Juan Carlos Argibay

Juan Carlos Argibay
University of Buenos Aires | UBA · Faculty of Psychology


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Juan Carlos Argibay currently works at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Buenos Aires. Their most recent publication is 'Estudio de las intervenciones de un mismo terapeuta con 20 pacientes en la primera sesion'.


Publications (32)
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El presente estudio tiene como objetivo investigar las diferencias entre individuos autodenominados psíquicos (o videntes) y un grupo de control (no psíquicos) en la variable de frecuencia de experiencias perceptuales inusuales (percepción anómala) y el constructo psicológico de límite. Los participantes fueron divididos en psíquicos y no psíquicos...
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Few studies have explored personality traits to explain paranormal experiences, so it is not surprising that connections remain to be made between such experiences and a per-son's temperament. The aim of this study is to compare the frequency of paranormal experiences across four temperament groups. Questionnaires that included the stan-darized Spa...
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The specific aim of the present study was to find psychological differences between psychic and non-psychics. Specifically, we hypothesized that the self-claimed psychics score higher than non-psychics on the following four dimensions: (1) Individual Differences (i.e., neuroticism, extroversion, psychoticism, cognitive and emotional empathy, and de...
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La búsqueda de sensaciones es la tendencia a buscar placer sensorial y emoción. Varias investigaciones indican que la búsqueda de sensaciones puede favorecer la ocurrencia de experiencias anómalo/paranormales, pero poco se ha investigado al respecto. En este estudio se plantea la hipótesis de que ambas variables –búsqueda de sensaciones y experienc...
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Personality differences between those reporting psi experiences and those reporting psi abilities have been insufficiently explored, although a number of studies have noted 'sensitivity' and 'flexibility' as characterizing psychic claimants. The present study aims to investigate differences between psychic claimants and non-psychics on their experi...
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De acuerdo con ciertas tradiciones ocultistas y esotéricas, y con determinados creyentes de la Nueva Era, el aura re-presenta un campo de energía en torno a todos los seres vivientes. Sin embargo, un estudio psicológico muestra que las personas que han experimentado la percepción de "energías" o aura podrían tener mayor nivel de actividad imaginati...
The beneficial results of a theory-practice pilot stress management program for Pharmacy and Biochemistry professionals and students. Its importance as a complement of traditional academic education, as well as its potential for Pharmaceutical Care is also discussed. A total of 27 students and 26 professionals took part in a program of 10 sessions,...
Objectives The beneficial results of a theory-practice pilot stress management program for Pharmacy and Biochemistry professionals and students. Its importance as a complement of traditional academic education, as well as its potential for Pharmaceutical Care is also discussed. Materials and methods A total of 27 students and 26 professionals took...
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A number of psychics have gained a reputation as psychic detectives using such clues as photographs, a town map, or a piece of clothing. In fact, dowsing has long been espoused as a technique for helping individuals to utilize untrained psi abilities, in terms of unconscious muscular movements, while the pendulum acts as an amplifier of subconsciou...
Presentamos el diseño de un nuevo instrumento psicométrico que integraría el arsenal de herramientas del Algoritmo David Liberman (ADL) para la investigación de los deseos y las defensas (y su estado) en los evaluados. El instrumento tiene un carácter mixto, ya que la primera parte está constituida por un cuestionario autoadministrable de 168 ítems...
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A common procedure to encourage self-claimed psychics is to use iconic representations (photographs) as inductors. The aim of this study was to compare 2 conditions - "mental" and "motor" - using images of the faces of persons as targets. Specifically, we wanted to determine if the scores were different based on 2 kinds of stimulus (diseased and he...
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We conducted two trials of a free-response ESP test. The aim was to determine if two groups, 'low'-and 'high'-scorers on a measure of hypnotic susceptibility, would score differently on a psi-hitting task. We used the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility which assesses the hypnotisability of subjects when tested in groups. The sample (N =...
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Stimulus Equivalence Relations and Equivalence-Equivalence Relations: Effects of the Training Structure. The influence of training structure on the formation of equivalence relations and equivalence-equivalence relations was assessed. Three groups learned conditional relations using different training structures: Many to One, One to Many and Linear...
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Objetivo: mostrar la utilidad en la investigación clínica de la distribución de frecuencias de los deseos en los actos del habla de pacientes y terapeutas. Conclusiones: el empleo de las distribuciones de frecuencias resulta útil para realizar estudios clínicos cuanti-cualitativos del intercambio paciente-terapeuta, de los cambios clínicos de un pa...
Conference Paper
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Título: Frequence distributions of wishes in the words and the speech acts in the patients´discourse Fecha: 2012 Poster, SPR Meeting, Virginia Beach, USA. Aims: 1) to present the frequency distributions of wishes in words and speech acts in the patients´discourse and 2) to show some of their applications. First part: Frequency distribution of wishe...
Conference Paper
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Aims: 1) to present the frequency distributions of wishes in the speech acts of the therapists´discourse and 2) to show some of their applications. First part: Frequency distribution of wishes in the speech acts of 67 therapists Main concept We depart from the Freudian perspective of wishes. The repertory of the main wishes that the DLA expects to...
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To design, implement, and examine the psychoneuroendocrine responses of three different types of stress management programs. Randomly assigned. A pre/post experimental design comparing variables between three different programs and a control group. The first program included training in deep breathing, relaxation response, meditation, and guided im...
En este trabajo estudiamos los referentes valorativos, su relación con el hablante y la construcción de la propia posición como líder en sendos discursos (de asunción del cargo y de balcón) de dos presidentes argentinos: Carlos Saúl Menem (CSM) y Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (CFK). Nos interesa averiguar, además, si determinados rasgos de estos d...
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Building on evidence to suggest that strong believers in and experients of para-normal phenomena tend to be fantasy-prone individuals, we hypothesized that individuals who claimed paranormal / anomalous abilities would also score higher on dissociation, absorption and sensation-seeking than individuals who did not claim paranormal / anomalous exper...
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Este trabajo tiene el objetivo de discutir problemas metodológicos relacionados con el empleo del instrumento del ADL para el análisis de los deseos en los actos del habla de paciente y terapeuta durante la sesión. El trabajo tiene cinco partes. En la primera se describen algunas generalidades sobre el método (ADL) y en particular sobre el instrume...
En el siguiente artículo se abordan cuestiones relacionadas con el tema de la "muestra" en investigaciones cuantitativas. Se comentan los requisitos necesarios para que una muestra pueda ser considerada representativa. Se plantean las diferencias entre muestreos probabilísticos y no probabilísticos, se analizan las cuestiones de orden práctico que...
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Psychic reading is a method used to foretell the future of an individual. However, cold reading is a non-paranormal technique used by many self-claimed psychics and mediums to determine details about another person in order to convince them that the reader knows much more about a subject than he or she actually does. We wanted to explore some strat...
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[con Juan Carlos Argibay] (2009). An experimental study with ordinary people for testing “sacred” objects through psi detection. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 73.1 (894), 41-49.
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Psychometry describes a type of anomalous cognition which permits a psychic to experience such impressions using a physical object. A number of psychics have gained a reputation as psychic detectives using such things as photographs, a town map, or a piece of clothing. In fact, many people seem to have a high opinion of the abilities of psychics, b...
Conference Paper
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Some psychics and healers claim to obtain impressions of body sensations, visual images of organ dysfunctions, or an "inner knowing". However, there are few reports of quantitatively evaluated studies with psychics. They sometimes perform "psychometry", which is defined as an anomalous cognition system, specifically the ability to get "impressions"...
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Hay interrelaciones estadísticamente confiables entre la susceptibilidad a la hipnosis, la disociación psicológica y lasexperiencias paranormales. Hipotetizamos que a mayor susceptibilidad hipnótica, mayor reporte de experienciasparanormales, y en igual sentido, a mayores experiencias disociativas, mayor reporte de experiencias paranormales.También...
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There are reliable statistical relationships between hypnotic susceptibility, psychological dissociation, and paranormal experiences. We hypothesized that subjects with greatest hypnotic susceptibility would report the most paranormal experiences. Similarly, we expected that persons with the most dissociative experiences would report the most paran...
Psychometry is an anomalous cognition system for psi-detection. For example, psychics have often claimed to have the ability to obtain "impressions" about people from objects that they have owned. Many authors have suggested explanations for psychometry, which are in line with Roll´s "psi field." Research has mostly been limited to qualitative anal...


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