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Jose Jaime Baena-Rojas

Jose Jaime Baena-Rojas
Fundación Universitaria CEIPA

Ph.D. in Law and Political Science; MSc in Internationalization; Sp. in International Trade; Degree in Political Science and Degree in International Business.
(SR) Senior Researcher / (IS) Investigador Senior Minciencias y (PDI) personal docente investigador acreditado ANECA


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February 2023 - April 2023
EAE Business School
  • Lecturer
  • Researcher professor.
April 2020 - December 2022
Geneva Business School
  • Doctoral advisor
  • Doctoral advisor at DBA
March 2022 - September 2022
Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Postdoctoral Researcher
  • Postdoctoral Researcher - (On distance).


Publications (84)
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Background/purpose. This study aimed to investigate teachers' perceptions of using advanced technological tools, specifically the NAO robot, in co-teaching settings to enhance class development and promote complex thinking in higher education. Complex thinking is a crucial skill in higher education, enabling students to effectively address and solv...
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This study uses a comprehensive bibliometric analysis to examine the relationships between the International Commercial Terms (Incoterms®), logistics, and legal issues in the context of international trade. By examining a dataset of 290 documents published from 1973 to 2023 in various academic databases such as Web of Science, Scopus, Science Direc...
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Desde la configuración del sistema multilateral de comercio se ha promovido la disminución de los obstáculos y la no discriminación al comercio entre los Estados miembros. No obstante las rondas de negociaciones en el régimen del GATT (del inglés General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade), y dentro de la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC), que ha...
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Este artículo pretende caracterizar el comercio exterior de Bolivia, específicamente en el caso de las exportaciones, dado que tras su ingreso al Sistema Multilateral de Comercio se han adoptado medidas que trazaron el devenir de la política comercial de este país andino. En particular, se analizan los principales productos de exportación, la parti...
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This study employs a composite indicator to measure the degree of internationalization of Colombian Multilatinas. By using primary data available from the analyzed companies' website, the Colombian Multilatinas composite indicator (CMCI) is proposed, which includes six variables related to the Multilatinas’ patterns of internationalization that cap...
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The purpose of this article is to present the results of a study conducted on a population of students from two technological universities in Mexico. The intention was to contrast the perceived achievement of the complex thinking competency and its sub-competencies among students in the last levels of their training. Then, to identify areas of...
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The purpose of this article is to present the results of a study conducted on a population of students from two technological universities in Mexico. The intention was to contrast the perceived achievement of the complex thinking competency and its sub-competencies among students in the last levels of their training. Then, to identify areas of oppo...
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The discussion of China's rise as a global economic and political power in recent decades has been fueling various theoretical discussions based on the evolution of its foreign trade policy. Hence, empirical research method is proposed in the field of international law involving the study of institutions, norms and procedures based on academic evid...
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This study employs a composite indicator to measure the degree of internationalization of Colombian Multilatinas. By using primary data available from the analyzed companies' website, the Colombian Multilatinas composite indicator (CMCI) is proposed, which includes six variables related to the Multilatinas’ patterns of internationalization that cap...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the process of integrating sustainability into the corporate strategy of an emerging market multinational enterprises (EMNE) to achieve and maintain corporate legitimacy over time. The research explores how deploying a corporate sustainability strategy enhances the company’s long-term competitive rele...
This paper presents the results of a study that aimed to analyze the perspectives of higher education instructors regarding humanoid robots and the use of educational robotics in higher education for STEM fields. The study employed survey method of data collection to examine the views of 192 instructors on the benefits and challenges of using human...
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The purpose of this article is to present the results of a study conducted on a population of students from two technological universities in Mexico. The intention was to contrast the perceived achievement of the complex thinking competency and its sub-competencies among students in the last levels of their training. Then, to identify areas of oppo...
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A mediados de la década de 1990 México ingresó al sistema multilateral de comercio afianzando su liberalización comercial a través de una serie de políticas internas de comercio exterior. Esto consolidó la exportación de bienes terminados y diversas materias primas, que convierten ese mercado en uno de los más importantes de Latinoamérica. Este art...
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Traditional market selection analysis relies purely on macroeconomic and political factors and fails to account for cultural aspects. Also, international market selection systematic models lack to incorporate hybrid techniques to systematically reduce the uncertainty by comparing results and examining the similarities and differences of the various...
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Various technological devices, especially information communications technologies (ICTs), have become increasingly remarkable in higher education to help develop students' skills and qualifications. Considering this trend, supported by several academic theories, this paper proposes a breakthrough guidebook for universities and other scholastic envi...
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This article is based on the knowledge that complex thinking as a construct is nowadays shaping a system of meta-competencies which depends entirely on synergy at all its levels. In higher education contexts, it is well known that the development of transversal competencies allows fostering a better recognition and adaptation to the environment. Ho...
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After the end of the Second World War, the second half of the twentieth century brought in, one the one hand, the establishment of GATT provisions in 1947 and the legal texts implemented during its negotiation rounds as a regulatory framework, and on the other hand, the creation in 1995 of the WTO as the central normative entity for international t...
Conference Paper
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Las TIC, Robótica Social (RS) e inteligencia artificial (IA) pueden ser de apoyo para desarrollar la competencia de razonamiento para la complejidad. El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar el impacto de dichos recursos tecnológicos mediante tres sesiones para conocer si contribuyen al desarrollo del razonamiento complejo. Se aplicó un métod...
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Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of Open Educational Resources (OERs) has increased due to its advantages for academic activities and educational quality. Hence, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have sought to develop strategies to promote curricular and extracurricular activities that favor developing disciplinary and transversal competenc...
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The profound transformation within higher education institutions is increasingly evident. Then, it is considered that education must adapt to meet the needs of qualification and skills development in a 21st century with diverse challenges in problem solving. This is reflected in the role that academic literacy is increasingly taking as a strategy t...
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Introduction. Information and communication technologies (ICT) have changed the way firms conduct their international business transactions, as small, medium and large companies are increasingly adopting these tools in order to improve productivity in operational processes, including the internationalization of goods and services. Objective. This...
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The purpose of this research is to contextualize the behavior of publications on complex thinking in education. A total of 428 documents compiled in Scopus from 1937 to 2022 were analyzed with a bibliometric study considering criteria such as “complex thinking”, “complex thought”, and “reasoning for complexity”, all combined with education. The res...
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The settlement of costs and prices in international business is an essential aspect of the competitiveness of internationalized companies. In this way, the "International Commercial Terms" (Incoterms)® as rules for the involved parties to a contract of international sale of goods become strategic, not only to define the conditions of delivery of th...
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El acceso a la educación superior ha sido entendido como un componente determinante para la evolución y desarrollo social de las regiones y los países. Este aspecto constituye de hecho un elemento clave para la medición de indicadores económicos relevantes como, por ejemplo, el índice de desarrollo humano. Según lo anterior, esta investigación expl...
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Purpose: To present a rigorous technique for merchandise companies that are internationalizing and pursuit the best options of export markets to direct their products. Originality/value: The literature suggests that companies, especially small and medium enterprises (SME), due to their lack of experience when participating in international business...
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El riesgo geopolítico muestra un protagonismo esencial en el campo internacional. En este documento se identifican algunos de los principales componentes que se pueden utilizar en el análisis de riesgo geopolítico como objeto de estudio dentro de los negocios internacionales. Asimismo se construye una propuesta que expone los principales factores y...
Geopolitical risk shows an essential role in the international field. This document identifies some of the main components that can be used in geopolitical risk analysis as an object of study within international business. Likewise, a proposal is built that exposes the main factors and aspects that must be taken into account at a theoretical level...
Purpose The selection of an international market (IMS) is a prime factor in the success and growth of a company. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to consolidate and apply a systematic methodology that contributes toward the evaluation of international markets and promotes entry into the export market of Antioquia’s textile companies. Design...
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Tariff barriers (TBs) are regulated under the provisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), such as the most-favoured-nation treatment article, which establishes that trade concessions granted to one member are applied immediately and without conditions to all other members. Likewise, the schedule of concessions on goods, which i...
Taking into account the importance of business internationalization, the aim of this paper is to implement a multicriteria methodology using factors and variables found in the literature to assess the importance that the chemical sector gives them when selecting a market to export. Using a non-random sample of 10 chemical firms, the valuations of t...
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Since the signing of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO), preferential trade agreements (PTAs) have been an interesting tool to promote international cooperation through the granting of non-reciprocal and/or unilateral tariff preferences by developed countries to developing countr...
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Este trabajo hace una caracterización de la disciplina de los negocios internacionales a través de la revisión de las publicaciones científicas, principalmente de artículos, libros e informes de conferencias. Lo anterior se realiza mediante un análisis descriptivo empleando la información de SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR), que contiene la bas...
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A partir de la apertura económica en Colombia, algunos sectores económicos han tenido que afrontar importantes retos a fin de competir con productos extranjeros, tal y como sucede con el sector lácteo. De este modo, este artículo plantea un análisis general entre la apertura económica y el comportamiento del sector lácteo en Colombia, considerando...
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A partir de la apertura económica en Colombia, algunos sectores económicos han tenido que afrontar importantes retos a fin de competir con productos extranjeros, tal y como sucede con el sector lácteo. De este modo, este artículo plantea un análisis general entre la apertura económica y el comportamiento del sector lácteo en Colombia, considerando...
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Tras el fin de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la cooperación internacional aumentó notablemente. Este escenario propició el auge de preferencias arancelarias unilaterales a través de los sistemas generalizados de preferencias (SGP), entendidos como otro mecanismo para promover el desarrollo económico y social. De este modo, en este documento se efectúa...
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El estudio presenta la aplicación de una metodología que busca facilitar la enseñanza sobre la selección de mercados internacionales, enfocada en la internacionalización de empresas. Se analiza la literatura existente que valida este tipo de enfoque para la toma de decisiones, identificando los factores generales que influyen en la selección de nue...
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This article carries out a bibliometric characterization of research in the field of international business, manifested in the academic literature that is indexed in the Scopus database, as is the case of scientific articles and other means of publication. On a methodological level, a descriptive study is carried out based on the measurement system...
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The aim of this paper is to analyze the behavior of the weighted averages of MFN tariffs and bound tariffs in South America. We compiled data from the WTO’s databases with the purpose of recognizing some areas and products with higher levels of protectionist tariff barriers. We concluded that MFN tariffs have dropped considerably among the countrie...
Conference Paper
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El propósito del presente trabajo es efectuar una caracterización sobre la importancia en la investigación sobre el campo de los negocios internacionales reflejada en los medios de publicación científica principalmente como artículos, libros, informes de conferencias, documentos de trabajo, entre otros; todo lo anterior, señalando la participación...
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Desde la creación de la OMC se han recibido algunas demandas por parte de sus estados miembros todo ello respecto a la adopción de restricciones a las exportaciones. Dicha práctica supone la configuración de un nuevo tipo de proteccionismo denominado “proteccionismo inverso” el cual no parece estar regulado a cabalidad por las disposiciones del GAT...
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Desde la creación de la OMC se han recibido algunas demandas por parte de sus estados miembros; todo ello, respecto a la adopción de restricciones a las exportaciones. Dicha práctica supone la configuración de un nuevo tipo de proteccionismo denominado "proteccionismo inverso" el cual no parece estar regulado a cabalidad por las disposiciones del G...
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Durante más de un lustro la Unión Europea y Japón han venido llevando a cabo una compleja negociación para alcanzar la firma de un Tratado de Libre Comercio que reduzca en general las barreras arancelarias e igualmente las no arancelarias a razón de liberalizar el tráfico de mercancías. Por lo tanto, tras la ratificación del presente acuerdo comerc...
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Despite the historical economic and political rivalry, the new free trade agreement (FTA) between the European Union (EU) and Japan was finally signed and entered into force at the beginning of 2019. After more than five years of negotiations, this FTA, currently the largest in the world, represents a relevant example of tariff liberalization. Ther...
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Este artículo analiza el comercio exterior colombiano desde la apertura económica y el ingreso a la OMC en 1995 hasta 2016. Identifica los principales productos exportados y su importancia en el comercio internacional con base en datos de la Dian y el Dane, y de la OMC y el ITC. Y muestra que las exportaciones colombianas dependen de productos mine...
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Este artículo analiza el comercio exterior colombiano desde la apertura económica y el ingreso a la OMC en 1995 hasta 2016. Identifica los principales productos exportados así como también su importancia en el comercio internacional con base en datos de la Dian, el Dane, de la OMC y el ITC. De este modo, muestra que las exportaciones colombianas de...
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This article aims to identify the level of use and the benefits offered by information and communication technologies (ICT) for the international business academic programs in the universities. For this purpose, a perception study in 14 universities of Antioquia, Colombia is carried out. Based on the results, it is concluded that websites and socia...
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El propósito de este artículo es ofrecer una metodología cuantitativa para la selección de mercados para pequeñas y medianas em- presas (PYMES), de fácil implementación y comprensión que pondera factores de costo, logística, barreras comerciales, y cultura. En dicha metodología se analizan variables que determinan de un modo objetivo la selección d...
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Este estudio tiene como objetivo reconocer las ventajas y funcionalidades que brindan las tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC) a los pregrados de negocios internacionales, así como identificar las TIC más utilizadas en estos. Para esto, se propone una metodología en la cual se efectúa un estudio de campo basado en una encuesta semi-estru...
Conference Paper
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This article aims to provide a quantitative methodology of easy implementation and understanding in order to support the international market selection (IMS). The proposed methodology allows weighing factors related to cost, logistics, trade barriers, and culture. In order to validate the proposed methodology, we study the international market sele...
Conference Paper
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Currently, several lawsuits have been established into the World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement body related with the use of some trade policies where countries block their exports abroad as a sort of protectionism which is not entirely regulated by the multilateral trading system. Therefore, this scenario is pushing states to sign par...
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Este artículo tiene como objetivo efectuar un estudio sobre el proteccionismo, el cual nuevamente ha tomado relevancia dentro del comercio internacional. En este sentido, es llevado a cabo un análisis soportado en fuentes secundarias como Global Trade Alert (GTA) y la Organización Mundial de Comercio (OMC) logrando metodológicamente una investigaci...
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Introduction. Nowadays Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have improved the processes in organizations and enterprises. In this sense, international business negotiations can be optimized with these tools allowing that small, medium and large enterprises also increase their proficiency and performance in this kind of operation. Accord...
Since GATT and WTO foundation, some disputes have occurred between their full member regarding the adoption of export restrictions, which has generated a neo-protectionism or "reverse protectionism", which is not yet properly regulated within the multilateral trading system. This article aims to present an analysis of the export restrictions in int...
Conference Paper
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This article aims to identify the effects generated by the economic openness as trade policy in the Colombian dairy industry. Through the analysis of different variables at the national level and in the Latin American-Caribbean region, we found that the Colombian dairy industry have high levels of tariff protectionism reflecting internal problems o...
Conference Paper
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Since GATT and WTO foundation, some disputes have occurred between their full member regarding the adoption of export restrictions, which has generated a neo-protectionism or "reverse protectionism", which is not yet properly regulated within the multilateral trading system. This article aims to present an analysis of the export restrictions in int...
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Análisis de la relación entre los subsidios al sector energético y algunas variables vinculantes en el desarrollo sostenible en México en el periodo El propósito de este trabajo es el de indagar, si existe una correlación significativa entre los subsidios al sector energético en México y algunas dimensiones del desarrollo sostenible. Para esto se a...
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Este artículo analiza la factibilidad del desarrollo de un portal web integral para los programas de pregrado, aplicado para negocios internacionales en la ciudad Medellín, todo ello identificando los beneficios para las universidades las cuales suelen disponer de un sitio web pero no de un espacio personalizado para cada uno de sus programas. Dent...
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En este artículo se reflexiona sobre los programas de educación superior de negocios internacionales en Colombia además de analizar algunos detalles en cuanto a sus enfoques y lugares de procedencia dentro de las diferentes instituciones de educación superior. En este sentido se lleva a cabo un estudio de revisión de diferentes bases de datos del M...
Este artículo establece las principales limitaciones y razones de no uso y apropiación de tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC) para el proceso de negociación internacional. Para esto, se lleva a cabo en Colombia una investigación en 380 empresas que realizan operaciones de importación y/o exportación, a las cuales se les aplicó una en...
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This article proposes a methodology to support decision-making to select an international market. To do so, an output-oriented data envelopment analysis (DEA) model is used. This methodology takes into account multiple variables such as import tariffs, logistics costs, the ease of doing business, cultural gaps, the value of imports, GDP per capita,...
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Este artículo establece las principales limitaciones y razones de no uso y apropiación de tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC) para el proceso de negociación internacional. Para esto, se lleva a cabo en Colombia una investigación en 380 empresas que realizan operaciones de importación y/o exportación, a las cuales se les aplicó una encue...
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este artículo plantea una revisión general sobre cuáles son las principales barreras al comercio internacional que en la actualidad se han implementado dentro del sistema multilateral de comercio; todas estas promovidas significativamente por la crisis mundial del 2009. De hecho, a través de un análisis estadístico de regresión y correlación lineal...
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This article proposes a methodology to support decision-making to select an international market. To do so, an output-oriented data envelopment analysis (DEA) model is used. This methodology takes into account multiple variables such as import tariffs, logistics costs, the ease of doing business, cultural gaps, the value of imports, GDP per capita,...
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este artículo plantea una revisión general sobre cuáles son las principales barreras al comercio internacional que en la actualidad se han implementado dentro del sistema multilateral de comercio; todas estas promovidas significativamente por la crisis mundial del 2009. De hecho, a través de un análisis estadístico de regresión y correlación lineal...
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Este artículo analiza aspectos generales estratégicos asociados a las condiciones de transporte terrestre dentro de los países de la Alianza del Pacífico. En este sentido, son comparados factores infraestructura de transporte, de inversión y de competitividad; en cuyo caso son considerados asimismo una multiplicidad de variables que pueden definir...
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This research determines the level of use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in international negotiation processes and the performance obtained in companies using ICT. A research was conducted on 180 companies of Medellin city dedicated to import and / or export goods and services. It is concluded that in the international negotia...
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This article presents a comparison between Medellin and Colombia regarding to the use and appropriation of information and communication technologies (ICT) for international negotiation processes. A field study is carried out in 182 companies of Medellin and 380 Colombian companies who perform international trading activities, finding similarities...
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La discusión en torno al proteccionismo y el librecambismo se mantiene, especialmente cuando la crisis económicamundial plantea escenarios en donde los estados y los gobiernos contemplan soluciones y políticas las cuales puedaninclinarse más a favor de una doctrina u otra. En este sentido este articulo intenta establecer los motivos de fondodel por...
Este artículo analiza aspectos generales estratégicos asociados a las condiciones de transporte terrestre dentro de los países de la Alianza del Pacífico. En este sentido, son comparados factores infraestructura de transporte, de inversión y de competitividad; en cuyo caso son considerados asimismo una multiplicidad de variables que pueden definir...
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This research determines the level of use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in international negotiation processes and the performance obtained in companies using ICT. A research was conducted on 180 companies of Medellin city dedicated to import and / or export goods and services. It is concluded that in the international negotia...
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This article describes the real application of information and communication technologies (ICT) into the companies, all of this analyzing some of the most used ICT in the different international trade negotiation phases. Therefore it was carried out a field study in 380 Colombian firms dedicated to import and/or export goods and services. The resul...
Este artículo tiene como objetivo determinar las relaciones que existen entre variables de apropiación de tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC) y el mejoramiento del desempeño del proceso de negociación internacional. Se estudian principios teóricos relacionados con la aceptación y apropiación de tecnología, al igual que el desempeño que...
Conference Paper
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This article aims to determine the relationships between variables of appropriation of information and communication technologies (ICT) and the improvement of performance in international trading negotiation processes. Theoretical principles related to the acceptance and appropriation of technology are studied, as well as the performance that can b...
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This article analyzes the use and benefits of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the international negotiation processes of Colombian companies, based on a field study conducted in 380 companies, supported by telephone interviews. It is concluded that in Colombia most companies use for their international negotiation processes gene...
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This article identifies key information and communication technologies (ICT) used in the international negotiation process, classifying them by phases and functionality. A literature review was conducted in recognized and high impact databases, building with this information a proposal of phases for the international negotiation process, and charac...
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Objective: This article establishes relations between the level of importance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), the frequency of use of these tools, and the efficiency and efficacy achieved in the international negotiation processes. Design/methodology/approach: A research study is carried out in 180 import and / or export firms...