Juan Moisés De la Serna

Juan Moisés De la Serna
International University of La Rioja | UNIR · Department of Education

🎓 PhD in Psychology & M.Sc. in Neuroscience | 📢 Science Communicator and Researcher 🔗 ORCID: 0000-0002-8401-8018
👨‍🏫 Professor at Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR) 📘 Specializing in Psychology and Neuroscience Education


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Originally focused on emotion and memory research, my current work explores the intersection of neuroscience, mental health, and well-being in a post-pandemic world. I research the neuropsychological impacts of stress, trauma, and resilience, focusing on how these factors affect cognitive function and emotional regulation. My ongoing studies apply neuroscience to create practical interventions that improve mental health outcomes.
June 2005 - June 2006
Pablo de Olavide University
Field of study
  • Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology
June 2002 - June 2006
University of Seville
Field of study
  • Psychology


Publications (667)
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Después de la gran acogida del artículo titulado “¿Cuál es el papel del psicólogo ante el nuevo Coronavirus (COVID-19)?” que publiqué en la Cátedra Abierta de Psicología y Neurociencias el pasado 12 de febrero del 2020, y en vistas al interés suscitado entre los compañeros psicólogos y otras personas interesadas por la psicología, he decidido reali...
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People frequently say that the COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented. Yet from a bird’s eye point of view it has similarities with other pandemics, even other illnesses, and with other stresses and traumas. In fact, each situation of stress and trauma illuminates all the others. We are on the cusp of a science of stress and trauma. In this book we in...
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Background: Daily new COVID-19 cases from January to April 2020 demonstrate varying patterns of SARS-CoV-2 transmission across different geographical regions. Constant infection rates were observed in some countries, whereas China and South Korea had a very low number of daily new cases. In fact, China and South Korea successfully and quickly flatt...
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El interés que despertó nuestro primer libro sobre Alta Sensibilidad nos ha animado a continuar con la divulgación del rasgo. Este segundo libro se centra más en las dificultades, así como, en las capacidades de ámbito psicológico que pueden afectar a las personas altamente sensibles. Saber gestionar el rasgo de la Alta Sensibilidad es fundamental...
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Prin intermediul acestui text, autorii speră să poți avea capacitatea de a identifica trăsăturile sensibilității deosebite, precum și să cunoști consecințele sale în plan psihologic. Vei întâlni aici experiențe, studii pe baze științifice, toate, contribuții importante pentru prezentarea subiectului. Fără îndoială, experiențele PFS (persoanelor foa...
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Interesul stârnit de prima noastră carte despre sensibilitatea ridicată ne-a încurajat să continuăm și cu alte date despre această trăsătură. Această a doua carte se concentrează mai mult pe dificultățile și pe abilitățile psihologice care pot afecta persoanele extrem de sensibile. Gestionarea trăsăturii de sensibilitate ridicată este esențială pen...
A pesar de la breve exposición de este capítulo se ha tratado de presentar la panorámica de una historia inacabada de los estudios de psicología en España para ello y cómo ha ido adquiriendo prestigio y reconocimiento entre los estudiantes, tal y como lo indica la creciente nota de corte de acceso a la titulación, donde se trata de ocupar las plaza...
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SARS-CoV-2 interacts with ACE2 and infects ACE2-expressing cell leading to the down-regulation of ACE2 and angiotensin II (Ang II) accumulation. The interaction of angiotensin II with its G-protein coupled receptor results in the activation of phosphodiesterase phospholipase C that degrades membrane-bound phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2...
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In this article, the changes caused by COVID-19 are analyzed, especially in the aging population, and how both during the confinement and subsequently there has been an increase in health care by old adults, who because they are a vulnerable group, did not have the opportunity to go to hospitals to be treated. This is where nurses have played a lea...
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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common condition associated with long-lasting psychosocial functioning difficulties and high psychiatric morbidity. ADHD is a heterogeneous syndrome in its clinical presentation and probably in its aetiology. Nevertheless, it can be understood as a spectrum of multifactorial cognitive, emotional,...
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Purpose: To review the existing literature on attention deficit disorder in older adults, focusing on epidemiology, psychosocial impact, and treatment. To show current knowledge about those aspects of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Methods: We manually reviewed articles until July 2021. We used the electronic databases MEDLINE /...
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This article aims to establish a relationship between depression and the neurocognitive changes associated with it, such as attention deficit, impaired executive functions, memory recovery, the importance of autonoetic consciousness and even commitment in decision-making. It is analyzed in detail how each of the impaired cognitive domains is evalua...
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There is no existing specific treatment for COVID-19, so it is imperative to understand the pathophysiological pathways for the development of successful treatment. SARS-CoV-2 infection leads to the release of inflammatory cytokines which can result in an excessive inflammatory reaction or cytokine storm leading to worsening prognosis. These proces...
A pesar de que la Constitución Española en su artículo 14 en el Capítulo II sobre Derechos y Libertades indica “Los españoles son iguales ante la ley, sin que pueda prevalecer discriminación alguna por razón de nacimiento, raza, sexo, religión, opinión o cualquier otra condición o circunstancia personal o social”, existen personas o colectivos que...
Hablar de salud es hacerlo de un concepto amplio tal y como lo enuncia la Organización Mundial de la Salud (1948) “La salud es un estado de completo bienestar físico, mental y social, y no solamente la ausencia de afecciones o enfermedades”; por tanto, la salud abarca aspectos tanto físicos como mentales Es por ello por lo que cabría esperarse que,...
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Aphasia causes a significant limitation on the person who suffers it since communication is essential for the human being. Among the behavioural changes observed in people with aphasia, we can highlight impulsive responses, rejection and states of intense anxiety [21]. People with aphasia face daily challenges from impaired communication skills. Th...
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SARS-CoV-2 interacts with ACE2 and infects ACE2-expressing epithelial and endothelial cells in lung and other organs, leading to the down-regulation of ACE2. This induces Ang II accumulation. The interaction of angiotensin II with its G-protein coupled receptor results in the activation of phosphodiesterase phospholipase C and release of cytokines...
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Most of studies that exist on the COVID-19 pandemic produced by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, report neuropsychiatric symptoms only as part of the manifestation of the disease in its terminal phase. However, there are neuropsychiatric symptoms since the beginning of the disease. Several investigations have indicated a direct relationship between chro...
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) accounts for approximately 5% to 10% of mental disorders in childhood and adolescence. Symptoms, or some of them, persist into adulthood. In addition to the core symptoms, other manifestations of mental disorders are often present. These comorbidities increase impairment and complicate treatment, why...
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COVID-19 pandemic has carried a high number of deaths worldwide. Most of those who died were older adults, especially who previously suffered from health problems. This population are more vulnerable, es-pecially during the expansion and subsequent pandemic by COVID-19. Since higher levels of distress, anxiety and depression were observed among car...
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Most of studies that exist on the COVID-19 pandemic produced by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, report neuropsychiatric symptoms only as part of the manifestation of the disease in its terminal phase. However, there are neuropsychiatric symptoms since the beginning of the disease. Several investigations have indicated a direct relationship between chro...
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RNA binding protein, lipids pathways, diacylglycerol and FMRP role in SARS-CoV-2 and fragile X syndrome. SARS-CoV-2 interacts with ACE2 and infects ACE2-expressing epithelial and endothelial cells in lung and other organs, leading to the down-regulation of ACE2. This induces Ang II accumulation. The interaction of angiotensin II with its G-protein...
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Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and anxiety disorders are among the most common psychiatric disorders with a 25% comorbidity rate with each other. ADHD: 650 (34%) had only ADHD, while 1269 (66%) had at least one comorbid psychiatric disorder (learning disorders, 56%; sleep disorders, 23%; oppositional defiant disorder, 20%; anxiety...
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1 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) accounts for approximately 5 to 10% of 2 mental disorders in childhood and adolescence. Symptoms, or some of them, persist into 3 adulthood. In addition to the core symptoms, other manifestations of mental disorders are 4 often present. These comorbidities increase impairment and complicate treatmen...
Au fil des siècles, les histoires racontées ont accompagné la vie de femmes et d'hommes du monde entier, les aidant à faire face aux difficultés et aux peurs, dès les premières années de leur vie, quelle que soit leur origine sociale, culturelle ou ethnique. En fait, le récit représente un élément générateur dans la société et la socialité. Racont...
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Como persona altamente sensible, o bien como profesional de la salud mental, puedes beneficiarte de la lectura de este libro. Puede que seas una persona que ha descubierto su rasgo altamente sensible debido a no sentirte bien contigo misma. Tal vez llevas años dando vueltas, acudiendo a psicólogos y a psiquiatras, o bien buscando información, hasta...
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7.1. Miedo al fracaso de ser persona altamente sensible. Cuando en la consulta aparecen personas poniendo sus quejas sobre la mesa, no siempre es fácil hacerles ver lo positivo de sus vidas. En cambio, cuando se trata de personas altamente sensibles, la tarea de hacerles reflexionar sobre sus actuaciones es bastante sencilla. Es una ventaja tratar...
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9.1. Cómo actuar en las relaciones sociales si eres PAS. Tal y como hemos explicado en otros capítulos, muchas personas altamente sensibles no presentan problemas que deban tratarse en consulta de psicólogos o psiquiatras, ya que se adaptan perfectamente a su entorno y pasan desapercibidos. Pueden llevar con normalidad muchas coincidencias que pose...
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La persona altamente sensible percibe los estímulos que recibe del medio ambiente que le rodea, fijándose en los detalles. Se trata de un proceso que realiza de forma inconsciente, casi sin darse cuenta. Toda la información que la persona recibe a través de los sentidos, en situaciones nuevas, la analiza detenidamente. Vista, oído, gusto, tacto y o...
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La primera aproximación realizada desde las neurociencias para tratar de comprender a las personas especialmente dotadas se realizó para comprender las diferencias en cuanto a la inteligencia, y se hizo partiendo de la idea de que el tamaño de la cabeza podría ser un buen indicador que explicase cómo hay individuos más inteligentes que otros, enten...
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Cuando hablamos de sensibilidad, seguramente todos pensamos en grados. También podemos pensar que una persona muy sensible es hipersensible. Por eso, es importante delimitar los términos. Hipersensibilidad hace referencia a una reacción exagerada y peligrosa a un agente externo, tal y como a un virus, una bacteria o un alérgeno. No tiene por qué ex...
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La Asociación Americana de Psiquiatría (APA), es la redactora del texto básico de diagnóstico que sirve de guía a los profesionales. El Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales (DSM), delimita que "trastorno" es un patrón conductual y psicológico asociado a una angustia presente o discapacidad. Así como a un riesgo significativam...
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Los PAS buscan ayuda profesional cuando sienten que tienen herida el alma. Se sienten diferentes, pero saben que pueden solucionar ese dolor que les impide seguir su camino. Los psicólogos sabemos que atender a tiempo esta demanda impide llevar al paciente a desarrollar un trastorno. Del mismo modo, en los menores aparecen signos para señalar que n...
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En las escuelas se agrupa al alumnado según su edad cronológica. Sin embargo, durante los primeros años de vida de una persona destacan otros criterios en los que podríamos hacer clasificaciones. Se trata de la edad mental y la edad emocional. Conforme el individuo va creciendo, en condiciones normales, los tres tipos de edad se van equilibrando. L...
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This article aims to establish a relationship between depression and the neurocognitive changes associated with it, such as attention deficit, impaired executive functions, memory recovery, the importance of autonoetic consciousness and even commitment in decision-making. It is analyzed in detail how each of the impaired cognitive domains is evalua...
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There is no existing specific treatment for COVID-19, so it is imperative to understand the pathophysiological pathways for the development of successful treatment. SARS-CoV-2 infection leads to the release of inflammatory cytokines which can result in an excessive inflammatory reaction or cytokine storm leading to worsening prognosis. These proces...
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Down syndrome (DS) is the most common genetic cause of learning difficulties and intellectual disabilities. DS patients often present with several congenital defects and chronic diseases, including immunity disorders. Elevated levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-6 and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) have been seen, whi...
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Si sospechas que puedes ser persona altamente sensible, estas páginas despejarán tus dudas. Se trata de un libro divulgativo que sirve de apoyo a quienes trabajamos “ayudando” a otras personas, y también es una llamada a padres, madres, jefes o educadores que se relacionen con personas altamente sensibles. Si sospechas que puedes ser persona altame...
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A través de estas letras los autores esperan que seas capaz de identificar los rasgos de la alta sensibilidad, e igualmente que conozcas las consecuencias psicológicas del mismo, en este texto encontrarás valiosos aportes de experiencias, estudios y bases científicas. Las experiencias de personas altamente sensibles nos sirven de ejemplo sin lugar...
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A pesar de que la alta sensibilidad es un concepto relativamente reciente, actualmente existe suficiente evidencia para poder ser reconocido y atendido adecuadamente. Esto no quita que todavía haya cuestiones polémicas o no resueltas tal y como se comentará en este capítulo, pero lo que es innegable es la existencia de una parte de la población que...
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La psicología diferencial nos enseña que cada persona reacciona de forma propia frente al mundo y frente a los demás, debido a que la singularidad de los individuos es uno de los hechos básicos de la vida. Las peculiaridades individuales aparecen inmediatamente después del nacimiento y se van reforzando de modo sorprendente con la progresiva madura...
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Alcoholism is a condition associated with psychiatric and psychiatric problems, where the respiratory system is damaged through the mucociliary ladder mechanism and alveolar macrophage dysfunction. In the time COVID-19 has been observed a dramatic increase in alcohol consumption mediated by levels of anxiety and situations of confinement. In this w...
L'attuale pandemia è penetrata lentamente nella coscienza del mondo intero. Probabilmente è iniziato nel mercato umido cinese di Wuhan, molto prima della fine di dicembre 2019, quando il governo cinese ha dichiarato il primo ad essere stato infettato da un nuovo virus. L'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS) ha impiegato fino al 19 febbraio 20...
Il COVID-19 ha generato molti più problemi di quelli legati alla salute fisica o mentale, ad esempio, durante il confinamento molte persone hanno perso il lavoro quando non potevano andare al loro posto o perché non potevano aprire la loro attività. Dopo il confinamento, molti Paesi hanno proseguito con regole restrittive, come quelle sull'apertura...
L'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità definisce la salute come: "Uno stato di completo benessere fisico, mentale e sociale e non solo assenza di malattia". Questa definizione include aspetti fisici, psicologici e sociali. In altre parole, dobbiamo ricordare che le conseguenze degli aspetti psicologici e delle relazioni sociali possono influenzare...
Sebbene finora abbiamo visto che le conseguenze dello stress e del trauma variano da individuo a individuo e da Paese a Paese, gli individui stessi sono, in un certo senso, i loro mondi e ciò che accade al loro interno influenza il mondo più ampio. Sorprendentemente, le nostre unità più piccole, le nostre cellule, sono già importanti nello stress e...
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A un livello superiore rispetto alle cellule, non c'è luogo migliore per iniziare a esplorare il trauma che con le emozioni. Le emozioni possono essere considerate come "stati" specifici degli individui, attraverso i quali percepiscono e rispondono all'ambiente. In generale, possiamo considerare tre possibili stati emotivi: positivo (gioia o felici...
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Le persone spesso dicono che questa pandemia COVID-19 non ha precedenti, ma ha somiglianze con altre pandemie, comprese altre malattie e altri stress e traumi. Ogni situazione di stress e trauma illumina le altre, poiché siamo all`apice di una scienza dello stress e del trauma. In questo libro spieghiamo come l`attuale pandemia sia parte di quella...
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Pandemi saat ini meresap perlahan ke dalam kesadaran di seluruh dunia. Ini mungkin dimulai di pasar basah Wuhan di China, jauh sebelum akhir Desember 2019, ketika pemerintah China mengumumkan virus baru. Butuh waktu hingga 19 Februari 2020 bagi Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) untuk secara resmi mengakui dan menamai virus tersebut COVID-19 (singkat...
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Mari melangkah lebih jauh. COVID-19 memiliki konsekuensi yang lebih luas daripada masalah kesehatan fisik dan mental yang telah kami pertimbangkan sejauh ini. Konsekuensi sosial khususnya bisa sangat signifikan. Misalnya di lockdown, dan di beberapa negara dengan lockdown berkepanjangan, banyak orang kehilangan pekerjaan dan tidak dapat membuka usa...
Pada tingkat yang lebih tinggi dari sel, tidak ada tempat untuk memulai yang lebih baik daripada emosi. Emosi bisa dikatakan sebagai 'keadaan' tertentu dari individu, di mana mereka mengartikan dan menanggapi sekelilingnya (gairah). Secara umum, kita dapat meninjau tiga kemungkinan kondisi emosional: positif (kegembiraan atau kebahagiaan), netral (...
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Kondisi kesejahteraan fisik, mental dan sosial sempurna dan bukan hanya ketiadaan penyakit atau kelemahan". Dalam definisi ini termasuk aspek fisik, psikologis, dan sosial. Dengan kata lain, kita harus ingat bahwa konsekuensi mental dan relasional dapat memengaruhi manusia seperti halnya fisik. Misalnya, stres dan trauma pekerjaan, pendidikan, dan...
Kita sudah lihat bahwa konsekuensi stres dan trauma berkisar dari individu hingga negara. Tetapi individu bisa dikatakan berada di dunia mereka sendiri, dan apa yang terjadi pada mereka memengaruhi dunia yang lebih besar. Anehnya, unit terkecil kita, sel kita sudah berkedudukan penting dalam stres dan trauma, sebagai bagian dari dialektika trauma-k...
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Banyak orang mengatakan bahwa pandemi COVID-19 belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya. Namun dilihat dari sudut pandang luas, penyakit ini memiliki kemiripan dengan pandemi lain, bahkan penyakit lain, dan dengan stres dan trauma lain. Faktanya, setiap situasi stres dan trauma dapat menerangkan situasi lainnya. Saat ini kita berada di puncak ilmu pengetah...
Quando si pensa ad un genio della matematica, di solito si pensa a qualcuno particolarmente dotato, in grado di risolvere quasi tutti i problemi e che ha poche difficoltà a trovare le soluzioni. Questo testo affronterà il concetto di intelligenza matematica, prestando particolare attenzione al cervello, e come questo faciliterà il lavoro di formazi...
Parlare di matematica significa parlare di un processo che richiede capacità diverse a livello neuronale, sapendo che, se qualcuno di quelli che partecipano allo stesso fallimento o soffre di qualche deficienza, il risultato finale sarà diminuito e, al contrario, avrà una capacità o abilità appositamente sviluppata coinvolta nella matematica miglio...
Sebbene fino ad ora si sia parlato delle diverse strutture neuronali che intervengono nell'elaborazione matematica, bisogna tenere conto che si tratta di un processo che si sviluppa nel tempo, grazie all'apprendimento, in modo che abilità e capacità si incrementino con la pratica. Nonostante il fatto che alcuni teorici difendano l'approccio della m...
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L'intelligenza è stata a lungo equiparata alla capacità di risolvere problemi che viene valutata con questionari e test standardizzati, quindi il quoziente di intelligenza offre informazioni sul grado in cui una persona è in relazione agli altri e può essere sopra, alla pari o sotto. Tra le persone che si distinguono, coloro che ottengono punteggi...
Si è parlato molto di matematica negli ultimi anni, soprattutto in termini di necessità di un`istruzione applicata in tenera età, ad esempio nel caso dell`economia, come mezzo per preparare i minori al loro futuro impegno di cittadini. Ci sono stati anche miglioramenti nei processi di apprendimento relativi all`incorporazione di nuovi strumenti ped...
Frequentemente, as pessoas dizem que a pandemia de COVID-19 não tem precedentes. No entanto, de modo geral, ela tem semelhanças com outras pandemias, com outras doenças e com outros estresses e traumas. De fato, cada situação de estresse e trauma ajuda a esclarecer todos os outros. Estamos no limiar de criar uma ciência do estresse e trauma. Neste...
A atual pandemia invadiu lentamente a consciência de todos. Provavelmente começou no mercado úmido de Wuhan na China, bem antes do final de dezembro de 2019, quando o governo chinês declarou a existência de um novo vírus. A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) demorou até 19 de fevereiro de 2020 para reconhecer oficialmente e nomear o vírus COVID-19...
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Vimos que as consequências do estresse e do trauma variam entre indivíduos e nações. Mas os próprios indivíduos são, de certa forma, mundos próprios, e o que acontece dentro deles influencia o mundo maior. Surpreendentemente, nossas menores unidades, nossas células, já são importantes no estresse e trauma, como parte da dialética do trauma de vida...
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Em um nível superior às células, não há melhor lugar para começar do que com as emoções. As emoções podem ser consideradas como "estados" específicos de indivíduos, através dos quais eles percebem e respondem ao ambiente (excitação). Em geral, podemos considerar três possíveis estados emocionais: positivo (alegria ou felicidade), neutro (indiferenç...
A Organização Mundial da Saúde define saúde como: "Um estado de completo bem-estar físico, mental e social e não apenas a ausência de doença ou enfermidade". Nesta definição estão incluídos os aspectos físicos, psicológicos e sociais. Em outras palavras, devemos lembrar que as consequências mentais e de relacionamento podem afetar tanto os seres hu...
Vamos mais longe. A COVID-19 teve consequências mais amplas do que os problemas de saúde física e mental que consideramos até o momento. Especialmente as consequências sociais podem ser bastante significativas. Por exemplo, no isolamento, e em alguns países este foi prolongado, muitas pessoas perderam seus empregos e não puderam abrir seus negócios...
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There is no existing specific treatment for COVID-19, so it is imperative to understand the pathophysiological pathways for the development of successful treatment. SARS-CoV-2 infection leads to the release of inflammatory cytokines which can result in an excessive inflammatory reaction or cytokine storm leading to worsening prognosis. These proces...
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There is no existing specific treatment for COVID-19, so it is imperative to understand the pathophysiological pathways for the development of successful treatment. SARS-CoV-2 infection leads to the release of inflammatory cytokines which can result in an excessive inflammatory reaction or cytokine storm leading to worsening prognosis. These proces...
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Abstract There is a marked discrepancy between SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and COVID-19 cases and deaths in Africa. SARS-CoV-2 stimulates humoral and cellular immunity systems, as well as mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and nuclear NF-kB signalling pathways, regulating inflammatory gene expression and immune cell differentiation. The result i...
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Background: There is a marked discrepancy between SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and COVID-19 cases and deaths in Africa. Main: SARS-CoV-2 stimulates humoral and cellular immunity systems, as well as mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and nuclear NF-kB signalling pathways, which regulate inflammatory gene expression and immune cell differentiation...
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La pandemia actual se filtró lentamente en la conciencia de todo el mundo. Probablemente comenzó en el mercado húmedo de Wuhan en China, mucho antes de finales de diciembre de 2019, cuando el gobierno chino declaró el primer contagiado por un nuevo virus. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) tardó hasta el 19 de febrero de 2020 para reconocer...
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Si bien hasta ahora hemos visto que las consecuencias del estrés y el trauma varían en función de los individuos y los países, los individuos mismos son, en cierto sentido, mundos propios, y lo que sucede dentro de ellos influye en el mundo más amplio. Sorprendentemente, nuestras unidades más pequeñas, nuestras células, ya son importantes en el est...
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La Organización Mundial de la Salud define la salud como: "Un estado de completo bienestar físico, mental y social y no sólo la ausencia de enfermedad". En esta definición se incluyen aspectos físicos, psicológicos y sociales. En otras palabras, debemos recordar que las consecuencias de los aspectos psicológicos, así como las relaciones sociales pu...
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A un nivel superior al de las células, no hay mejor lugar para empezar a explorar el trauma que con las emociones. Las emociones pueden ser consideradas como "estados" específicos de los individuos, a través de los cuales perciben y responden al medio ambiente. En general, podemos considerar tres posibles estados emocionales: positivo (alegría o fe...
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El COVID-19 ha generado muchos más problemas que los relacionados con la salud física o mental, por ejemplo, durante el confinamiento muchas personas perdieron su trabajo cuando no pudieron acudir a su puesto o por no poder abrir su negocio. Después del confinamiento muchos países han continuado con reglas restrictivas como con respecto a la apertu...
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La gente suele decir que esta pandemia de COVID-19 no tiene precedentes, sin embargo, tiene similitudes con otras pandemias, incluso otras enfermedades y otras tensiones y traumas. Cada situación de estrés y trauma ilumina a las demás, ya que estamos en la cúspide de una ciencia del estrés y el trauma. La gente suele decir que esta pandemia de COVI...
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The current pandemic seeped slowly into consciousness across the globe. It probably started in the Wuhan wet market in China, well before the end of December 2019, when the Chinese government declared a new virus. It took the World Health Organisation (WHO) till February 19th 2020 to officially recognize and name the virus COVID-19 (short for coro...
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At a level higher than cells, there is no better place to start than with emotions. Emotions can be considered as specific 'states' of individuals, through which they perceive and respond to the environment (arousal). In general, we can consider three possible emotional, states: positive (joy or happiness), neutral (indifference), and negative (sad...
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The World Health Organization defines health as: "A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. In this definition are included physical, psychological , and social aspects. In other words, we should remember that mental and relational consequences can affect humans as much as physic...
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We have seen that stress and trauma consequences range from individuals to nations. But individuals themselves are in a way worlds of their own, and what happens within them influences the greater world. Surprisingly, our smallest units, our cells are already important in stress and trauma, as part of the life-trauma dialectic (Valent, 1998). Let...
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Let’s go further. COVID-19 had wider consequences than the physical and mental health problems we have considered thus far. Social consequences especially can be quite significant. For example in lockdown, and in some countries these were prolonged, many people lost their jobs and could not open their businesses. Lockdowns aggravated existing poor...
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Background There is a marked discrepancy between SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and COVID-19 cases and deaths in Africa. Main SARS-CoV-2 stimulates humoral and cellular immunity systems, as well as mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and nuclear NF-kB signalling pathways, which regulate inflammatory gene expression and immune cell differentiation....
Il morbo di Parkinson è una malattia neurodegenerativa che implica la perdita progressiva del controllo sui movimenti e intacca direttamente l’indipendenza e la qualità di vita del paziente, dei suoi familiari e di chi se ne prende cura.Il morbo di Parkinson è una malattia neurodegenerativa che implica la perdita progressiva del controllo sui movim...
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Quando si parla di morbo di Parkinson, lo si fa basandosi sulla Classificazione Internazionale delle Malattie versione ICD-11 elaborata dall'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS-WHO) o sul Manuale Diagnostico e Statistico dei Disturbi Mentali elaborato dall'Associazione Psichiatrica Americana versione DSM-5. Entrambi sono manuali diagnostici,...
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È necessario mettere in chiaro che più il Parkinson avanza, più diminuiscono le possibilità di impartire un trattamento efficace, sia esso di natura farmacologica, riabilitativa o chirurgica. Trattamento Farmacologico Per quanto riguarda l’efficacia del trattamento farmacologico, uno studio realizzato dall’Università di Leicester (Gran Bretagna) h...
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COVID-19 pandemic can lead to neuropsychiatric complications worldwide. According to previous research, these symptoms can arise both during acute infection and in the post-infectious period. There are few studies on the pathophysiological origin of mental symptoms since most consider them secondary to infectious disease, and not due to the mechani...
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Un primer acercamiento a las estadísticas de suicidio lo podríamos obtener viendo de forma global los resultados ofrecidos por Google Trends, sobre las tendencias de búsqueda de esta temática, en sus distintas acepciones alrededor del mundo desde el 2004 hasta el 2017, pudiéndose comprobar cómo el primer país más preocupado sobre ello es Corea del...


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