Juan Ignacio Macías QuinteroAutonomous University of Aguascalientes | UAA · Centro de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
Juan Ignacio Macías Quintero
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PHD in Anthropology (UNAM 2017). His main research interests are hunter-gatherers societies, cultural and natural heritage, processes of social change in frontiers, landscape archaeology, GIS and archaeological applications.
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August 2012 - July 2017
September 2012 - July 2016
Publications (30)
This paper describes the rock art discovered in the San Jeronimo rock shelter, located in the deserts of northern Zacatecas, Mexico. This site is a remarkable example of the conjunction of recurring pictorial styles in northern Mexico. The most frequent graphic elements are geometric shapes, made with red paint. The artists used positive and negati...
Se reportan los resultados de los análisis realizados mediante FRX y propiedades magnéticas aplicados a las muestras de cerámica provenientes de sitios arqueológicos en el suroeste de Aguascalientes, México. Estos estudios nos permiten avanzar en el conocimiento de la cronología de ocupación de estos asentamientos, así como en la discusión sobre la...
The discovery of Pleistocene human presence at Chiquihuite Cave
(state of Zacatecas, Mexico) dating to, or even before, the Last
Glacial Maximum (LGM, over 18,000 years ago), prompted the
search for another cave site in the same region, where the
implications of Chiquihuite could be tested and corroborated in a
second context. In January 2020, we s...
This paper is a reply to Chatters et al. (2021. “Evaluating Claims of Early Human Occupation at Chiquihuite Cave, Mexico.” PaleoAmerica 8, doi:10.1080/20555563.2021.1940441), in which they raise a large number of doubts about the legitimacy of our claims of earlier-than-expected human presence at Chiquihuite Cave, in northern Zacatecas, Mexico, mai...
Este estudio presenta un análisis de la distribución de la población prehispánica en las inmediaciones de la antigua Chiapan, la capital del señorío chiapaneca al momento de la llegada de los españoles. Para ello, usamos la perspectiva del paisaje, que nos permite comparar a grandes rasgos los cambios ocurridos en los valles de Terán, Suchiapa y Tu...
The archaeological research usually assumes that pottery production and consumption are absent in hunter-gatherer societies of northern Mexico. However, new data suggest very different behaviors in pre-Contact times. This paper presents preliminary results of analysis on ceramic sherds recovered from hunter-gatherer open air campsites in the northe...
The initial colonization of the Americas remains a highly debated topic1, and the exact timing of the first arrivals is unknown. The earliest archaeological record of Mexico—which holds a key geographical position in the Americas—is poorly known and understudied. Historically, the region has remained on the periphery of research focused on the firs...
En este trabajo se desprende una propuesta para el análisis de situaciones defensivas y de conflicto en sociedades aldeanas del noroccidente de México durante la época prehispánica. Con el fin de avanzar en la construcción de indicadores que nos auxilien a determinar la presencia de confrontaciones bélicas y sus afectaciones en sociedades antiguas,...
This chapter is a brief analytical historiography of Mexican (Pleistocene) prehistoric studies, as well as a preliminary presentation of the fiesr results of the 2012 excavations at Chiquihuite Cave.
We discuss a proposal to use geographic information systems (GIS) to undertake a thorough search of archaeological sites with preceramic settlements. We use GIS to discern the location and routes used by hunter-gatherer groups who colonized southeastern Mexico (Central Depression of Chiapas) during the late Pleistocene (ca. 10,000-8,000 BP). Our an...
En este trabajo se expondrán los resultados
preliminares de las actividades de campo
realizadas en 2014 y 2015, donde hemos
efectuado un programa sistemático de reconocimiento
de superficie. El área de investigación
abarca 197 kilómetros cuadrados
que comprende la Meseta de Ocuilapa, tomando
como límites la porción occidental
de la zona urbana de B...
In this paper we show the results from an initial study on the distribution of pre-Hispanic settlements in the landscape of the Río Verde-San Pedro Basin, Aguascalientes. The investigations resulted in an inventory of 24 settlements whose data were incorporated into a Geographic Information System (gis). With the capture of variables in the gis, we...
We discuss a proposal to use geographic information systems (GIS) to undertake a thorough search of archaeological sites with preceramic settlements. We use GIS to discern the location and routes used by hunter-gatherer groups who colonized southeastern Mexico (Central Depression of Chiapas) during the late Pleistocene (ca. 10,000-8,000 BP). Our an...
New explorations in the desert of northeastern Zacatecas, in central-northern Mexico, revealed dozens of archaeological and geoarchaeological sites. One of them, Ojo de Agua, contains the remains of a Pleistocene spring-fed hydrographic system located at the southeastern end of a large elongated endorheic basin. The locality yielded a particularly...
Este trabajo considera la presencia de estructuras arqueológicas dispuestas sobre la cima de cerros en la región Centro-Norte de México, con énfasis en el valle del río Verde-San Pedro, Aguascalientes. Regularmente, los sitios dispuestos en cerros aislados y cimas escarpadas se han contemplado como fortificaciones que reflejaban conflictos e inesta...
(Unpublished MA. Thesis) The aim of this study is to know how the societies that occupied the Rio Verde‐ San Pedro basin, Aguascalientes were affected by the events that took place during the Epiclassic. The Epiclassic in northwestern Middle America has been conceptualized either like a moment of prosperity, climax of new social systems and interac...
This paper introduces the discoveries of new rock art sites at the El Peñuelo hills in northeastern Zacatecas deserts, Mexico. These findings have relevance for regional archaeology by offering novel data about an unexplored territory. As a way to discuss the above, we will expose the preliminary results of this research (still in progress), making...
This paper brings into the attention of the academic community a series of methodological aspects that we considered of a possible general interest, deriving from our own practical application of aerial photography and satellite imagery within three distinct archaeological survey projects that we conducted during the last decade on three different...
This paper brings into the attention of the academic community a series of methodological
aspects that we considered of a possible general interest, deriving from our own practical application of aerial
photography and satellite imagery within three distinct archaeological survey projects that we conducted during
the last decade on three different...
Epiclásico, Río Verde-San Pedro, Sistemas de Información Geográfica, integración social, patrón de asentamiento] [Epiclassic, Río Verde-San Pedro, Geographic Information Systems, Social Integration, Settlement Pattern] En este trabajo se muestran los resultados de un primer estudio acerca de la distribución de los asentamientos prehispánicos en el...
RESUMEN El objetivo de esta investigación es exponer cómo los estudios arqueológicos pueden ser relevantes para la conservación y manejo de las Áreas Naturales Protegidas. A partir de la noción de que el ser humano es parte integral de los ecosistemas, la conservación de la naturaleza no puede prescindir de los factores históricos, culturales y soc...
Se presenta una estrategia que incluya la conservación tanto de sitios con herencia cultural, como las zonas para la protección de la biodiversidad. Se parte del concepto de paisaje cultural para la integración de ambos intereses. Se espera que este enfoque contribuya a la creación de programas de trabajo integradores de diferentes disciplinas inte...
Aguascalientes que considera tres criterios: 1) biológico (ecosistemas y especies), 2) cultural (asentamientos prehispánicos) o 3) paleontológico (yacimientos fosilíferos). Para ello, se realizó un análisis con base en un sistema de información geográfica con el programa ArcGis 9.2, y empleando mapas sobre aspectos biofísicos, Áreas Naturales Prote...
RESUMEN Se presentan los primeros resultados del análisis morfoscópico de los restos encontrados en un osario del sitio arqueológico de La Quemada, Zacatecas. Se determinó el tipo de prácticas rituales y ceremoniales que se efectuó en los individuos depositados en una cista, a modo de osario. Esto permitirá un mejor entendimiento de las costumbres...
This book offers a resume of archaeological research made in Southwestern Aguascalientes in 2005 and 2006. The information provides the recovery of new data by means of a systematic regional survey. The findings allows get new data about sedentary societies located in the ancient Mesoamerican Northern Frontier (600-900 dC). Also contain description...