José Luis Sanchidrián Torti

José Luis Sanchidrián Torti
University of Córdoba | UCO · Department of Geography and Science of the Territory

Ph.D Professor


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Publications (76)
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Charcoal and micro-layers of soot trapped in speleothems from the inner galleries of Nerja Cave were analysed through an interdisciplinary study. The absolute dating of the prehistoric subterranean activity of the cave and the identification of different phases of visits to the deep parts are presented and discussed. The charcoal analysis includes...
Two stalagmites from Nerja cave (Andalusia, Spain) were studied. The cave is well known because of its long human occupation from the Upper Palaeolithic to the Chalcolithic and its abundant parietal prehistoric Art. The aims of this study were twofold: i) to compare uranium/thorium (²³⁰Th/²³⁴U) and Carbon-14 (¹⁴C) ages obtained all along the growth...
Animal emblématique des Pyrénées, le bouquetin peuple ses deux versants depuis les temps les plus anciens. En s’adaptant à cet environnement, une forme typiquement pyrénéenne Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica apparaît, il y a plusieurs millénaires. Consommé pendant la Préhistoire, le bouquetin est devenu, au cours du Paléolithique récent, une figure incont...
Animal emblématique des Pyrénées, le bouquetin peuple ses deux versants depuis les temps les plus anciens. En s’adaptant à cet environnement, une forme typiquement pyrénéenne Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica apparaît, il y a plusieurs millénaires. Consommé pendant la Préhistoire, le bouquetin est devenu, au cours du Paléolithique récent, une figure incont...
Animal emblématique des Pyrénées, le bouquetin peuple ses deux versants depuis les temps les plus anciens. En s’adaptant à cet environnement, une forme typiquement pyrénéenne Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica apparaît, il y a plusieurs millénaires. Consommé pendant la Préhistoire, le bouquetin est devenu, au cours du Paléolithique récent, une figure incont...
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Artificial lighting was a crucial physical resource for expanding complex social and economic behavior in Paleolithic groups. Furthermore, the control of fire allowed the development of the first symbolic behavior in deep caves, around 176 ky BP. These activities would increase during the Upper Paleolithic, when lighting residues proliferated at th...
Animal emblématique des Pyrénées, le bouquetin peuple ses deux versants depuis les temps les plus anciens. En s’adaptant à cet environnement, une forme typiquement pyrénéenne Capra pyrenaica apparaît, il y a plusieurs millénaires. Consommé pendant la Préhistoire, le bouquetin est devenu, au cours du Paléolithique récent, une figure incontournable d...
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The Iberian Peninsula is one of the European regions with the highest number of documented Mesolithic burials so far. For more than a century, many research projects have been carried out by several national and international teams, that have located most of these burials in three different geographical areas: Valencia region, northern Spain and th...
U/Th data obtained on CaCO3 layers covering rock art at Nerja Cave (Spain) evidence erroneous ages and an inverse relation between uranium concentration and apparent ages. This open system behavior could be due to a mechanism causing uranium mobility, resulting in apparent ages being too old with respect to their real age. This article also questio...
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An international group of archaeologists specializing in cave art explain the difficulties they faced to publish their response to another paper, previously published in Science (Hoffmann et al. 2018), reporting a Neanderthal origin of some Spanish cave paintings according to Uranium-thorium method. In their reply, they underlined the different sou...
An international group of archaeologists specializing in cave art explain the diffi- culties they faced to publish their response to another paper, previously published in Science (Hoffmann et al. 2018), reporting a Neanderthal origin of some Spanish cave pain- tings according to Uranium-thorium method. In their reply, they underlined the diffe- re...
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El presente artículo describe el desarrollo de un Proyecto Docente sobre la difusión, implementación y evaluación de la herramienta de la rúbrica de evaluación en asignaturas humanísticas, así como el fomento de la comunicación entre alumnado y profesorado en relación con los procesos e instrumentos de evaluación y aprendizaje por tareas, en base a...
Este trabajo presenta un estudio sobre el rendimiento y la motivación de los estudiantes de grado en la Universidad de Córdoba a través de la implementación de clickers durante las sesiones de prácticas. Nuevas metodologías a aplicar durante las sesiones prácticas en ingeniería civil basadas en el uso de clickers son desarrolladas en este trabajo....
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The former Spanish Sahara is the last remaining colony in Africa. Most of the local people have been living in refugee camps in Algeria for the last 40 years and this situation has largely conditioned the archaeological research in the territory for a long time. In spite of the Saharawi Ministry of Culture in exile occasionally collaborating with E...
C and U/Th methods were used to date three thin carbonate layers deposited on decorated walls of Nerja Cave (Malaga, southern Spain) in order to constrain the age of the parietal non-figurative marks situated under these carbonate layers. Modern formations were also dated to estimate the detritic contribution for the U/Th method and the dead carbon...
For the first time direct 14C dating was undertaken on two black parietal marks in Nerja cave (Malaga province, Southern Spain). Analyses were conducted on charcoal splinters (conifer wood) from the marks but also on the carbonate deposits underlying and overlying one of them. The satisfactory correlation between the ages of the black marks and tho...
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ABSTRACT This paper provides an archaeological review included in the Actividad Arqueológica Puntual of “Diagnóstico destinado a la preservación y propuesta de medidas correctoras para la conservación de la cueva de El Morrón (Torres, Jaén)” (2014-2015). The applied methodology has lied in the systematical review of the whole karst environments, bo...
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RESUMEN: La prospección es la actividad arqueológica que sustenta las siguientes intervenciones científicas en las cuevas decoradas. Hoy día, esta actividad se desarrolla de manera integral, registrando todos los vestigios antrópicos, o de cualquier otra naturaleza, que aportan información sobre la antropización del medio subterráneo. Para ello, lo...
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Traditionally, studies of Palaeolithic cave art have largely ignored or directly overlooked the red spots of anthropogenic origin that do not belong to figurative categories, in spite of their importance in quantitative terms in this type of art. This paper highlights their importance for a better understanding of the multiple causes of the cave re...
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En el presente artículo abordamos de manera específica las dataciones numéricas obtenidas de los lienzos rupestres de dos cavidades malagueñas: Cueva de Nerja y Cueva de La Pileta. Asimismo, explicamos las implicaciones formales, estilísticas y cronológicas que los resultados ofrecen para el conjunto de arte rupestre paleolítico andaluz y, más conc...
This study examines 100 charred plant macroremains from the inner galleries of Cueva de Nerja in order to better understand the context of Palaeolithic rock art and obtain information about possible lighting systems. The remains were retrieved on the surface, very close to Palaeolithic cave paintings, and also from inside possible points of fixed l...
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Integrated signs in the Cueva de la Pileta were analysed at different field depths. Following initial exa- mination of the structure and composition of these signs, categorised ideomorphically as simple or complex, an analysis was made of the syntax to which each abstract element belongs, paying particular attention to the combi- nation of certain...
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The Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE) research program on prehistoric art conducts chronological studies of parietal representations with their associated archaeological context. This multidisciplinary approach provides chronological arguments about the creation period of parietal representations. This article presents...
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The Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE) research program on prehistoric art conducts chronological studies of parietal representations with their associated archaeological context. This multidisciplinary approach provides chronological arguments about the creation period of parietal representations. This article presents...
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Si no conocemos los puntos de luz utilizados en las cavidades, reconstruiremos la Historia a través de otro escenario. La morfología en la inmensa mayoría de las cuevas decoradas durante el Pleistoceno en Andalucía, nos ha hecho plantearnos cómo sería su iluminación. Una cueva abrupta, con grandes precipicios, ¿seríamos capaces de transitarla con u...
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La Sima de la Curra o de los Murciélagos es una cavidad de 48 metros de profundidad, con dos pozos verticales de 14 metros uno y 6 metros otro. Dicha cavidad, ha sido utilizada como cámara sepulcral en un momento cronológico alrededor del Eneolítico. En las siguientes páginas, damos a conocer los materiales arqueológicos (cerámicas, piezas líticas,...
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De la totalité des sanctuaires paléolithiques localisés en Andalousie actuellement, il existe un lot de cavités inscrites dans le Groupe dénommé animal axias-signe, caractérisé par un extraordinaire développement du composant idéomorphe face à un succinct groupe faunistique. Dans plusieurs de ces compositions les signes présentent certaines ordonna...
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La Cueva de La Pileta se encuentra situada en el término municipal de Benaoján, en plena Serranía de Ronda. Localizada a unos 750 m. sobre el nivel del mar, en la Sierra de Libar. Las investigaciones iniciales fueron llevadas a cabo por un grupo de especialistas compuesto por H. Breuil, H. Obermaier y W. Verner, teniendo como resultado la publicaci...
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Nearly 200 rock art sites of Upper Paleolithic age are currently known on the Iberian Peninsula, in both caves and the open air. Over half are still concentrated in Cantabrian Spain and they span the period between c. 30–11kya, but–tracking the course of human demography in this geographically circumscribed region–many of the images were probably p...
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La síntesis que nos proponemos realizar en este trabajo abarcará la vertiente mediterránea ibérica durante el desarrollo del Paleolítico Superior, con una cronología que podemos situar entre los 38.000 y los 10.000 años BP. Las novedades en la visión de la secuencia del Paleolítico Superior en el amplio arco que nos ocupa han sido importantes en lo...
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Se realiza un estudio sobre el registro paleontológico y arqueofaunístico de la cabra montés a partir de los datos recopilados en 45 yacimientos andaluces del Pleistoceno Superior y Holoceno. Aunque la mayor parte de las muestras son muy escasas y en algunos yacimientos no se proporcionan más que datos cualitativos o preliminares, parece claro que...
Conference Paper
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Between 1962-1963 was excavation in the Vestíbulo hall of the Nerja cave, with the stratigraphical sequence from 2500 BP to 4000 BP. In the last 40 years ago, the remains were not studied for many incidents. In this paper the interdiscipline group of investigation, exposes several results about the buried at the Solutrean levels, and also DNA-mt an...
Conference Paper
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Entre 1962-1963 se desarrollan en la Sala del Vestíbulo de la Cueva de Nerja dos campañas de excavación sobre 14 m2. Los diversos estratos sondeados se ubican aproximadamente 25 Ka B.P. y 4 Ka B.P. y abarcan diversos segmentos crono-culturales (Gravetiense, Solutrense, Magdaleniense, Epipaleolítico y Neolítico).
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Resumen. Presentamos el estado actual de conocimiento del poblamiento de la orla litoral de la provincia de Málaga durante el Paleolítico Medio y Superior. Revisamos los catorce yacimientos arqueológicos conocidos: cinco muste-rienses, tres Paleolítico Superior inicial, cinco solutrenses, seis magdalenienses y tres epipaleolíticos; junto a otros ci...
Presentation de series lithiques issues de ramassages de surface dans la Sierra Momia (Cadiz). Les lieux-dits « Cubeta de la Paja » et « Cuevas de Levante » ont fourni des assemblages comprenant les morphotypes caracteristiques du Solutreo-gravettien, ce qui etend la distribution geographique de cette culture en Andalousie


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