Josep Francesc Bisbal-Chinesta

Josep Francesc Bisbal-Chinesta
Josep Francesc verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Josep Francesc verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
IPHES Catalan Institute for Human Palaeoecology and Social Evolution | IPHES · Palaeoherpetology (Amphibians & Reptiles)

PhD in Quaternary and Prehistory


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PhD in Quaternary and Prehistory (IPHES-URV). Msc in Palaeontology (UAB-UB). MA in Archaeology (UV). BA in History (UV). My scientific interests are Quaternary Palaeoherpetology, Archaeoherpetology, herpetofaunal Taphonomy and biogeographic changes of the herpetofauna in the Mediterranean Basin.
Additional affiliations
June 2020 - present
IPHES Catalan Institute for Human Palaeoecology and Social Evolution
  • Associated researcher


Publications (50)
The climate has undergone significant changes since the end of the Last Glacial Maximum and in the course of the Holocene, parallel to important cultural transformations and migrations in the human communities. The faunal record has also suffered the effects of climate change. Amphibians and reptiles in particular have been shown to be highly sensi...
The successive fossil amphibian and reptile assemblages from the Middle to Late Pleistocene sites from the Manzanares and Jarama River Valleys (Madrid, central Spain) permitted the reconstruction of part of the climate instability with high-amplitude and rapid shifts of the last 450 ka and their associated landscapes: Áridos-1 (MIS11b), Valdocarros...
Early Pleistocene terrestrial climate conditions in the Mediterranean region, especially between 1.3 and 1.7 Ma, are poorly understood. Here, the amphibian and reptile fossil record from 24 fissures (Cava Pirro) of the Pirro Nord karstic complex (southern Italy) is used to infer quantitative paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental reconstructions. The...
Human movements in the regions surrounding the Mediterranean Sea have caused a great impact in the composition of terrestrial fauna due to the introductions of several allochthonous species, intentionally or not. Reptiles are one of the groups where this anthropic impact is most evident, owing to the extensive intra-Mediterranean dispersals of rece...
Anurans, such as frogs and toads, are occasionally very abundant in archaeo-paleontological sites and representing >80% of the remains. These accumulations have been linked mainly to human consumption in the European context, by the preferential selection of body parts and by the presence of burning, and to a lesser extent, cut marks (as in Chalain...
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Since the last update of the list of the Spanish herpetofauna in 2018, recent studies have provided new evidence supporting the need to implement taxonomic changes in several groups. In this work, we present an updated reference list for the Spanish herpetofauna, which currently includes 132 native or historically introduced species, i.e. 37 amphib...
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Crocidura iculisma (= C . suaveolens ) is a shrew (Soricidae, Eulipotyphla) showing a fragmented distribution limited to the Iberian Peninsula, southern and western France and northwestern Italy. Although it has been in the Iberian Peninsula since the Middle Pleistocene, its biogeographical history remains poorly known. Here, we provide new data on...
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The walled settlement of El Castillón (Zamora) is located on a plateau overlooking the middle course of the River Esla. The different structures documented (houses, storage and metal workshops) have been associated with occupations between the fifth and sixth centuries AD. A large number of faunal remains have been classified in connection with the...
Water supplies in arid regions have traditionally been assured by cisterns, channels, wells, among other man-made structures with smooth vertical walls that can be deadly traps for several animals, including amphibians and reptiles. In this study, we investigate the incidence of such “trap structures” on the herpetofauna of the eastern Iberian Peni...
El Juyo is a Cantabrian Lower Magdalenian cave site located approximately 8 km west of the city of Santander. The excavations covered an area over 40 m², and the stratified deposits reach 3.5 m thick, with an estimated duration of Magdalenian occupation of around 1,000 years. Here, we present the first study of the herpetofaunal assemblages from El...
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This note reports the discovery of a new population of the European western spadefoot toad (or Iberian spadefoot toad), Pelobates cultripes, in the locality of Nulles (Alt Camp). The importance of this record is that since 1990 no data on this species had been reported from the Camp de Tarragona region. Butlletí de la Societat Catalana d'Herpetol...
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Three new records of morphological anomalies in amphibians and reptiles from the Montseny area (Catalonia) are presented: a first case of ectrodactyly in a subadult individual of DIscoglossus pictus, a second case of amely (ectromely) in a tadpole of Bufo spinosus, and a third case of a teratological tail-like limb in a subadult individual of Podar...
This chapter summarizes the climate and environmental information that can be inferred for the Middle to Late Holocene on the Iberian plateau based on the analyses of small vertebrates from El Mirador cave. Due to their size, these small vertebrates are more sensitive than larger fauna, making it possible to register small changes that would not be...
Neanderthals have been claimed to have had a selective adaptation to rugged, wooded landscapes that would have partially compensate their high basal metabolic rate and locomotor energetic costs through reducing search time and increasing diet breadth. The archaeological site of the Navalmaíllo rockshelter (Pinilla del Valle, Madrid), located in a m...
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The Meuse and its tributary valleys contain numerous Late Pleistocene cave sites that have yielded one of the largest collections of Neanderthal and Mousterian lithic industries in Europe. Today, it is an important north–south migratory corridor for flora and fauna, generating rich biotopes. The Quaternary collections of the Royal Belgian Institute...
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Bulletin de la Société Herpétologique de France, 178 (2021) - A post-metamorphic specimen of Pelophylax ridibundus with an anomaly of the lower jaw was discovered in the commune of Paris, France. This report provides new data into a generally poorly known malformation typology in an urban environment.
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We report the first cases of mortality in anurans associated with the presence of the fungus Batra-chochytrium dendrobatidis at four different localities from Catalonia (NE Iberian Peninsula, Spain). All cases were confirmed by both molecular techniques and histology. The infected individuals were two Mediterranean painted frogs (Discoglossus pictu...
In contrast with the well documented strain on extant amphibian and reptile populations today, the Quaternary fossil record of these groups is very conservative showing few changes over long periods of time. In order to establish the non-human-induced effect of climate change on herpetofaunal diversity, we collected data from Pleistocene sites in t...
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El poblado amurallado de El Castillón (Zamora) se sitúa en una cima amesetada sobre el curso medio del río Esla. En él se han documentado diferentes estructuras (de hábitat, de almacenamiento, de trabajo del metal), que se ponen en relación con diferentes ocupaciones que tuvieron lugar entre los siglos V y VI d. C. Asociadas a estas ocupaciones se...
The Early Pleistocene sites of Barranco León and Fuente Nueva 3 (Guadix-Baza Basin, SE Spain) have yielded abundant Oldowan lithic artifacts and one hominin tooth (Homo sp. in level D1 or D2 of Barranco León), today considered to be among the earliest evidence for a hominin presence in Western Europe, at ca. 1.4–1.2 Ma. Here, for the first time, th...
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In this work, we present new paleoenvironmental reconstructions for Barranco León (Guadix-Baza Basin, SE Spain), an Early Pleistocene archaeo-palaeontological site nowadays considered one of the earliest sites with hominin evidences in western Europe (ca. 1.4 Ma). Paleoenvironmental reconstructions have been done within a more detailed stratigraphi...
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The Early Pleistocene sites of Barranco León and Fuente Nueva 3 (Guadix-Baza Basin, SW Spain) have yielded abundant Oldowan lithic artifacts and one hominin tooth (Homo sp. in layer D of Barranco León), today considered to be among the earliest evidence for hominin presence in Western Europe, at ca. 1.4-1.2 Ma. Here, for the first time, the stratig...
The country of Serbia is situated on the Balkan Peninsula and has a moderate continental climate. Dramatic tectonic activity in the early Miocene generated two main mountain ranges and led to the retreat of Paratethys. This meant the Balkan Peninsula became a crossroads for many migrating species. Currently, the majority of central European species...
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ABSTRACT We report the case of a juvenile Spiny common toad (Bufo spinosus) with multiple ectrodactyly in the right hind limb, which was found in Sant Celoni (Catalonia). It presents a single articulated digit as well as the absence of metatarsal tubers and a shortening of the metatarsal region.
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New case of spinal deformation in ocellated lizard, Timon lepidus, from León (NW Spain).
Global climatic changes affect organisms in all biomes and ecosystems of the planet. During Pleistocene, consecutive glaciation events rise climate as a conditioning factor for presence and vital development of herpetofauna species, both at European and Iberian scale. During this glacial period, Iberian Peninsula constitutes a meridional refuge for...
The successive fossil amphibian and reptile assemblages from the Middle to Late Pleistocene sites from the Manzanares and Jarama River Valleys (Madrid, central Spain) permitted the reconstruction of part of the climate instability with high-amplitude and rapid shifts of the last 450 ka and their associated landscapes: Áridos-1 (MIS11b), Valdocarros...
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New records of the common snapping turtle, Chelydra serpentina (Testudines: Chelydridae), in Valencia and its possible invasive potential. Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española, 28(2): 49-53.
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Desde el principio del Cuaternario, la fauna de las Islas Canarias se ha caracterizado por la presencia de grandes lagartos. Todos estos lagartos se han incluido dentro del género Gallotia, y son endemismos insulares de los que se han descrito tanto especies como subespecies en islas e islotes. Desde el Pleistoceno hasta el Holoceno se han hallado...
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Se presenta una nueva población introducida de Chamaeleo chamaeleon en la Serra de Falaguera (Sistema Ibérico Meridional, València), de la que se ha constatado su capacidad reproductora. Se trata de la población más septentrional de camaleón mediterráneo en la Península Ibérica.
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Cova Colomera is located at the western limit of Catalonia (Spain), in Sierra del Montsec (in the “Pre-Pyrenees” or Pyrenean foothills of Lleida) in the municipality of St. Esteve de la Sarga. It is situated in a nature reserve belonging to the “Fundació Territori i Paisatge” (Department of Territory and Landscape) of the Caixa de Catalunya, stradd...
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En la presente nota se describen y documentan por primera vez cuatro observaciones de V. latastei al este del río Júcar, en una zona montañosa especialmente afectada por incendios forestales. Estas citas contribuyen a de limitar con mayor precisión el límite oriental de la distribución de la especie en la zona central valenciana y su capacidad de r...
Presented at MEDINES’ (Late Glacial to Early Holocene socio-ecological responses to climatic instability whitin the Mediterranean Basin) conference: 3rd-5th February 2016 in Tarragona.
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El consum de quelonis per part d'homínids està testimoniat des de fases molt antigues, però és especialment al llarg del Paleolític Mitjà i lligat a contextos neandertals quan les evidències es multipliquen, sobre testudínids terrestres a la conca mediterrània. No obstant, Mauremys leprosa és una tortuga d’aigües continentals de distribució iberoma...
Master's thesis focused on the comparative study of 39 archaeo-paleontological sites with significant occurrences of herpetofauna from the Late Pleistocene and Ancient Holocene of the Iberian Peninsula. / Tesi de màster centrada en l'estudi comparatiu de 39 jaciments amb concurrències significatives d'herpetofauna del Plistocè superior i Holocè ant...
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ABSTRACT We describe a new location of Psammodromus edwardsianus in the Aragon southern area. RESUM Es descriu una nova localitat per a Psammodromus edwardsianus al sud d'Aragó. RESUMEN Se describe una nueva localidad para Psammodromus edwardsianus en el sur de Aragón.
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ABSTRACT We describe the finding of a juvenile melanin Hemorrhois hippocrepis in the island of Ibiza. RESUM Es descriu la troballa d'un exemplar juvenil melànic d'Hemorrhois hippocrepis a l'illa d'Eivissa. RESUMEN Se describe el hallazgo de un ejemplar melánico juvenil de Hemorrhois hippocrepis en la isla de Ibiza.
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ENG: The "Dragon of the Patriarch" is one of the most unique elements of the popular culture of Valencia city. This paper analyzes its historical origins in South America of the Hispanic viceroys and the legends that have formed around it after its arrival at Valencia. El "Dragó del Patriarca" és un dels elements més singulars de la cultura popul...
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Se describe la concurrencia de restos fósiles pertenecientes a dos taxones avianos de pardelas (Procellariidae) provenientes del yacimiento paleontológico de Montaña de Timbaiba, del Pleistoceno Medio, en la isla de Lanzarote. El conjunto está copado mayoritariamente por la especie extinta Puffinus holeae y se constata la presencia de la especie ac...
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Canarias es un lugar natural privilegiado. Esta afirmación adquiere más consistencia si se constata que ello se remonta hasta las primeras fases de la formación de las islas en donde los principales eventos climáticos de los últimos 24 millones de años a escala global, han quedado reflejados en forma de paleotestimonios marinos y terrestres. A este...
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Les aplicacions de modelat digital i les seues utilitats són la nova frontera del món de la difusió de l’arqueologia i el patrimoni. La recreació dels entorns amb un grau de realisme és important a l’hora de, per exemple, mostrar les evolucions d’una excavació arqueològica o fer reconstruccions realistes i immersives de les estructures i de la soci...
The Late Eocene (MP17a) locality of Sossís (Graus-Tremp Basin, Catalonia) has produced a diverse assemblage of fossil snakes including different taxa that belong to the Aniliidae, Boidae and Tropidophiidae families, and a Booidea indeterminate. It represents the second Paleogene snake assemblage from the Iberian Peninsula and the first Upper Eocene...
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EN PALENTOLOGÍA (BOLTAÑA, 2014) 199 La difusión social de la Paleontología en la prensa catalana anterior a la dictadura franquista The social diffusion of the Paleontology in the Catalan press before the Francoist dictatorship Introducción Gracias a la generalización de la alfabe-tización de la población, la prensa escrita se configuró en el siglo...


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