Juan Antonio Antequera-Barroso

Juan Antonio Antequera-Barroso
University of Extremadura | UNEX

Profesor Contratado Doctor


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Publications (29)
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Video games, although not originally designed for educational purposes, have the potential to serve as a significant tool in creating an efficient and motivating learning environment that facilitates the acquisition of mathematical concepts or notions. This study aims to examine the responses provided by students (n = 100) majoring in Early Childho...
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This study focuses on the issue of school bullying and explores the potential of video games as a tool to prevent and address this problem. To accomplish this, the video game Monité, specifically designed for the prevention of school bullying, was utilized, using the paradigm of digital game-based learning as an intervention methodology that emphas...
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The aim objective of this study was to analyze the incorporation procedure for the Portal 2 video game in the subject Mathematical Knowledge in Early Childhood Education. Two specific objectives were proposed: (a) to consider whether the inclusion of a video game is a motivating educational resource, and (b) to determine the degree of knowledge rel...
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Video game use is widespread among all age groups, from young children to older adults. The wide variety of video game genres, which are adapted to all tastes and needs, is one of the factors that makes them so attractive. In many cases, video games function as an outlet for stress associated with everyday life by providing an escape from reality....
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This article reflects the opinion of future Early Childhood Education teachers at the Universidad de Cádiz on the usefulness and degree of satisfaction of SketchUp, a 3D modelling software programme, after they participated in a workshop for didactic-mathematical training. They had to use the software to design and model their ideal nursery school...
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En este trabajo se pretende mostrar cómo maestros y maestras en formación inicial del 2o Curso del Grado de Educación Infantil de la Universidad de Cádiz, en la asignatura “El Conocimiento Matemático en Educación Infantil”, a través de un trabajo cooperativo, empleando el juego como recurso didáctico son capaces de generar situaciones en las que su...
El lector tiene ante sí la tercera entrega de la trilogía «Miradas y voces». La iniciábamos allá por 2015 con el título Miradas y voces de maestros jubilados y la continuábamos en 2018 con la obra Miradas y voces de futuros maestros. Por fin, tras cinco años, vemos concluida nuestra labor con este trabajo colectivo de profesores de la Universidad d...
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Colorectal cancer is one of the leading cancer death causes worldwide, but its early diagnosis highly improves the survival rates. The success of deep learning has also benefited this clinical field. When training a deep learning model, it is optimized based on the selected loss function. In this work, we consider two networks (U-Net and LinkNet) a...
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En el contexto de la formación inicial de profesores de matemáticas en su tercer curso del Grado de Maestro de Educación Infantil, se ha llevado a término, durante el primer cuatrimestre del curso 2018-19, una innovación docente que ha implicado a las tres líneas que conforman el grado y que ha involucrado a cuatro profesores universitarios y a 206...
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En el contexto de la formación inicial de maestros de Educación Infantil en matemáticas y su didáctica, se ha llevado a término una innovación docente que ha involucrado a 206 alumnos y a cuatro docentes universitarios durante el primer cuatrimestre del curso académico 2018-19. La materia de referencia donde se ha desarrollado la innovación es la d...
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The school world has had to face many challenges, such as new learning models, new procedures and teaching strategies. A study is presented on the implementation of a learning program with the use of emerging 3D technologies in the classrooms of Early Childhood Education. The methodology used is mixed, that is to say, with a quantitative methodolog...
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En el contexto de la formación inicial de profesores de matemáticas en su tercer curso del Grado de Maestro de Educación Infantil, se ha llevado a término, durante el primer cuatrimestre del curso 2018-19, una innovación docente que ha implicado a las tres líneas que conforman el grado y que ha involucrado a cuatro profesores universitarios y a 206...
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INTRODUCCIÓN Se presenta una innovación docente que se desarrollará en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Cádiz, en su fase de planificación. El proyecto Creación de situaciones para el aprendizaje de las matemáticas basadas en juegos de mesa actuales se implementará en la asignatura de tercer curso de Grado de Educación I...
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RESUMEN El videojuego es una herramienta cuya expansión y arraigo cultural en la sociedad actual per-mite su inclusión como elemento didáctico para trabajar con el alumnado. El estudio se ha dirigido al alumnado del 2º curso del grado de Educación Infantil de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Cádiz. Hemos empleado el vide...
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RESUMEN La creatividad es un valor en alza debido a su estrecha relación con la solución de problemas y el emprendimiento. Es conveniente que esta creatividad sea fomentada desde los primeros años de escolarización cuando el mundo de fantasía y simbólico del niño está en plena ebullición y dónde todo es posible. Así, el fomento de la creatividad, a...
Preclinical studies in cardiovascular medicine are necessary to translate basic research to the clinic. The porcine model has been widely used to understand the biological mechanisms involved in cardiovascular disorders for which purpose different closed-chest models have been developed in the last years to mimic the pathophysiological events seen...
Surface energetic characterization of porous solids usually requires the determination of the contact angle. This quantity is deduced by imbibition experiments carried out in such media with high surface tension liquids. Now then, this methodology needs the geometrical characterization of the porous medium by means of the deduction of its effective...
The imbibition of aqueous solutions of Triton X-100 in calcium fluoride columns has been studied in order to determine the influence of the interfacial adsorption of the surfactant in the capillary rise of the solutions. This system has been chosen because this surfactant behaves as non-adsorbable at the surface of this solid when it is in aqueous...
The imbibition of aqueous solution of Triton X-100 in porous columns of calcium fluoride has been carried out in order to investigate the surfactant influence on the capillary rise. Experiments have consisted of the measurement of the increase in the weight of the porous columns caused by the imbibition of the solutions. From their analysis, it has...
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The main goal of this work consists in the research about the nowadays actual capabilities of X-ray powder diffraction to solve complex organic structures. At this respect, we consider here two organic compounds: caffeine and nicotine, whose biological activity led us to include them as stimulant drugs. Since it is very difficult to obtain single c...
The presents study brings to light that the free energy reduction per surface unit, Δg, which is considered as the driven force that leads the imbibition of liquids into porous media, does not show any dynamic behaviour during the rise of the liquids. Therefore, this quantity is a constant parameter that characterized the capillary rise processes....


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