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Publications (65)
This paper describes a data access and interactive exploration infrastructure for High Frequency Radar (HF Radar) data, developed in the scope of the RADAR-ON-RAIA EU project. The data access server is based on the use of Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards, namely, the Observations and Measurements (O&M) data model and the Sensor Observatio...
Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is a non-invasive technique used to obtain the electrical internal conductivity distribution from the interior of bodies. This is a promising method from the manufacturing viewpoint, since it could be used to estimate different physical inner body properties during the production of goods. Nevertheless, this te...
Both the increasing number of GPS-enabled mobile devices and the geographic crowd-sourcing initiatives, such as Open Street Map, are determinants for the large amount of vector spatial data that is currently being produced. On the other hand, the automatic generation of raster data by remote sensing devices and environmental modeling processes was...
Subgraph searching is an essential problem in graph databases, but it is also challenging due to the involved subgraph isomorphism NP-Complete sub-problem. Filter-Then-Verify (FTV) methods mitigate performance overheads by using an index to prune out graphs that do not fit the query in a filtering stage, reducing the number of subgraph isomorphism...
The main objective of this study was to analyze how the use of digital resources contributes to improving cognitive flexibility, inhibitory control and basic math skills in early childhood education.
Ninety children, aged 5–6 years, were divided into three groups. One group received the intervention in paper and pencil format, another group receive...
En este documento abordamos la detección de problemas en el software, que no impiden su compilación ni
ejecución, y a los que nos referiremos como Design Smells. La detección de Design Smells ha demostrado
ser una estrategia eficaz para mejorar la calidad del software y, en consecuencia, reducir los gastos de
mantenimiento. En este trabajo, expl...
One of the most socially and culturally advantageous uses of human-computer interaction is enhancing playing and learning for children. In this study, gesture interactive game-based learning (GIGL) is tested to see if these kinds of applications are suitable to stimulate working memory (WM) and basic mathematical skills (BMS) in early childhood (5-...
The traditional communication methods for GIS applications limit usability and slow down the interaction that happens when using conventional devices such as a mouse and a keyboard. However, the human voice and motion system can naturally create actions through the use of speech or gestures in three dimensions. This paper presents a new human-compu...
We present a comparison of the largest collection of classifiers considered until now in the literature, composed by 428 methods belonging to 41 very different families. This collection, much larger than the one in our previous work (Fernández-Delgado et al. in J Mach Learn Res 15:3133–3181, 2014), includes 320 ensembles (varying the base and meta-...
Fast and effective oil spill detection systems are crucial to ensure a proper response to environmental emergencies caused by hydrocarbon pollution on the ocean's surface. Typically, these systems uncover not only oil spills, but also a high number of look-alikes. The feature extraction is a critical and computationally intensive phase where each d...
Estudios recientes han demostrado que el uso combinado de contenidos de televisión con aplicaciones en dispositivos móviles logran un aumento de audiencia. Relacionado con esto, el estándar para televisión híbrida HbbTV (Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV) combina la emisión de contenidos de audio y vídeo (A/V) con aplicaciones que llegan al televisor d...
Varios estudios recientes han detectado nuevos hábitos en la audiencia de televisión relacionados con el acceso a través de otros dispositivos a información que complemente los contenidos de televisión. En este documento se describe una solución preliminar para la generación de contextos geográficos para programas de noticias en lengua castellana
This paper discusses the design, implementation and evaluation of a framework that enables the virtual integration of heterogeneous observation data sources through a Sensor Observation Service (SOS) standard interface. Currently available SOS implementations follow a data warehouse design approach for data integration. Contrary to this, the presen...
Very large amounts of geospatial data are daily generated by many observation processes in different application domains. The amount of produced data is increasing due to the advances in the use of modern automatic sensing devices and also in the facilities available to promote crowdsourcing data collection initiatives. Spatial observation data inc...
Ambient Intelligence environments involve a wide range of different devices typically associated to protocols not compatible with each other. This is probably one of the possible problems to reach the full explosion of the internet of things because of the lack of standards for sensor data exchanging. This paper proposes a solution for the exchange...
This paper describes a conceptual solution for heterogeneous sensor data integration in crowdsensing applications and one experimental implementation for a health monitoring system in an educational environment using low cost hardware solution. Three kinds of protocols are integrated in this solution: HL7 for medical data, Observations & Measuremen...
The integrated management of entities and coverages is still an issue for current technologies in the area of GIS. Current tools provide interfaces with many operations for vector and raster analysis, which are not easy to combine. Defining new operations always requires programming. General purpose DBMSs are extended with geometric primitives for...
The homogeneous access to sensor data in data monitoring and analysis applications is gaining much interest nowadays. To tackle this problem from an application independent perspective, the design and implementation of a framework called GeoDADIS for the development of data acquisition and dissemination servers is discussed in the present paper. Th...
Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) has been established as a useful tool for detecting hydrocarbon spillage on the ocean's surface. Several surveillance applications have been developed based on this technology. Environmental variables such as wind speed should be taken into account for better SAR image segmentation. This paper presents an ad...
En este artículo proponemos el diseño e implementación de un framework para el desarrollo de servidores de adquisición y publicación de datos llamado DADIS. La estructura de DADIS está dividida en tres capas: i) una capa inferior de adquisición de datos que se encarga de la comunicación con los diferentes sensores, ii) una capa intermedia que const...
Las grandes catástrofes naturales que se producen a raíz de graves accidentes de petroleros o plataformas petrolíferas son investigadas, analizadas e incluso juzgadas, pero existe otro problema que puede parecer menor y que a menudo queda en el anonimato. Cada día se producen vertidos ilegales por la limpieza de las sentinas de los buques en alta m...
Due to the increasing fuel price, the European fishing sector has been suffering a descendent trend since 1998. It is essential to find efficient solutions, through R&D, by the application of new technologies. We recently presented a portable, scalable and reusable data acquisition system for the categorization of energy consumption distribution in...
Nowadays, the WWW is playing a vital role in the business world. Most enterprises are becoming digital. Content management systems provide an effective method to improve the development of web applications and make the maintainer’s job easier. The purpose of this work is to study the benefits that the use of web technologies can suppose for a SME c...
The MeteoSIX project, founded by the Galician regional government, aims at the development of a Spatial Data Infrastructure
(SDI) and a new SDI based Geo web site to enable an integrated access to meteorological data for a wide variety of users with
different skills. Such data has to be available through the internet using OGC and OpenNDAP standar...
Retelab is a virtual laboratory for the Oceanographic research community. It is supported by a Grid infrastructure and its main objective is to provide an easy and useful tool for oceanographers, where computer skills are not an obstacle. To achieve these goals, Retelab includes improved versions of portal and Grid technologies related to security,...
One of the pillars that holds up the stability and economic development of our society is the need to ensure a reliable and affordable supply of energy that meets our current energy needs. The high dependence on fossil fuels, our main source of primary energy, has many drawbacks mainly caused by greenhouse gases. It is urgent to address this unsust...
Due to the increasing fuel price, the European fishing sector has been suffering a descendent trend since 1998. It is essential to find efficient solutions, through R&D, by the application of new technologies. We recently presented a portable, scalable and reusable data acquisition system for the categorization of energy consumption distribution in...
We propose in this paper the design and implementation of a Data Grid and its deployment in the Retelab project. Retelab Data
Grid was deployed as a portlet in the Retelab web portal, adding new functionalities to the project. Such a system allows
the users to search and manage the geoscientific data stored in the Retelab datasets through data attr...
Due to the increasing fuel price, the European fishing sector has been suffering a descendent trend since 1998. It is essential
to find efficient solutions, through R&D, by the application of new technologies. This paper presents a portable, scalable
and reusable data acquisition system for the categorization of energy consumption distribution in f...
RETELAB project is devoted to the design, develop and deployment of a GRID infrastructure for the Spanish oceanographic research community. They have strong requirements for processing satellite images and numeric simulation. Currently, the infrastructure is under development but there exists an initial architecture that is presented here, together...
We propose in this project the development of a distributed collaborative environment, which will constitute a virtual laboratory
for multidisciplinary research projects related to oceanographic remote sensing. We will give an overview and the current
state of this project, and concretely we will show the security access management module. We propo...
Estimating the presence and size of fishing banks has significant ecological and economic advantages: it contributes to a rational exploitation of the available marine resources, to the reduction of fuel costs, and to a general decrease in required fishing time. This work presents the integration of remote sensing techniques and connectionist model...
This chapter explains the foundations of a new support system for fisheries, based on connectionist techniques, digital image treatment, and fuzzy logic. The purpose of our system is to increase the output of the pelagic fisheries without endangering the natural balance of the fishing resources. It uses data from various remote sensors and the logb...
This article presents the application of various Artificial Intelligence techniques to images that proceed from Remote Sensing and serve to predict Prionace Glauca captures (the Prionace Glauca is a type of shark). Our data proceed from remote sensors whose spectral signature allows us to calculate products that are useful for ecological modelling....
This chapter explains the foundations of a new support system for fisheries, based on connectionist techniques, digital image treatment, and fuzzy logic. The purpose of our system is to increase the output of the pelagic fisheries without endangering the natural balance of the fishing resources. It uses data from various remote sensors and the logb...
In recent years, functional networks have emerged as an extension of artificial neural networks (ANNs). In this article, we apply both network techniques to predict the catches of the Prionace Glauca (a class of shark) and the Katsowonus Pelamis (a variety of tuna, more commonly known as the Skipjack). We have developed an application that will hel...
Toxic Gymnodinium catenatum blooms usually occur in the Galician Rias at the end of the upwelling season, which necessitates a ban on harvesting shellfish extraction, with subsequent economic losses for this sector. One of the possible causes cited in the literature is the advection of populations from outside the area but no evidence was available...
El afloramiento oceánico del Atlántico Este tiene gran importancia en la estructura económica de la zona costera atlántica de la Península Ibérica, debido a que estos eventos regulan las pesquerías de sardinas en nuestras costas. También tienen relación con la aparición o no de mareas rojas (desarrollo de algas tóxicas), que tienen un efecto direct...
Presents the general architecture for a geographic information
system called Tunafis, that is applied to fisheries. The main objectives
of Tunafis are: to provide an information service through communication
equipment via satellite, which is of great importance for a pelagic
fleet, to acquire data about fishing activity and the environment
The authors explore the application of fuzzy control to
postoperative pain, which is a difficult system to treat. There is no
precise mathematical model, and it is subject to numerous perturbations.
A two-phase controller has been implemented. In the first phase a fuzzy
controller takes the system to the setpoint, and in the second phase a
In thls work we explored the application of rule-based control to postoperative analgesia. The basic dlffkulty in pain control is the absence of a precise mathematical model and the presence of numerous sources of perturbation. Our controller comprises two phases: the first uses fuzzy rules to take the patlent to near- painlessness, whlle the secon...
La capacidad multiespectral de los sensores AVHRR de los satélites NOAA más recientes permiten el cálculo muy preciso de las temperaturas superficiales del mar (SST), pero la resolución espacial de estos datos (cada píxel corresponde aproximadamente a un cuadrado de 1.1 km de arista) es insuficiente para el estudio de muchos fenómenos de interés en...
Ultrasonography and cardiotocography are the most widely used diagnostic tools for evaluating foetal stress. We aim to integrate both in a versatile, obstetric monitoring system giving immediate access to processed numerical and alphanumeric data, graphs and images. System resource and task management will be carried out at the top level by a task-...
INTRODUCCIÓN El estudio de la costa oeste de la Península Ibéri-ca adquiere un singular valor socioeconómico en la comunidad gallega si tenemos en cuenta tanto el volumen de capturas que se realiza de especies como la sardina o el jurel, como el impacto socioe-conómico que se deriva de la comercialización del marisco en general y del mejillón y la...
RESUMEN Presentamos en este trabajo una primera aproximación al desarrollo de un GIS tridimensional que integre imágenes de diferentes satélites. En particular presentamos el modulo de visualización, en el que el usuario puede navegar a través de un entorno 3D formado por dos imágenes: la primera es usada como textura de la representación y la segu...
L'upwelling a été étudié en comparent les mesures du transport de' Ekman avec les données de la temperatura superficialle de la mer, obtenue avec les satellites NOAA. Nous decrivons ici une méthode automatique pour évaluer l'upwelling en utilisant des images infrarouges succesives. Elle est basée dous une méthode qui est très utilisée pour la mesur...
Realizamos en este trabajo un estudio comparativo del algoritmo de detección de bordes CSED con una modificación realizada para el caso concreto de una imagen binaria: presentamos el que hemos denominado como MSED. Aplicamos ambos algoritmos a mapas térmicos generados previamente a partir de imágenes procedentes de los satélites meteorológicos METE...
El conocimiento de los desplazamientos superfi ciales marinos resulta de especial interés en distintos ámbitos, tales como en el estudio del movimiento de rasgos térmicos presentes sobre la superficie marina (afloramiento, frentes térmicos) o el apoyo a barcos pesqueros en tareas habituales como la suelta de aparejos. Para disponer de ellos, hemos...
La periodicidad de los satélites NOAA, así como su gran cobertura espacial, han hecho que, durante los últimos años, se hayan convertido en una herramienta imprescindible para la gestión y explotación de los recursos naturales principalmente en el ámbito oceánico. Por otro lado, la renovación y profesionalización de la actividad pesquera, conlleva...
El área geográfica de la costa noroeste de la península ibérica (39.-43~) es la parte más al norte del afloramiento de la costa este del Atlántico Norte. En esta área el afloramiento se manifiesta en los meses de verano, coincidente con vientos de componente norte. Presentamos en este artículo la situación existente en esta costa al final del aflor...
El afloramiento en la costa oeste de la Península Ibérica es de gran importancia en la riqueza pesquera de las costas de Galicia y por lo tanto, en la estructura socioeconómica de la región. Este fenómeno es detectable mediante satélites que miden la temperatura superficial del mar (sensor AVHRR del NOAA) y la concentración de clorofila (sensor Sea...
Given the magnitude and characteristics of the fight against forest fires in Galicia (Spain), the aerial resources play a starring role in tasks such as surveillance or extinguishment. As an operational aid, an Automatic Vehicle Location System (AVL) devoted to the real-time tracking of these aircrafts is hosted by the Government of Galicia (Xunta...