Jose Ortiz

Jose Ortiz
Autonomous University of Aguascalientes | UAA · Departamento de Construcción y Estructuras

Ph. Doctor in Construction Engineering


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Publications (66)
This manuscript analyzes the valorization of agricultural wastes as heavy metal adsorbents and their eco-friendly final disposal as mineral admixtures to manufacture cement-based construction materials. The adsorption properties of nutshell, pistachio shell, and agave fiber for the removal of Pb ²⁺ and Ni ²⁺ from aqueous solution were analyzed unde...
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Concrete is one of the most commonly used construction materials in the world due to its versatility. There are different types of concrete according to the required mechanical responses, and these will depend on the composition of the elements. Therefore, additional elements have been developed to improve the properties and conditions of concrete....
This paper is focused on the use of mixed recycled-aggregates (RA), replacing 100% of the natural coarse aggregates, for producing steel fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete (FR-SCC-RA) oriented to the construction of foundation walls. To this end, an extensive experimental program dedicated to the mechanical characterization of FR-SCC-RA foun...
Conference Paper
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Land subsidence due to groundwater withdrawal has been developing in the Aguascalientes Valley since the 1980's. Even though the affected area is close to 900 km2, and the sinking velocity is up to 10 cm yr−1 in some zones, the main concern for valley inhabitants and local government is the occurrence of subsidence-related cracks and failures, whic...
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This publisher’s note amends the author affiliations in Appl. Opt. 59, D1 (2020)APOPAI0003-693510.1364/AO.59.0000D1.
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In this work, a nondestructive and noninvasive technique, based on laser technology and the use of the Kubelka–Munk model to calculate the dynamic behavior of the cement paste from the diffuse reflection properties of both cement components and hydration products, is proposed. Also, the Powers–Brunauer model is used to explain this behavior during...
This research focuses on designing and characterizing steel-fibre-reinforced self-compacting concrete using recycled aggregates (SFR-SCC-RA). Six different concrete dosages have been designed, and two extensive mechanical and physical characterization programs have been conducted. The first program was developed in a concrete production plant to ve...
Constant loading and transportation of materials cause abrasive wear in industrial floors. This study compared destructive and ondestructive testing techniques to evaluate the abrasion resistance of concrete. Eight concrete hardeners (six solid and two liquid) were subjected to abrasion, ultrasound, and rebound hammer tests. The results of the tria...
A new cement-based material is presented in this research contribution. The material consists in a fibre-reinforced self-compacting concrete with 100% of mixed recycled aggregate. Six different mixes were produced in two different conditions: (1) in a concrete plant in order to verify the adaptability of the existing equipment to produce and pour t...
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RESUMEN El Museo de la Insurgencia, declarado edificio histórico y patrimonial y localizado en Pabellón de Hidalgo, estado de Aguascalientes, México central, está siendo severamente dañado por una falla superficial activa. Para este trabajo se implementó una metodología sencilla para monitorear y cuantificar los desplazamientos derivados de la fall...
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In this work we present an application of InSAR and gravimetric surveys for risk management related to land subsidence and surface ground faulting generation. A subsidence velocity map derived from the 2007–2011 ALOS SAR imagery and a sediment thicknesses map obtained from the inversion of gravimetric data were integrated with a surface fault map t...
Conference Paper
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Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) has become a valuable tool for surface deformation monitoring, including land subsidence associated with groundwater extraction. Another useful tools for studying Earth's surface processes are geophysical methods such as Gravimetry. In this work we present the application of InSAR analysis and gravim...
Conference Paper
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In this study we investigate different aspects of land subsidence and ground failures occurring in the west portion of Chapala lake basin. Currently, surface discontinuities seem to be associated with subsiding bowls. In an effort to understand some of the conditioning factors to surface deformation, two sounding cores from the upper sequence (11 m...
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Land subsidence due to ground water withdrawal is a problem in many places around the world (Poland, 1984). This causes differential ground settlements that affect masonry structures, because these structural materials do not exhibit an adequate performance beyond a certain level of angular distortion. This work presents the experimental and numeri...
Conference Paper
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On the construction field it exists as a vestiges, historical constructions that includes a wide diversity of architectural and archaeological monuments. Such heritage is considered essential in the cultural life of the societies because, besides their significantly contribution to the economy, for its historical importance due by all their intrins...
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This paper presents the results of an experimental study carried out to comprehend the physical, mechanical, and microstructural behavior of cement pastes subjected to static magnetic fields while hydrating and setting. The experimental methodology consisted in exposing fresh cement pastes to static magnetic fields at three different magnetic induc...
In recent years, the use of self-compacting concrete (SCC) has been increasing. Although methods for designing the mixture proportions usually derive from experience with conventional concretes, some specific procedures still are not universally accepted. The design and characterization of SCC influences not only the mix components (paste volume an...
This report presents the results of a study on the performance of thin-walled cold-formed steel wall frames with different sheathing systems affected by angular distortions simulating ground differential settlements due to land subsidence. The wall frames are sheathed with different systems: expanded polystyrene, OSB, calcium silicate and gypsum bo...
Research Proposal
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RESUMEN En la actualidad, el diseño de naves industriales construidas dentro del país, están basadas en los términos del diseño del manual de obras civiles de la Comisión Federal de Electricidad [LÓPEZ LÓPEZ, 2008], no obstante se debe de utilizar una metodología extensa y compleja para poder llevar a cabo un análisis y diseño en la elaboración de...
Conference Paper
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Built between the years 1895-1908, the Temple of San Antonio is a monument and masterpiece cataloged like historical construction. It is known not only for his religious im-portance, also for his architectural, symbolic, and historical significance. Given the cultural significance of the building for the city of Aguascalientes, is priority their pr...
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Vertical deformation was measured at 14 benchmarks within the urban area of Jocotepec Mexico using first-order leveling methods and then spatially analyzed in relation to land subsidence and soil discontinuity patterns. The study area is located within the western portion of the Chapala basin, middle-west Mexico. Observations of vertical surficial...
Conference Paper
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This paper presents the results about the mechanical characterization of steel and polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete to be used in industrial ground floor slabs, assessing parameters such as compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, compressive toughness, flexural strength, flexural toughness, flexural residual strength and fracture energy...
Conference Paper
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En 1993 se realizó un estudio del problema de subsidencia que afecta a la ciudad de Aguascalientes Ags., el cual incluyó el análisis de la sismicidad registrada de 1988 a 1994 en la estación sismológica AGX del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) ubicada en la misma ciudad, dicho estudio identificó 18 sismos locales. Como parte del mismo estudio se...
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El estudio de las vibraciones como fuente de información para monitorizar cambios en la salud estructural, se emplea como técnica alterna a la inspección visual en los programas de mantenimiento de puentes en varias partes del mundo. El principio de la metodología consiste en medir las vibraciones de las estructuras por efecto del ruido ambiental y...
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El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el comportamiento mecánico que presentan los elementos de acero rolado en frío de pared delgada al ser sometidos a esfuerzos de compresión axial. Se analiza también el comportamiento del material ante esfuerzos de tensión. Para realizar lo anterior se utilizaron perfiles en sección canal con borde rígido, con...
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo revisar el comportamiento que presentan los marcos de acero rolado en frío de pared delgada cuando son sometidos a cargas laterales. Se realizaron pruebas experimentales en dos marcos con dimensiones de 1,600 mm de longitud por 1,500 mm de altura, formados con perfiles de sección 350S162-33 (Stud) y 350T125-33 (Trac...
Conference Paper
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1 RESUMEN El análisis de registros de vibraciones se ha utilizado en la industria aeronáutica y de maquinaria rotatoria, como una técnica de diagnógstico para detectar daños incipientes o defectos de ensamblaje y fabricación. En estructuras de ingeniería civil se ha utilizado para evaluar cambios del comportamiento estructural, aplicada como una té...
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Se presenta el desarrollo de un modelo para la evaluación de estructuras que permite determinar el estado de condición de una construcción. Este modelo de evaluación propone el análisis de la estructura desde el punto de vista funcional y estructural, aplicando para cada uno de ellos factores de peso dependiendo del deterioro que tenga la estructur...
This work presents the methodology and results of the treatment of fresh cement pastes with CO2 laser radiation (10.6μm), in order to modify its physical, mechanical and micro structural properties. It was observed that the CO2 laser radiation has a positive influence on the mechanical properties of cement paste, resulting in a more compact and les...
Conference Paper
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The main objective of this research project is to study the application of structural systems based on light gauge cold-formed steel framing to housing in subsidence zones, having the following scopes: characterize the typical settlements in a discontinuity due to subsidence, to build a laboratory facility to simulate these settlements, to simulate...
Conference Paper
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We present a description of subsidence occurring in Aguascalientes Valley, covering the conceptual models of soil cracks generation, and the behaviour of the surface soil in the zone nearest to earth fissure path (width of influence). Furthermore, the observed pathologies in the damaged constructions by these earth discontinuities are evaluated. A...
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This article presents the results of the treatment of fresh cement pastes with CO2 laser radiation (10.6μm), in order to improve its mechanical properties in addition to obtaining lower setting times than those of a natural setting (without radiation .) It was observed that the CO2 laser radiation has a positive influence on the mechanical properti...
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In this work the changes occurring in cement pastes irradiated by 10.6µm CO2 laser at diff erent stages of hydration after preparation are presented. Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM) techniques were used to observe molecular structural changes. Intensity of cement paste Raman peaks after laser irradiati...
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In this work the changes occurring in cement pastes irradiated by 10.6¡mi CO2 laser at different stages of hydration after preparation are presented. Raman spectroscopy, X–ray diffraction and Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM) techniques were used to observe molecular structural changes. Intensity of cement paste Raman peaks after laser irradiati...
This article presents the results of the treatment of fresh cement pastes with CO2 laser radiation (10.6μm), in order to improve its mechanical properties in addition to obtaining lower setting times than those of a natural setting (without radiation .) It was observed that the CO2 laser radiation has a positive influence on the mechanical properti...
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Durante los meses de verano el concreto premezclado sufre efectos negativos sobre sus prestaciones en estado fresco y endurecido. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos en un proyecto de investigación cuyo objetivo principal es el de optimizar la dosificación de cemento en el concreto fabricado bajo condiciones elevadas de temperatur...
Conference Paper
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Earth fissures and surface faults related to land subsidence have been observed in Aguascalientes City (AGSC) since the early 1880s. Nowadays, the superficial cracking became widespread throughout the valley of Aguascalientes (AGSV). In this work we present a brief description of land subsidence and soil cracking in AGSV and its evolution and econo...
Conference Paper
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Soil fracturing due to land subsidence is a frequent problem in many countries when the water extraction exceeds the natural recharge of aquifers. The effect of soil fracturing due to subsidence may provoke severe damages and compromise the structural stability of buildings. The objective of this paper is to present the development of a methodology...
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El presente artículo constituye la segunda parte de un estudio experimental sobre la influencia de la temperatura ambiental sobre las prestaciones del hormigón, desde una perspectiva industrial. En la primera, se estudió el efecto sobre las propiedades de trabajabilidad y mecánicas, en áridos, pasta, mortero y hormigones, detectando un claro efecto...
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This paper is the second part of an experimental study about the effect of environmental temperature on the concrete performance, from an industrial perspective. An earlier article on its effect on aggregate, paste, mortar and concrete workability and mechanical properties reported that high temperature had a clearly adverse impact on strength, whi...
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This article presents the results of the treatment of fresh cement pastes with CO 2 laser radiation (10.6μm), in order to improve its mechanical properties in addition to obtaining lower setting times than those of a natural setting (without radiation .) It was observed that the CO 2 laser radiation has a positive influence on the mechanical proper...
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This work presents procedures, results and main conclusions derived from an experimental study aimed at determining the effects of environmental temperature on the workability and microstructural properties of mortars and cement pastes. In this study, three climatic conditions were used: reference, hot weather and cold weather, as related to temper...
We report the changes occurring in cement pastes irradiated by 10.6um CO2 laser at different stages of hydration. Raman spectroscopy, X-rays and Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM) techniques had been used to observe molecular structural changes. Intensity of cement paste Raman peaks after laser irradiation was monitored in samples irradiated 2, 3...
In this experimental work, which is aimed at a subsequent industrial application, the results of a study of the effects of environmental temperatures on aggregate’s properties and on the resulting mortar workability are presented. For this work, several physical properties of fine aggregates (sand of 5 and 2 mm) were defined, in order to establish...
Conference Paper
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We report the changes occurring in cement pastes irradiated by 10.6um CO2 laser at different stages of hydration. Raman spectroscopy, X-rays and Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM) techniques had been used to observe molecular structural changes. Intensity of cement paste Raman peaks after laser irradiation was monitored in samples irradiated 2, 3...
En este artículo se presenta un estudio sobre los efectos de la temperatura ambiental sobre las prestaciones del hormigón, en estado fresco y endurecido, y sobre las propiedades de los materiales constituyentes del mismo, desde una perspectiva industrial. El objetivo principal es el de optimizar la dosificación del hormigón en climas cálidos y al m...
The present article discusses the effects of temperature on the performance of both fresh and hardened concrete and on the properties of its constituent materials, from an industrial perspective. The primary aim of the study was to optimize concrete in very warm environments. Certain industrial procedures are proposed to minimize the adverse effect...
This work has as objective to study the influence of mixing hour in the concrete properties such as workability and compressive strength in hot and cold weather conditions from an industrially applied point of view. The foremost studied variable was the concrete mixing hour, having used five mixing hours for every weather conditions. For each mixin...
This research paper is triggered by necessity of taking wind effects in the Environmental Enginee- ring works, into account as for such applications it is required to determine the regional wind speed. In most cases, the existing legislation standards for each State lack reliable sources in order to calcu- late wind magnitudes and wind directions....
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( * ) , A. Aguado de Cea ( ** ) , L. Agulló Fité ( ** SUMMARY The present article discusses the effects of temperature on the performance of both fresh and hardened concrete and on the properties of its constituent materials, from an industrial perspective. The primary aim of the study was to optimize concrete in very warm environments. Certain ind...


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