Jose Ignacio PeláezUniversity of Malaga | UMA · Department of Computer Sciences and Languages
Jose Ignacio Peláez
Ph.D. Computer Science
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Publications (151)
Recently, sustainability has been an essential aspect of the cruise industry, and academics and professionals are evaluating its sustainable development based on environmental, economic, and social dimensions. However, most previous studies have not considered the interactions between the dimensions in the analysis process. To address this gap, thi...
El funcionamiento de la sociedad es algo que ha sido una fuente de interés para el ser humano históricamente. En concreto, conocer como fluctúan los valores y las funciones de esta según ocurren los sucesos, ha sido uno de los principales temas de estudio por los investigadores sociales. Algo así planteaban los teóricos funcionalistas cuando dividí...
Patient-centred medicine is a healthcare approach that focuses on patients’ wants, needs and preferences. An obstacle to implement patient-centred medicine is the difficulty of obtaining data that is relevant and representative of the whole society. In 2019, the Spanish Society of Cardiology highlighted eight trends that would exert a determining i...
The visual design elements and principles (VDEPs) can trigger behavioural changes and emotions in the viewer, but their effects on brain activity are not clearly understood. In this paper, we explore the relationships between brain activity and colour (cold/warm), light (dark/bright), movement (fast/slow), and balance (symmetrical/asymmetrical) VDE...
Neuromarketing, consumer neuroscience and neuroaesthetics are a broad research area of neuroscience with an extensive background in scientific publications. Thus, the present study aims to identify the highly cited papers (HCPs) in this research field, to deliver a summary of the academic work produced during the last decade in this area, and to sh...
Sovereign debt and currencies play an increasingly influential role in the development of any country, given the need to obtain financing and establish international relations. A recurring theme in the literature on financial crises has been the prediction of sovereign debt and currency crises due to their extreme importance in international econom...
Previous scientific studies as well as consulting firms have developed numerous Online Reputation Indices (ORIs), i.e. custom-tailored metrics intended to measure the emotions that people express towards a brand, product, or service in social media. These ORIs can provide useful information to assess the impact of marketing campaigns, social approv...
Due to the immediacy of communications, the interconnection of different data sources and the large volume of information available in digital environments, rankings have become one of the most used tools in the Decision Making (DM) process. When choosing an option, the decision maker not only considers the positions of the different alternatives i...
COVID-19 has changed our lives forever. The world we knew until now has been transformed and nowadays we live in a completely new scenario in a perpetual restructuring transition, in which the way we live, relate, and communicate with others has been altered permanently. Within this context, risk communication is playing a decisive role when inform...
In the last decade, the advertising industry has experienced a quantum leap, powered by recent advances in neuroscience, a large investment in artificial intelligence, and a high degree of consumer expertise. Within this context, opinion mining, sentiment analysis, and emotion understanding bring us closer to one of the most sought-after objectives...
Innovación y Consumo. Anuario Olivar Español. Una visión de nuevas tecnologías para el sector olivarero Español.
Health communication plays an important role for citizens. Society is increasingly using the Internet to obtain health information, share experiences related to pathological processes, or meet people with similar physical or psychological conditions. As information and communication technologies are being used in the field of health, terms such as...
Opinion mining and sentiment analysis has become ubiquitous in our society, with applications in online searching, computer vision, image understanding, artificial intelligence and marketing communications (MarCom). Within this context, opinion mining and sentiment analysis in marketing communications (OMSAMC) has a strong role in the development o...
Technological advances and the Internet have changed the way consumers approach the market for assets and services. Increasingly, consumers use the opinions of others to make their decisions. Web sites have assessment indexes (ORIs, ORS), where consumers value products/services using discrete-value scales, like stars or likes. But these ways of ass...
Companies are currently facing the challenge of understanding how their business is affected by the large volume of opinions continually generated by their stakeholders in social media regarding their intangible assets (experiences, emotions and attitudes). With this in mind, the purpose of this paper is to present an innovative management...
This paper presents a novel approach for ranking tourist destinations based on the eigenvector method for pairwise voting (EMPV). The proposed approach relies solely on pairwise comparisons instead of direct-vote polling. The EMPV method was tested over a real-world case application to rank various tourist destinations in the Costa del Sol region,...
Banking companies aiming to maintain their sustainability in financial markets need to develop an integrated management based on the most important intangibles assets of relational capital. Decision- makers need to analyze and understand a huge volume of opinions continuously generated in digital ecosystems about emotions and feelings that their st...
Electrocardiograms (ECG) record the electrical activity of the heart through twelve main signals called shunts. Medical experts examine certain segments of these signals in where they believe the cardiovascular disease is manifested. This fact is an important determining factor for designing expert systems for cardiac diagnosis, as it requires the...
The aim of this study is to assess the influence of regular consumption of chewing-gums on the Masticatory Performance (MP); and to determine if increasing the consumption improves the MP of non-regular consumers. We recorded the chewing-gums consumption rate (CGC) and measured the MP of 265 participants (µ = 47.09, σ = 22.49 years) using the Varia...
Since the 1970s, the northern part of the Amazonian region of Ecuador has been colonized with the support of intensive oil extraction that has opened up roads and supported the settlement of people from Out-side Amazonia. These dynamics have caused important forest cuttings but also regular oil leaks and spills, con-taminating both soil and water....
The use of data obtained from social media for decision-making is growing, because people are increasingly using these means to inform themselves, express opinions or make valuations of brands, services, etc. Increasingly, people and organizations use this information to make strategic decisions for their business. This decision process involves, a...
Customers strongly base their e-commerce decisions on the opinions of others by checking reviews and ratings provided by other users. These assessments are overall opinions about the product or service, and it is not possible to establish why they perceive it as good or bad. To understand this “why”, it is necessary an expert’s analysis concerning...
The purchasing process is not an isolated or unique fact, but a process that contains distinct phases. One of these phases is the evaluation of alternatives, in which the consumer compares the benefits that will be obtained from each brand, product or service, depending on a set of characteristics or criteria. Knowing these criteria and their impor...
Social Risk in education such as bullying, are usually invisible to teachers and parents, at all educational levels. However, these risks remain a reality everywhere in the world, turning into a problem that is rapidly globalizing due to the widespread access to the Internet. The Internet has permeated our entire society and is now present in almos...
This paper focuses on the aggregation operations in the group decision‐making model based on the concept of majority opinion. The weighted‐selective aggregated majority‐OWA (WSAM‐OWA) operator is proposed as an extension of the SAM‐OWA operator, where the reliability of information sources is considered in the formulation. The WSAM‐OWA operator is...
Consistency estimation of decision makers’ judgments in decision-making processes is
fundamental to generating agreements and making decisions. AHP is a widely used method to solve this type of problem, enabling to evaluate the consistency of judgments emitted by the decision makers through the maximum eigenvalue of the matrix of judgments. In addi...
Most of the tools and diagnosis models of Masticatory Efficiency (ME) are not well documented or severely limited to simple image processing approaches. This study presents a novel expert system for ME assessment based on automatic recognition of mixture patterns of masticated two-coloured chewing gums using a combination of computational intellige...
Border-preserving region segmentation and classification.
Core classification performance of single-feature classifiers.
Feature extraction models.
Detailed information about the MEPAT construction.
The reputation of companies within the transport industry is influenced by competitive dynamics within the sector: low-cost flights, the attractiveness of destinations, online user-generated content about users’ experiences, and more. At the same time, social media provides a means for companies to manage issues of tourism intangibles. Thus, it is...
Presently, there exists an important need for lighter and more resistant structures, with reduced manufacturing costs. Laminated polymers are materials which respond to these new demands. Main difficulties of the design process of a composite laminate include the necessity to design both the geometry of the element and the material configuration it...
One of the main issues in governmental areas is assessment made by the general public on their management. Globalization and quick development of information technologies are changing behaviors, expression ways of citizens and organization values, increasing the denominated intangible assets to the detriment of the so called tangible assets. Knowin...
University studies in recent decades are characterized by the development of varied curricula within specific program of study. This fact, initially considered a breakthrough in the autonomy of the universities and a way of increasing the competitiveness between them, over time has become a problem due to the lack of readability and comparability o...
Abstract—In multi-criteria decision-making processes, a set of criteria that can act independently or have some kind of relation between them are considered. When this latter appears, the process cannot be a simple problem due to complexity to model such synergy relations. To deal with these issues, a Choquet
integral based method has been develope...
En los últimos años estamos asistiendo a continuos cambios en el diseño de la curricula en educación, especialmente en el ámbito universitario. Estos cambios vienen motivados por dos problemas principalmente, el primero en lo referente a la homogenización de los planes de estudios, y el segundo en lo relativo a la inclusión o eliminación de materia...
Las transformaciones tecnológicas y de información que está experimentando nuestra sociedad en la última década, está provocando un crecimiento exponencial de la información, no solamente para las empresas u organizaciones, sino también para todos los ciudadanos. Pero operar en el entorno de mayor capacidad de generación de datos de la historia con...
Este trabajo propone un modelo para detectar en forma automática el borde de una región pigmentada en una imagen dermatoscópica, primer paso necesario para la construcción de una herramienta capaz de diagnosticar melanomas utilizando imágenes dermatoscópicas. El modelo propuesto, utilizando una base de 205 imágenes, presenta errores menores cuando...
Undergrad students are trained on a specific set of skills matching their corresponding careers, as modern sciences trend to specialization; however, it has promoted the creation of a virtual boundary among different professions. In this regard, state-of-the-art dental research involves the application of ever-increasing complex computational solut...
La concienciación por el medio ambiente es cada vez más notable, y la sociedad en general exige que se lleve a cabo un control más riguroso sobre los posibles focos de contaminación. Los derrames de hidrocarburos de petróleo son una de las principales fuentes de contaminación de suelos y aguas ya que ocasionan perturbaciones en los ecosistemas al a...
The two dimension guillotine cut is actually one of the most interesting problems in modern industries like metallurgic, textile, wooden... in which it’s needed to cut sheets in pieces with an associated dimensions and benefits in the way to maximize the final benefit. The purpose of this work is to present an evolutionary metaheuristic for the two...
Uno de los materiales más importante en la historia de la
humanidad es el hormigón, mezcla de cemento con áridos y
agua. Trabajos recientes sugieren que los agregados tienen
influencia en las propiedades de resistencia a compresión del
hormigón y que las reacciones químicas que tienen lugar en la
zona superficial, la mezcla, el desarrollo, y la mor...
Modeling interactions between criteria in Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) is a complex task. Such complexity arises when there are visible redundancies and synergies among criteria, which traditional MCDA methods cannot deal with. The Choquet integral is a model that has been conceived to deal with these issues, but an appropriate fuzzy...
Democracy, the people Government power, seeks that decisions are made by all citizens and represent their will. But somehow, the practice of the democracy has turned into a synonymous to elections, an act where common citizens participates in politics only at the ballot day, once every four or five years. This fact decreases civil participation in...
Citizen participation in Government's decisions has been a constant struggle since the earliest civilizations. In the ancient Greece, Aristotle said that decisions of all things should depend on the general Citizens Assembly; that judges were elected by lot and for a limited time; and that election is not depended of the importance of his fortune....
In recent years, the acquisition of products and services via Internet has grown exponentially. Today, a person
goes through different websites in search of better alternatives and prices. In this searching process, he/she uses social media applications to exam the opinions of others who have purchased such services or products. Also, the seller of...
Objectives: Objective masticatory performance assessment using two-coloured specimens rely on image processing techniques; however, just a few approaches have been tested and no comparative studies are reported. The aim of this study is to present a selection procedure of the optimal image analysis method for masticatory performance assessment with...
Habitually, decision-makers are exposed to situations that require a lot of knowledge and expertise. Therefore, they need tools to help them choose the best possible alternatives. Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP) is one of those tools and it is widely used in many fields. While the use of AHP is very simple, there is a situation that becomes com...
Usually, in order to summarize various opinions about a particular situation (mainly product o service valuation on Internet) a process called aggregation is used. This process basically consists of determining the appropriate value to represent the majority’s opinion and many strategies and operators can be used for this purpose. Simple arithmetic...
The masticatory performance (MP) is an objective indicator of the oro-facial functional capabilities, used for evaluating the impact of oral prosthetics, neuro-muscular disorders in the elderly, and impairments after a stroke. The MP can be measured by means of Image Processing Methods (IMP) for quantifying the mixture of chewing gums subjected to...
Las transformaciones tecnológicas y de información que está experimentando nuestra sociedad en la última década, está provocando un crecimiento exponencial de la información, no solamente para las empresas u organizaciones, sino también para todos los ciudadanos. Pero operar en el entorno de mayor capacidad de generación de datos de la historia con...
The problems of decision in group are situations where a set of experts works in a process of decision with the objective to obtain a final value that is representative of the group. One of the main problems that consider in these processes is the design of decision models that represents the opinion of the majority. The Analytical Hierarchic Proce...
Missing data and non response problem is a usual difficulty of particular concern in medical and social science data base. Dealing with non-response can be a difficult matter and it is important to apply adequate missing data methods to obtain valid inference. In this paper we analyze the performance of the data imputation and a new fuzzy imputatio...
Uno de los materiales más importante en la historia de la humanidad es el hormigón, mezcla de cemento con áridos y agua. Trabajos recientes sugieren que los agregados tienen influencia en las propiedades de resistencia a compresión del hormigón y que las reacciones químicas que tienen lugar en la zona superficial, la mezcla, el desarrollo, y la mor...
This paper proposes a two-stage system based on neural network models to classify bundle branch blocks via electrocardiogram (ECG) analysis. Two artificial neural network (ANN) models have been developed in order to discriminate bundle branch blocks and hemiblocks from normal ECG and other heart diseases. This method includes pre-processing and cla...
This paper proposes an expert system capable of identifying pathological
ECG with signs of ischemia. The system design is based on the knowledge of a
team of cardiologists who have been commissioned to identify ECG segments that
contain information about the target disease, and subsequently validated the results
of the system. The expert system com...
Detailed visual inspection is a fundamental skill at the core of routine procedures in clinical dentistry. In this study we explore the possibility to achieve a more precise visual inspection process by combining computer vision and intelligence techniques. The aim of this paper is to propose a dental tissue classification system based on digital i...
This paper proposes a two stage system based in neural network models to classify ischemia via ECG analysis. Two systems based on artificial neural network (ANN) models have been developed in order to discriminate inferolateral and anteroposterior ischemia from normal electrocardiogram (ECG) and other heart diseases. This method includes pre-proces...
During the last decade it has been observed that companies have dedicated more effort and resources to developing policies for the management of intangibles in their models of corporate management, which would allow them to improve their position in the market place with respect to their public, and thereby guarantee sustainability through time. Th...
The management of corporate reputation (CR) and its integration in corporate culture are key aspects for the excellence and sustainability of companies over time. This paper presents a study of how the most reputable companies in the Spanish market manage their reputation. The corporate areas responsible for this management are analyzed, together w...
La reputación corporativa, RC, es actualmente un intangible de gran valor para las empresas. Su identificación, medición y gestión efectiva resultan claves para la supervivencia empresarial y su sostenibilidad en el tiempo. Pero esta gestión no es sencilla, ya que la relación con los publicos esta cambiando debido a las nuevas tecnologías, y por lo...
Corporate Reputation, CR, is currently a high intangible value for companies. Its recognition, measurement and effective management are the key factors to corporate survival and sustainability over time. But this effort is not simple, the relationship with their stakeholders is changing due to new technologies, labor relations, environmental issues...
Corporate reputation is an intangible asset of great value for the enterprise, its identification and its effective management may result essential for entrepreneurial survival and its sustainability along the time. Different models have been developed to evaluate the corporate reputation where the information aggregation processes need to represen...
The concern regarding the role of ethical values in the heart of businesses is today an unambiguous reality, as our society suffers from a loss of confidence in the economical, political and social global context. The ethics permit strengthening the economic rationality to the extent that it generates sustainable relationships of confidence, it red...
The existing research supports the positive relation between Corporate Reputation (CR) and financial performance. It suggests that companies with a good CR get cost benefits and improve their relationships with stakeholders achieving better economic results. Furthermore, regarding the capital market it is detected that shares from companies with be...
We find in the accounting literature the use of neural networks (NN) for the prediction of insolvency data from the last financial year before the bankruptcy, with a success rate below 85%. The objective of this work is to increase the predictive power of the NN models to discriminate between solvent and insolvent companies incorporating for this p...
Electoral processes are complex and need to be secure, reliable, and auditable. It is then important to define ways to evaluate their functional completeness and correction as well as their security and reliability. Many solutions to specific aspects of voting have been proposed but we do not know of any holistic view of this process. We present a...
The analysis patterns describe the structure and management of an
election. The patterns describe voter registration, ballot structure, election day
management, voting process, and the complete election.
The development of society is still marked by the need for lighter and stronger structures. The materials that respond best to these needs are composite materials. Designing composite materials is difficult as it involves designing the geometry and their composition. Traditionally, the design tasks have been based on approximate methods; the possib...
This paper has two objectives. First, it attempts to show the evolution
of companies in the management of intangibles: brand, communication, CSR, etc. Furthermore, it aims to define the current framework of corporate reputation. In the development of the paper, in addition to literature sources, in-depth interviews have been used with executives of...
The globalization of markets and new relationships that stakeholders have with companies, mainly driven by new technologies, is making its corporate structures evolve towards a new management model that ensures sustainability of the company. This new model is based on corporate reputation management as a major intangible asset that adds value to th...
In recent years, companies and organizations make significant efforts in order to develop pol-icies regarding Corporate Reputation. The loss of reputation directly impacts the perfor-mance of companies. Corporate Reputation is an intangible asset of great value for the enter-prise, its identification and its management is essential for corporate su...