Juan Bueno PardoUniversity of Vigo | UVIGO · futureoceanslab.org
Juan Bueno Pardo
Standardized methodologies for Climate Risk Assessments in socio-ecological systems
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Ecological modelling and data analysis applied to understand the relationship between environment and organisms. Currently focused on climate vulnerability/risk assessments on the marine environment.
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September 2020 - present
October 2019 - present
November 2017 - May 2019
May 2010 - March 2014
September 2008 - September 2009
June 2001 - June 2006
Publications (56)
One of FutureMARES’ overarching goals is to provide science-based advice on the design and implementation of Nature-based Solutions and sustainable Nature-inclusive Harvesting for the marine environment. To help achieve that goal, the project set up a Platform for Knowledge Needs, enabling decision makers to request the development of knowledge pro...
Food insecurity is a pressing issue facing our world, particularly affecting coastal communities who rely on marine resources. The problem is further compounded by the rapidly changing climate, a deteriorating environment and growing human populations. It is essential to evaluate this issue accurately to reduce risk and improve the situation of coa...
The conservation and management of marine ecosystems hinge on a comprehensive understanding of the status and trends of top predators. This review delves into the ecological significance of marine top predators, examining their roles in maintaining ecosystem stability and functioning through an integrated analysis of current scientific literature....
Prospective risks from climate change impacts in ocean and coastal systems are urging the implementation of nature-based solutions (NBS). These are climate-resilient strategies to maintain biodiversity and the delivery of ecosystem services, contributing to the adaptation of social-ecological systems and the mitigation of climate-related impacts. H...
Climate change has rapidly altered marine ecosystems and is expected to continue to push systems and species beyond historical baselines into novel conditions. Projecting responses of organisms and populations to these novel environmental conditions often requires extrapolations beyond observed conditions, challenging the predictive limits of stati...
Understanding the relationship between environmental temperature and the biological traits of organisms is fundamental to inferring the potential impacts of climate change. In the case of marine poikilotherm species, seawater temperature is one of the main driving forces of biological processes, with consequences at higher levels of organization su...
An assessment framework of marine ecosystem services (ES) indicators to quantify the socio-ecological effectiveness of nature-based solutions (NBS) and nature-inclusive harvesting (NIH) under climate-driven changes was developed. It creates a common understanding about the health status of ecosystems, their services (ES), and the impact of implemen...
The Workshop on pathways to climate-aware advice (WKCLIMAD) met in the autumn of 2021 to develop a proposal for an advisory framework that accounts for the influences of climate change on aquaculture, fisheries, and ecosystems. The workshop worked through online ses-sions with over 40 participants.
Climate-informed advice should be provided through...
Understanding ecological, and socio-economical vulnerabilities is fundamental towards developing and implementing regional adaptation strategies to climate change. The Portuguese coast is situated in a transition zone between temperate ecosystems to the north, and subtropical with Mediterranean characteristics, to the south, with distinct oceanogra...
This study aims to operationalize the Hazard metrics of a climate risk
assessment. Hazards here measure the strength and severity of climate change impacts on resources, by combining a list of indicators related to the lifespan, habitat specificity, and thermal-safety-margin of the main marine resources of small-scale fisheries in Galicia.
Understanding the long-term effects of climatic factors on key species' recruitment is crucial to species management and conservation. Here, we analysed the recruitment variability of key species (Dicentrarchus labrax, Platichthys flesus, Solea solea, Pomatoschistus microps and Pomatoschistus minutus) in an estuary between 2003 and 2019, and relate...
The current magnitude of ocean extreme events already exceeds the end-of-the-decade scenario estimates, and therefore incremental adaptation measures will render insufficient for seafood-dependent livelihoods. Nevertheless, transformational change is deemed promising, but uncertainties remain as to what activates such processes and how maladaptatio...
The degree of exposure of fishing communities to environmental changes can be partially determined by the vulnerability of the target species and the landings composition. Hence, identifying the species that ecologically most contribute to the vulnerability of the landings are key steps to evaluate the risk posed by climate change. We analyse the t...
Assessing the effects of fishing activity and environmental variability on fishing species might help to understand their fluctuations and to manage them accordingly. However, despite the increasing number of studies linking fisheries and environmental data, few had a multi-species approach considering flatfish species and different age groups. The...
Climate change is already impacting fisheries with species moving across fishing areas, crossing institutional borders, and thus creating conflicts over fisheries management. In this scenario, scholars agree that adaptation to climate change requires that fisheries increase their social, institutional, and ecological resilience. The resilience or c...
Planktonic communities are a cornerstone of ocean food webs. Early benthic performance of meroplanktonic organisms is shaped by their life stages in planktonic communities. Fatty acid profiles of marine invertebrates are a good indicator of their nutritional state and allow inferring how dietary regimes experienced during larval pelagic life may dr...
In Algarve, southern Portugal, a fishery regulation was established forbidding the use of live crab as bait for the octopus fishing. Such a regulation was not established under a scientific fundament. The objective of this work was to identify if using live crab as bait affects the octopus fishery. Time series (1989–2015) were analysed in order to...
This is the first attempt to apply an expert-based ecological vulnerability assessment of the effects of climate change on the main marine resources of Portugal. The vulnerability, exposure, sensitivity, adaptive capacity, and expected directional effects of 74 species of fish and invertebrates of commercial interest is estimated based on criteria...
Relationship between overall vulnerability, directional effects and indicators
Expected environmental change in the context of climate change
Description of the indicators used during the vulnerability assessment
Results of the vulnerability assessment under climate change scenario RCP 4.5.
Marine landings in Portugal have decreased at a higher rate than fishing effort in the last 20 years. Identifying the variables driving the quantity and composition of landings is pivotal to understand the dynamics of the fisheries sector, which entails complex social and environmental aspects. In this study, we investigate the main drivers of mari...
The population of European anchovy of the Bay of Biscay collapsed at the beginning of the 21st century, causing the closure of its fishery between 2005 and 2010. In order to study both the human and environmental causes of the anchovy population dynamics, an approach coupling individual bioenergetics to an individual-based model was applied between...
Patterns of larval supply and larval condition at metamorphosis play key roles in the structure and dynamics of marine populations. Hence, biological and environmental conditions driving the dispersion of larval individuals, shape early life phenotypes, and influence their survival and post-settlement success. We performed a study over two consecut...
The integration of a Dynamic Energy Budget model in a population IBM model permits to hindcast the population dynamics of anchovy in the Bay of Biscay. Different ecological indicators at the individual and population level are obtained, allowing to understand the processes driving the anchovy dynamics.
A high quality data collection has been carried out between 2004 and 2014 to develop the first trophic ECOPATH model for the functioning of the sub and intertidal zones of Ria de Aveiro. This schematic representation allows the characterization of the most important compartments of biomass and flows of energy representing the functioning of the eco...
The valuation of nature is an inbuilt component of validating environmental management decisions and an important research field for different disciplines related to conservation, economy and ethics. Here, biodiversity was valued using an ecological approach based on the intrinsic value incorporated in biodiversity per se, regardless of any human a...
This policy brief was produced in the context of the research project “The Economic Valuation and Governance of Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Services”, a project supported by the Gulbenkian Oceans Initiative within the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and developed by the NOVA School of Business and Economics and by the Centre for Environmental and M...
Este policy brief foi produzido no contexto do Projeto de investigação “The Economic Valuation and Governance of Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Services”, o qual foi financiado pela Iniciativa Oceanos da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian e desenvolvido pela Nova School of Business and Economics e pelo Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar (CESAM) da Univ...
Bottom-trawling fisheries are a common threat to the health of continental margins worldwide. Together with numerous environmental and biological processes, physical disturbance induced by trawlers can largely shape the benthic habitats and their associated assemblages. At the SW Portuguese Margin, crustacean bottom trawlers have exploited deep-sea...
Mapping and quantifying bottom trawling fishing pressure on the seafloor is pivotal to understand its effects on deep-sea benthic habitats. Using data from the Vessel Monitoring System of crustacean trawlers along the Portuguese margin, we have identified the most exploited areas and characterized the most targeted habitats and water depths. We est...
Studying the trends, evolution, and factors driving marine fish populations and fisheries is fundamental to understand the role of marine fish as a provisioning Ecosystem Service. During the last 26 years, marine fish landings in mainland Portugal suffered a 52% drop, mainly due to the decrease of sardine landings. In order to throw some light on t...
Estuaries are among the most productive ecosystems and simultaneously among the most threatened by conflicting human activities, which damage their ecological functions. Describing and attempting to understand the structure and functioning of estuaries is an essential step for maintaining and restoring the quality of estuarine ecosystems. The objec...
We have supplemented available, concurrent measurements of fresh weight (W, g) and body carbon (C, g) (46 individuals, 14 species) and nitrogen (N, g) (11individuals, 9 species) of marine gelatinous animals with data obtained during the global ocean MALASPINA 2010 expedition (totalling 267 individuals and 33 species for the W versus C data; totalli...
Studies on the size-scaling of phytoplankton growth rate are usually based on temperature-corrected growth rates or experiments performed at a fixed temperature, but the effects of differing thermal adaptation of small and large species have not been considered. We use an extensive dataset of phytoplankton growth rate responses to temperature and c...
A curvilinear relationship between mammalian metabolic rate and body size on a log-log scale has been adopted in lieu of the longstanding concept of a 3/4 allometric relationship (Kolokotrones et al., 2010). The central tenet of Metabolic Ecology (ME) states that metabolism at the individual level scales-up to drive the ecology of populations, comm...
The metabolic theory of ecology (MTE) states that metabolic rate, ruled mainly by individual mass and temperature, determines many other biological rates. This view of ecology as ruled by the laws of physics and thermodynamics contrasts with life-history-optimization (LHO) theories, where traits are shaped by evolutionary processes. Integrating the...
First records of Aeshna affinis Vander Linden, 1820 (Odonata: Aeshnidae) from Asturias (northern Iberian Peninsula) are reported.
Planktonic larval duration (PLD) plays a pivotal role on dispersion and population connec-tivity of benthic species. Models for PLD based on the metabolic theory of ecology (MTE) rely on the first principles of resource distribution networks and biochemical kinetics to describe the effects of body size and temperature. Throughout a bibliographic se...