Juan Maria Hidalgo-Betanzos

Juan Maria Hidalgo-Betanzos
Juan Maria verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Juan Maria verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
University of the Basque Country | UPV/EHU · Ingeniería Energética

Doctor of Engineering
Assistant professor in School of Engineering of Vitoria-Gasteiz UPV/EHU


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Publications (32)
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Building energy renovations demand expertise from professionals to guide processes, including diagnostics, project planning, interventions, and maintenance. The emergence of open-access AI, like ChatGPT in November 2022, offers new possibilities for improving these processes by assisting or potentially replacing human experts. This study explores t...
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The renovation of buildings is key to the fight against climate change and offers opportunities to fix the population in rural areas, revalue their heritage and help decongest cities. In addition, it has a lower environmental impact than new construction. With this contribution, the energy study for the rehabilitation of the old Abbey of Salas de B...
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Lan honen xedea da unibertsitateko ezagutzak eta praktikak eraikinen energia-esparruan integratzea, bigarren hezkuntzako ikasleekin batera. Hala, bigarren hezkuntzaren eta unibertsitate-ikasketen arteko harremana sendotzeko energia-estrategiak definitzen dira, Deustuko Ikastolan "proiektu pilotu" bat gauzatuz, eta gaztetxoen artean Zientzia, Teknol...
Conference Paper
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Building renovation processes always require guidance from different experts or professionals who successfully conduct all the steps starting from the previous studies, project definition, intervention, commissioning, and maintenance. The quality of the results often depended on the professionals’ expertise when facing these challenges. This work e...
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With the ongoing significance of overheating calculations in the residential building sector, building codes such as the European Energy Performance of Building Directive (EPBD) are essential for harmonizing the indicators and performance thresholds. This paper investigates Europe's overheating calculation methods, indicators, and thresholds and ev...
Energy poverty, along with climate change, is becoming one of the most worrying issues in Europe. Many people live without a minimum thermal comfort in their homes because they are not able to afford high energy bills. In other words, the indoor temperature of many dwellings remains below the recommended temperature during long periods, particularl...
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This report aims to study cost-effective strategies to combine energy efficiency measures and renewable energy use in building renovation at the district level and to investigate factors influencing the choice of a cost-effective strategy. This is done through generic district assessments, where hypothetical, “generic” districts are generated to mo...
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IEA EBC Annex 75 aims to investigate, amongst other policy for reducing carbon emissions and energy use in buildings at district level, combining both energy efficiency measures and renewable energy measures. Particularly policy instruments deployed at the local level targeting owners and investors could increase residential building renovation and...
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The European Union is changing its energy model towards a more efficient and sustainable one. In this new outlook, the Heat Pump (HP) has become a leading technology in the building energy sector. The use of the air source heat pump (ASHP) in the energy installations in the so-called nZEB low consumption buildings is currently on the increase. Furt...
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In this work thermoeconomics is applied to a central thermal system covering three buildings that consists of a cogeneration engine, an aerothermal heat pump and a natural gas condensing boiler. Cogeneration systems integrated with renewable energy technologies are very attractive solutions in the building sector. Nevertheless, the use of cogenerat...
The energy performance certificate (EPC) is the core source for the European Union (EU) to obtain information about the efficiency levels of building stock and plan energy target paths. For this reason, and due to its wide variety of applications, it is important to ensure its quality. This study evaluates the quality of a representative EPC sample...
Renovation at district scale is a key strategy to reduce CO2 emissions by optimising the implementation of renewable energy sources and taking advantage of economy of scale. This paper focuses on analysing good practice examples on energy renovations at district scale. The paper adapts a qualitative research methodology in four phases, including th...
This work tries to present some reflections that help to understand the bases and the interest of the application of the exergetic analysis method and of thermoeconomics in buildings, both in what refers to their envelope and to their facilities. A brief introduction is made to the concept of exergy and the interest in incorporating the exergetic m...
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Airtightness is a major issue in architectural design and it has a significant impact on the energy performance of buildings. Moreover, the energy behaviour of built heritage is due, to its singular characteristics, still a great unknown. The aim of this study is to establish a better knowledge of the airtightness of historical buildings, based on...
Technical Report
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This report is the first of the deliverables from the IEA Annex 75 project. It documents the work of Subtask A – Technology Overview. As the title of the subtask indicates, the idea of this subtask was to create an overview of the available technologies for energy renovation and renewable energy supply at district level. The work has been carried o...
Conference Paper
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Desde la Dirección de Vivienda y Arquitectura del Departamento de Medio Ambiente, Planificación Territorial y Vivienda del Gobierno Vasco se ha lanzado el Plan Zero plana, una iniciativa pionera que analiza el futuro del parque existente y el nuevo modelo de gestión de la vivienda pública de alquiler ante el reto del cambio climático. Está siendo l...
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A study of moisture pathologies in a modern residential multifamily building is presented. The housing block was designed under the regulation NBE-CT of 1979 in northern Spain. After the appearance of some moisture problems in the façades, three complementary studies were conducted to analyze the situation of the envelope and diagnose the best impr...
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Resumen Hoy en día, las ciudades están experimentando radicales cambios operacionales. Estos nuevos modelos conocidos como Smart Cities tienen como objetivo mejorar la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos mediante el uso de datos recopilados sobre el entorno a través del uso de Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC). Además, el Interne...
Thermoeconomic analysis of building energy supply systems are usually performed following the input-output approach, where the supply chain is divided into several subsystems directly related to each other. However, in this paper Symbolic Thermoeconomics has been applied and a dynamic analysis and comparison has been performed between the old and t...
Technical Report
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In times of great transition of the European construction sector to energy efficient and nearly zero energy buildings (nZEBs), a market observation containing qualitative and quantitative indications should help to fill out the enormous information gaps concerning the EU 2020 carbon targets. Next to the economic challenges, there are equally import...
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El presente trabajo pretende responder a la cuestión planteada de la permanencia del patrimonio histórico al margen, o no, de la eficiencia energética. Para ello inicialmente se plantea una breve descripción de la materia objeto de estudio y finalmente se muestran un par de ejemplos reales llevados a cabo que permiten responder a la cuestión plante...


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