Jose Enrique Sanin-Blair

Jose Enrique Sanin-Blair
Pontifical Bolivarian University · Facultad de Medicina

Master of Science


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Publications (69)
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Objetivo: Describir una serie seguida longitudinalmente de 10 gestaciones monocoriales con malformaciones discordantes, incluyendo alteraciones tanto estructurales como genéticas, manejadas de manera multidisciplinaria en la unidad de medicina materno-fetal de la Clínica Universitaria Bolivariana en Medellín, Colombia, para tener mayor conocimiento...
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OBJETIVO: Evaluar y comparar la asociación entre diabetes gestacional y desenlaces adversos materno-perinatales en pacientes con embarazo múltiple. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio de cohorte retrospectiva, emprendido en pacientes con embarazo gemelar, sin comorbilidades diagnosticadas y admitidas en un centro de referencia de Medellín, Colombia, ent...
Objetivo: describir los resultados perinatales de gestantes con sospecha de seroconversión o confirmación de toxoplasmosis gestacional y la evolución clínica de sus neonatos hasta el mes de vida en una institución de alta complejidad, 2015-2021.Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo retrospectivo que incluyó gestantes quienes fueron referidas al...
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Introducción: la alta frecuencia de los accidentes de tránsito impone un reto para las instituciones de salud cuando estos involucran mujeres gestantes, debido a la mayor vulnerabilidad ante lesiones y complicaciones que ponen en riesgo la viabilidad del embarazo y al feto. Objetivo: determinar la frecuencia y describir las características del tra...
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Introducción: el parto pretérmino es una importante causa de morbimortalidad perinatal; entre las principales etiologías está la infección inflamación intraamniótica que se asocia a resultados perinatales adversos. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la asociación de la antibioticoterapia con los desenlaces maternos, fetales y perinatales...
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Objetivo: Describir los resultados maternos y perinatales de pacientes con diagnóstico prenatal de gastrosquisis atendidos en un centro de referencia obstétrica de Medellín. Método: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y retrospectivo, llevado a cabo en la Clínica Universitaria Bolivariana en fetos con diagnóstico prenatal de gastrosquisis desde el...
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Background: Management options for placenta accreta spectrum disorder are multiple, without a clear picture of which one is superior. Management guidelines describe the use of a wide range of human and technological resources that are not always available in resource-limited settings. Objective: This consensus seeks agreement on general guidelin...
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Introduction Despite a growing body of research on the risks of SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy, there is continued controversy given heterogeneity in the quality and design of published studies. Methods We screened ongoing studies in our sequential, prospective meta-analysis. We pooled individual participant data to estimate the absolute an...
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Introducción: la preeclampsia severa antes de 34 semanas de gestación tiene alto riesgo de complicaciones maternas y fetales. El manejo expectante, pudiera reducir el riesgo de complicaciones de un parto prematuro. Objetivo: evaluar la efectividad comparativa del manejo expectante en la prevención de desenlaces adversos maternos y perinatales de l...
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Introducción: el espectro de acretismo placentario (EAP) es una condición asociada a sangrado masivo posparto y mortalidad materna. Las guías de manejo publicadas en países de altos ingresos recomiendan la participación de grupos interdisciplinarios en hospitales con recursos suficientes para realizar procedimientos complejos. Sin embargo, algunas...
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Objectives: To evaluate survival outcomes of fetuses with left-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) treated with fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion (FETO) in Latin American centres. Methods: A retrospective cohort including isolated left sided CDH fetuses with severe pulmonary hypoplasia (observed/expected lung area to head ratio <35% with...
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( Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand . 2021;100:1445–1453) Placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) often causes massive bleeding and has a mortality as high as 7%. While specific factors related to risk for maternal deaths due to PAS have not been sufficiently identified, few reports describe the contribution of inexperienced surgeons, underestimation of blood loss...
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Objective This sequential, prospective meta-analysis (sPMA) sought to identify risk factors among pregnant and postpartum women with COVID-19 for adverse outcomes related to: disease severity, maternal morbidities, neonatal mortality and morbidity, adverse birth outcomes. Data sources We prospectively invited study investigators to join the sPMA v...
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We urgently need answers to basic epidemiological questions regarding SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnant and postpartum women and its effect on their newborns. While many national registries, health facilities, and research groups are collecting relevant data, we need a collaborative and methodologically rigorous approach to better combine these data...
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Objective: To determine the historical aspects, current availability, and clinical outcomes of open intrauterine repair of spina bifida aperta (IRSBA) in Spanish-speaking Latin American countries. Methods: Cases were collected from centers with at least two years of experience and a minimum of 10 open IRSBA interventions by December 2020. Clinic...
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Introduction: Placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) is a serious condition with a mortality as high as 7%. However, the factors associated with this type of death have not been adequately described, with an almost total lack of publications analyzing the determining factors of death in this disease. The aim of our work is to describe the causes of death...
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Background Almost all maternal deaths (MDs) due to postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) are preventable. Placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) represents a principal cause of massive PPH; however, few studies have analyzed related MDs., probably due to the legal implications of managing "problems" in the management of a patient who dies. Objectives This paper ai...
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La pandemia de COVID-19 ha generado múltiples interrogantes respecto a su comportamiento en la población gestante y en los resultados perinatales. Los datos disponibles sobre la infección por SARS-CoV-2 en el embarazo son limitados. Se realizó una búsqueda de artículos publicados en las bases de datos PubMed, Scopus y Embase utilizando los términos...
Pentraxin-3 has been reported as a promising biomarker of pre-eclampsia and its severity; however, available studies have small sample sizes, and analyses are not always adjusted for confounders. The aim of this study is to establish the strength of the association between maternal Pentraxin-3 level and pre-eclampsia or HELLP syndrome. It was a cas...
Emerging infectious diseases require a global approach and adaptive tools to allow for rapid and comprehensive characterisation of the risks associated with the disease, particularly in pregnancy. Pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to infections because of their relative immunosuppressed state, restricted cardiorespiratory capacity, and the...
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Objetivo: evaluar las características epidemiológicas, clínicas y de tratamiento de las mujeres embarazadas con lupus eritematoso sistémico, así como sus resultados obstétricos, en dos centros de referencia en el noroeste de Colombia. Métodos: serie de casos retrospectiva que evaluó las gestantes atendidas en la Unidad de Medicina Materno Fetal y...
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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the maternal and perinatal outcomes associated with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective cohort study carried out in pregnant patients diagnosed with intrahepatic cholestasis, who attended the Bolivarian University Clinic of Medellín, Colombia, between January 2000 and June 2016. Mater...
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Background Maternal serum concentrations of folate, homocysteine, and vitamin B12 have been associated with pre-eclampsia. Nevertheless, reported studies involve limited number of cases to reliably assess the nature of these associations. Our aim was to examine the relation of these three biomarkers with pre-eclampsia risk in a large Colombian popu...
Comparison between models for the association of maternal vitamin B12 with pre-eclampsia using imputed and not-imputed data. (DOCX)
Folic acid supplementation of participants from the GenPE study during pregnancy. (DOCX)
Values outside the assay detection limit (DL) for homocysteine, folate and vitamin-B12 maternal levels. (DOCX)
Path diagram association (Directed acyclic graph—DAG) between folic acid supplementation and maternal folate levels with pre-eclampsia. (DOCX)
Brain lesions and malformations have been described on ultrasonography of prenatal Zika infection; however, there are scarce reports about fetal magnetic resonance (MR) findings. We report 3 cases of fetuses with confirmed intrauterine Zika virus infection evaluated by ultrasound and fetal MR. Various morphometric measurements were assessed and bra...
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p> Objetivo: analizar la sensibilidad y especificidad de la relación proteína / creatinina en orina como método de detección de proteinuria en mujeres con sospecha de preeclampsia, teniendo en cuenta como estándar de oro la proteinuria en 24 horas. Materiales y métodos: en un estudio de corte transversal se incluyeron mujeres con embarazo mayor a...
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Objetivo: describir el nivel de riesgo de enfermedad tromboembólica en pacientes posparto y hacer una aproximación al uso actual de la tromboprofilaxis. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Se incluyeron pacientes que fueron hospitalizadas para atención de parto entre agosto de 2012 y abril de 2013 en tres instituciones...
Dr. Hernando Gaitán Editor Revista Colombiana de Obstetricia y Ginecología En referencia al reporte de caso presentado por el Dr. Sánchez y colaboradores del Hospital Central de la Policía titulado “Hernia diafragmática y estenosis congénita de la tráquea: reporte de un caso” (Vol. 56 No. 4 - Oct/Dic 2005) deseo realizar algunos comentarios y ad...
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Medellín, 28 de noviembre de 2012 Doctor Hernando GaitánEditor Revista Colombiana de Obstetricia y GinecologíaEn la edición de la Revista Colombiana de Obstetricia y Ginecología, vol. 63, No. 3 (julio-septiembre de 2012) salió publicado el artículo de Martín Romero-Prada et al., titulado "Análisis de costo-efectividad del uso de calcio más ácido li...
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Objetivo: dar a conocer a los participantes en el cuidado de la salud de la mujer embarazada, los más recientes avances y recomendaciones clínicas de un tema controversial que es causa importante de morbimortalidad perinatal en Colombia. Metodología: se revisaron las bases de datos Cochrane, Medline y Embase, además de la base latinoamericana SciEL...
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Objetivo: presentar un caso de una gestación gemelar monocoriónica biamniótica con acardia fetal para revisar su diagnóstico y manejo.Presentación del caso: se reportó el caso de un feto acardius acormus en un embarazo gemelar monocoriónico biamniótico diagnosticado a la semana 21 + 4 días, por lo cual se realizó posterior seguimiento del caso.Meto...
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Objective: presenting a case of a foetal arcadia occurring in monochorionic biamniotic twin pregnancy for reviewing its diagnosis and treatment. Case presentation: this is a case report of an acardius acormus foetus occurring in a monochorionic twin pregnancy diagnosed at week 21 + 4 days and its clinical follow-up. Methodology: the patient's clini...
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La medicina perinatal ha evolucionado en los últimos 25 años de una manera significativa; sin embargo, en temas como el parto prematuro se han obtenido resultados pobres en comparación con los esfuerzos económicos, tecnológicos y humanos. En el campo del crecimiento fetal anormal, la generalización en el uso de los medios tecnológicos derivados del...
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Objetivo: dar a conocer a los participantes en el cuidado de la salud de la mujer embarazada, los más recientes avances y recomendaciones clínicas de un tema controversial que es causa importante de morbimortalidad perinatal en Colombia. Metodología: se revisaron las bases de datos Cochrane, Medline y Embase, además de la base latinoamericana SciE...
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Perinatal medicine has evolved significantly during the last 25 years; however, poor results have been obtained regarding topics such as premature birth compared to the economic, technological and human efforts being made. In the field of abnormal foetal growth, generalising the use of ultrasounderived technological media have irreversibly revoluti...
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Objective: making those participating in pregnant women's health care aware of the latest clinical recommendations regarding a controversial topic which is an important cause of perinatal morbidity in Colombia. Methodology: the Cochrane Library, Medline and Embase databases were searched as well asSciELO Latin-American database, specialised books a...
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Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is clearly related to maternal morbidity. The most characteristic feature is pregnancy loss; however, several other serious complications had been reported including fetal growth restriction, uteroplacental insufficiency, fetal distress, pre-eclampsia, and HELLP syndrome. Herein, we review the different aspects of ob...
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Introducción: la detección y diagnóstico oportuno de la ruptura prematura de membranas ovulares (RPMO) en ocasiones pueden ser dudosos y requerir pruebas diagnósticas adicionales con el fin de disminuir intervenciones innecesarias, entre ellas hospitalizaciones prolongadas. La amnioinfusión con índigo carmín es una alternativa diagnóstica frecuente...
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Introduction: the opportune detection and diagnosis of premature rupture of membranes (PROM) reduces unnecessary interventions such as prolonged hospitalisation; nevertheless, diagnosis can be doubtful and requires additional tests. Carmine indigo amnioinfusion is considered to be the gold standard in such cases. Objective: describing carmine indig...
To determine whether the optimal cut-off value to predict low risk of preterm delivery in women admitted for preterm labor should be adjusted for gestational age. A cohort of 333 women with singleton pregnancies admitted with preterm labor and intact membranes between 24 and < 36 weeks' gestation was studied. The women were categorized according to...
To evaluate the rate of spontaneous healing in human fetal membranes after fetoscopy. Membranes from patients that had undergone fetoscopic interventions and delivered in one of the two treatment centers were included in the study. The membranes were examined macroscopically for any remaining defects and if present, the size of the defect in chorio...
To determine whether a modified myocardial performance index (Mod-MPI) involving assessment of the movements (clicks) of the mitral valve (MV) and aortic valve (AV), improves intra- and interobserver agreement as compared to the previously reported method for MPI estimation. The Mod-MPI was recorded by two experienced operators in the left cardiac...
To evaluate the impact of ultrasound cervical length measurement on duration of hospital stay in patients admitted for threatened preterm labor. This was a prospective, comparative study in 294 patients with threatened preterm labor in three hospitalization units (Units A, B and C). In the first phase of the study (observational), cervical length w...


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