José Max Barbosa Oliveira Junior

José Max Barbosa Oliveira Junior
Federal University of Western Pará · Instituto de Ciências e Tecnologia das Águas



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PhD in Zoology (Conservation and Ecology). Master in Ecology and Conservation. Degree in Biological Sciences. Professor at the Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA), Institute of Water Sciences and Technology (ICTA). Areas of interest: ecology, environmental conservation, agriculture, livestock, deforestation, environmental impact assessment, aquatic insects, bioindicators, continental aquatic ecosystems, distribution patterns and citizen science.


Publications (104)
Interspecific interactions, such as competition, are among the key factors that determine the distribution, abundance and diversity of organisms in natural communities of aquatic ecosystems. However, a marked reduction in the environmental integrity of streams may lead to modifications of the natural dynamics of these communities, including co-occu...
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Freshwater ecosystems under the influence of human activities are subject to multiple environmental stressors that lead to biodiversity loss and habitat modification. In recent years, various organisms have been used as bioindicators to detect environmental changes by their ability to perceive changes in community attributes. A good example is the...
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More than one-third of the world’s high-biodiversity areas are inhabited by traditional communities, which possess deep knowledge and a unique relationship with the environment, resulting in sustainable management of natural resources. However, the importance of these communities is not always highlighted; therefore, this study conducts a mapping o...
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Forest degradation and forest disturbance are distinct yet often conflated concepts, complicating their definition and monitoring. Forest degradation involves interrupted succession and a severe reduction in forest services over time, caused by factors like fires, illegal selective logging, and edge effects. Forest disturbance, on the other hand, r...
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Estimates of dark diversity, species that belong to a given species pool but are not present locally, can help to understand how environmental conditions influence species distribution. However, it remains uncertain whether dark diversity can predict the absence of indicator species in preserved environments after environmental changes. We explored...
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Wallacean shortfalls in knowledge about biodiversity, especially in the Amazon biome, can only be addressed by increasing sampling efforts in focal areas. The objective of this study was to describe the fish fauna of streams associated with four protected areas in the Eastern Amazon. These areas include the Tapajós (Parque Nacional da Amazônia,...
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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) plantations on the water quality and physical structure of streams in the Amazon region and on the diversity of adult odonates (Insecta: Odonata). We tested the hypotheses: (1) that streams draining palm oil monocultures have low water quality and physical integrit...
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Entomotourism has emerged as a conservation strategy that seeks to promote greater awareness and sensitivity to the importance of the invertebrates in the ecosystem. In this context, we conducted a global bibliometric analysis with the aim of identifying trends and gaps of research on entomotourism published in the last 39 years (1984–2022), as wel...
Environmental architecture and body temperature drive the distribution of ectothermic species, especially those with specific ecophysiological requirements or narrow ecological niches. In this study, we evaluated the connection between thorax temperature and niche specialization concerning the abundance and species contribution to the beta diversit...
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Incorporating insects into ecotourism activities increases awareness of their importance in ecosystems. However, the inclusion of this group in ecotourism activities is still rare. In this context, we identified the perception of indigenous and non-indigenous leaders and residents about the potential of Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) as key...
Niche and dispersal‐based processes govern freshwater communities, such as aquatic insects, shaping their distribution and establishment in the environment. So, we aimed to address the relative influence of niche and dispersal‐based processes on Odonata diversity in Amazonian freshwater systems, and the influence of species dispersal functional tra...
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Freshwater ecosystems, under the influence of human activities, are subject to multiple environmental stressors that lead to biodiversity loss, and the habitat modification. In recent years, different various organisms have been used as bioindicators to detect environmental changes by their ability to perceive changes in community attributes. A goo...
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Studies that assess the contribution of sites (LCBD) and species (SCBD) to total beta diversity (BDtotal) along environmental/spatial gradients are of fundamental importance for biodiversity knowledge, species conservation and for environmental restoration. We analyzed which spatial, environmental and environmental heterogeneity (LCEH) predictors w...
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Community-based ecotourism (CBET) has emerged as an alternative that seeks to integrate environmental, cultural, social, and economic sustainability through community participation, generating increasing interest in research. In this context, we conducted a bibliometric analysis to understand the research patterns, trends, and gaps associated with...
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The Amazon Rainforest is renowned for its extraordinary biodiversity and the ravages of pervasive deforestation. The removal of natural vegetation significantly affects Amazonian streams, leading to alterations in their environmental conditions. In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency has devised a comprehensive protocol to monito...
Aim Insects are one of the least studied taxa, with most species lacking basic ecological and biogeographical information. This problem is particularly acute in the tropics, where low sampling effort hampers accurate estimates of species richness at scale and potentially confounds efforts to identify the drivers of biogeographical gradients. Here,...
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Protected areas are hugely important for preserving freshwater systems, given their importance for the human well-being and aquatic diversity. Our main objective in the present study was to investigate the diversity of adult Odonata species in streams inside a national park, and in streams located outside this protected area, under different human...
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Beta diversity has been widely used in studies to understand the spatial distribution patterns of species and to assess the effects of anthropic impacts on aquatic environments. Dissimilarity indices, such as Sorensen and Jaccard, are widely used to calculate beta diversity, and show differences in their way of evaluating and valuing biodiversity c...
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Anthropic activities affect the dynamics of aquatic communities and can influence the reproductive behavior of many species. In addition, functional diversity is expected to be influenced by the environment. In this context, we evaluated how the biological functional characteristics of the Odonata adult community respond to impacts caused by human...
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Graphical abstract Highlights d Ecological metadata were compiled for 7,694 sites across the Brazilian Amazon d Accessibility and proximity to research facilities influenced research probability d Knowledge gaps are greater in uplands than in wetlands and aquatic habitats d Undersampled areas overlap predicted hotspots of climate change and defores...
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Discussion regarding the gaps of knowledge on Odonata is common in the literature. Such gaps are even greater when dealing with basic biological data for biodiverse environments like the Amazon Rainforest. Therefore, studies that address, classify, and standardize functional traits allow the elaboration of a wide range of ecological and evolutionar...
The Odonata have well resolved taxonomy, conspicuous diurnal adults, contact with aquatic and terrestrial environments, and a broad range of environmental sensitivity across species, making them a valuable group for environmental appraisals. Odonate nymphs are commonly tested in aquatic ecotoxicological and bioaccumulation studies and often applied...
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Egg and larvae drift is a key mechanism for early fish stages to colonize nursery and growth areas and provides insights into ichthyofauna spawning times and spawning locations—crucial information for understanding fish biology. In the Tapajós River, Amazon Basin, no study has investigated the drift of ichthyoplankton along the hydrological phases...
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In recent decades, the conversion of native forests into anthropogenic landscapes has been impacting progressively the physical habitat of the aquatic systems of Brazilian Amazonia. Given this, we evaluated the effects of the loss of natural vegetation cover on the diversity and morphology of Amazonian odonates (Zygoptera and Anisoptera). To do so,...
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Insects of the order Odonata have been used as indicators of environmental quality in different aquatic systems around the world. In this context, we conducted a bibliometric analysis to understand the general patterns of research on Odonata published in the past decade (2012–2021). We extracted literature from the Web of Science (WoS) in the advan...
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The modification of landscapes surrounding water bodies leads to changes in limnological characteristics and decreased aquatic biodiversity, such as fish and macroinvertebrates. Aquatic insects are sensitive to changes in aquatic ecosystems and quickly respond to those changes. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the relationship between the comp...
Resumo: Esta revisão teve como objetivo avaliar o histórico da utilização de alguns grupos de Insetos Aquáticos como bioindicadores de alteração ambiental no estado do Pará, assim como discutir as perspectivas futuras dessa temática à luz das novas tecnologias. Verificou-se consideráveis avanços no uso das Ordens Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichopt...
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Stream degradation in Amazonia is outpacing our ability to effectively monitor it for three key reasons: (1) Many changes are cumulative and occur gradually; (2) Scientists have failed to clearly link anthropogenic disturbances with ecological and economic indicators of concern to decision makers and the public; (3) There are too many potential ind...
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The order Odonata (Insecta) is composed of aquatic insects popularly known as dragonflies and damselflies. Members of this order are closely linked to the conservation status of their habitats; however, the Wallacean shortfall in some regions still remains high. The Volta Grande do Xingu region is known to have high endemism of some groups, such as...
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The presence of environmental conditions that are suitable for the development of agricultural and cattle-raising activities has favored the expansion of land use in the Brazilian Amazon. This expansion changes the environmental conditions of aquatic ecosystems by altering the structure of the streambeds and the physicochemical conditions of the wa...
Citizen science activities, involving local people in volunteer-supported and sustainable monitoring programs, are common. In this context, the objective of the present work was to develop a simple Metric of Aquatic Invertebrates for Volunteers (MAIV), including a user-friendly tool that can be easily accessed by volunteers, and to evaluate the e�c...
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Deforestation is a major threat globally, but especially in tropical regions because they are biodiversity strongholds and carbon storehouses. Some studies have reported changes in species richness and composition in lotic ecosystems with increased forest-loss in their catchment, presumably resulting from the replacement of sensitive taxa by more r...
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The odonates are insects that have a wide range of reproductive, ritualized territorial, and aggressive behaviors. Changes in behavior are the first response of most odonate species to environmental alterations. In this context, the primary objective of the present study was to assess the effects of environmental alterations resulting from shifts i...
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As atividades de extensão são importantes para a troca de conhecimento cientifico e popular, realizadas com o intuito de aproximar o meio acadêmico e a sociedade, possibilitando o desenvolvimento de ações para a popularização da ciência e da divulgação científica. Desta forma, objetivamos difundir o conhecimento sobre os insetos aquáticos, com foco...
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Alternative tourism (AT) contributes to conservation, valuing the environment and recipient cultures with minimal impact, especially in protected areas. In this context, this article identified, considering the residents′ perception, the possible environmental impacts resulting from alternative tourism in communities of the Tapajós-Arapiuns Extract...
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A range of factors may determine the structure of ecological communities in time and space, in particular niches, dispersal limits, and the evolutionary history of the species. In the last decades, the traditional focus of community ecology on species diversity and composition have been supplemented by approaches incorporating functional traits and...
Consider both water and land When designing terrestrial reserves, it is common to consider the needs of species and systems from a terrestrial perspective, with an assumption that any freshwater systems will benefit as well. Leal et al. tested this assumption by analyzing data from two locations in the Brazilian Amazon and found that it is far from...
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As abelhas da tribo Euglossini (Hymenoptera: Apidae) são extremamente importantes na polinização das florestas neotropicais e por serem sensíveis a mudanças em seu habitat, são consideradas excelentes bioindicadores de qualidade ambiental. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo objetivou (i) comparar a riqueza de espécies e abundância de indivíduos de E...
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Citizen science activities, involving local people in volunteer-supported and sustainable monitoring programs, are common. In this context, the objective of the present work was to develop a simple Metric of Aquatic Invertebrates for Volunteers (MAIV), including a user-friendly tool that can be easily accessed by volunteers, and to evaluate the eff...
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Brazilian research efforts on mining and environmental impacts: an overview of the five decades (1967-2017) The objective of this work was to analyze the trends and gaps of the mining and environment impacts studies in Brazil in the last five decades (1967-2017) through a scientometric analysis. The research was carried out by searching for works w...
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Since early studies about aquatic ecology, it has been found that changes in environmental conditions alter aquatic insect communities. Based on this, the combined study of environmental conditions and aquatic insect communities has become an important tool to monitor and manage freshwater systems. However, there is no consensus about which environ...
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Since the relative role of local and regional abiotic factors on the Odonata diversity in rainforest streams is still poorly understood, we evaluated the effects of these factors on adult Odonata (Insecta) from preserved and altered streams in the Amazonian region. Adult Odonata were sampled in 98 streams in the Eastern Amazon, Pará, Brazil. Six va...