Jozef Pajtík

Jozef Pajtík
National Forest Centre



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Publications (100)
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In November 2004, a severe windstorm destroyed large portions of the spruce-dominated forests in the Tatra National Park (northern Slovakia). This study focused on the status of deadwood and its influence on post-disturbance forest regeneration 18 years after the destruction. Since some disturbed areas were salvaged and others were not, we could co...
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This study focuses on inter-specific comparisons of bark browsing (stripping) between Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) and silver fir (Abies alba Mill.). Field measurements were conducted at the previously established research-demonstration site "Husárik" in the Javorníky Mountains, north-western Slovakia. We didn’t only measure t...
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The early development of naturally regenerated forest stands is highly dynamic and includes rapid shifts in productivity and mortality. To characterise the growth dynamics in the initial decades, we assessed aboveground biomass stocks (S ab),aboveground biomass productivity (DP ab), and aboveground biomass mortality (DM ab) in five naturally regene...
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This study investigates the radial growth response of five key European forest tree species, i.e., Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies, Abies alba, Quercus petraea, and Pinus sylvestris, to dry years in the West Carpathians, Slovakia. Utilizing data from ICP Forests Level I plots, we identified species-specific growth declines, particularly in Pinus sylve...
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European hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) is a tree species widely distributed in Europe and the Asian part of the Near East. However, since European hornbeam is not very attractive for commercial purposes, scientific interest in this species has been rather sparse. Our study focused on dense young (up to 10 years old) European hornbeam stands origin...
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Biomass allometric relations are necessary for precise estimations of biomass forest stocks, as well as for the quantification of carbon sequestered by forest cover. Therefore, we attempted to create allometric models of total biomass in young silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) trees and their main components, i.e., leaves, branches, stem under bar...
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Damage on forests by large wild herbivores, especially by red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) has been increasing in Central Europe including Slovakia. Therefore, we attempted to estimate the forage potential, i.e. potentially available bark for consumption by large wild herbivores and actually consumed bark of common rowan (Sorbus aucuparia L.) and goat...
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This work focuses on quantification of stem bark browsing on three broadleaved softwood pioneer tree species: common aspen, common rowan, goat willow. Field measurements were performed in about 10-year-old mixed stand in northwestern Slovakia, formerly with ungulate ruminants exclusion. However, within the last three years the stand was typical wit...
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Among the surfaces of all tree compartments, the main portion of bark, i.e. the largest area as well as the greatest mass, is located on stem surface. We studied basic bark properties: thickness, biomass, and specific surface mass (dry mass weight per square unit) on stems of four broadleaved species: common aspen , goat willow, rowan, and sycamore...
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In the period of climate change, it is necessary to have biomass models for trees of all sizes to make precise estimations of biomass forest stocks to quantify carbon sequestration by forest cover. Therefore, we created allometric models of aboveground biomass in young Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) trees including main components, i.e. st...
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The study deals with the analysis of the impact of climate and ground water table level on radial increment and defolia-tion of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) growing on sandy soils. The research was performed in the area of the Borska nížina (i.e. Borská Lowland, situated in southwest of Slovakia), where a substantial die-back of pine trees has...
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The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic jointly with the National Forest centre annually acquaint the forestry professionals community, the general public as well as the business community with the state of forest management in Slovakia. The Green Report assesses the state of and trends in forestry in Slovakia, and...
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Ministerstvo pôdohospodárstva a rozvoja vidieka Slovenskej republiky spolu s Národným lesníckym centrom každoročne oboznamuje odbornú lesnícku verejnosť, laickú verejnosť a podnikateľskú sféru so stavom lesného hospodárstva na Slovensku. Zelená správa hodnotí stav a vývojové trendy lesného hospodárstva na Slovensku a navrhuje opatrenia smerujúce k...
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Pustnutie kultúrnej poľnohospodárskej krajiny, zjavné najmä za ostatných 30 rokov, je fenomén výrazne vystupujúci v našej krajine ako novodobý spoločenský a krajinnoekologický problém. Postupné sukcesie – zarastania opúšťaných, resp. neobhospodarovaných poľnohospodárskych pozemkov je najmä dôsledkom stagnácie poľnohospodárstva. Súhrnne môžeme kon...
Správa o lesnom hospodárstve v Slovenskej republike za rok 2020 obsahuje informácie o aktuálnom stave lesov, ich obhospodarovaní a lesného hospodárstva k 31. 12. 2020. Cieľom správy je poskytnúť odbornej verejnosti, laickej verejnosti a podnikateľskej sfére objektívny obraz o výsledkoch hospodárenia v lesoch. Správa analyzuje stav a vývoj lesného h...
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The main goal of this study is to analyse and interpret interspecific differences in foliage biomass/area and woody parts biomass as well as the ratio between quantities of foliage and woody components (i.e., branches, stem and roots). The study was principally aimed at determining basic biomass allocation patterns and growth efficiency (GE) of fou...
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Abandoned agricultural land (AAL) is a European problem and phenomenon when agricultural land is gradually overgrown with shrubs and forest. This wood biomass has not yet been systematically inventoried. The aim of this study was to experimentally prove and validate the concept of the satellite-based estimation of woody above-ground biomass (AGB) o...
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Large wild herbivores are important and natural components of forest ecosystems, but through their browsing activities have the potential to influence the structure and composition of forest communities, thus timber production and ecosystem dynamics. To examine the effects of browsing by wild herbivores on a young post-disturbance forest in the Kys...
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The aim of the paper was to compare young silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) growing at the identical site, from the point of contribution of tree components to their aboveground biomass stock, their wood density, radial increment and aboveground biomass production. Our research activities were performed in...
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Although forest disturbances have become more frequent and severe due to ongoing climate change, our understanding of post-disturbance development of vegetation and tree–herb layer interactions remains limited. An extreme windstorm, which occurred on 19 November 2004, destroyed icea abies (L.) H. Karst dominated forests in the High Tatra Mts. Here,...
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Správa hodnotí stav a vývoj lesov a lesného hospodárstva v roku 2019 aj s ohľadom na medzinárodne dohovorené ukazovatele trvalo udržateľného obhospodarovania lesov. Slúži ako informačný materiál na podporu rozhodovania a riadenie lesného hospodárstva SR. Napĺňa požiadavky informovanosti odbornej a laickej verejnosti na Slovensku aj v zahraničí, keď...
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Preparation of the Report on Forestry (green report) was imposed by Resolution no. 251/1993 of the National Council of the Slovak Republic to the Government of the Slovak Republic. The report is prepared annually in cooperation with the relevant ministries in order to provide data on the state of the forest sector and economic conditions for the re...
Technical Report
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Správa o lesnom hospodárstve v Slovenskej republike za rok 2019 obsahuje informácie o aktuálnom stave lesov a ich obhospodarovaní k 31. 12. 2019. Cieľom správy je poskytnúť odbornej a laickej verejnosti objektívny obraz o výsledkoch hospodárenia v lesoch. Správa analyzuje stav a vývoj lesného hospodárstva z hľadiska sociálnych, environmentálnych a...
Technical Report
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Príloha (tabuľková a obrázková) k Správe o lesnom hospodárstve v Slovenskej republike za rok 2019 obsahuje informácie o aktuálnom stave lesov a ich obhospodarovaní k 31. 12. 2019. Cieľom správy je poskytnúť odbornej a laickej verejnosti objektívny obraz o výsledkoch hospodárenia v lesoch. Správa analyzuje stav a vývoj lesného hospodárstva z hľadisk...
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Red deer (Cervus elaphus) are mixed feeders that consume both herbaceous and woody plants. As a consequence, intensive browsing on trees where red deer populations are particularly dense often leads to serious conflicts between the interests of forestry and hunting stakeholders. Therefore, understanding the density of deer that forest system can be...
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In the conditions of Central Europe, silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) has so far not been an important species for commercial purposes but might be relevant from ecological point of view. For instance, prompt succession by birch and other pioneer tree species at large-scale post-disturbance areas is necessary to compensate for previous carbon los...
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Our research of common aspen (Populus tremula L.) focused on the forested mountainous area in central Slovakia. Forest stands (specifically 27 plots from 9 sites) with ages between 2 and 15 years were included in measurements and sampling. Whole tree biomass of aspen individuals was destructively sampled, separated into tree components (leaves, bra...
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This study aims to analyze and assess studies published from 1992 to 2019 and listed in the Web of Science (WOS) and Current Contents (CC) databases, and to identify agricultural abandonment by application of remote sensing (RS) optical and microwave data. We selected 73 studies by applying structured queries in a field tag form and Boolean operato...
Red deer (Cervus elaphus) are native to most of Europe and parts of western and central Asia and northern Africa. Therefore, red deer are the most common and widespread species within the Cervidae family and are very popular for recreational hunting across their range. In the last two to three decades, populations of red deer have been gradually in...
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Our study focused on a postdisturbance area that arose after the large-scale windstorm on 19 November 2004 in Tatra National Park, northern Slovakia. The wind destroyed forest stands dominated by Norway spruce at elevations from 700 to 1400 m above sea level. The windstorm dramatically changed the forest stands in the national park, motivating our...
Conference Paper
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Cieľom práce bolo sumarizovať aktivity parcovníkov NLC v oblasti pozemného monitoringu stavu a vývoja mladých lesných porastov na pokalamitnom území Tatranského národného parku vzniknutých po rozsiahlej vetrovej disturbancii. Zároveň prezentuje vybrané výsledky z tohto monitoringu pokrývajúceho rôzne úrovene.
Conference Paper
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Pojmom pionierske dreviny sa označuje skupina lesných drevín, ktoré ako prvé obsadzujú plochy s absenciou blízke-ho fruktifikujúceho lesa, resp. územia degradované antropogénnou alebo prírodnou disturbančnou činnosťou (napr. pokalamitné plochy). Často sa označujú termínom "prípravné", pretože spravidla vytvárajú priaznivé ekologické podmienky (najm...
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Mast seeding, the synchronised occurrence of large amounts of fruits and seeds at irregular intervals, is a reproductive strategy in many wind-pollinated species. Although a series of studies have investigated mast year (MY) patterns in European forest tree species at the regional scale, there are few recent evaluations at a European scale on the i...
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We examined the effect of weather variables on radial growth of Norway spruce and European beech at the intra- and interannual level. We used database of regular growth measurements at 9 forest sites distributed along an altitudinal and spatial gradient within the Slovakia and Czech Republic. In the period of 2010–2017, we analysed data from 213 de...
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Although tree mortality is an essential process in forests, tree death still remains one of the least understood phenomena of forest development and dynamics. Therefore, we focused on annual mortality rates together with annual felling rates in the Slovak and Czech forests. We used data from the long-term national monitoring (periods of 1988-2017 i...
Because red deer (Cervus elaphus) forage extensively on woody plants, browsing is a serious problem in forest stands especially in initial growth stages. In Slovakia, rowans (Sorbus aucuparia) are the most attractive tree species for red deer, and when present, they may serve to divert the attention of foraging red deer from com-mercial forest stan...
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The gypsy moth Lymantria dispar is a serious economic pest in European broadleaf forests. However, the entomopathogenic fungus Entomophaga maimaiga, which has a great potential to regulate gypsy moth numbers, has recently spread in the Central and Eastern European area of the moth's range. In the current study, 39 plots in oak forests in the Slovak...
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The research material (whole tree samples) originated from the vast majority of the territory of Slovakia. Hence, the results can be generalised to the conditions of the Western Carpathians. The samples represented eleven tree species. The publication does not deal only with the main commercial tree species, but it also contains the data on some ot...
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The paper focused on the estimation of aboveground biomass and its carbon stock in the vegetation cover on the territory of the High Tatras twelve years after a large-scale wind disturbance. Besides biomass quantification of main plant groups (i.e. trees and ground vegetation) we considered plant components with special regard to carbon rotation ra...
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In Slovakia, the contribution of young stands to the total forest area has been increasing in the last decade. However, scientific attention to these stands was previously very sparse and they were usually not included in local and country carbon stock estimates. Therefore, we focused on the calculation of tree biomass and necromass in young beech...
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The paper focused on the estimation of aboveground biomass and its carbon stock in the vegetation cover on the territory of the High Tatras twelve years after a large-scale wind disturbance. Besides biomass quantification of main plant groups (i.e. trees and ground vegetation) we considered plant components with special regard to carbon rotation ra...
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In Slovakia, the contribution of young stands to the total forest area has been increasing in the last decade. However, scientific attention to these stands was previously very sparse and they were usually not included in local and country carbon stock estimates. Therefore, we focused on the calculation of tree biomass and necromass in young beech...
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Measurement of basic dendrometric characteristics of trees at two transects (T1 and T2) and allometric relations allowed quantification of carbon stock in the tree components (foliage, branches, stem and roots) in young stands ten years after large-scale wind damage (November 2004). The results were compared with situation in the formerly existing...
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Táto publikácia prináša zhodnotenie výskytu škodlivých činiteľov za roky 1960 až 2014, opisuje ich výskyt v roku 2015 a prognózuje ich na nasledujúci rok, resp. niekoľko nasledujúcich rokov. K významným parametrom hodnotenia škodlivosti činiteľa je náhodná ťažba a jej podiel na celkových ťažbách, ako aj plošný výskyt škodlivých činiteľov. Činitele...
Conference Paper
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Analyzovali sme niekoľkoročný vývoj porastov smrekovcových smrečín v oblasti Vysokých Tatier na príklade dvoch výskumných plôch (Leaving – L a Declined – D). Hoci lokalita nebola priamo zasiahnutá veternou kalamitou z novembra 2004, sekundárne sa tu začal premnožovať podkôrny hmyz, ktorý napadol okolité porasty. Rapídny nástup prebehol medzi 4. a 5...
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Measurement of basic dendrometric characteristics of trees at two transects (T1 and T2) and allometric relations allowed quantification of carbon stock in the tree components (foliage, branches, stem and roots) in young stands ten years after large-scale wind damage (November 2004). The results were compared with situation in the formerly existing...
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European ash (Fraxinus excelsior) and sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) are considered amongst tree species as some of the most attractive forage for red deer (Cervus elaphus). The aim of this paper is to estimate branch and foliage mass browsing by red deer in young Sycamore maple and European ash in Central Slovakia and to analyze interspecifi...
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Large-scale disturbances under the conditions of Slovakia, caused especially by storm and bark beetle, bring dramatic decline in carbon budget of the country, besides other negative consequences. The largest disturbance in modern history of the Slovak forestry was the storm damage that occurred in November 2004. The Tatra National Park (TNP) was on...
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The decline of spruce stands caused by bark beetle outbreaks is a serious economic and ecological problem of forestry in Slovakia. In the preceding period, the decline affected mainly secondary spruce forests. Over the last decade, due to large bark-beetle outbreaks this problem has been observed also in natural spruce forests, even at high elevati...
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Goat willow (Salix caprea) and rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) species are the preferred forage for large herbivores including red deer (Cervus elaphus). Both species could be considered as suitable biological control for mitigating damage to commercial tree species. Research activities focused on a post-disturbance area that origina-ted after an intensiv...
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Forest tree biomass models are important, not only for estimating total tree biomass but also for estimating biomass structure by components. Thus, we developed allometric equations, biomass conversion and expansion factors (BCEF) for young European ash (Fraxinus excelsior) and Sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus). New data, including 100 sample of...
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Growth intensity of particular tree components is controlled by a variety of factors and as a consequence, biomass allocation also changes over time. Since the allocation of biomass controls the carbon regime in a forest stand, tree standing stock and biomass structure, with regard to tree components: fine and coarse roots, stem, branches and needl...
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Recently, the red deer (Cervus elaphus) population has increased considerably and caused serious damage in forest stands in Slovakia as well as in other Central-European countries. Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia L.) is the tree species that is most intensively browsed and stripped by deer, especially during young stages of tree development. Our research f...
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The study focuses on two young stands of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) of the same age (12-year-old) with similar sized trees grown at near identical sites. After performing a destructive sampling technique which included all tree compartments except fine roots; allometric equations were constructed for all tree c...
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The study focuses on two young stands of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) of the same age (12-yearold) with similar sized trees grown at near identical sites. After performing a destructive sampling technique which included all tree compartments except fine roots; allometric equations were constructed for all tree co...
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AbstractWe investigated the seasonal dynamics of height increment, as well as total annual height increment, in 2009–2013 on young stands of beech and spruce grown at the same site. The results showed that the inter-annual dynamics of basic stand characteristics, especially tree density, were more obvious in spruce than in beech stands. Much higher...
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We investigated the seasonal dynamics of height increment, as well as total annual height increment, in 2009–2013 on young stands of beech and spruce grown at the same site. The results showed that the inter-annual dynamics of basic stand characteristics, especially tree density, were more obvious in spruce than in beech stands. Much higher tree mo...
Silver fir is one of the most productive and ecologically valuable native European tree species, however, it has been experiencing decline which has periodically occurred over its natural range. This paper aims to investigate the recent climate-growth relationships of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) and its temporal change along the course of its lif...
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Vydanie tejto publikácie podporila Agentúra Ministerstva školstva vedy a výskumu Slovenskej republiky pre štrukturálne fondy EÚ (ASFEU) z operačného programu Výskum a vývoj v rámci projektu ITMS: 26220120069 „Centrum excelentnosti pre podporu rozhodovania v lese a krajine“.
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The paper presents results of a long-term observation focused on the growth of two selected fir-beech stands in the area of the Eastern Carpathian Mountains, which were established in the past to investigate the effect of different management treatments on the growth and structure of the stands. Attention was paid to changes in the tree species pro...
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The quantification of stems (under- and overbark), foliage and fine roots in 14-year-old stands of European beech and Norway spruce grown on the same site were evaluated. Therefore, 60 trees of each species were sampled, dry masses of stems and foliage were established and expressed by allometric equations with stem diameter as an independent varia...
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This paper aims to quantify relationships between the biometric parameters of young, 15-year old spruce stands at the Experimental Site Vrchslatina. In 2011, 40 spruce trees were selected to cover four classes of bio-sociological status (dominant, co-dominant, sub-dominant, and suppressed – 10 individuals each). The trees were measured for their he...