José Miguel RodríguezAutonomous University of Madrid | UAM · Departamento de Organización de Empresas
José Miguel Rodríguez
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July 2007 - present
Publications (63)
Partiendo de una propuesta de un Modelo General de Capital Intelectual Hotelero -configurado por cinco capitales: Humano, Organizativo, Tecnológico, Relacional de Negocio y Contextual-, el presente trabajo trata de llegar a la definición de un Modelo Sintético que facilite la medición y el desarrollo de los intangibles existentes en el sector hotel...
Sin lugar a dudas, las personas constituyen el recurso más importante con el que cuentan las empresas del Sector Turismo y mucho más si lo son ante los innumerables retos a los que se va a tener que enfrentar en los próximos años. Por ello, las competencias, tanto transversales como específicas, que van a tener que poseer sus profesionales, van a s...
The tourism sector has experienced a steady growth in the last decades, becoming one of the key sectors for the development of countries. However, the pandemic caused by COVID-19 brought about an unprecedented social, economic and health crisis that has forced a change in the way tourism is conducted. This article presents a comprehensive bibliomet...
The European Union (EU) is trying to accelerate the transition from the current linear economy to a circular economy (CE). In fact, the CE is considered a tool to attain sustainable development goals (SDGs). In this sense, this paper aims at analysing the interaction between the CE and SDGs in the context of the new 2030 Agenda and the European CE...
The circular economy (CE) is a new paradigm that helps create convergence into a more sustainable society. This chapter shows the main findings of a systematic literature review examining the state of the art of the business concept of sustainability and CE and how scholars have focused on the implementation of circular and sustainable principles i...
The health crisis caused by the pandemic COVID-19 has been of such magnitude that the drop-off in economic and tourist activity in most countries is generating an economic crisis with consequences that are still difficult to measure. The present work analyses the origins and evolution of the coronavirus pandemic and reviews the literature related t...
Circular economy supposes a transformational and radical process of change from a linear to a circular economic model, where every production phase represents a systemic shift at all levels. Nevertheless, CE philosophy is easy to understand but very complex to put into practice. For that reason, using institutional entrepreneurship theory, institut...
The transition from a linear economy to a circular economy (CE) is a real challenge to achieve long‐term sustainability. To push CE in the market, institutional promotion could become a key driver to positively impact both circular consumption and the competitiveness of the market. This paper analyzes the influence that soft and hard initiatives ha...
This chapter analyses the guiding principles that companies in the tourism sector should follow to implement a management model that conforms to the new paradigm of the circular economy. To do this, the authors contextualise this new model in the important sector of tourism, creating the concept of circular tourism, and they argue that many of the...
Since the United Nations approved the eight Millennium Development Goals in 2000 and, 15 years later, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the highest political institutions in the world have not stopped worrying about achieving the sustainability of the planet. Also in 2015, the European Comm...
The purpose of this paper is to analyze how firms can enhance their innovative capabilities and become more resilient. The current business environment requires a specific type of management for companies to remain competitive and innovation plays a key role in this respect. However, this means that a particular kind of corporate culture m...
The present empirical study aimed to analyse the ways in which Spanish hotel establishments learn and whether their hotel managers could improve their organisational performance with the implementation of a suitable learning process in a situation of economic crisis. After reviewing the literature, a structural equation model was developed based on...
The present empirical study aimed to analyse the ways in which Spanish hotel establishments learn and whether their hotel managers could improve their organisational performance with the implementation of a suitable learning process in a situation of economic crisis. After reviewing the literature, a structural equation model was developed based on...
p>El objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en proponer un modelo cuantitativo objetivo de
competitividad de los países como destinos turísticos. Este modelo, basado en el propuesto
por el World Economic Forum, está compuesto exclusivamente por indicadores extraídos
de bases de datos y de estadísticas elaboradas por instituciones públicas o privada...
This paper aims to determine, through a model that integrates the different study approaches observed in the literature, how organisational learning – via learning orientation (LO) and the organisational learning process (OLP) – and knowledge application (KA) improve organisational performance in financial advisory services. Previous research has a...
La fuerte competencia existente a nivel mundial por incrementar la entrada y los ingresos de turistas internacionales está exigiendo a las naciones que busquen elevar su nivel de competitividad. En este contexto, tras efectuar un análisis de los principales modelos de competitividad existentes, se propone, partiendo del modelo definido por el World...
Organizational learning is instrumental to successful adaptation to
today’s changing environment. Research on the subject in the context
of the hotel industry is scant, however. The present study surveyed
147 Spanish hotels to determine the extent to which they drew from
internal and external drivers and cultural and technological enablers
and the...
Collaborative economy is an economic and social model where agents temporarily share assets, goods and services which are in many cases underused, in exchange for money or other services, using online platforms. Its rate of growth seems unstoppable and it is being introduced in traditional sectors such as the manufacturing sector, the provision of...
Project conducted by the University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, funded by the Social Fund of the European Union, the Ministry of Health, Gender and Social Policy, Secretary of State for Equality and the Women's Institute.
El presente trabajo pretende construir escalas de medición del capital humano y de la calidad de servicio y llegar a determinar cómo influye el capital humano en la calidad del servicio que prestan las empresas del sector bancario. Para ello, tras efectuar una revisión de la literatura previa relacionada tanto con el capital humano y la calidad de...
Actualmente, el conocimiento se considera un activo estratégico esencial. Ante esta realidad, la consideración del aprendizaje organizativo se convierte en una exigencia
para cualquier organización que pretenda generar los conocimientos necesarios para
alcanzar ventajas competitivas sostenibles.
Bajo este planteamiento, en el presente trabajo se ha...
The paper begins with research studying the concept and nature of Intellectual Capital (IC), as well as how close IC firms are to the stochastic frontier. Then basic concepts of complexity theory – such as agents, self-organized criticality (SOC), connectivities, fractals, and power laws (PLs) – are used to distinguish between two kinds of IC firms...
The present four-year study analysed university students’ acquisition of the cross-curricular skills needed in the tourist industry. The aims were to determine whether tourism students at a Spanish university feel that their university experience enhances cross-curricular skills, which the tourism industry values as important, and whether there are...
Certifying quality systems has become standard practice in a wide range of companies the world over. However, studies on these systems' underlying motivations and these motivations' effects on performance have focused primarily on industrial firms, leaving the service sector largely unexplored in this regard. In this article structural equation mod...
The focus of this study is to analyze the existence of Management Systems in the hospitality industry in Spain. This will be undertaken from the point of view of the organizational context – especially as far as environmental management is concerned – considering also its scope, implementation sequence and possible integration of different MSs. In...
The purpose of this paper is to describe the small enterprises within the service sector that have adopted certified quality systems, focusing on the motives that have encouraged these enterprises to do so and the organizational impacts such adoptions have had. The results highlight the importance that these enterprises grant to certified quality s...
While the literature over the last ten years has dealt with the implementation of quality, environmental and other management systems in terms of the interest aroused and results obtained, little has been written about organisational behaviour and the extent to which such standards have been adopted in the service sector. The present article explor...
Certified quality systems are progressively being adopted by all types of industries worldwide. This is due to the fact that many business organisations are actively seeking ways in which they can improve the products and services they offer. However, research has tended to focus on large manufacturing enterprises with a relative neglect of issues...
Many business organisations are, at present, actively seeking ways in which they can improve and provide value for the services they offer. Given that competition has increased over the past decade, enterprises have made efficiency and quality their principal competitive priorities. For this reason, many enterprises have introduced quality systems,...
Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, 1989
Tesis doctoral inédita - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Departamento de Contabilidad y Organización de Empresas. Fecha de lectura:30-04-03 Bibliogr. : h. 233-250
Ante los nuevos e importantes retos que debe afrontar el sector Turismo, el factor humano es su recurso más importante; por ello, las competencias que deben poseer sus profesionales son el elemento clave que determinará la competitividad de las empresas e instituciones que lo conforman. Partiendo de estas premisas, se ha efectuado un análisisempíri...
The paper presents the different types of knowledge involved in the process of knowledge creation, and analyses the main implications of such distinctions that managers need to consider in their attempt to build the dynamic capability of knowledge creation in the firm.
El aprendizaje y la dirección del conocimiento organizativo se han convertido en sendos elementos clave para la dirección de las cadenas hoteleras. El hecho de que múltiples tipos de clientes se alojen en sus hoteles dificulta un trato homogéneo y estandarizado que sea capaz de atender las preferencias específicas de cada cliente haciéndole sentir...
This paper seeks to establish an explanatory model for a corporate culture of innovation as a key factor in competitiveness. In order to do so, we will start with an in-depth analysis of current scholarship on corporate culture, moving on to formulate hypotheses consisting of a theoretical model made up of six elements and 54 variables. These varia...
"En el presente trabajo se propone un Modelo de Organización que Aprende, basado enun Circuito de Conocimiento-aprendizaje organizacional y apoyado por una serie de facilitadoresque impulsan la conversión del conocimiento individual en organizativo, elcual es aplicado a una realidad concreta, específicamente, la Facultad de CienciasEconómicas y Emp...
En el presente trabajo se propone un Modelo de Organización que Aprende, basado en un Circuito de Conocimiento-aprendizaje organizacional y apoyado por una serie de fa- cilitadores que impulsan la conversión del conocimiento individual en organizativo, el cual es aplicado a una realidad concreta, es pecíficamente, la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas...
Adaptation of travel agencies to the standards of the New Economy is leading to a trend towards restructuring the sector aimed at finding new competitive strategies. The growing importance of intangible assets in achieving such strategies has motivated this study, which has tried to identify those intangible factors, present in the provision of the...
Taking a proposal from an intellectual capital general model for the hospitality sector composed of five capitals: human, organisational, technological, business relation and contextual, the present working paper attempts to reach a definition of a Synthetic Model by enabling the measurement and development of the existing intangibles in the Spanis...
La mayor parte de los autores coinciden en identificar directamente el concepto capital intelectual con los activos intangibles de la empresa. Sin embargo, desde nuestro punto de vista y siendo fieles al concepto contable, proponemos que el capital intelectual se calcule como diferencia entre los activos intangibles de los que dispone y los pasivos...
La calidad se ha convertido en un factor determinante para el exito de las empresas, en especial las del sector servicios. En el caso de los servicios de intermediación turística, las tecnologías de la información y, en concreto: Internet, ha abierto nuevos campos de actuación y vías de comercialización, donde la competencia es cada vez mayor y don...
Adaptation of travel agencies to the standards of the New Economy is leading to a trend towards restructuring the sector aimed at finding new competitive strategies. The growing importance of intangible assets in achieving such strategies has motivated this study, which has tried to identify those intangible factors, present in the provision of the...
To survive in the present economic environment, organisations need to develop new capabilities. The classic concept of internal entrepreneur combines innovation and entrepreneurial initiative. From our point of view, the new concept of intrapreneur has three dimensions: innovation (change and culture), intramarkets (changes in organisational struct...
Ante los cada vez más profundos y veloces cambios que se están produciendo en el entorno de las organizaciones, éstas deben responder con unas adecuadas herramientas de gestión de los intangibles de los que disponen con el fin de mantener o incrementar sus ventajas competitivas. De esta forma, el apoyo a la innovación, el aprendizaje, el papel de l...
Recently, the electricity industry in Spain has experienced a deep transformation, aimed to improve the degree of concurrence between the operating firms. This change must be explained in the framework of the regional integration of markets with an European scale. The European Union is shaped as a relevant region in the world energy (and specifical...
El valor de los conocimientos y del aprendizaje como fuente de competencias básicas distintivas
This paper presents a new diagnosis model, a task constituting the essential part of the process of analysis applied in the Management of Technology. What is specifically highlighted as an initial premise is the economic dimension acquired by technology before going on to develop the model based on the Technological Competences Strategic Matrix. Th...
El aprendizaje y la dirección del conocimiento organizativo se han convertido en sendos elementos clave para la dirección de las cadenas hoteleras. El hecho de que múltiples tipos de clientes se alojen en sus hoteles dificulta un trato homogéneo y estandarizado que sea capaz de atender las preferencias específicas de cada cliente haciéndole sentir...
Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Departamento de Contabilidad y Organización de Empresas. Fecha de lectura: 20-7-05 Bibliogr.:p.429-448.- Anexos
Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Departamento de Contabilidad y Administración de Empresas. Fecha de lectura: 14-7-98 Bibliografía: h.387-409