Jose CasanovaGeorgetown University | GU · Department of Sociology
Jose Casanova
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Publications (120)
La traducción que pongo en esta ocasión a disposición del mundo de habla española es una historia de las andanzas planetarias de los jesuitas narrada por los propios jesuitas. Se trata, pues, de una historia provincial. A más de informada y contener implícitamente el punto de vista jesuita, vale la pena hacer algunas salvedades a la narrativa histó...
In the project of The Faith and Beliefs of "Nonbelievers," an international team of sociologists, theologians, and philosophers explores the phenomenon of a globally growing segment of people who break with any form of organized religion. Sociologists call these people "nones." This segment has proven to be very diverse and has been understudied an...
Uno de los rasgos predominantes del llamado «proceso de secularización» fue la fractura entre el orden racional y el orden religioso, es decir, la desvalorización epistemológica y ética de la religión y su progresivo desalojo de la esfera pública, no solo de la política sino también de la esfera de las prácticas más comunes de la vida cultural. Exi...
Peter Berger es sin duda uno de los sociólogos más influyentes de los últimos 60 años. Además, su influencia y reputación mundial transcienden la sociología y se extiende al campo de la teología y al de las ciencias de la religión. Por su forma accesible de escribir, Berger debe ser reconocido como un auténtico intelectual público global. En este t...
Lo que más llama la atención de este artículo es su capacidad para entrelazar la historia de las religiones mundiales con procesos de secularización y colonización y así darle un nuevo perfil a la subdisciplina para cualificarla propiamente como "sociología histórica comparada de las religiones". He incorporado notas a pie de página con la finalida...
The contributions to this volume analyse the complex relations between religious traditions, groups and ideas on the one hand, and (neo-)nationalism on the other. They do so on a conceptual level as well as with regard to concrete contexts and countries. They shed light on these relations from historical, sociological, theological and ethical persp...
Global Religious and Secular Dynamics offers a global historical perspective that integrates European theories of modern secularization and competing theories of global religious revival as interrelated dynamics. In the first section Casanova examines the emergence of the modern religious/secular binary system of classification within a critical re...
The first section of the chapter offers a revisionist account of European secularization in terms of dynamics of state confessionalization and deconfessionalization. The second section presents a reconstruction of the interreligious colonial encounters of the early modern era in Japan and China, mediated by the Jesuits. The final section offers a b...
The central premise of this paper is that in order to understand the social construction of religion and secularity in East Asia today we need to take a long durée historical approach, which takes into account the colonial encounters between the Christian West and East Asia during three different and distinct phases of globalization. While most of...
This article analyzes the two divergent, though intertwined, roads of European secularization and global religious pluralism. In continental Western Europe, modernization and urbanization were accompanied by drastic secularization with limited religious pluralism. By contrast, in much of the rest of the world, in the Americas, North and South, thro...
In this article the author constructs a typology of the different senses sec‑ ularization has been understood, and how these various senses correlate to different models of secularization in the modern world. He engages with the works of Jürgen Habermas and argues that Habermas’s concep‑ tion of secularization is too closely linked to the European...
If God Were a Human Rights Activist. By Boaventura de Sousa Santos. Stanford Studies in Human Rights. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2015. Pp. 152. $19.95 (paper). ISBN: 978-0804795005. - Volume 32 Issue 3 - Jose Casanova
ocuses on women, religion, secularism, and democracy, across different religious traditions and national contexts
Examines comparatively the situation of emergent Muslim democracies (Turkey, Tunisia, Senegal, Indonesia, and Malaysia) as well as non-democratic cases (Iran or Morocco)
Considers state policies vis-a-vis women and draw comparisons with...
The Society of Jesus, commonly known as the Jesuits, is the most successful and enduring global missionary enterprise in history. Founded by Ignatius Loyola in 1540, the Jesuit order has preached the Gospel, managed a vast educational network, and shaped the Catholic Church, society, and politics in all corners of the earth. Rather than offering a...
In its precise historical sense, 'secularization' refers to the transfer of persons, things, meanings, etc., from ecclesiastical or religious to civil or lay use. In its broadest sense, often postulated as a universal developmental process, secularization refers to the progressive decline of religious beliefs, practices, and institutions.
Using a broad definition of globalization, one could claim that the Jesuits were the first organized group in history to think and act globally. From a historical point of view, three interrelated developments shaped the opportunity structures that made this possible: a) the Iberian colonial expansion into the newly discovered «Indies», b) the earl...
American sociology has not taken and does not take religion as seriously as it needs to in order to do the best sociology
possible. Despite religion being an important and distinctive kind of practice in human social life, both historically and
in the world today, American sociologists often neglect religion or treat it reductionistically. We explo...
The politics of nativism directed at Catholic immigrants in 19th-century America offer a fruitful comparative perspective through which to analyze the discourse and the politics of Islam in contemporary Europe. Anti-Catholic nativism constituted a peculiar North American version of the larger and more generalized phenomenon of anti-immigrant populi...
This chapter revisits the argument first presented in Public Religions in the Modern World in order to ascertain the extent to which the theoreticalanalytical framework developed there needs to be critically revised and expanded to make it more applicable beyond Western Christian contexts. The central thesis of the book was that we were witnessing...
Almost everyone today affirms the importance and merit of religious liberty. But religious liberty is being challenged by new questions (for example, use of the niqab or church adoption services for same-sex couples) and new forces (such as globalization and Islamism). Combined, these make the meaning of religious liberty in the twenty-first centur...
PORTRAIT: José Casanova Deprivatization, the Public Sphere, and Popular Religion Hubert Knoblauch Public and Private in the Study of Religion: Imaginative Approaches Grace Davie Casanova, Asad, and the Public Debate on Religion in Modern Societies Kim Knibbe Toward a Post-Weberian Sociology of Global Religions Manuel A. Vásquez From Modernization t...
The article examines the three alternative conceptions of the emerging global order with special reference to the place and role of the world religions in that order. (1) Cosmopolitanism builds upon developmental theories of modernization that envision this transformation as a global expansion of western secular modernity, conceived as a universal...
This chapter gives a reading of Tocqueville as the first critic of secularization theory. By this interpretation, the deistic civil religion of the United States leads to the transformation of religions into free, equal, and competing theistic “denominations.” But theism is in no way kept in a private sphere, for Tocqueville shows how the religious...
No presente artigo, gostaria de desenvolver esse argumento em três etapas. Primeiramente, farei uma apresentação esquemática dos pressupostos ou preconceitos sobre o funcionamento da moderna democracia secular europeia, que considero problemáticos. Em seguida, contrastarei tais pressupostos seculares basicamente normativos com a realidade empírica...
Este artigo trata de uma fonte da dinâmica do Catolicismo a relação entre o regime religioso e o regime secular ao qual ele está vinculado - e centra-se sobre o papado como núcleo institucional do transnacionalismo católico e sobre as relações com o regime secular externo. Os atuais processos de globalização oferecem a um regime religioso transnaci...
O discurso contemporâneo sobre o Islamismo como uma religião fundamentalista ultrapassada e não democrática mostra similaridades impressionantes com o velho discurso sobre o Catolicismo que predominava as sociedades angloprotestantes, especialmente nos Estados Unidos, da metade do século XIX à primeira metade do século XX. Este ensaio mostra as com...
1. John Madeley (2007) has developed a tripartite measure of church-state relation, which he calls the TAO of European management and regulation of religion-state relations by the use of Treasure (T: for financial and property connections), Authority (A: for the exercise of states’ powers of command), and Organization (O: for the effective interven...
The question of religion, its contemporary and future significance and its role in society and state is currently perceived as an urgent one by many and is widely discussed within the public sphere. But it has also long been one of the core topics of the historically oriented social sciences. The immense stock of knowledge furnished by the history...
The contemporary global discourse on Islam as a fundamentalist, antimodern, undemocratic, and sexist religion shows striking similarities with the old discourse on Catholicism that predominated in Anglo-Protestant societies, particularly in the United States, from the mid-nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century. Both discourses were based on four s...
LiberalModernity, Catholicism, Islam - SalvatoreArmando, The Public Sphere. Liberal Modernity, Catholicism, Islam (New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007). - Volume 49 Issue 3 - José Casanova
Religious freedom is becoming a universal aspiration, but the concept may mean different things in different countries. Therefore, religious freedom implementation methods and proselytizing methods need to be contextually specific. The principle of individual religious freedom is in tension with the right of indigenous people to protect their cultu...
En este artículo, el autor defiende que para entender mejor la “secularización” es necesario distinguir 3 connotaciones del término que dan lugar, a su vez, a tres significados de él: la secularización como “decadencia de las prácticas y creencias religiosas en las sociedades modernas”, como “privatización de la religión”, y como “distinción de las...
This chapter shows that one of the most significant consequences of the new global patterns of transnational migration has been a dramatic growth in religious diversity in the United States and Western Europe. The new immigrant religions, however, present significantly different challenges of integration in Christian/Secular Europe and in Judeo- Ch...
A transformation of the politics of Catholicism worldwide has taken place. The final recognition of the modern principle of religious freedom at Vatican II, together with the assumption by the church of the modern doctrine of human rights, has altered the traditional dynamic of church state relations and the role of the church both nationally and t...
El texto compara el encaje de los procesos migratorios y la emergencia del pluralismo religioso en la Unión Europea y Estados Unidos. La tesis principal del autor es que los contextos sociales de recepción de esta nueva inmigración se encuentran marcados por la manera en que ambas sociedades definen la presencia de lo religioso en su espacio públic...
Abstract One of the most significant consequences of the new immigration has been a dramatic growth in religious diversity on both
sides of the Atlantic. In the United States the new immigrant religions are contributing to the further expansion of an already
vibrant American religious pluralism, which is incorporating all world religions in the sam...
Since the signing of the Treaty of Rome in 1957 that established the EEC and initiated the ongoing process of European integration, Western European societies have undergone a rapid, drastic, and seemingly irreversible process of secularization. In this respect, one can talk of the emergence of a post-Christian Europe. At the same time, the process...
Článek se zaměřuje na nové ne-evropské imigranty v USA a zemích EU a zvláště na náboženství (primárně islám), která si s sebou do nových destinací přinášejí. Text srovnává situaci v USA se situací v zemích EU, stejně jako odlišné tradice vyrovnávání se s problémem role náboženství ve veřejném životě a přizpůsobování se náboženským "jiným" v západní...
O ver a decade ago, I suggested that in order to speak meaningfully of "secular-ization," we needed to distinguish between three different connotations: a) Secularization as the decline of religious beliefs and practices in modern societies, often postulated as a universal, human, developmental process. This is the most recent but by now the most w...
In its precise historical sense, ‘secularization’ refers to the transfer of persons, things, meanings, etc., from ecclesiastical or religious to civil or lay use. In its broadest sense, often postulated as a universal developmental process, secularization refers to the progressive decline of religious beliefs, practices, and institutions.
Shortly after the turn of the century, Emile Durkheim announced that the old gods were dying while new ones had not yet been born and that "the cult of the individual" and the sacralization of humanity it entailed were bound to become the new religion of modern societies.1 Here Durkheim was simply following a long line of Enlightenment prophets, Sa...