Jose Martin-Albo

Jose Martin-Albo
University of Zaragoza | UNIZAR · Department of Psychology and Sociology



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January 2010 - present
University of Zaragoza
  • PhD
January 1996 - December 2009
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • PhD


Publications (118)
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Objectification theory posits that puberty is likely to be a critical stage for experiencing body shame. Past research on experiences during puberty has largely focused on the association between pubertal timing (i.e., the onset of the process of physical maturation and sexual development) and physical and/or psychological health problems among ado...
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Purpose: Research has shown that there is a decrease in physical activity levels during early adolescence, especially for girls. Previous studies have shown that the social physique anxiety (SPA) may be a controlling factor influencing exercise motivation and engagement in this behavior; however, the potential role that puberty plays in this decre...
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Purpose Although education for sustainable development (ESD) is a key tool in the transition to a more sustainable society, its integration in higher education remains scarce. One reason for this is that more evidence is needed about the effectiveness of ESD interventions. This study aims to address this gap in the literature by examining the immed...
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Empathy is an emotional response that may facilitate prosocial behavior and inhibit aggression by increasing empathic concern for others. But the vicarious experience of other’s feelings may also turn into personal distress when the person has poor regulation skills and holds stigmatizing beliefs. In thinking about the processes that may trigger th...
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The main purpose of this study was to longitudinally test the relationships of Self Determination Theory variables on physical activity, analyzing the model based on stages of change. The study is a longitudinal and quantitative research. We have developed a longitudinal cross-lagged design for structural equation models of three time points and mu...
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This study examines the reciprocal effects between two school-based relationships within the classroom—namely, perceived teacher support and relatedness with classmates—and school aggression (overt and relational) across two courses of secondary education. Participants were 654 adolescents (48% boys), who were assessed in three waves: first, at the...
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The flipped classroom model consists on a re-arrangement of the traditional instructional model, in the sense that the lectures are placed out of the classroom whereas the classroom time is devoted to promote a more active and deeper learning in the students. This innovation was aimed to study the impact of viewing videos with questions embeded alo...
Background: School environment provides several intervention opportunities for physical activity. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between objectively assessed moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and academic achievement in adolescents. Methods: Cross-sectional data were collected from 301 students aged between 13...
Conference Paper
One of the most important challenges of Educational Psychology is further defining the predictors of a good academic achievement in that it prevents dropout rates and predicts better socio-economic and employment success. Some of these predictor variables are burnout, which has been extensively investigated in recent years, and academic psychologic...
Research on emotion regulation is now extensive and shows the benefits of the adaptive management of emotions for social functioning and psychological well-being. Our purpose was to test the psychometric properties of the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents with a sample of nonclinical Spanish adolescents. A total of 462 s...
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In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of reported incidents of child-to-parent violence (CPV); however, this type of intra-family violence remains vastly understudied compared with other forms of family violence. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between family communication and verbal CPV through the mediatio...
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El presente trabajo presenta la planificación a lo largo de una temporada de un programa de entrenamiento psicológico en un equipo de voleibol masculino que compite en uno de los dos grupos de Liga FEV. El objetivo que perseguimos es el aprendizaje por parte de los 13 jugadores que componen la plantilla de las habilidades psicológicas necesarias pa...
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Objectives This study sought to evaluate the efficacy of a brief version of the Happy Classrooms Programme in psychological well-being, school aggression, and positive classroom climate. Likewise, this study also aimed to identify which intervention effects could be attributed to the development of mindfulness. Finally, the last target of this stud...
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The goal of the present study was to examine whether the relation commonly found between purpose in life and well-being occurs regardless of the population being assessed (community vs. inpatient) when the presence of somatic symptoms is used as a proxy for well-being. A total of 145 adults participated in the study (psychiatric patients, N = 28; h...
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Diversos estudios señalan la relevancia de la variable etnicidad en relación a la evolución y patrones de consumo de drogas (p.e. Oh et al., 2017), como en relación a factores de riesgo o protección diferenciales (Fisher et al., 2017; Terry-McElrath et al., 2017). Algunos estudios (p.e. Meneses et al., 2003) señalan que la etnicidad es un elemento...
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In the last ten years our knowledge about the formation of traffic jams has changed substantially, so that the idea of "phantom traffic jam" could soon seem naive to us. But transforming traffic flows and eliminating traffic jams requires that each individual driver (human or non-human) understands their role in traffic flows, the genesis of traffi...
In the last ten years our knowledge about the formation of traffic jams has changed substantially, so that the idea of "phantom traffic jam" could soon seem naive to us. But transforming traffic flows and eliminating traffic jams requires that each individual driver (human or non-human) understands their role in traffic flows, the genesis of traffi...
Full-text available The present study aimed to validate a Spanish-version of the Basic Psychological Needs at Work Scale (BPNWS-Sp) and to examine the associations between needs satisfaction and engagement and burnout in secondary education teachers. Using a sample of 584 secondary education teachers, the results supported the three-factor model,...
Grounded in self-determination theory, the aim of this study was to develop a scale with adequate psychometric properties to assess motivation for teaching and to explain some outcomes of secondary education teachers at work. The sample comprised 584 secondary education teachers. Analyses supported the five-factor model (intrinsic motivation, ident...
Grounded in self-determination theory and achievement goal theory, the objective of this study was to validate the Need-Supportive Teaching Style Scale (NSTSS) to evaluate teachers’ perception of their interpersonal styles. Using an adaptation to teachers of the items of the Motivational Climate in Physical Education Scale (MCPES) validated in stud...
The purpose of this study is twofold. First, to adapt and validate a two-factor model of Body Change Inventory to the Spanish context, in order to measure the orientation towards thin body and orientation towards muscular body. The second aim is to analyse the sociocultural stereotypes towards thinness and muscular body according to the sex variabl...
Loneliness has been linked to many physical and mental health problems especially during adolescence. From an evolutionary, social needs, and cognitive approaches, this study examined whether emotional repair, relatedness need, and peer-rated indicators of relations behave in predicting loneliness, considering all approaches together. The sample co...
The purpose of this study is twofold. First, to adapt and validate a two-factor model of Body Change Inventory to the Spanish context, in order to measure the orientation towards thin body and orientation towards muscular body. The second aim is to analyse the sociocultural stereotypes towards thinness and muscular body according to the sex variabl...
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The main purpose of the present study was to evaluate the validity of the Spanish version of the Children’s Self-Perceptions of Adequacy in and Predilection for Physical Activity questionnaire (Hay, 1992). Two studies were carried out with independent samples (N = 688 / N = 201). The first study checked the internal consistency, the factorial and t...
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Psychological inflexibility (PI) refers to the overarching and nonadaptive avoidance of thoughts and feelings. PI is a transdiagnostic process that is present in numerous psychopathologies, such as anxiety and mood disorders, addictive behaviors, and chronic pain, as presented by American adults and adolescents. Despite the high rates of depression...
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Research has shown that loneliness may impair mental health and psychosocial adjustment during adolescence. There is separate evidence of the role of relatedness and emotional repair as predictors of perceived loneliness during adulthood. The objective of the present study was to analyze the mediating role of relatedness between emotional repair an...
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Schools have been identified as environments of choice for physical activity promotion. This study examines factors associated with compliance with objectively assessed physical activity recommendations for early adolescents taking part in “Sigue la Huella”, a school-based intervention guided by a social ecological framework and Self-Determination...
This study investigated the mediating role of perceived stress in the relationship between perceived emotional intelligence and depressive symptoms in adolescence. A total of 661 high school Spanish students participated in the study. The analyses indicated that the effects of each of the perceived emotional intelligence sub-scales (namely, Attenti...
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The postulates of self-determination theory have been frequently gauged by a measure of motivation quality called self-determination index (SDI). This index relies on an interactional hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation are not independent constructs; on the contrary, when one increases the other...
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The aims of this study were to translate into Spanish and analyze the psychometric characteristics of the Global Motivation Scale (GMS). In study 1, participants were 237 university students. Results of analysis of correlations between the seven subscales of the GMS supported the presence of a continuum of self-determination, and confirmatory facto...
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Partiendo de los postulados de la teoría de la autodeterminación y del modelo jerárquico de la motivación intrínseca y extrínseca, el objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar las relaciones entre la motivación intrínseca, el autoconcepto físico y la satisfacción con la vida en practicantes de ejercicio físico, al mismo tiempo que mostramos como se pue...
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Based on the principles of self-determination theory and the hierarchical model of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, the objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between intrinsic motivation, physical self-concept and life satisfaction in practicing physical exercise, while we show how you can use the free software R to test the hy...
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The goals of this research were to translate and analyze the psychometric properties of the Learning Climate Questionnaire (LCQ) and to develop a short form. The LCQ is a 15-item self-report measure that assesses autonomy support in educational settings. A total of 422 students (60 men and 362 women) took part in this study. Results showed evidence...
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The aim of the present research was to translate and to analyze the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Echelle des Perceptions du Soutien a l'Autonomie en Sport in sport context. Results supported the unidimentional structure of the scale. The predictive validity was tested using a structural equation model which perceived autono...
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In this study, we examined the relationships between intrinsic motivation, physical self-concept, and satisfaction with life using cross-lagged panel models analysed via structural equation models. The sample consisted of 293 participants (148 men, 145 women) aged 18-70 years who performed diverse types of physical exercise. Three alternative model...
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The main objective of this research was to test a theoretical model through a structural equation analysis, integrating emotional and motivational factors to explain well-being. In particular, we focused on attention, clarity and repair as emotional factors, and perceived motivational climate, task orientation and intrinsic motivation as motivation...
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In order to test the mediating role of perceived competence between each goal orientation (i.e. task and ego orientations) and intrinsic motivation in a motivational sequence in the context of university education, two models based on the cognitive evaluation theory and the achievement goal theory were tested with 276 Bolivian undergraduate student...
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The Sport Motivation Scale was firstly developed in French and later translated into English and validated by Pelletier et al. (1995). It is based on the principles of self-determination theory. The present study translated the English version into Portuguese to access and validate it with Brazilian athletes using a sample of 419 athletes (127 wome...
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El propósito de esta investigación fue traducir y analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la versión española de la Échelle de Satisfac-tion des Besoins Psychologiques en una muestra de 324 estudiantes uni-versitarios (99 hombres y 225 mujeres). Los resultados del análisis factorial confirmatorio confirmaron la estructura de tres factores correla...
Conference Paper
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Según el modelo jerárquico de la motivación intrínseca y extrínseca (Vallerand, 1997) existen tres niveles de generalidad que permiten estudiar la motivación con mayor precisión: global, contextual y situacional. El nivel global se establece de forma general en la vida de las personas y trata de las diferencias individuales que permanecen relativam...
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Son escasos los estudios que han tratado de integrar en un mismo modelo explicativo aspectos emocionales y motivacionales. Así, el objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las relaciones entre la percepción del clima a la tarea, la orientación a la tarea, la claridad emocional y la motivación intrínseca. Los participantes fueron 399 deportistas españo...
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The aim of this study was to test a theoretical model that would explain psychological well-being within the contexts of sport. The model hypothesised the influence of the perceived task motivation climate, perceived emotional intelligence, task orientation and intrinsic motivation on psychological well-being. The participants were 399 Spanish athl...
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El objetivo de este estudio fue traducir y analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la versión española de la Échelle des Perceptions du Soutien à l’Autonomie en Sport en una muestra de 326 deportistas (248 hombres y 78 mujeres). Los resultados del análisis factorial confirmatorio apoyaron la estructura unifactorial de la escala. Asimismo mediante...
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The aim of the present research was to translate and to analyze the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Satisfaction of Psychological Needs Scale, using a sample of 284 athletes (204 male and 78 female). Results of the confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the correlated three-factor structure of the scale. Furthermore, the resul...
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The aim of this study was to translate into Spanish and analyse the psychometric properties of the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). The sample included 508 participants engaged in physical activity (275 men and 233 women) with a mean age of 34.31 years (SD = 11.85). The results of the confirmatory factor analysis showed evidence of construct va...
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The purpose of the present research was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS) in sport context. The TMMS is a 24-item self-report measure that assesses perceived emotional intelligence, which is the extent to which people believe they pay attention to their emotions and are capable of distinguishing and regulati...
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El propósito de este trabajo fue adaptar y validar la Escala de Motivación Educativa (EME-E) en estudiantes de Secundaria postobligatoria. Participaron en el estudio 425 estudiantes, 239 de bachillerato y 186 de ciclos de formación profesional. La versión española adaptada denominada Escala de Motivación Educativa en secundaria (EME-S) mostró una e...
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The purpose of this study was to analyse the effects of task motivational climate on female university students' motivational responses during basketball teaching. Different styles of cognitive teaching were used to convey a task climate. Guided discovery was used in one group, problem solving in another and a combination of both styles in the last...
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The purpose of this study was to analyse, experimentally, the relationships between motivation and performance in a lateral movement test in physical education. The study group consisted of 363 students (227 boys and 136 girls), aged between 12 and 16, who were randomly divided into three groups: an experimental group in which an incremental abilit...
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The purpose of the present research was to translate into Spanish and analyze the psychometricA properties of the Situational Motivation Scale (SIMS). The participants were 373 undergraduate students (126 males and 247 females). Factor validity was tested via confirmatory factor analysis. Based on factor loadings and modification indexes, the SIMS...
Conference Paper
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The aim of the present study was to analyze the influence of perceived competence, and perceived autonomy on motivation, which, in turn, on positive emotions, and interest. A total of 602 exercisers (324 males y 278 females) took part in the study with a mean age of 28.33 years (SD = 8.35). The instruments used were Basic Psychological Needs in Exe...
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This study analyzed the mediating role of academic self-concept between intrinsic motivation and psychological well-being. A sample of 1372 Spanish high school students (723 male and 649 female) with a mean age of 17.62 years (SD = 2.17) was used. The instruments used were the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS) to assess the intrinsic motivation, the...
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The purpose of the present research was to translate into Spanish and analyze the psychometric properties of the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS; Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985) in physical exercise context. The participants were 496 Spanish adult exercisers (282 males, and 214 females) with a mean age of 31.14 years (SD = 11.94). The r...
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This study analyzed the mediating role of interpersonal relations between intrinsic motivation and sportsmanship. Athletes (98 men, 97 women), ages 11 to 43 years, completed measures of intrinsic motivation toward sports, self-concept of social and family relations, and sportsmanship orientation. A structural equation model indicated that self-conc...
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El propósito de este trabajo fue probar un modelo en el que se establecen relaciones entre diferentes variables en una muestra de estudiantes de enseñanza secundaria post-obligatoria y comprobar la invarianza de dicho modelo respecto al género. El modelo hipotetizado considera las relaciones que se establecen entre los factores individuales (orient...
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El propósito de esta investigación fue adaptar y validar de forma preliminar la Escala de Motivación Educativa (EME-E; Núñez, Martín-Albo y Navarro, 2005) en estudiantes del Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Las Palmas. La muestra está formada por 225 alumnos, 99 hombres y 126 mujeres, con una media de edad de 19.75 años (DT = 7.6). Los result...
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The aim of this study was to test a theoretical model based on the self-determination theory, which explains the psychological well-being in college students. The model hypothesized the influence of family self-concept, social selfconcept and intrinsic motivation on psychological well-being. The participants were 234 students of the University of L...
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Introducción. Desde una aproximación psicosocial donde el significado moral y las etiquetas asociadas a situaciones y conductas son aprendidas a través de relaciones interpersonales, Vallerand, Deshaies, Cuerrier, Brière y Pelletier (1996) definen el compromiso deportivo como un elemento esencial del concepto deportividad que explica hasta que punt...
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El objetivo del presente estudio consiste en analizar la relación entre la inteligencia emocional percibida del entrenador y el clima motivacional percibido por los deportistas en función del contexto (federados vs profesionales). La muestra estaba formada por 353 deportistas, 258 federados (197 hombres y 61 mujeres) con edades comprendidas entre 1...
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El objetivo de la presente investigación fue probar un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales que establece una relación entre las necesidades psicológicas básicas y la motivación, y entre ésta y las consecuencias de tipo emocional en el contexto educativo universitario. En este estudio tomaron parte 276 alumnos de la Facultad de Humanidades de la Univ...
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El objetivo de la presente investigación fue analizar la influencia de la autonomía percibida en la amotivación y la motivación intrínseca en una tarea de aprendizaje en la biblioteca de la universidad. Asimismo, se analizó la influencia de ambos tipos de motivación sobre una consecuencia conductual, en concreto persistencia en la tarea. Se utilizó...
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Resumo O presente estudo objetiva a validação do questionário M.I.M.C.A. para uma amostra brasileira através de processos transculturais adequados. Foi realizada a tradução do questionário através do procedimento parallel back-translation (Brislin, 1986), aplicação do teste qui-quadrado e alpha de Cronbach (alpha > 0,7 para valores positivos) para...
El presente estudio analiza las diferencias en la motivación entre estudiantes pertenecientes a la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (España) y estudiantes de la Universidad Autónoma de Asunción (Paraguay), de acuerdo a la teoría de la autodeterminación. Participaron en el estudio 497 estudiantes españoles, de los que 227 eran hombres y 270...
El presente estudio analiza la relación entre la motivación de logro, la amotivación y la ansiedad estado, de acuerdo a la teoría de la autodeterminación. Participaron en el estudio 85 estudiantes de género masculino con edades comprendidas entre los 17 y los 20 años, de la Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica de Cienfuegos, Cuba. La motivación de logro...
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El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar la influencia de la amotivación, la regulación externa y la motivación intrínseca al conocimiento en tres tipos de consecuencias: las intenciones futuras, la concentración y el interés en el contexto académico. Los participantes fueron 373 estudiantes de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Esp...
Conference Paper
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El objetivo del presente estudio fue comprobar si los sujetos con mayor índice de autodeterminación tienen consecuencias motivacionales más positivas, en concreto, rendimiento académico, satisfacción, concentración, emociones positivas e interés. Por otro lado, se sometió a prueba la influencia del género en el índice de autodeterminación. Los part...
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The aim of the present research was to validate the Spanish version of the Sport Motivation Scale (SMS) in Paraguay using a sample of 195 athletes, 98 males and 97 females from nine sports. Results of a confirmatory factor analysis partially confirmed the seven-factor structure of the scale. The correlations between the SMS subscales, physical self...
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The aim of this study was to translate into Spanish and to validate the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), completed by 420 university students. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the model that best fit the data, both in the total sample and in the male and female subsamples, was the one-factor structure with method effects associated wit...
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El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar las propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario Autoconcepto Forma 5 elaborado por García y Musitu (2001) en una muestra de 1087 estudiantes universitarios. La estructura factorial se analiza mediante análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC) donde se prueban cuatro modelos, comprobando que el modelo...
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The aim of the present research was to validate the Spanish version of the Sport Motivation Scale (SMS) in Paraguay using a sample of 195 athletes, 98 males and 97 females from nine sports. Results of a confirmatory factor analysis partially confirmed the seven-factor structure of the scale. The correlations between the SMS subscales, physical self...