José J. Castro

José J. Castro
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria | ULPGC · Centro de Biodiversidad y Gestión Ambiental (BIOGES)



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January 1992 - present
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • Lecturer


Publications (52)
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The African cuttlefish, Sepia bertheloti, is a commercially exploited cephalopod in two productive system areas off West Africa. However, there is a lack of information on its feeding ecology, making it difficult to describe its ecological role (Morocco and Guinea-Bissau). In the present study, we analyse the gastric contents of 1.114 individuals,...
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Percnon gibbesi is a native crab species characteristic of intertidal and subtidal zones of the Atlantic coast of the European Macaronesian archipelagos (Azores, Madeira, and Canary Islands), and probably also in the neighbouring rocky coasts of northwest Africa. P. gibbesi is considered an invasive alien species in almost all of the Mediterranean,...
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This is the first study addressing validation of the early growth stages (including the first increment) in the beaks of juvenile cuttlefishes. The age validation in juveniles of Sepia officinalis was performed by comparison of the number of increments observed in the rostrum surface of lower jaws with their true age. A total of 159 individuals wer...
Conference Paper
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The common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis is one of the most important species for cephalopod fisheries in many countries along the Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea. Knowledge of the life cycle of the species is essential for understanding of its population structure and promoting sustainable management of the resource. Age and growth studi...
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The African cuttlefish Sepia bertheloti is fished on the West African coast, often mixed with S. officinalis and/or S. hierredda. As in other marine fished species, the sustainable management of their populations begins with the understanding of the species life-cycle. Wild-caught samples of S. bertheloti from the same season and two different fish...
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Abstract Analysis of 322 cuttlebones of Sepia bertheloti caught in the waters of the Northwest Africa showed significant differences in growth between males and females. Morphometric analysis revealed a relatively different cuttlebone growth pattern between sexes, with males presenting faster growth in length to reach larger sizes and females displ...
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In this paper we consider what may happen to the marine ecosystem of Gran Canaria Island within the 2030 horizon, if fishing strategies different from those currently in place were implemented and we evaluate the effect of, for example, reduction of recreational–artisanal fishing, limitation of catches (e.g. total allowable catches, TAC), or spatia...
A fishing policy oriented to influencing the behavior of recreational fishermen requires, as a first step, an analysis of the variables affecting their fishing habits in order to establish actions aimed at reducing the impact of this extractive activity. The main objective of this study is to increase existing knowledge concerning recreational fish...
The mesopelagic fish Notoscopelus resplendens is distributed mainly between 500 and 1000 m of depth during the day, with diel migration to surface waters at night (<90 m). Fish move during their diel migrations across different water masses, which show strong changes in temperature with depth that can reach 7 °C in the first 300 m during the warm s...
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This data paper presents a reconstruction of a compilation of a small but consistent database of historical capture records of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus; BFT hereafter) from the Gibraltar Strait and Western Mediterranean (Portugal, Spain and Italy). The compilation come from diverse historical and documentary sources and span the time interval...
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Angel sharks are among the most threatened fish worldwide, facing regional and global extinction. In Europe, populations of the three Critically Endangered angel sharks ( Squatina aculeata , Squatina oculata and Squatina squatina ) have been severely depleted. Taking advantage of the last global ‘hotspot’ of the angelshark, Squatina squatina , this...
1. Angel sharks are among the most threatened fish worldwide, facing regional and global extinction. In Europe, populations of the three Critically Endangered angel sharks (Squatina aculeata, Squatina oculata and Squatina squatina) have been severely depleted. 2. Taking advantage of the last global 'hotspot' of the angelshark, Squatina squatina, th...
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Historical capture records of bluefin tuna (BFT) from the Gibraltar Strait and Western Mediter- ranean show pronounced short- and long-term fluctuations. Some of these fluctuations are be- lieved to be associated with biological and ecological process, as well as distinct climate factors. For the period of study (1700–1936) of this work, we found a...
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Angel Sharks are among the most threatened fish worldwide, facing regional and global extinction. In Europe, populations of the three Critically Endangered Angel Sharks (Squatina aculeata, Squatina oculata and Squatina squatina) have been severely depleted. Taking advantage of the last global ’hotspot’ of the Angelshark, Squatina squatina, this stu...
Conference Paper
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The marine ecosystem is permanently subjected to environmental variability affecting the main aspects of the population dynamics of fish stocks, such as recruitment, growth, mortality and interspecific relationships (Hawthorn, 2013). The local manifestation of these environmental variables produce severe changes in stocks and fisheries, causing inc...
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The feeding ecology of the planehead filefish, Stephanolepis hispidus, in waters of the Canary Islands was examined. The study was based on the stomach contents of 823 specimens, from 8.9 cm to 25.9 cm in total length (TL), caught monthly in fish traps from February 1998 to June 1999. Approximately 27.2% of the fish showed empty stomachs. This prop...
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The reproductive biology of the planehead filefish, Stephanolepis hispidus, in the waters of the Canary Islands area was studied. The study was conducted with a sample of 906 specimens from 8.9 to 25.9 cm in total length (TL) that were caught in fish traps from February 1998 to August 1999. Females predominated in the catches, and the sex ratio of...
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The homing ability of the rock pool blenny Parablennius parvicornis was studied at a rocky shore on Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain). A total of 140 fish was tagged in five different rock pools and 100 of these were displaced from their original site, during low tide. This blenny species shows great site fidelity and is able to return home from...
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This document presents the results of the analysis of catch data from three purse-seiner vessels operating at the Indian Ocean using entangling (mesh surface and hanging open) and non-entangling FADs (mesh surface and hanging attached) to fish tuna. Skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) was the main species in the reported captures, but also yellowfin (Thu...
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Se ha analizado la diversidad genética de tres poblaciones naturales de caballa (Scomber colias, Gmelin, 1789), extraídas por la flota artesanal del Archipiélago Canario mediante el uso de nueve marcadores moleculares (microsatélites). Las muestras fueron capturadas en las costas de Gran Canaria, Tenerife y La Palma. Los resultados preliminares mue...
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La acondroplasia es la causa más común de enanismo y ocurre en todas las razas y en ambos sexos (Horton y colaboradores –2007- estiman que existen unas 250 mil personas afectas en todo el mundo). Se estima que la acondroplasia representa el 15% del conjunto de displasias esqueléticas conocidas. Normalmente, los tejidos cartilaginosos se convierten...
This study investigates the reproductive biology of Atherina presbyter, a fast growing, short-lived coastal pelagic fish found off the Canary Islands. Sampling was carried out monthly between January 1997 and June 1998. The sex of adult fishes (N = 878) was determined macroscopically and the proportion of males was significantly lower than that of...
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Ceratothoa steindachneri (Isopoda: Cymothoidae) and Pentacapsula cutanea (Myxozoa: Pentacapsulidae) parasites infecting the blacktail-comber ( Serranus atricauda ) were considered suitable as biological tags for stock identification around the islands of La Palma and Gran Canaria, in the Western and Eastern areas of the Canarian archipelago, respec...
The growth of the planedhead filefish Stephanolepis hispidus was studied on individuals sampled from a small-scale fishery off Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, central-east Atlantic) between March 1998 and August 1999.The age of the sampled individuals, which ranged from 0 to 3 years, was estimated using both the length frequency distribution and the...
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A total of 648 dolphinfishes were examined for internal and external parasites in western Mediterranean (Balearic Islands) and central-eastern Atlantic(Canary Islands) waters in order to make a comparative study between the two areas. The specimens studied from the Mediterranean Sea was Coryphaena hippurus, with 62 large individuals captured from M...
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Introducción El desarrollo de una aplicación in-formática tiene una complejidad que aconseja la subdivisión de las actividades que se deben llevar a cabo en diferentes fases. La distri-bución de estas fases, a lo largo del tiempo, constituyen el "ciclo de vi -da" de la aplicación. Para ello apli-camos una metodología específica de desarrollo, que e...


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