Josefa D. Martín-Santana

Josefa D. Martín-Santana
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria | ULPGC · Department of Economics and Business



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Publications (112)
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Purpose-This study aims to evaluate whether cultural market orientation (MO) of blood transfusion centres and services (BTCS) results in behaviours aimed at offering a suitable service-experience to blood donors, and if the relationship between cultural and behavioural MO is partially mediated by BTCS staff members' organisational identification (O...
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Based on literature on stakeholder management and family firm dynamics, this research analyses the relationship between three constructs: the identification of business families with their family firms (FFs), FFs' orientation toward key non-family stakeholders (NFSs), and the achievement of better economic performance. Data analyses from 374 family...
El presente trabajo se centra en el proceso de formación de la imagen de los destinos turísticos, y más concretamente, en los factores que influyen en dicho proceso. A tal efecto, se ha realizado una revisión de la literatura al objeto de analizar en profundidad los factores que influyen en la conformación de la imagen de los destinos turísticos y...
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In order to identify the determinants of market (donor) orientation in blood transfusion centers and services (BTCS), this study seeks to analyze whether connectedness and interpersonal trust represent a fundamental basis for interfunctional coordination that leads to market (donor) orientation. An empirical study was carried out with 147 participa...
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The act of donating blood creates social and public value (as a transformative service), but donors do not always repeat, so this study analyses the antecedents of attitudinal loyalty in donors. In addition, this research identifies active donor profiles to design personalised strategies to increase customers’ attitudinal loyalty. An online survey...
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Blood donation centres need to recruit and retain donors to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare systems, as COVID-19 has recently evidenced. In such risky settings, blood donation services must increase donations. Service quality can increase donations but its evaluation only amounts to a cognitive evaluation, and not to an emotio...
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Donation barriers are a crucial factor to consider in the study of blood donor behavior. Since blood donors do not behave homogeneously, the aim of this work is to analyze how the donor profile (i.e. sociodemographic characteristics and donation behavior) influences the prevalence of blood donation barriers. A total of 5,353 active donors in the Ca...
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There is currently a growing interest in a deeper understanding of consumer behaviour. In this context, the union of different disciplines such as neuroscience and marketing has given birth to new fields of knowledge, e.g. neuromarketing. This study is mainly aimed at carrying out a systematic revision of the literature on neuromarketing from a hol...
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Faced with the increasing demand for blood and greater restrictions on ensuring the safety of transfusions, voluntary donation is currently the only and best alternative for the health system to have a sustainable and safe blood supply. In this context, one of the primary strategies of blood transfusion centres is to increase the satisfaction of th...
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Ante una situación de demanda creciente de sangre y un aumento de las restricciones para garantizar las transfusiones, la donación voluntaria constituye en la actualidad la única y mejor alternativa para que el sistema sanitario disponga de unos suministros de productos sanguíneos sostenibles y seguros. En este contexto, una de las estrategias prio...
Background: The study of donation motivations is essential at blood transfusion centres, because of the impact of these motivations on an individual's decision to donate. The heterogeneity of donor behaviour and the overall lack of consensus on how to assess it (e.g. via terminology, grouping of items in categories) justify this research, which wa...
For blood transfusion centres, studying anticipated emotions (AEs) related to blood donation is essential, since these variables influence donation decision. For this reason, this work addresses the need to identify the antecedents and consequences of AEs, which will help explain their origin and their role in donation behaviour. Our purpose is to...
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Purpose This study aims to evaluate whether cultural market orientation (MO) of blood transfusion centres and services (BTCS) results in behaviours aimed at offering a suitable service-experience to blood donors and if the relationship between cultural and behavioural MO is partially mediated by BTCS staff members’ organisational identification (OI...
Este trabajo analiza cómo el clima familiar afecta el establecimiento de objetivos no financieros o socioemocionales en las empresas familiares, y sugiere que esta influencia está mediada por el grado de identificación de la familia con la empresa. Más específicamente, proponemos que dinámicas familiares positivas generan identificación de la famil...
Resumen Objetivo Identificar percepciones y conocimientos sobre la adherencia a la higiene de manos de los profesionales sanitarios de unidades de cuidados intensivos, correlacionándolos con las cifras de cumplimiento en la adherencia a la higiene de manos reportado en estudios observacionales. Material y método Se ha combinado una metodología cu...
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Purpose This paper aims to analyse if the family influence on the firm and the relational dynamics inside the family and the firm could create specific familiness resources, which lead to a stronger market orientation (MO) of the family firms (FFs). Design/methodology/approach This study is based on a cross-industry sample of 374 managers in 174 S...
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Based on the literature on stakeholder management and family firm dynamics, this research analyses the relationship between three constructs: the identification of business families with their family firms (FFs), FFs’ orientation toward key non-family stakeholders (NFSs), and the achievement of better economic performance. Data analyses from 374 fa...
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This study proposes a procedure for defining, assessing and classifying free or payable complementary hotel services. These services are susceptible of being provided to holiday hotel tourists at mature sun-and-sand destinations to increase guest satisfaction and hotel profitability. Following this procedure, an empirical study was carried out, by...
As there needs to be more research done on the analysis of how the senses interact in contexts which do not particularly favour certain senses, this work proposes the analysis of consumer responses to olfactory and visual stimuli in the context of stores belonging to a well-known optician franchise. To that end, two different urban spaces are consi...
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyse the role of hospital leaders and high-performance work practices (HPWPs) in intensive care units (ICUs) in organizational agility and its impact on healthcare personnel satisfaction. Design/methodology/approach This study was carried out in three ICUs of an important Spanish public hospital, one for...
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This study proposes and validates a service quality scale for the blood donation process. It also analyses the impact that service quality has on donor satisfaction with the donation process, the trust inspired by the blood transfusion centre and donor loyalty in terms of repetition and recommendation. Based on a sample of 30,621 Spanish current bl...
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This study seeks to contribute to the challenge faced by public managers in terms of knowing how to generate employees’ positive attitudes, such as satisfaction and commitment towards the organization, that would likely lead to an extra-role behavior. The results of a study carried out with 147 staff members from Spanish blood transfusion centers a...
Although blood is essential in healthcare systems for medical and surgical use, it is still a scarce resource. Given that blood cannot be produced artificially, donors are the backbone of the system, which is why it is crucial for transfusion centers to understand the factors that determine their behavior. The goal of this study is to help decision...
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This work is aimed at further developing the study of blood nondonor behaviour through a joint analysis of sociodemographic characteristics, psychological and physical barriers, impure altruism and anticipated emotions, as predictors of intention to donate. To that end, a step-by-step hierarchical regression analysis was applied on a sample of 2383...
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la influencia de las características sociodemográficas en la personalidad del turista en aras de justificar su potencial como criterio de segmentación de mercados turísticos de sol y playa. Para medir la personalidad se utilizó el método BIG FIVE y el rasgo de personalidad denominado búsqueda de sensaciones,...
Background and objectives: Non-donor behaviour can be influenced by many variables, both intrinsic and extrinsic, which differ among individuals. The aim of this study was therefore to segment Spanish non-donors based on criteria such as barriers and motivations, which influence the decision to donate for the first time, with the aim of improving...
El sector de la comunicación ha experimentado una profunda transformación en las últimas décadas que ha afectado considerablemente a la forma de operar de los distintos agentes que intervienen en él y ha propiciado cambios en las prácticas de marketing y de comunicación. Los nuevos medios y las nuevas tecnologías ofrecen un gran potencial para la m...
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This work focuses on studying how secondary information sources that tourists have encountered before visiting a destination influence the gap in the image formed pre and post visit. For this purpose, (1) a classification of secondary information sources according to their greater or lesser information content, and whether the tourist actively sear...
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Con el objetivo de analizar las creencias y actitudes de trabajadores sanitarios y estudiantes de enfermería de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria en España ante una pandemia por gripe, se aplicó una encuesta durante marzo-mayo del 2017. Un alto porcentaje duda que exista una vacuna que les proteja ante una pandemia por gripe aunque los trabajadores muestr...
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Given the lack of a consensus on a catalogue of donation barriers, this study proposes a holistic scale of barriers which was used to segment Spanish active blood donors to define specific retention and loyalty strategies. A sample of 26 626 active donors from 14 of the 17 Spanish blood transfusion centers assessed a total of 25 barriers through an...
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Estudios previos han destacado que la formación de las enfermeras debe ir relacionada con el tipo de pacientes atendidos (1). Siendo los pacientes críticos, un área donde la formación es necesaria para garantizar la calidad y la seguridad de los cuidados (2,3). Analizar la existencia de diferencias significativas en las percepciones del personal de...
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Las directrices educativas, derivadas de la convergencia del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), exigen nuevas competencias al Personal Docente e Investigador (PDI). Estas demandas generan retos o dificultades personales a los docentes, ya que el entorno laboral puede sobrepasarlos pudiendo ocasionar la aparición del síndrome de estar que...
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Despite evidence of the influence of the industry to which a brand belongs on advertising effectiveness, few studies have analyzed the advertiser’s industry as a variable influencing the advertising recall. This study aims to analyze, in a real environment, the direct effect that the advertised brand’s industry has on advertising recall, as well as...
Achieving destination appeal and competitiveness is a major priority of tourist destination managers. They must implement new strategies that are distinct from those of their competitors and that influence tourists’ perceptions, attitudes and behaviors and reinforce the brand equity of the destination. The present work focuses on Cultural Intellige...
Resumen Antecedentes y objetivos Las enfermeras, como profesionales sanitarios, juegan un papel importante en la investigación, ya que sin ellas no se podría avanzar en el cuidado y en los tratamientos. Por ello nos planteamos como objetivos: primero, analizar la percepción de la enfermería sobre el actual sistema de investigación en el conjunto d...
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Purpose This paper aims to analyse the influence of the cultural sensitivity of tourists on the change in image that occurs for tourist destinations prior to and after a visit; understanding cultural sensitivity as the recognition of and respect for different beliefs, values and customs. Design/methodology/approach A structural equations model i...
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to propose a conceptual model for building successful franchise partnerships. The model examines the influence of communication and trust on satisfaction and performance in franchise partnerships, considering that franchises are based on franchisor-franchisee and franchisor-supplier relationships. Design/metho...
This exploratory investigation studies the presence of journalists as advertising endorsers in news or talk radio stations when a mention or testimonial is embedded within programme, the characteristics of these advertisements, and the degree of their involvement with the message and the product and brand. The research analysed all programming cont...
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El presente trabajo ha tenido como principal objetivo estudiar y analizar empíricamente los factores que explican el cambio de imagen antes y después de la visita a un destino turístico. En el estudio empírico se ha utilizado una muestra representativa de turistas de la isla de Tenerife (Islas Canarias), que es uno de los principales destinos turís...
The goal of this research is to analyze the heterogeneity of family firms in the normative attention to their non-family stakeholders. With this aim, we suggest that the psychological process of top family managers in terms of individual affective commitment to their firms is a key variable to explain that heterogeneity. However, we also suggest a...
The term ‘cultural intelligence’ (CQ) has generated considerable attention since Earley and Ang (2003) first introduced the concept formally. The implications of CQ have been widely demonstrated in cross-cultural studies. The tourism industry has a strong human component based on a high level of interaction between people from different cultures of...
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyse the influence of the confirmation of the motivations of tourists in changing image of a tourist destination pre- and post-visit. That is, considering whether once the tourist has made the trip, depending on whether their expectations have been met and confirmed motivations, will have a more or less i...
The aim of this study is to analyse how the internal market orientation, considered from a dual perspective, cultural and behavioural, affects the development of external market-oriented behaviours by improving the attitudinal results (affective commitment and job satisfaction) of the internal customers. An empirical study was carried out, based on...
The purpose of the current study was to analyze both the relationship between spot length and unaided recall in a real-world environment and the direct effect on recall of other advertising break-planning variables. These variables included the position of the break in relation to the television program, the degree of advertising clutter in the bre...
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This work aims to provide an innovative classification of hotels based on guests´ assessments of the attributes that influence the choice of a particular hotel. To this end, information provided by a multi-sponsor loyalty program will be used due to the large number of hotel chains associated with these kinds of programs and their ability to collec...
Purpose The purpose of this study is to analyse the effects of high-commitment human resources (HR) practices on organisational performance through the commitment and satisfaction of both managers and supervisors. Design/methodology/approach An empirical study was carried out, based on the perceptions of 68 managers and 296 supervisors at four- an...
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El botellón, o ingesta masiva de bebidas alcohólicas en zonas públicas, y el consumo de cannabis constituyen importantes problemas asociados al ocio juvenil español, siendo de gran interés estudiar el perfil de estos consumidores. Este artículo se deriva de una investigación no experimental - de campo, de carácter transversal, con un tipo de estudi...
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Street binge drinking and cannabis consumption are a relevant problem associated with the Spanish youth leisure, being of great interest to study the profile of these consumers. This paper is derived from a non-experimental research - field, transversal, descriptive study. A structured questionnaire was administered as a tool for collecting informa...
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Objective: To analyze the epidemiological and prognostic differences between critical surgical patients admitted to intensive care unit (ICU) according to length of stay in the ICU. Materials and methods: Retrospective observational study on patients with surgical pathology admitted to ICU of a tertiary hospital, during 7 years, with a stay ≥ 5...
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Advertising in television is developing beyond traditional commercial breaks. This trend requires considering how advertising and the content of television programmes can be used together with business aims. This study compares, in a real environment, the cognitive, affective and behavioural effects of a non-conventional advertising format, telepro...
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The purpose of this investigation is to analyze the explanatory power of brand awareness in effectiveness of television advertising measured in terms of unaided recall. This study uses a hierarchical regression analysis in which (1) the dependent variable was advertising recall, measured in a real environment with a representative sample of televis...
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INTRODUCCION. Este trabajo pretende responder a la siguiente cuestion: ?los nuevos titulos de Administracion de Empresas disenados en Espana para confluir con Europa incluyen las competencias clave que garanticen el desarrollo de un caracter emprendedor en los egresados? La relevancia de tal cuestion reside en la actual situacion economica del pais...
Backgrounds and objective The true role of the age in the prognosis of patients admitted in the ICU is not known. This work analyzes the influence of age on the duration of the stay and mortality of patients who remain in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for a long period of time. Patients and method A retrospective, observational study was performed...
The true role of the age in the prognosis of patients admitted in the ICU is not known. This work analyzes the influence of age on the duration of the stay and mortality of patients who remain in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for a long period of time. A retrospective, observational study was performed with patients hospitalized ≥14 days in the ICU....
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Accommodation image has been scarcely researched in the literature and is worthy of further investigation. Moreover, to date, no previous studies have analysed non-hotel accommodation image, even when this type of accommodation is the primary offer of some tourist destinations and plays a critical role in the overall perception of the destination....
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Based on the literature on familiness and family climate, stakeholder management and the emotional dimension of trust, we analyze how family climate influences the orientation towards stakeholders in the decision-making process in family firms. Data were obtained from 374 members of the top management teams in 173 Spanish family firms. Results show...
Recent years have seen the level of blood donation at a world level come to a standstill or even decline. This situation requires blood donation services to make efforts to increase donor recruitment and retention, as well as to increase the frequency of donations among current donors. In order to obtain good results, it is essential to understand...
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This paper presents an explanatory model on the recommendation of donating blood made to relatives and friends by current donors. This model establishes the satisfaction and intention to return as direct antecedents, and the quality perceived in the donation process and the existence of inhibitors as indirect antecedents. The results show that (1)...
The objective of this work is to study the relationships between the successor's commitment and his/her perception of the success achieved in the succession process in family firms. Several variables in the context of succession were also included in the analysis to test their influence on the different dimensions of commitment and on success. The...
Purpose The purpose of this work is to analyse the relationship between click‐through rate (CTR) and the traditional measurements of advertising effectiveness and to measure the advertising effectiveness of two less common formats of online advertising in blogs: rectangle and contextual, as well as to explore which factors influence that effectiven...
This paper presents an explicative model on the recommendation of donating blood made to relatives and friends by current donors. This model establishes satisfaction and intention to return as direct antecedents, and the quality perceived in the donation process and the existence of inhibitors as indirect antecedents. The results show that (1) the...
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A tourist accommodation's image of is crucial for success in the market. However, until now no attention has been placed on analysis of the image of non-traditional tourist accommodations (such as apartments, condominiums, villas, bungalows etc.), despite their importance in Latin America and Spain. The goal of this study is to better understand th...
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The objective of this research is to develop and estimate a model of the adoption of alcohol and cannabis related behaviors among young people. This model raises the importance of values, and estimates the influence they exert on attitudes, beliefs and emotions. The results show not only the antecedent role of values, but also the antecedent role o...
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This study focuses on the structure of the board of directors that is considered more suitable in terms of corporate social responsibility, and also on those contextual factors that could influence the socially responsible behavior of family firms. Empirical analysis on 535 non-listed Spanish firms leads to the identification of three clusters in t...
The basic premise of this article is that the social capital elements of familiness give family firms greater potential for developing a market orientation through three basic elements: the adoption of a stewardship orientation, the development of specific capacities for knowledge management, and the development of a family based brand identity. Th...
This research work sets out the objective of developing and estimating the young alcohol adoption model. This model points out the importance of values, moreover it meassures how influence values over attitudes, beliefs and emotions. The obtained results point out not only the antecedent role played by values but also the causal effect played by at...
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El objetivo del presente trabajo se ha centrado en medir la eficacia publicitaria de dos formatos de anuncios on-line, concretamente el robapáginas frente al contextual, así como los factores que sobre la base de la literatura revisada influyen en dicha eficacia publicitaria. Su contexto de aplicación son las páginas web de tipo blog o bitácora que...
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El objetivo de este trabajo es diseñar y contrastar empíricamente un modelo explicativo del éxito del proceso de sucesión en la empresa familiar en función de una serie de variables frecuentemente asociadas a dicho éxito en la literatura. Los datos fueron obtenidos de 113 cuestionarios realizados a predecesores y sucesores en 93 empresas familiares...
The purpose of this research is to develop a model of the explanatory factors that determine the predisposition to donate blood in order to improve the effectiveness of donor recruitment and retention programs. A personal survey was conducted on a sample of 303 potential donors between 18 and 60 years old and from both sexes, who are resident in La...
In this study an attempt is made to analyze from a cross-cultural perspective the moderating function of the cultural values of a society on the influence that the beliefs in advertising have in attitudes toward advertising under a hypothesis testing approach, as most works of the existing literature have a descriptive or exploratory character. To...
This work is set in the field of social marketing and more specifically in the context of blood donation. Its principal objective focuses on segregating potential donors by using the inhibitors or barriers to a blood donation behaviour as criteria. Moreover, an analysis of the predisposition to donate blood, the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations...