Juan Araujo

Juan Araujo
Texas Woman's University

Doctor of Philosophy


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Juan Araujo is Professor focusing on the study of literacy education. In short, the focus of my work is to further understand the work that goes on in English language arts classrooms. Specifically, the decision making process of teachers as they engage with their students, curriculum, and administration. Recently, my work looks into the preparation of undergraduate and graduate students as they learn more about writing and its practices in classroom settings.
Additional affiliations
July 2018 - present
Texas A&M University – Commerce
  • Professor (Associate)
August 2002 - May 2003
  • Teacher
  • Taught third grade bilingual/ESL education.
August 2003 - May 2007
Dallas Independent School District
  • Professor
January 2017 - May 2021
Harvard University
Field of study
  • English
January 2007 - August 2011
University of North Texas
Field of study
  • Major: Reading, Minor: Anthropology
August 2005 - December 2006
Southern Methodist University
Field of study
  • Major: Bilingual Education, Concentration: Gifted and Talented


Publications (27)
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This paper argues that educators interested in sustainability should look to complexity science for guiding principles. When we view our classrooms and campuses as living, dynamic ecologies, we can, as insiders, make sense of what might otherwise seem chaotic or meaningless. This perspective enables us not only to describe and explain what is happe...
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Literacy educators may dismiss the recent outcry about the U. S. school "crisis" as an emotional and perhaps cynical bid for political gain and private profit, but the drop-out rate and college-going rate highlight an urgent, legitimate concern about whether all students are being served. Admittedly, multiple factors influence how and whether indiv...
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This article presents two case studies that document the decisions of two secondary English language arts teachers in ninth and eleventh grade classrooms who are working with English learners. These teachers were interviewed and observed in their classrooms during the spring semester to investigate their decision-making during literacy instruction....
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This paper presents the actions of two high school English language arts teachers as they engage in writing instruction with adolescent English learners. Using a naturalistic, qualitative methodology we investigate the actions two high school English language arts teachers engage in to meet the needs of their students. Findings suggest that embraci...
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In most cases, the curriculum chosen for wide-use does not mirror or address the pressing needs of bi/multilingual learners, especially for those who are in middle and high school settings. In light of this and the increasingly negative national discourse surrounding minoritized students, our focus in this article is to offer in-service teachers a...
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The theme for the 44th yearbook of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers is “Elevating the Role of Creativity, Identity, and Voice in Literacy,” an apropos response to the three pandemics facing the U.S. communities and schools over the past several years. It represents a robust and humanizing next step to the increased police bruta...
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The theme of this year is Educate to Liberate. A reminder to faculty in the field that education and literacy extends beyond the content and courses we teach. As Freire puts it, “Leaders who do not act dialogically, but insist on imposing their decisions, do not organize the people—they manipulate them.” Instead, as literacy educators we should str...
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The theme for the 63rd annual conference of the Association of Literacy Educa- tors and Researchers Building Bridges with and for Literacy. The first section of the Yearbook begins with Connie Briggs Presidential address, titled Lessons Learned from Marie Clay: What is Possible? In her address, she highlights Marie Clay’s work as an eminent scholar...
The writing practices of adolescent learners are far different from those of their parents and teachers. In 2020, adolescents engage in writing bursts through text messages and chats as they play games or share stories throughout the day with friends and family. It has been challenging for high school teachers to take advantage of these literacy ac...
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Reading and writing expand horizons, open windows, facilitate exploration, support connection, share ideas, challenge thinking, change perspectives, and more. Literacy builds bridges. And currently too many gulfs exist. The 2019 conference yearbook strives to build bridges across gulfs, cultural gulfs, contextual gulfs, methodological gulfs, and mo...
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The What's Hot in Literacy Annual Survey serves as a springboard for idea generation and reflection about what areas of literacy should be a focus of attention. In this article, the authors share information about three of the “hottest” topics from the 2019 survey: digital literacies, disciplinary literacies, and English learners. Each discussion i...
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The What's Hot in Literacy Annual Survey serves as a springboard for idea generation and reflection about what areas of literacy should be a focus of attention.
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The theme for the 62nd annual conference of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers was Educating for a Just Society. Connie Briggs, previous Program Chair, reminded us that, “Education has always been the foundation of a democratic nation. It is important that our students understand the principles upon which our nation was founded a...
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The authors of this chapter present the narrative findings and discussions of their collaborative study during year two as they continue to modify instruction in three undergraduate classes to aid preservice teachers as they acquire expertise in building sustained relationships with the parents of their students. In this iteration, our findings sug...
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Herein, we use action research as a means for graduate students to develop and grow in their professional expertise as literacy teachers/coaches/specialists. In short, this manuscript aims to document Ernie Stringer's Look, Think, Act routines of seven students as they inquire about one particular situation in their own settings, to improve their o...
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This manuscript shares the insights of university faculty members as they worked with one class of preservice teachers to understand their attitudes about writing and the teaching of writing during the spring 2014 semester. Faculty members attempted to meet the writing needs of these preservice teachers discovered through their open-ended questionn...
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Adolescent English Learners (ELs) possess cultural knowledge and skills that can be leveraged for academic success through relevant classroom literature. Using literature that connects to ELs’ personal lives can benefit their literacy learning as well as the educational experience for native English speakers. Specific age-appropriate and culturally...
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This article shares the insights of a tutor as she works with a fourth-grade African American girl. For this case study, the authors use interactive read-alouds and writing samples to document the reading and writing events of this yearlong tutorial experience. They report on the power of critical literacy to engage a developing reader and improve...
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The authors present a model for generative learning for adolescent English learners, grounding their research in a sociocultural approach to literacy learning. Drawing on human system dynamics, the authors focus on professional development of teacher utilizing an inquiry-based workshop approach. The authors present an analysis of their reflexive na...
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English Language Learners of all ages and levels face a challenge when they encounter academically rich texts. To understand more about what literacy practices work with these students and to explore effective supports to inform our preservice teachers, University of North Texas at Dallas faculty read and discussed Academic Language for English Lan...
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Culturally Mediated Writing Instruction invites students to take an inquiry stance toward issues of interest and significance—exploring issues, framing questions, gathering information, synthesizing findings into messages, publishing or presenting their findings, and assessing their efforts before moving on to other inquiries. CMWI can be seen as a...


Question (1)
One of my graduate students is seeking to analyze textbooks to understand the appropriateness of the content for diverse cultures and the presence or absence of diverse cultures within the text in state adopted textbooks.  


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