Juan Larraín

Juan Larraín



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Additional affiliations
November 2015 - April 2017
Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso
  • PostDoc Position
September 2012 - October 2015
Field Museum of Natural History
  • PostDoc Position
March 2006 - present
University of Concepción
  • adjunct curator of bryophytes


Publications (111)
Introduction. During exploration of the central Chile bryophyte flora over the past decade, particularly during the wet winter months, a new species of Weissia with persistent protonemata and immersed, cleistocarpic capsules was found. Here we describe the new species. Methods. The new taxon was compared morphologically with the species of Weissia...
Bryum flabelliforme, a new facultative rheophytic moss, is described based on detailed morphological and molecular evidence. Examination of historical and recent specimens revealed that this moss has had a long history of confusion with several members of the Bryaceae that have rounded leaf apices. It has a broad distribution in North America, from...
A new species of Orthotrichum was recently described based on a single collection from the Coquimbo Region of Chile and was then thought to be rare. However, new collections reveal this species as common in central and northern Chile, and since it was described on a single specimen, here we present amendments to the original description. Some of th...
Introduction. During exploration of the central Chilean bryophyte flora over the past 10 years, especially during the wet winter months, a species of Acaulon was collected that did not match any of the known species of the genus. Here, we present our arguments for recognising these plants as a new moss species. Methods. The new taxon was compared...
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Premise Bryophytes form a major component of terrestrial plant biomass, structuring ecological communities in all biomes. Our understanding of the evolutionary history of hornworts, liverworts and mosses has been significantly reshaped by inferences from molecular data, which have highlighted extensive homoplasy in various traits and repeated burst...
Bryophytes are emerging as the sister-group to extant vascular plants, and their current diversity highlights that their life cycle characterized by a dominating vegetative gametophyte and an unbranched sporophyte composes a successful alternative to that of vascular plants and their dominating sporophyte. The evolutionary history of hornworts, liv...
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A detailed knowledge of biodiversity is fundamental for the proper design of con-servation strategies. In terms of bryophyte diversity, Chile still lacks floristic in-formation for large parts of the country. As a contribution to the knowledge of the natural history of central Chile, we present a catalogue of bryophytes of La Campana National Park,...
Increasing evidence indicates that wide distributed bryophyte taxa with homogeneous morphology may represent separate evolutionary lineages. The evolutionary histories of these cryptic lineages may be related to historical factors, such as the climatic oscillations in the Quaternary. Thus, the post-glacial demographic signatures paired with cryptic...
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Enumeration and distributional data of 28 liverworts new to Peru are presented, accompanied by taxonomic annotations, phytogeographical evaluation and illustrations. Remarkable new Peruvian records include the very rare northern Andean endemic Platycaulis renifolia as well as Frullania pearceana , hitherto known only from its type locality in Boliv...
Introduction Frullania subpyricalycina, a little-known liverwort species endemic to central Chile, is described and illustrated based on newly collected specimens as well as undetermined and previously misdetermined herbarium specimens in MO. Methods The specimens studied were compared morphologically with the type specimens of Frullania subpyrica...
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RESUMEN Las turberas de Sphagnum del sur de Sudamérica albergan una rica diversidad de criptógamas, siendo los briófitos (musgos y hepáticas) y líquenes los grupos mejor representados en estos ecosistemas. Esta diversidad aún permanece poco estudiada, especialmente en la región de Aysén. En este estudio se analizaron cinco turberas dominadas por Sp...
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Premise: New sequencing technologies facilitate the generation of large-scale molecular data sets for constructing the plant tree of life. We describe a new probe set for target enrichment sequencing to generate nuclear sequence data to build phylogenetic trees with any flagellate land plants, including hornworts, liverworts, mosses, lycophytes, f...
Molecular phylogenetic reconstructions of Rhabdoweisiaceae based on plastid (trnS-rps4 and trnL-F) and mitochondrial (nad5) DNA sequences and a comprehensive taxon sampling were performed, including 15 out of 16 genera currently attributed to the family, taxa recently found belonging to Rhabdoweisiaceae and expanded outgroups from related families...
Molecular phylogenetic reconstructions of Rhabdoweisiaceae based on plastid (trnS-rps4 and trnL-F) and mitochondrial (nad5) DNA sequences and a comprehensive taxon sampling were performed, including 15 out of 16 genera currently attributed to the family, taxa recently found belonging to Rhabdoweisiaceae and expanded outgroups from related families...
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The Chilean endemic genus Costesia belongs to the Gigaspermaceae, one of the most basal groups of arthrodontous mosses. While none of the species in this family has a peristome, earlier stages of sporophyte development often disclose its basic structure. The study of Costesia sporophytes at the early stages of development was conducted to identify...
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Here we present a multi-taxa inventory of naturalized alien species recorded on continental Chile and adjacent marine habitats, including eight taxonomic groups. We identified 1,122 species. These comprise 790 vascular plants (terrestrial and aquatic); 31 nonvascular plants [Bryophyta (mosses), Marchantiophyta (liverworts) and Anthocerotophyta (hor...
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Based on recent fieldwork and examination of herbarium collections from different parts of the Mediterranean climate areas of Chile, we report ten new bryophyte records for the country, including three liverwort and seven moss taxa. Six of these records are also new to South America. In addition, Trichostomum brachydontium Bruch is newly reported f...
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We describe the new species Notocynodontium parvulum, in the new genus Notocynodontium, to accommodate a distinct taxon recently found in two widely separated localities in central Chile and the Falkland Islands. Although morphologically reduced, preliminary molecular data indicate that the taxon belongs to the Rhabdoweisiaceae. The combination of...
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We present a description of the new species Rhynchostegium occultum from central Chile, including illustrations, a distribution map, and preliminary molecular data that supports its taxonomic placement. The new taxon is restricted to coastal relict forests of central Chile. An overview of the Chilean taxa of Rhynchostegium, and a key for local spec...
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Premise of the study New sequencing technologies enable the possibility of generating large-scale molecular datasets for constructing the plant tree of life. We describe a new probe set for target enrichment sequencing to generate nuclear sequence data to build phylogenetic trees with any flagellate plants, comprising hornworts, liverworts, mosses,...
Introduction. While revising material of South American Syntrichia for a worldwide revision of the genus, one specimen collected in Aysén (Chile) did not match the concept of any of the species known in the genus. Here we present our argument for recognising this moss as a new species and its differentiation from other closely related taxa. Methods...
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We present a bryophyte checklist for Madre de Dios Archipelago, located in western Magallanes Region, southern Chile. Madre de Dios is one of the most unique limestone massifs on Earth, and together with Diego de Almagro Island (150 km southward), they are the most extensive of such existing areas in Chile. It is located in the western margins of t...
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Biodiversity assessments are currently routine in most countries for measuring the impact of environmentally damaging projects. In order to properly document the species diversity occurring at a given locality, a fine understanding of the life history of each taxonomic group is needed. Thus, organism groups whose life cycle is poorly known may be o...
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The genus Aongstroemia is here reported as new for Argentina and Uruguay, based on collections of A. gayana, formerly considered a Chile endemic. The species is described and illustrated, and its distribution depicted in a map. We also report A. filiformis as new for the southern cone of South America, based on a single collection from Contulmo, Ch...
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Frullania is a large and taxonomically complex genus with over 300 accepted species. a new liverwort species, Frullania thouvenotiana sp. nov. from New Caledonia, is described and illustrated. the new species, and its placement in Frulla-nia subg. Microfrullania, is based on morphology with support from previously published sequence data. Diagnosti...
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RESUMEN Los briófitos juegan un rol clave en las turberas. Sin embargo, el conocimiento de este grupo es escaso en el sur de Sudamérica. Se presenta una clave de identificación de musgos de turberas de la Isla Grande de Chiloé (Chile). La clave está separada para cada grupo con caracteres similares.
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PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Biological collections are uniquely poised to inform the stewardship of life on Earth in a time of cataclysmic biodiversity loss. Efforts to fully leverage collections are impeded by a lack of trained taxonomists and a lack of interest and engagement by the public. We provide a model of a crowd-sourced data collection project...
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Citation: von Konrat M., T. Campbell, B. Carter, M. Greif, M. Bryson, J. Larraín, L. Trouille, et al. 2018. Using citizen science to bridge taxonomic discovery with education and outreach. PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Biological collections are uniquely poised to inform the stewardship of life on Earth in a time of cataclysmic biodiversity loss. Efforts t...
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We present 25 new moss records for the Falkland Islands, together with vouchers for three names previously reported for the archipelago without specimen citation, based on recent collections made by the authors in several localities throughout the Falkland Archipelago. Voucher information together with habitat details are given for each of the taxa...
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p>Lorentziella (Gigaspermaceae, Bryophyta) nuevo para Chile, y lectotipificación del género. El género Lorentziella es reportado por primera vez para Chile sobre la base de múltiples colecciones realizadas durante los meses de julio y septiembre de 2016. Se entrega información acerca de la ecología de la especie y su distribución mundial conocida,...
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The genus Lorentziella is reported for the first time for Chile based on multiple collections done between the months of July and September 2016. New information is given about the ecology of this taxon and its global known distribution, as well as a distribution map. A lectotype for the genus Lorentziella is here selected and the genus authorship...
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This study aims to investigate the richness of mosses and liverworts at Serra do Curicuriari, in the Amazonas State, Brazil. The study area and the bryophytes were collected in 1979, during a botanical expedition of the " Projeto Flora Amazônica " , in different types of vegetation. In total, 36 families, 99 genera, and 234 species were recorded (1...
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We present a checklist of non-vascular plants for Estancia Cerro Paine, a private land located in the heart of Torres del Paine National Park. The list includes two hornworts, 29 liverworts and 93 moss species, making a total of 124 bryophyte species. We report 32 new bryophyte records for Última Esperanza Province, 11 for Magallanes Region, and th...
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Se presenta una lista de plantas no vasculares para la Estancia Cerro Paine, predio particular ubicado en el centro del Parque Nacional Torres del Paine. La lista incluye dos antocerotes, 29 hepáticas y 93 especies de musgos, totalizando 124 especies de briófitos. Se reportan 32 nuevos registros para la provincia de Última Esperanza, 11 para la Reg...
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This is the final report on the moss flora of the Bío-Bío Region (Región VIII) in south-central Chile wherecollections were made in 2001-2003. Reported in this paper are one species new to South America, fourspecies new to Chile and 16 species new to the Region. With these new additions the total number of taxain the Bío-Bío Region is 343, correspo...
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Cephaloziella hampeana (Nees) Schiffn. ex Loeske is recorded for the first time in South America. This record considerably extends the distributional range of C. hampeana and raises the question on the role that high mountain environments play in dispersing species along the continent. The morphological differences of C. hampeana with its purported...
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Esta investigación contempló trece grupos taxonómicos, incluidas plantas (terrestres y acuáticas), algas, hongos, mamíferos, aves, anfibios, reptiles, insectos, peces y moluscos; y, además de identificar qué especies están asilvestradas, entrega información sobre su distribución, cómo y cuándo fueron introducidas al país y los impactos sobre la bio...
Frullania subgenus Microfrullania is a clade of ca. 15 liverwort species occurring in Australasia, Malesia, and southern South America. We used combined nuclear and chloroplast sequence data from 265 ingroup accessions to test species circumscriptions and estimate the biogeographic history of the subgenus. With dense infra-specific sampling, we doc...
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The bryophytes of Capitán Prat province have remained one of the least explored in Chile. The eventual construction of several dams on the rivers Baker and Pascua required prospection of all groups of organisms including bryophytes, work that was facilitated by the recent construction of vehicular roads that now offer easy access to previously almo...
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Bryophytes and lichens are an important component of biodiversity. Nevertheless, these cryptogamic groups are rarely included in floristic and ecological studies in southern South America. We present the first comparison of patterns of alpha and beta diversity of bryophytes and macrolichens in peatlands and Tepualia stipularis forests (TF) on Isla...
Voucher information for checklist of Capitan Prat Province, Aisen, southern Chile
Systematic list of taxa and additional information
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We report the finding of a population of Frullania weberbaueri in Parque Nacional Pan de Azúcar, Antofagasta Province, Chile. This taxon was previously known only from the type specimen collected by August Weberbauer in Lima in 1901. The new gathering is fertile so we describe here its sexuality and perianths, together with the oil bodies and the h...
62 contributors report on 55 bryophyte species, collected in Europe, Central and South America, Antarctica, Central and East Asia. Most of taxa are reported for different European countries: Denmark (14 species), Italy (3), Spain (2), Lithuania (2), Hungary (2 ones); the other countries (Portugal, Croatia, Ukraine, Greece, etc) are represented by o...
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We report the finding of a population of Frullania weberbaueri in Parque Nacional Pan de Azúcar, Antofagasta Province, Chile. This taxon was previously known only from the type specimen collected by August Weberbauer in Lima in 1901. The new gathering is fertile so we describe here its sexuality and perianths, together with the oil bodies and the h...
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As part of the revision of Philonotis in South America, a sample collected in Chile perfectly matched the type specimen of P. brevifolia Herzog. This species described from Chile was considered conspecific with P. krausei (Müll. Hal.) Broth. by Seki, but is resurrected here on the basis of the shape, apex, margin of the leaves, the shape of the lam...
As part of the revision of Philonotis in South America, a sample collected in Chile perfectly matched the type specimen of P. brevifolia Herzog. This species described from Chile was considered conspecific with P. krausei (Müll. Hal.) Broth. by Seki, but is resurrected here on the basis of the shape, apex, margin of the leaves, the shape of the lam...
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A working checklist of accepted taxa worldwide is vital in achieving the goal of developing an online flora of all known plants by 2020 as part of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation. We here present the first-ever worldwide checklist for liverworts (Marchantiophyta) and hornworts (Anthocerotophyta) that includes 7486 species in 398 genera r...
The filmy fern Hymenophyllum pumilio was described in 1911 from a single collection made during 1910 from New Caledonia. It was not recorded again until its rediscovery during an expedition to New Caledonia in 2012. In the interim, it was synonymised in 2007 with Hymenophyllum minimum, which had been regarded as endemic to New Zealand. After compar...
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The systematic placement of Frullania herzogii has been contentious since its description six decades ago. Over the years it has been interpreted as either a member of the genus Frullania or segregated into its own genus, Neohattoria, due to morphological similarities with both Frullania and Jubula. Here we provide molecular evidence that supports...
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The liverwort family Frullaniaceae is circumscribed to include the single genus, Frullania, and has a complex and confusing taxonomical history. An overview is provided for the infrageneric classification adopted for the forthcoming worldwide checklist based on recent morphological and molecular studies. The genus is preliminarily subdivided into e...
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One hundred and twenty-nine taxa of bryophytes and lichens were found in peatlands (Sphagnum bogs) and swamp forests of Tepualia stipularis of Isla Grande de Chiloé (Chile) (41°-43°S, 73°-74°W). Forty eight percent of these species are endemic to southern South America. The range of most species spans from Los Rios Region to Magallanes Region. Fift...
Three fertile populations of Racomitrium laevigatum A. Jaeger from southern Chile have recently been discovered. Here we present a novel description and illustrations of its sporophytes and comments on the phylogenetic implications of this finding.
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Frullania is a large and taxonomically complex genus. Here a new Frullania, F. toropuku von Konrat, de Lange & Larraín, sp. nov. is described from New Zealand. Frullania toropuku is placed in F. subg. Microfrullania. The new species is readily recognised by a combination of morphological characters associated with branching, the perianth, sexuality...
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The genus Racomitrium (Grimmiaceae: Racomitrioideae) was recently segregated into four genera—Racomitrium, Niphotrichum, Codriophorus, and Bucklandiella—following an infrageneric division originally proposed more than 100 years ago based on morphological traits such as the presence and shape of laminal cell papillae and hyaline leaf hairpoints, and...
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Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) is a key process in the recovery of this essential element for living organism after catastrophic disturbances, as the advance and retreat of glaciers had exhausted the soil nitrogen (N) capital. The main objective of this work was to analyze the levels of symbiotic nitrogen fixation (SNF) associated to the flora...
Biological nitrogen fi xation (BNF) is a key process in the recovery of this essential element for living organism after catastrophic disturbances, as the advance and retreat of glaciers had exhausted the soil nitrogen (N) capital. The main objective of this work was to analyze the levels of symbiotic nitrogen fi xation (SNF) associated to the fl o...
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The rediscovery of fertile populations of Dicranella lorentzii (Müll.Hal.) Broth. allowed the detailed examination of this forgotten endemic taxon of NW Argentina, and its comparison with other South American species. We present in this contribution a redescription of the species, together with the first illustrations for it. A lectotype for this n...
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In bryophytes a morphological species concept is still most commonly employed, but delimitation of closely related species based on morphological characters is often difficult. Here we test morphological species circumscriptions in a species complex of the moss genus Racomitrium, the R. canescens complex, based on variable DNA sequence markers from...
A molecular and morphological study using two chloroplast molecular markers (rps4 and trnL-F) was carried out with specimens belonging to Hymenoloma mulahaceni, a species described at the end of the 19th century from the Sierra Nevada Mountains in southern Spain as a member of Oreoweisia. The comparison with Asian, European, and North American mate...
Broth. allowed the detailed examination of this forgotten endemic taxon of NW Argentina, and its comparison with other South American species. We present a redescription of the species, together with its first illustration. A lectotype for this name is here designated.
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Los briófitos son plantas pequeñas, que carecen de flores, frutos o semillas. Generalmente son ignorados como parte de la diversidad vegetal de los ecosistemas terrestres, a pesar de tener diversos roles en la ecología de una variada gama de ecosistemas: los briófitos regulan la humedad ambiental absorbiendo el exceso de agua cuando llueve y liberá...