative research w...
This article analyses to what extent traditional mainstream Catalan regionalist parties and groups have adapted their discourses and collective performances in what might be seen as a ‘populist drift’ from regionalism to secessionism. This strategic move has been favoured by increasing party competition among these actors and would respond to the g...
The chapter based on surveys of samples of national parliamentarians of a representative group of member states discusses how perceptions of the EU and of its different institutional and policy aspects have changed during the crisis period.
The aim of this article is to assess the linkages between the Spanish new parties with groups and civil society. After outlining a short framework on the new linkages between parties and external groups in times of social and political unrest and discussing the case selection, it briefly introduces the classic patterns of interaction between Spain’...
El 23 de octubre de 2012 se publicaba en el Boletín Oficial del Estado la Ley Orgánica 5/2012, de 22 de octubre, de reforma de la Ley Orgánica 8/2007, de 4 de julio, sobre financiación de los partidos políticos. Según su preámbulo, la ley tenía como cometido “mejorar el control de la adecuación de los ingresos y gastos de los partidos políticos al...
This chapter analyses the presence of non-political ministers in the Spanish cabinet in the democratic period since 1977, where one out of five ministers did not belong to the ruling party at the time of her appointment and one out of three can be considered as a non-political minister. By observing the selection and deselection of these individual...
The ethnic outbidding thesis explains party polarization as a consequence of political changes amongst voters. We argued instead that party elites' extreme position on the national identity cleavage can help polarizing strategies to prevail over moderate strategies in a context of increasing political uncertainty, without previous voters' polarizat...
This article aims at contributing to a better understanding of the role of junior ministers (JMs) in contemporary parliamentary governments. Using principal–agent theory, we attempt to shed light on the content of the delegation relationship between JMs and their principals, mainly cabinet ministers and the prime minister. By applying categorical p...
A pesar de su trascendencia para la calidad de la democracia, la fi-nanciación de los partidos políticos suele permanecer en la zona silente del debate público, alejada del interés de la mayoría de ciudadanos, po-líticos y académicos. Como afirmaba Max Weber, «las finanzas de los partidos constituyen para la investigación, por razones comprensibles...
The article analyses the party finance model in Spain, and delivers longitudinal data on the performance of the model for the political parties between 2007 and 2013. In this period, public finance has been the predominant source for political parties, with an increasing role for the regional and local administrations. The ban of anonymous donation...
Since the adhesion of Spain to the EEC in 1986, the Spanish electorate has shown a high level of support for the European integration process. Even more enthusiastic than their fellow citizens, Spanish political elites also expressed a strong commitment to the European integration project, based in a pro-EU consensus beyond party and ideological di...
European Integration is currently facing tremendous challenges caused by a series of cumulating crises. Their on-set was the global financial and economic crisis in 2008 that rapidly evolved into a sovereign debt crisis, further into a crisis of the Eurozone and led eventually to a political crisis of the entire EU. National political elites have b...
Ciudadanos est un nouveau parti en Espagne qui a connu auparavant une longue trajectoire en Catalogne. Dans cet article on analyse les raisons de son émergence et de son succès dans ces deux différents cadres géographiques et ceci sur deux phases, son parcours dans chacune d’entre elles ainsi que son organisation, son leadership, son idéologie et l...
Ciudadanos, a party founded in Catalonia in 2006, has recently acquired a major role in the Spanish political system. This article examines why it was formed almost ten years ago and how it has evolved since; its ideological principles and policy menu; the party organisation and leadership; the main determinants of its vote, and the structure of op...
This article explores how multi-dimensional competition party systems shape the intraparty opinion structure in political parties. The aim is to extend and test May’s law of ideological curvilinear disparity to multi-dimensional settings. The data are based on the case of Catalonia, a party system characterized by the relevant presence of non-state...
Après dix années de changements politiques, électoraux et de gouvernement, les partis politiques catalans ont évolué en portant principalement leur attention fin 2012 sur le thème centre-périphérie. À partir de la définition du système des partis avancée par Peter Mair, l’article entend montrer que cette évolution est quelque peu la conséquence du...
Party regulation in new democracies in general, and in the Spanish political system in particular, has not been a matter of concern until very recently. In order to fill this gap, this article explores the way political parties have been regulated not only in the Constitution, but also in the main laws regulating party foundation, organisation, dis...
Résumé Le but de cet article est d’analyser l’évolution des PANE en Espagne. Pour cela on examinera, d’entrée de jeu, leur situation de manière à rendre compte des éléments nouveaux, non abordés dans les études précédentes. L’analyse se concentrera ensuite sur les deux principaux espaces institutionnels en Espagne, le national et celui des communau...
The gradual implementation of new, more participatory and thus, more democratic mechanisms of intra-party decision-making has been pointed out by several party politics scholars. This phenomenon has been studied as the party elite's reactions to a widespread trend in Western countries: the party membership decline. Spain is still a deviant case in...
From 1976 to 2011 the Spanish party funding regime has evolved from an essentially private funding system to another one predominantly based on state funding. The aim of our paper is to develop a new model to explain the introduction and reforms of party funding in Spain. Our main hypothesis suggests that new (third wave) democracies party funding...
In decentralized European parliamentary democracies future governing elites often acquire political experience and attain top positions by passing through sub-national political institutions. In doing so, elites circumvent and reduce the importance of national parliaments. Previous research has advanced several explanations for this pattern: Europe...
El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer los efectos de la descentralización política en la élite política regional. Nos preguntamos si se está produciendo una bifurcación respecto a la élite nacional, de tal modo que se manifieste un predominio de carreras locales o regionales frente a carreras nacionales. Para ello, realizamos una descripción de la...
El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer los efectos de la descentralización política en la élite política regional. Nos preguntamos si se está produciendo una bifurcación respecto a la élite nacional, de tal modo que se manifi este un predominio de carreras locales o regionales frente a carreras nacionales. Para ello, realizamos una descripción de l...
Résumé L’objectif de ce travail vise à la connaissance des effets de la décentralisation en ce qui concerne les carrières politiques des élites régionales. On y analysera les trajectoires des présidents des Communautés Autonomes en Espagne en prêtant attention aux parcours empruntés initialement. On se demandera quels sont les schémas de carrière (...
This article aims to observe the effects of decentralisation on the political careers of the regional elite in Spain, France and the United Kingdom. We address the main career pathways of these elites, and we test whether the type of decentralisation and the duration of decentralisation make a difference to their careers. The results show different...
En este trabajo, los autores verifican si, entre 1977 y 2008, ha habido un aumento de la democracia interna en los principales partidos políticos españoles. Para ello, analizan el proceso de selección del líder, al tiempo que cuestionan si ha habido un incremento de la igualdad en la participación para elegirlo, favoreciendo sistemas representativo...
El objeto de este artículo consiste en mostrar de modo sucinto las trayectorias políticas y organizativas de los dos principales partidos de ámbito no estatal en Aragón: el Partido Aragonés (PAR) y la Chunta Aragonesista (CHA). Para ello, se hace énfasis en la importancia que los cambios en el entorno, especialmente el electoral, han tenido en la v...
The aim of this work is analyzing the electoral strategies and alliance of PP and PSOE in the different Autonomic Communities in order to demonstrate that a same party can adopt simultaneously different party responses. This behaviour according to the theory adopted here is due that each community presents different attitudes in front of the compet...
This paper focus on the appointment of non-partisan ministers in Spain. Its political system has constituted a major example of one-party cabinet with highly presidentialization and increasing cabinet dominance over the party. We provide empirical evidence of the change in minister partisanship. Some Spanish cabinets have been formed only by party...