José Alves JúniorUniversidade Federal de Goiás | UFG · Escola de Agronomia
José Alves Júnior
PhD Irrigation and Dainage
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Publications (158)
This study investigates the meteorological variables exerting the most significant influence on the growth and productivity of four tomato hybrids cultivated for industrial processing in the Brazilian Savannah of Goiás State. Data on morphological and meteorological variables were collected in five locations (Hidrolândia, Itaberaí, Palmeiras de Goi...
The sustainability of irrigated agricultural systems depends on the water use efficiency based on management. The efficiency is reach first by an adequate estimation of crop water demand. However, the lack of weather data is a limitation to plan and estimation irrigation demand in Brazil. This way, the aim of this study was to investigate NASAPOWER...
Tomato crop for industrial processing is very sensitive to weather variations. Therefore, the objective of this research was to quantify the duration (days and thermal sum) of each developmental stage of different hybrids in two different planting date. For this, 12 commercial hybrids were evaluated: H-1301, BS-P0033, CVR-8161, HM-7885, CVR-6116, H...
Understanding sugarcane water demand is important for planting planning, yield estimation, irrigation management, forecasting and water resources management. The purpose of this study was to estimate the evapotranspiration of the variety RB985476 in 2nd. re-grow, from August/2017 to September/2018, in a mechanized harvest area and with straw distri...
Sugarcane is an important crop in Brazilian agribusiness due to its diversified use. Crop forecast models are important tools for planning and making decisions regarding crop management. These models can be simple or complex, and choosing them will depend on the knowledge level of those using them. Thus, this study aimed to compare different method...
Sugarcane is grown in all Brazilian states; however, water stress is the main limiting factor of crop productivity in most farming environments (FEN). Thus, the objective was to verify the water availability factor in the soil (factor f) between FEN and sugarcane varieties. The assay was conducted in the Central and Southern Regions of Goiano, in R...
Brazil is the main producer of sugarcane in the world; however, it occupies the 24th position in the global ranking in terms of average yield, demonstrating gaps that may be associated with unfavorable edaphoclimatic conditions and/or lack of application of suitable technologies. Therefore, the aim of this study was to correlate the spatio-temporal...
The State of Goiás is the second-largest producer of sugarcane in Brazil. However, it still faces low productivity, primarily due to the lack of sugarcane varieties adapted to this region and its typical water deficit. Therefore, the objective of this work is to evaluate the performance of two sugarcane varieties subjected to different irrigation m...
Edaphoclimatic variables play a crucial role in shaping both the growth and yield of sugarcane. This study aimed to evaluate the intricate relationships among plant variables, agrometeorological factors, and water stress conditions in three successive crop cycles of sugarcane (cane plant, ratoon 1, and ratoon 2). The investigated plant variables in...
Rainfall is a fundamental component of agricultural production, and knowing its potential and variability can ensure the success of this activity. However, the number of meteorological stations is still small, even in states with agricultural aptitude, such as Goiás. Geoprocessing techniques can be used to overcome this problem. Thus, this study ai...
The agroecological zone model proposed by FAO (ZAE/FAO) is an important tool in agricultural planning and can be used in Jataí, which has been gaining space in the production of sugarcane. The objective of this study was to compare the observed meteorological databases (BDMEP) with the estimated ones (Xavier and NASA POWER), in the estimation of po...
The Cerrado is under full expansion of sugarcane cultivation. However, the climate of this biome limits the production of sugarcane due to a marked water deficit. Therefore, the objective of this study is to evaluate different varieties of sugarcane in two cultivation cycles in response to irrigation levels in the Cerrado. The experiment was conduc...
The aim of this study is to determine the water demand of the varieties RB867515, IAC91-1099, and IAC87-3396 of sugarcane using weighing lysimetry in the environmental conditions of the Cerrado of Goiás, Brazil. The experiment was conducted in Goiânia, GO, Brazil, from March 2016 to March 2018 during the cycles of plant-cane and ratoon cane, lastin...
Productivity and gas exchanges of the common bean subjected to inoculation and nitrogen fertilization Produtividade e trocas gasosas do feijoeiro comum submetido à inoculação e fertilização com nitrogênio Productividad e intercambios de gases del frijol común sometido a inoculación y fertilización con nitrógeno Abstract Beans are one of the main fo...
Introducción. En el proceso de beneficiado del café, se generan subproductos ricos en nutrientes y con elevada carga orgánica, que en la mayoría de casos son subutilizados y depositados, sin tratamiento previo en los cuerpos hídricos. Objetivo. Evaluar la influencia de la irrigación, sobre los compuestos químicos del agua residual obtenida del proc...
Soybean is the main crop grown in Brazil and is important to quantify the capacity of increase in yield by crop production intensification and management. This study aims to quantify yield gap and agricultural efficiency (AE) for soybean in Central Cerrado biome, Brazil. Yield gap by management (YG MG) and water deficit (YG WD) and AE and climate e...
The planning of planting/harvest operations improves yield and economic returns of sugarcane production systems. This study aims to define homogenous regions and optimum planting dates for sugarcane using simulated water-limited yield in the state of Goiás, Brazil. Yw was simulated using crop model and 24 planting dates across the year, including g...
The estimate of the potential sugarcane productivity through agroclimatic models aids in the agricultural planning of the crops and the quantification of the yield for a given region. For these estimated values to be considered robust there is a need for validating the performance of such models in different areas and agricultural varieties. Hence,...
________________________________________________________________________________________________ Resumo: A capacidade das chuvas em promover a desagregação e transporte do solo depende de sua intensidade e distribuição ao longo do espaço-tempo. Conhecê-la permite a minimização de seus efeitos e a adoção adequada de práticas de manejo do solo e da á...
The ability of rainfall to promote soil disaggregation and transport depends on its intensity and distribution over time, allowing proper soil and water management practices in order to minimize their effects in and outside food production fields. The objective of this study was to verify the intensity of the spatial and temporal distribution of ra...
The great extension of the cultivated area, associated with the low water availability to supply the sugarcane demand in the periods of drought and the high evapotranspiration demand, requires varieties adapted to these specific conditions. The aim of this study was to assess 16 sugarcane varieties regarding the efficiency in water use (EWU) and in...
O déficit hídrico é o principal fator de quebra de produtividade da cultura da soja no
Brasil. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a resposta da produtividade
da cultura da soja utilizando manejos de irrigação no período chuvoso para o
Cerrado. O estudo foi realizado para Rio Verde, GO, Cristalina, GO, Barreiras, BA e
Peixe, TO, com sér...
Soybean-maize cropping system is highly dependent on climate condition, especially water deficit, across Brazil, affecting yield, food production and farmers profit. Based on that, the aim of this study was to evaluate the food production and economic viability for soybean and maize for single and soybean-maize off-season production system consider...
A precisão dos sensores capacitivos utilizados na estimativa do teor de água no solo são dependentes das características do solo, necessitando de calibração para sua correção. O objetivo deste estudo foi calibrar o sensor capacitivo EC-5 para a estimativa do conteúdo de água no solo em relação a diferentes granulometria do solo do cerrado. Em condi...
Potassium (K) is closely associated to the improvement of sugarcane quality, acting in the conversion of reducing sugar (RS) to recoverable sugars (TRS). The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of different levels of K-fertilization on the yield and technological quality of sugarcane ratoons grown under edaphoclimatic conditions in the Brazi...
Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) yield is affected by climate, soil and management. The main approach used in Brazil defines the suitable area for growth considering soil and climate data, without considering the capacity of local management in reducing yield-limiting factors. Thus, the aim of this study is to characterize homogenous areas usin...
The assessment of crop management can help to improve yield across different climate and soil conditions. Soybean is the main crop in Central Brazil, where sowing date, maturity group, and irrigation management are an important decision need to be taken by farmers to get higher yields. This way, the aim of this study was to assess the total product...
Water deficit (WD) is the main yield gap for sugarcane in Midwest Brazil. Thus, WD detection is essential to quantify yield losses, but field detection requires measurement of soil water content over large areas. In this study, we tested leaf temperature (T L) and land surface temperature (T S) to detect WD in a commercial sugarcane area. The area...
Agrometeorological variables for the prediction of phenological phenomena and verification of thermal and photoperiodic needs were used in the planning of cultural data from several crops, including a banana tree. The objective of this study was to characterize the phenological phenomena and the exploitation of banana cultivars in function of the t...
The double-crop season soybean-maize (DC) is widely used by farmers in central Brazil, with short cycle and sowing dates outward than the best for single crop season (SC). The aim of this study was to quantify the yield and net profit of DC in comparison with SC for soybean-maize in Central Brazil. The yield was simulated using a crop model calibra...
This original article was erroneously published with the contributor name Ana Cláudia Sérvulo. The publisher and author group of the article would like all to know that the contributor name should instead be presented and be recognized as Ana Cláudia Oliveira Sérvulo and not the former.
O valor de uma estação meteorológica automática, a falta de homogeneidade das leituras de tensiômetros e de sondas para a obtenção da umidade do solo, bem como a dificuldade de programação e utilização de planilhas eletrônicas, são fatores que inviabilizam a adoção de técnicas para o manejo adequado da irrigação pelos tomaticultores. Como exemplo,...
O uso de sensores de umidade do solo é uma importante ferramenta no manejo de irrigação, entretanto devido a variabilidade física do solo requer calibrações locais, a fim de se aumentar a sua acurácia. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo calibrar o sensor DSMM500, da General Tools, para um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, de textura argilosa, para...
A viabilidade econômica de um empreendimento agrícola como a irrigação é influenciada pelos custos de implantação e manutenção do sistema. Estes, por sua vez, variam em função das lâminas de projeto e manejo de irrigação ao longo do ciclo. Diante do exposto, o objetivo desse trabalho verificar a viabilidade financeira do pinhão manso irrigado por m...
The answers to when and how much to irrigate orchards can be obtained based on the measurements of plants' transpiration and leaf temperature. This study aims to determine the leaf temperature and sap flow of the pequi tree (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.), both with and without water restriction. Further, the leaf temperature was measured by infrared...
Irrigation improves yield, but can create conflicts with other water uses during dry periods. Based on this, the aim of this study is to assess the economic returns provided by irrigation of common beans during the rainfed season in Central Brazil. Common bean yield was simulated for 30 growing seasons using the crop model DSSAT-CROPGRO-Drybean, wi...
Timber production has been prominent in the Brazil scenario to minimize deforestation. Thus, technical information is necessary to define the productive process of the African mahogany in the Midwest region of Brazil, especially with regard to its hydric parameters. Recent studies, reported in the literature, have shown that irrigation improves the...
The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of the application of irrigation and potassic fertilization levels on canopy growth of the Jatropha trees. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with subdivided plots and four replicates. The plots consisted of application of four irrigation levels (0, 40, 80, and 120% of the ev...
The region of study was MATOPIBA, located in the north of Brazilian Savanna biome (Cerrado), encompassing part of north/northeast of Brazil. The region has been gaining prominence in the last years due to the expansion of agricultural over this area. The aims of this study were: to adjust parameters for rainfall intensity-duration-frequency; and to...
The tomato crop is almost totally irrigated. Among the irrigation methods utilized, mechanized sprinkling by center pivot stands out in tomato cultivation. A cultural treatment used in the tomato is the synchronization of the irrigations with the applications of the pesticides since with the leaf wetting the plants become unprotected and susceptibl...
Climate variables can influence the both productivity and quality of the commercial product of sugarcane crop. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of thermal time, negative degree-days and water deficit on productivity and industrial quality of sugarcane for the Goiás Brazilian Savanna region. The data of productivity and industrial quality...
Bamboo has a huge potential for several uses; however, there are many species with numerous climatic growth requirements. This makes it difficult to characterize the agroclimatic bamboo demands, in order to define areas suitable for its cultivation. This study aimed to quantify the bamboo agroclimatic requirements, as well as to define areas suitab...
O sistema de irrigação por Pivô central é o mais utilizado em Goiás, especialmente pelas características de produção da região, que contam com grandes áreas cultivadas, principalmente por culturas anuais, declividade suave e uniforme, alto grau de tecnificação e mecanização das propriedades e disponibilidade de água. Apesar do potencial de expansão...
Full plant growth and development require, among others, air temperatures and water availability at levels appropriate to each crop. The effect of temperature on plant development can be represented by the thermal sum, which requires the lower basal temperature for each plant species. However, plant responses may be different when associated with d...
Considerando a relevância da irrigação por sistema de pivô central no Brasil e sua constante expansão, especialmente na Região Centro-Oeste, este trabalho buscou avaliar critérios de dimensionamento de pivô central que minimizem o custo total da irrigação por meio da otimização de sua vazão específica. Tendo em vista que a energia é um dos principa...
The physical characteristics of a river basin are indispensable elements for the planning and evaluation of its hydrological behavior, and assists in the decision making regarding the conservation, use and occupation of the lands. In this sense, this study aimed to analyze the morphometric data of the Rangel stream, which is one of the main tributa...
DISTRIBUIÇÃO DO SISTEMA RADICULAR DE PLANTAS JOVENS DE LIMA ÁCIDA ‘TAHITI’ SOB DIFERENTES NÍVEIS DE IRRIGAÇÃO José Alves Júnior; Mateus dos Santos Lourenção; Tonny José Araújo da Silva; Cláudio Ricardo da Silva; Marcos Vinícius FolegattiDepartamento de Engenharia Rural, Escola Superior de Agricultura “ Luiz de Queiroz”, Universidade de São Paulo, P...
PRODUÇÃO DE MATÉRIA VERDE EM PUPUNHEIRA IRRIGADA José Alves Júnior1; Adriano da Silva Lopes2; Fernando Braz Tangerino Hernandez3; Ronaldo Antonio dos Santos1; Antonio Fernando Bergamaschine41Departamento de Engenharia Rural, Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Piracicaba, SP, jalves@esalq.usp.br2Universidade E...
VARIAÇÃO SAZONAL NA EVAPOTRANSPIRAÇÃO DE PLANTAS JOVENS DE LIMA ÁCIDA ‘TAHITI’ Cláudio Ricardo da Silva1; José Alves Júnior1; Tonny José Araújo da Silva1; Marcos Vinícius Folegatti1; Luis Fernando de Souza Magno Campeche21Departamento de Engenharia Rural, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiróz, Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba-SP, csil...
EVAPOTRANSPIRAÇÃO E COEFICIENTES DE CULTURA DO MARACUJAZEIRO AMARELO CONDUZIDO SOB DUAS ORIENTAÇÕES DE PLANTIO Tonny José Araújo da Silva; Marcos Vinícius Folegatti; Cláudio Ricardo da Silva; José Alves Júnior; Regina Célia de Matos PiresDepartamento de Engenharia Rural-Irrigação e Drenagem, Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, Univers...
Resumo A chuva (P) e a evapotranspiração potencial (ETP) são variáveis climáticas relevantes para diferentes áreas do conhecimento, tais como: agricultura, manejo de bacias, previsões de tempo e drenagem urbana. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar os padrões de chuva e de ETP para o município de Goiânia, GO. Foram utilizados dados de 36 anos...
El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el crecimiento de árboles de pequi en función de la irrigación y la fertilización orgánica, en un experimento de bloques al azar con seis parcelas y cuatro repeticiones. Se utilizaron 16 plantas por parcela espaciadas 5 x 5 m. Se evaluaron cuatro tratamientos: IF = Riego con fertilización, IWF = Riego sin fer...
In Cerrado, due to the dry season, the use of irrigation is fundamental to guarantee up to 3 harvests per year. However, it is a technique with a high cost of equipment implantation and maintenance. Thus, the researches with new technologies to reduce these costs must be constant. It is known that the use of straw on soil surface reduces water evap...
O mogno-africano (Khaya ivorensis A. Chev.) é uma espécie arbórea, nativa do continente Africano, com boa qualidade de madeira, muito utilizada na confecção de móveis, na indústria naval, na construção de portas e portais, dentre outros. Tendo em vista que as condições de clima e solo são semelhantes entre a região de origem e o Brasil, pode-se inf...
The application of high level of fertilization and inadequate management of fertigation in tomato crop can promote increase of salinity of the solution, nutritional imbalance and physiological disorders in the plants, consequently reduces the productivity and the quality of the fruits. The aim of this study was to evaluate different fertigation str...
A temperatura (T) e a umidade relativa do ar (UR) desempenham papéis fundamentais no manejo agrícola, sendo utilizadas, por exemplo, no cálculo da evapotranspiração de referência. Estes dados são obtidos em estações meteorológicas cujos custos variam entre US$1.000,00 e US$10.000,00, tornado-as de difícil acesso para a maioria dos usuários. Assim,...
A determinação do conteúdo de água no solo, de forma não destrutiva e instantânea, facilita o manejo da água no solo, bem como o entendimento da dinâmica de água no mesmo. O estudo teve como objetivo calibrar o sensor capacitivo ECH2O EC-5 (Decagon) para um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico em diferentes densidades. O sensor foi calibrado em laboratóri...
The rainfall has a direct influence on the agricultural productivity, being indispensable the knowledge of its spatiotemporal behavior in order to establish trends that will assist in the management of water resources, agricultural planning, hydrological monitoring and prevention of natural disasters. Thus, this work aimed to evaluate the accuracy...
The coffee seedling production quality is essential to ensure crop development in field. Thus, The objective of This study was to evaluate The effect of two substrates (cattle manure and filter cake) interacting withfour levels of organic fertilizer withliThoThanmium in coffee seedlings var. Lempira production. A completely randomized experimental...