José M. Madiedo

José M. Madiedo
Spanish National Research Council | CSIC · Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia

PhD Astrophysics and PhD Chemistry


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July 2019 - present
Spanish National Research Council
  • Vinculated Doctor
December 1997 - present
University of Huelva
  • Professor
January 1992 - December 1997
University of Seville


Publications (246)
Context. Deriving physical properties of trans-Neptunian objects is important for the understanding of our Solar System. This requires observational efforts and the development of techniques suitable for these studies. Aims. Our aim is to characterize the large trans-Neptunian object (TNO) 2002 TC302. Methods. Stellar occultations offer unique oppo...
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Among the four known transneptunian dwarf planets, Haumea is an exotic, very elongated, and fast rotating body. In contrast to the other dwarf planets, its size, shape, albedo, and density are not well constrained. Here we report results of a multi-chord stellar occultation, observed on 2017 January 21. Secondary events observed around the main bod...
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On 28th January 2018, the large Trans-Neptunian Object (TNO) 2002TC302 occulted a m$_v= $15.3 star with ID 130957813463146112 in the Gaia DR2 stellar catalog. 12 positive occultation chords were obtained from Italy, France, Slovenia and Switzerland. Also, 4 negative detections were obtained near the north and south limbs. This represents the best o...
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We discuss here a lunar impact flash recorded during the total lunar eclipse that occurred on 2019 January 21, at 4h 41m 38.09 +- 0.01 s UT. This is the first time ever that an impact flash is unambiguously recorded during a lunar eclipse and discussed in the scientific literature, and the first time that lunar impact flash observations in more tha...
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We discuss here a lunar impact flash recorded during the total lunar eclipse that occurred on 2019 January 21, at 4 h 41 m 38.09 ± 0.01 s UT. This is the first time ever that an impact flash is unambiguously recorded during a lunar eclipse and discussed in the scientific literature, and the first time that lunar impact flash observations in more th...
Conference Paper
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In this work we perform a preliminary analysis of a potential meteorite-dropping bolide that overflew the North of Africa and the Mediterranean Sea on 19 January 2016. The emission spectrum produced by this event is also presented.
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We analyse the outburst experienced by the September ∈-Perseid meteor shower on 2013 September 9. As a result of our monitoring, the atmospheric trajectory of 60 multistation events observed over Spain was obtained and accurate orbital data were derived from them. On the basis of these orbits, we have tried to determine the likely parent body of th...
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We analyze the outburst experienced by the September $\varepsilon$-Perseid meteor shower on 9 September 2013. As a result of our monitoring the atmospheric trajectory of 60 multi-station events observed over Spain was obtained and accurate orbital data were derived from them. On the basis of these orbits, we have tried to determine the likely paren...
We report the first analysis of a flash produced by the impact of a meteoroid on the lunar surface and recorded both in the near-infrared and in the visible. Despite the fact that similar data have been recently published by other team during the refereeing process of our manuscript (Bonanos et al. 2018), our result still forms the first measuremen...
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We report the first analysis of a flash produced by the impact of a meteoroid on the lunar surface and recorded both in the near-infrared and in the visible. Despite the fact that similar data have been recently published by other team during the refereeing process of our manuscript (Bonanos et al. 2018), our result still forms the first measuremen...
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Haumea-one of the four known trans-Neptunian dwarf planets- is a very elongated and rapidly rotating body1-3. In contrast to other dwarf planets4-6, its size, shape, albedo and density are not well constrained. The Centaur Chariklo was the first body other than a giant planet known to have a ring system7, and the Centaur Chiron was later found to p...
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The Ursid meteor shower is an annual shower that usually shows little activity. However, its Zenith Hourly Rate sometimes increases, usually either when its parent comet, 8P/Tuttle, is close to its perihelion or its aphelion. Outbursts when the comet is away from perihelion are not common and outburst when the comet is close to aphelion are extreme...
Bright daylight fireballs are rarely studied due to the lack of data, and the difficulty to calibrate the trajectory descriptions given by eyewitnesses. Only in few occasions casual recordings have been able to get orbital information of daylight bolides. Fortunately, modern video detectors can be also adapted for monitoring the sky during broad da...
This work analyzes a meteor spectroscopy survey called SMART (Spectroscopy of Meteoroids in the Atmosphere by means of Robotic Technologies), which is being conducted since 2006. In total, 55 spectrographs have been deployed at 10 different locations in Spain with the aim to obtain information about the chemical nature of meteoroids ablating in the...
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We analyze the activity of the Northern \omega-Scorpiid meteor shower between 2010 and 2012. For this purpose we have employed an array of low-lux CCD video cameras and spectrographs deployed at different astronomical observatories in Spain. As a result of our survey, the atmospheric trajectory and radiant position of 11 of these meteor events were...
We analyze the activity of the Northern \omega-Scorpiid meteor shower between 2010 and 2012. For this purpose we have employed an array of low-lux CCD video cameras and spectrographs deployed at different astronomical observatories in Spain. As a result of our survey, the atmospheric trajectory and radiant position of 11 of these meteor events were...
We analyze the activity of the Northern \omega-Scorpiid meteor shower between 2010 and 2012. For this purpose we have employed an array of low-lux CCD video cameras and spectrographs deployed at different astronomical observatories in Spain. As a result of our survey, the atmospheric trajectory and radiant position of 11 of these meteor events were...
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We describe the first determination of the temperature of a lunar impact flash and its evolution with time. This result was obtained in the framework of the MIDAS survey from the analysis of a lunar impact flash recorded on 25 March 2015 in both visible and near-infrared band. Our analysis of this event also provided the first estimation of the val...
Conference Paper
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We describe the first determination of the temperature of a lunar impact flash and its evolution with time. This result was obtained in the framework of the MIDAS survey from the analysis of a lunar impact flash recorded on 25 March 2015 in both visible and near-infrared band. Our analysis of this event also provided the first estimation of the val...
On 2012 June 10, an Earth-grazer meteor which lasted over 17 s with an absolute magnitude of –4.0 ± 0.5 was observed over Spain. This work focuses on the analysis of this rare event which is, to our knowledge, the faintest Earth-grazing meteor reported in the scientific literature, but also the first one belonging to a meteor shower. Thus, the orbi...
On 10 June 2012, an Earth-grazer meteor which lasted over 17 s with an absolute magnitude of -4.0 $\pm$ 0.5 was observed over Spain. This work focuses on the analysis of this rare event which is, to our knowledge, the faintest Earth-grazing meteor reported in the scientific literature, but also the first one belonging to a meteor shower. Thus, the...
The activity of the Quadrantids in January during several years (2008, 2010, 2011 and 2012) has been investigated in the framework of the SPanish Meteor Network (SPMN). For this purpose, an array of high-sensitivity CCD video devices and CCD all-sky cameras have been used to obtain multi-station observations of these meteors. These allowed us to ob...
The activity of the Quadrantids in January during several years (2008, 2010, 2011 and 2012) has been investigated in the framework of the SPanish Meteor Network (SPMN). For this purpose, an array of high-sensitivity CCD video devices and CCD all-sky cameras have been used to obtain multi-station observations of these meteors. These allowed to obtai...
The emission spectrum of a meteor was recorded by the GRASSP instrument during the observation of transient luminous events (TLEs) on 2014 October 16th. The spectroscopic signal was recorded in the wavelength range from 700 to 800 nm, where the emission from atmospheric oxygen and nitrogen dominated. The good spectral resolution of the spectrum (0....
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We analyse lunar impact flashes recorded by our team during runs in December 2007, 2011, 2013 and 2014. In total, 12 impact flashes with magnitudes ranging between 7.1 and 9.3 in V band were identified. From these, nine events could be linked to the Geminid stream. Using these observations, the ratio of luminous energy emitted in the flashes with r...
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We present the results of our Moon impact flashes detection campaigns performed around the maximum activity period of the Perseid meteor shower in 2012 and 2013. Just one flash produced by a Perseid meteoroid was detected in 2012 because of very unfavourable geometric conditions, but 12 of these were confirmed in 2013. The visual magnitude of the f...
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Since 2009 we are running a project to identify flashes produced by the impact of meteoroids on the surface of the Moon. For this purpose we are employing small telescopes and high-sensitivity CCD video cameras. To automatically identify these events a software package called MIDAS was developed and tested. This package can also perform the photome...
A bright fireball with an absolute magnitude of-10.5 ± 0.5 was recorded over the South of Spain on August 15, 2012. The atmospheric trajectory, radiant and heliocentric orbit of this event are calculated. These data show that the parent meteoroid belonged to the κ-Cygnid meteoroid stream. The emission spectrum of this bolide, which was obtained in...
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A bright fireball with an absolute magnitude of -10.5 $\pm$ 0.5 was recorded over the South of Spain on August 15, 2012. The atmospheric trajectory, radiant and heliocentric orbit of this event are calculated. These data show that the parent meteoroid belonged to the \kappa-Cygnid meteoroid stream. The emission spectrum of this bolide, which was ob...
We focus on the analysis of the afterglow spectrum of a magnitude -10.5 KCG fireball imaged over Spain on Aug. 15, 2012.
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By using an array of high-sensitivity CCD video devices and spectrographs, the activity of meteor events from the poorly-known $\rho$-Geminid meteoroid stream has been monitored during January 2012 and 2013. As a result of this research, the atmospheric trajectory and radiant position of 10 of these events has been obtained, but also the orbital pa...
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By using an array of high-sensitivity CCD video devices and spectrographs, the activity of meteor events from the poorly-known ρ-Geminid meteoroid stream has been monitored during 2012 January and 2013. As a result of this research, the atmospheric trajectory and radiant position of 10 of these events has been obtained, but also the orbital paramet...
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On April 13, 2013 a very bright fireball with an absolute magnitude of −13.0 ± 0.5 was recorded over the center of Spain. This sporadic event, which was witnessed by numerous casual observers throughout the whole country, was imaged from seven meteor-observing stations operated by the Spanish Meteor Network (SPMN), and its emission spectrum was als...
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We have analysed the meteor activity associated with meteoroids of fresh dust trails of Comet 209P/LINEAR, which produced an outburst of the Camelopardalid meteor shower (IAU code #451, CAM) in 2014 May. With this aim, we have employed an array of high-sensitivity CCD video devices and spectrographs deployed at 10 meteor observing stations in Spain...
We report and describe an L6 ordinary chondrite fall that occurred in Ardón, León province, Spain (longitude 5.5605°W, latitude 42.4364°N) on July 9th, 1931. The 5.5 g single stone was kept hidden for 83 yr by Rosa González Pérez, at the time an 11 yr old who had observed the fall and had recovered the meteorite. According to various newspaper repo...
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The operation of the automated CCD spectrographs deployed by the University of Huelva at different observatories along Spain is described. These devices are providing information about the chemical nature of meteoroids ablating in the atmosphere. In this way, relevant physico-chemical data are being obtained from the ground for materials coming fro...
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We analyse here two very bright fireballs produced by the ablation in the atmosphere of two large meteoroids in 2009 and 2010. These slow-moving and deep-penetrating events were observed over Spain in the framework of our Spanish Fireball Network continuous meteor monitoring campaign. The analysis of the emission spectrum imaged for one of these fi...
We present a report of the observation of three twilight bolides from Galicia, NW Spain, in August 2013. Preliminary results for one of them are included.
A description of the main developments performed during 2013 in the framework of the S.M.A.R.T. project, which focus on meteor spectroscopy, is given.
The Virtual Museum for Meteorites is a web tool for students, educators, and researchers. New developments in order to reach a wider audience are described.
This work focuses on the preliminary analysis of a deep-penetrating sporadic fireball event recorded over the south of Spain on December 5, 2013.
On 2013 September 11 at 20h07m28.s68±0.s01 UTC, two telescopes operated in the framework of our lunar impact flashes monitoring project recorded an extraordinary flash produced by the impact on the Moon of a large meteoroid at selenographic coordinates 17. ◦ 2 ± 0. ◦ 2 S, 20. ◦ 5 ± 0. ◦ 2 W. The peak brightness of this flash reached 2.9 ± 0.2 mag i...
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We analyze the likely link between the recently discovered Near Earth Object 2012XJ112 and a bright fireball observed over the south of Spain on December 27, 2012. The bolide, with an absolute magnitude of -9 +- 1, was simultaneously imaged during the morning twilight from two meteor stations operated by the SPanish Meteor Network (SPMN). It was al...
The results of the atmospheric trajectory, radiant, heliocentric orbit, and preliminary strewn field calculations for an extremely bright slow-moving fireball are presented. In the evening hours of July 23, 2008, a bright object entered Earth’s atmosphere over Tajikistan. The fireball had a �20.3 maximum absolute magnitude and a spectacularly long...
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Asteroids and comets are the main bodies producing meteorites although the Earth also receives rocks from several planetary bodies such as the Moon, Vesta or Mars. This article deals with the diverse regions of the Solar System populated by these so-called mino bodies in order to explain the dynamic mechanisms allowing the transport of meteorites t...
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A superbolide with an estimated absolute magnitude of −20 ± 1 was seen on 2012 July 13 over the centre and south of Spain. This extraordinary event, which was witnessed by numerous casual observers, was recorded in the framework of the continuous fireball monitoring and meteor spectroscopy campaign performed by the SPanish Meteor Network (SPMN). Th...
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A Geminid fireball with an absolute magnitude of -13 was observed over the south of Spain on Dec. 15, 2009. This extraordinarily bright event (the brightest Geminid ever recorded by our team) was imaged from two meteor observing stations operated by the SPanish Meteor Network (SPMN). The bolide exhibited fast and quasi-periodic variations in bright...
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We analyze here a wide sample of carbonaceous chondrites from historic falls (e.g. Allende, Cold Bokkeveld, Kainsaz, Leoville, Murchison, Murray and Orgueil), and from NASA Antarctic collection in order to get clues on the role of aqueous alteration in promoting the reflectance spectra diversity evidenced in the most primitive chondrite groups. We...
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The main purpose of this study is to establish a correlation between rheometric parameters and Argan oil, mixture of synthetic and polymer emulsifiers prepared to stabilize the emulsions. The rise of the cisaillment modulus value determined in linear response with concentration of emulsions implied an elastic character. The different parameters hav...
Conference Paper
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The Virtual Museum for Meteorites (Figure 1) was created as a tool for students, educators and researchers [1, 2]. One of the aims of this online resource is to promote the interest in meteorites. Thus, the role of meteorites in education and outreach is fundamental, as these are very valuable tools to promote the public's interest in Astronomy and...
Conference Paper
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The Dawn spacecraft was launched on September 29, 2007 with the aim to analyze two objects in the main asteroid belt: Vesta and Ceres. But a few months earlier, on May 10, 2007, an extraordinary event took place in Spain: a fragment of Vesta crossed the Earth's orbit, fragmented in the atmosphere and impacted in the surroundings of the village of P...