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Joris Vlieghe

Joris Vlieghe
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Publications (125)
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It is reasonable to assume that what was once called "information society" has today lost its orientation points, and, with this, also its allure. Notwithstanding the enormous wealth of accessible information that we have at our disposal, this hasn't brought us liberation. Rather, it has become a source of issues like misinformation, disinformation...
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This article examines the relevance of post-criticality as a research stance across various traditions in educational research. After problematizing the dominance of critical approaches centered on deconstruction and denunciation, the authors advocate instead for an empirical philosophy of education. This introduction sets the stage for a suite of...
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The many amateur orchestras in the Netherlands and Flanders host an abundance of musical, social and pedagogical processes. In this article, Lierin Buelens, Thomas Geudens, Joris Vlieghe and Thomas De Baets explore the pedagogical dimension of amateur orchestras. Based on observations of rehearsals, they sketch the contours of a music-sensory pedag...
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This article is part of a special issue which builds on Italo Calvino’s memos for the next millennium. More specifically, this paper gives an educational reading of the quality of exactitude. This quality is at the heart of what education is all about, viz. learning to give an adequate response to what things in the world demand of us – students an...
Zowel de Nederlandse als de Vlaamse samenleving worden van oudsher gekenmerkt door segregatie. Gezinnen leefden en leven gescheiden van elkaar in verschillende wijken met hun eigen kinderopvangcentra, scholen, buurthuizen en speeltuinen. Tegelijkertijd wordt dit verschijnsel in het publieke debat vaak beschouwd als een hardnekkig probleem dat dring...
Platform interoperability, the ability of digital architectures to work together and exchange data, is proliferating in education research and practice but requires further investigation, especially in higher education. In this chapter, we aim to scrutinise how platforms enact specific ways of (inter)operating and contribute to the intersection of...
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In this contribution to the special issue on adult education, inclusion and justice we discuss how an inclusive pedagogy can foster a more just way of inhabiting litter polluted living environments, in which the interests of both human and non-human dwellers are taken into consideration. More precisely, we theorize how arts can function as study ma...
This article deals with the educational challenge of responding to the pending ecological crisis (and many other future apocalyptic scenarios that haunt our imagination). It seems we are living in a time when we have given up on the idea that progress is possible or desirable, and this questions education at its roots. In order to find a proper edu...
In this paper we discuss the musical work of classical composer Benjamin Britten as a lasting legacy for public music education. Our starting point is the contemporary urgency to rethink both public music education in general, and the public-educational significance of Western classical music in particular, in the face of the dual threats posed by...
In this paper we discuss the musical work of classical composer Benjamin Britten as a lasting legacy for public music education. Our starting point is the contemporary urgency to rethink both public music education in general, and the public-educational significance of Western classical music in particular, in the face of the dual threats posed by...
This paper deals with the question of what makes public music education ‘public’, and how music-educational notions of ‘publicness’ can/should relate to politics. Our starting-point is a very concrete piece of music, from a particular tradition: Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. Since already this musical work carries with it a highly ambivalent politica...
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Kritik scheint in Verruf – eine Reaktion darauf ist das »Manifest für eine Post-Kritische Pädagogik«, das in diesem Band erstmals in deutscher Sprache veröffentlicht wird. Wurde damit das Zeitalter der Post-Kritik eingeleitet? Oder war die Rezeption kritischer Theorien im deutschsprachigen Raum immer schon eine Post-Kritische? Die Beiträger*innen d...
The background of the argument Joris Vlieghe develops in this article is the idea, proposed by neopragmatic scholars, that a way of aptly dealing with the societal issues that have come about in the wake of a global ecological crisis consists of engaging in practices of study. This involves thinking, a concept that needs to be reconsidered from an...
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In open and higher education, digital technologies are increasingly used to enable flexible learning pathways and unbundle programs into separate courses. Whereas technologies have been praised for enhancing the flexibility of curricula, the implications of going digital have yet to be fully explored in curriculum studies. This article aims to crit...
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This paper primarily aims at conceptualizing a new philosophical approach to literature education, one that we—in the vein of certain pedagogical trends—propose to call “thing-centered”. Point of departure is the ongoing confrontation with a two-sided educational problem: on the one hand, the confrontation with the steady decline of younger generat...
In this introduction we give a short account of the general idea of the symposium dedicated to the idea of antifascist education. The point of departure of all three contributions is Tyson Lewis’ book ‘Walter Benjamin’s Antifascist Education: From Riddles to Radio (SUNY 2020). We turn attention to the way the idea of antifascist education is unders...
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This paper is based on an online experiment, conducted with bachelor students of educational sciences during the COVID-19 lockdown period in the spring of 2020. The experiment, which took place on a daily basis for a whole workweek, consisted of a series of what we have come to call “artistic-scientific interventions”. These constituted a pedagogic...
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Kritik scheint in Verruf - eine Reaktion darauf ist das »Manifest für eine Post-Kritische Pädagogik«, das in diesem Band erstmals in deutscher Sprache veröffentlicht wird. Wurde damit das Zeitalter der Post-Kritik eingeleitet? Oder war die Rezeption kritischer Theorien im deutschsprachigen Raum immer schon eine Post-Kritische? Die Beiträger*innen d...
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This contribution deals with the impact of digitisation on what it means to educate and to be educated, especially in the wake of the massive switch to on-screen learning during the COVID-19 crisis. It is argued that we can only adequately relate to this phenomenon if it is based on a strong pedagogical and technocentric account of (school) educati...
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In this article we argue that enacting a public sphere requires teacherly gestures. Starting from the thesis that politics and education are two separate but interrelated spheres of human life, we investigate the ways these two spheres relate with each other, beyond a functional or instrumental understanding of their relation. Performing teacherly...
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En este artículo argumentamos que la constitución de una esfera pública precisa de gestos docentes. Partiendo de la tesis de que la política y la educación son dos esferas separadas pero interrelacionadas de la vida humana, investigamos las formas en que estas dos esferas se relacionan entre sí, más allá de una comprensión funcional o instrumental...
This article problematizes the view that music education is primarily justified on account of its uniquely humanizing influence. Not only does this general humanist argument clearly fail to convince policy-makers to actually revalidate public music education, but moreover it often seems to rest on highly questionable premises. Without contesting th...
In this paper we try to reconceptualize the popular notion of ‘emotional intelligence’ through a critical dialogue with the idiosyncratic phenomenology of Michel Henry. Starting from the argument that the bulk of popular discourse on emotional intelligence in education suffers from tenacious functionalist and intellectualist prejudices, often inspi...
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En (teoría de la) educación necesitamos abordar cuanto antes una pregunta: ¿Cómo hacer y pensar la educación en consonancia con las características, exigencias y oportunidades, de esta época digital? A este respecto, después de referenciar los derroteros que en este campo viene siguiendo la investigación pedagógica y la práctica educativa, se plant...
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In this article we address the issue of how an instrumental approach to sustainability education has dominated the scientific debate of the last 20 years. By conducting interviews and focus group interviews, we have investigated a community arts initiative in the Flemish city of Antwerp in which artists together with local inhabitants engaged in ac...
This paper attempts to reassess the educational affordances of digital screens, at a time when their educational impact has become incontournable, but is also increasingly growing suspicion. To bypass the redundancies of overly critical theoretical approaches, the paper foregrounds the subjectifying potentialities of the screen’s elusive technologi...
Many accounts of critical pedagogy, particularly accounts of trying to enact it within higher education (HE), express a deep cynicism about whether it is possible to counter the ever creeping hegemony of neo-liberalism, neo- conservatism and new managerialism within Universities. Hopeful Pedagogies in Higher Education acknowledges some of these cri...
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Free access: https://www.oneducation.net/no-09_december-2020/earth-bound-study-as-a-post-critical-response-to-the-corona-crisis/ In this paper, we want to flesh out what a post-critical way of dealing with the pandemic we face today could consist of. In the first part, we give an account of the current situation in terms of the remarkably ambiguou...
This article explores the musical motifs in Thomas Mann's 1947 novel Doktor Faustus and how they relate to the novel's particular Bildung character. We claim that the novel allows for a challenging musico-pedagogical reading, which opens up new and highly imaginative perspectives on music and music education. Going beyond interpretations that mainl...
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In this article we primordially want to develop what it means to educate in a time of pending ecological catastrophe, i.e. when we have to educate within a particular temporal framework which prevents any hope for a better future. This brings us to investigate the interrelation between how we think about the meaning of education and how past, prese...
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In this contribution to the Special Issue on the instrumentalisation of education, we focus on the relation between politics and education, as today there is a dominant discourse on rendering education subservient to the realisation of political aims. Rather than analysing the many ways in which such instrumentalisation takes place, we propose to d...
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In this article, we address the issue of how we can give an educational answer to the current global environmental crisis. We believe that Arendt’s definition of the ‘essence of education’ is still highly relevant because of its attention to the possibility of the world’s future renewal. Therefore, we read Arendt together with Bruno Latour, who dra...
This concluding chapter draws on a discussion that took place at the end of a symposium on this book, to which a number of its authors – Richard Budd, Jarosław (Jarek for short) Jendza, Lavinia Marin, Hans Schildermans, Christiane Thompson – contributed. The wider membership of the Laboratory for Education and Society at KU Leuven were invited to t...
In this chapter I deal with the position and the future of the academic discipline Philosophy of Education, as well as with the issue of whether it should be regarded as a subject matter that is important in its own right and whether it should be included in Education Studies programs. This discussion has wider implications than Philosophy of Educa...
The main idea behind this chapter is that a philosophical investigation of basic pedagogical practices, and more exactly the different ways in which children get the hang of elementary literacy at school, can offer a deeper understanding of what school education is all about. I follow here the French philosopher of technology Bernard Stiegler (2010...
In this chapter the authors follow Arendt (1958) in her attempt to address the central question in philosophy of education: What is the essence of education? Put in more phenomenological terms this question reads: what exactly does it mean to educate and to be educated? It occurs that this question can be approached from two radically different and...
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In this introduction we give an account of the reasons for writing the Manifesto for a Post-Critical Pedagogy. These stem from our experiences in the field of educational research, as well as our work with teachers and future teachers, which we felt increasingly reflected the exhaustion of the critical paradigm in the humanities and social sciences...
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A finales de 2016 se presentó en la Liverpool Hope University el conocido Manifesto for Post-Critical Pedagogy elaborado por los profesores Naomi Hodgson, Joris Vlieghe y Piotr Zamojski. Posteriormente se publicó en 2017 con respuestas de Tyson Lewis, Geert Thyssen, Olga Ververi, Oren Ergas, Norm Friesen y Stefan Ramaekers, a las que se añadieron o...
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In this introduction we give an account of the reasons for writing the Manifesto for a Post-Critical Pedagogy. These stem from our experiences in the field of educational research, as well as our work with teachers and future teachers, which we felt increasingly reflected the exhaustion of the critical paradigm in the humanities and social sciences...
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In recent years, the relation between studying and learning has been a topic of debate. This article is mainly interested in a concept of study practices, conceived of as practices that are strongly engaged with issues of living together in a superdiverse city. Such practices firstly require to think the relation between studying and learning in ot...
In this article we focus on note taking as a practice that is fundamental to (higher) education. We argue that note-taking should not primarily be regarded as a method that supports effective learning, but as formative of the student herself (making her attentive and granting possibilities for self-transformation). Hence it is a practice that has e...
In this chapter, I introduce Jacques Rancière as a philosopher of higher education. After a brief comment on the nature of his work and how it relates to the university, I discuss Rancière’s controversial claim that education is predicated on the assumption that we are all equally intelligent. I also show that this doesn’t imply a particular method...
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This book addresses essential educational dimensions of the university that are often overlooked, not only by prevailing discourses and practices but also by standard critical approaches to higher education. Each chapter takes a different approach to the articulation of a ‘post-critical’ view of the university, and focuses on a specific dimension,...
In this paper we reconceptualize general music education as a “classical music education,” departing from speculative reflection on the notion of conducting. We constitute this notion as an interpretative axis connecting, on the one hand, a different perspective on what classical music might mean in the context of general education, and, on the oth...
In this article, we argue that it is possible to approach teaching from a fully affirmative perspective: as an educational practice that has its own internal logic and intrinsic value. By analysing a fragment from one of the Leonard Bernstein’s Young People’s Concerts presented in this article as a teaching event, we show that when starting from an...
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In this article, we propose study practices as a way to respond to the question Bruno Latour raised with regards to our current global predicament, namely where to land? In the first sections we explain the background of this question – socio-ecological challenges and transformations – and how study practices might help to offer an answer. The subs...
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This edited volume brings together experts from across the field of education to explore how traditional pedagogic and didactic forms and processes are changing, or even disappearing, as a result of new technologies being used for education and learning. Considering the use, opportunities and limitations of technologies including interactive whiteb...
In this article we develop the idea that there exists a unique educational love and that it moreover can be identified as essential to education. First, developing Arendt's claim that education is about the existing generation introducing newcomers to the world, we argue that the object‐side of educational love is not the student, but first and for...
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This book opens an perspective on why it is we teach and want to pass on our world to the new generation. Teaching is presented in this book as a way of being, rather than as a matter of expertise, which is driven by love for a subject matter. With the help of philosophical thinkers such as Arendt, Badiou and Agamben, the authors articulate a fully...
In this chapter we approach Bernstein as an educationalist, by analysing his writings on education, including his scripts for the Young People’s Concerts. This analysis shows the importance of the teacherly gesture of returning to a thing of study. This refers to the central place music played in Bernstein’s life, and the central place a subject ma...
In this chapter we introduce the concept of educational equality as a fundamental aspect of an ontological account of teaching. The argument begins with an analysis of the relation between equality, difference, identity and sameness. We claim that educational equality refers to sameness, but not in relation to any form of identity. The scholastic g...
In this chapter we investigate – on an ontological level – the relation between the spheres of education and politics. The argument begins with an analysis of the critical pedagogue Elisabeth Ellsworth’s claim that education and politics are closely interwoven. But, we equally show – with Ellsworth – that following this idea to its last consequence...
In this chapter we introduce the concept of educational love, and we give a first, general outline of an ontology of teaching that is subsequently developed throughout the book. We take Agamben’s and Badiou’s books on Saint Paul as the key point of reference. Our analysis shows that both can be regarded as profound educational thinkers. On the one...
This chapter forms the basis of the argument developed in this book. It concerns an exercise in thought which consequentially works out some of the claims and divisions Arendt introduced in her seminal text on The Crisis in Education, viz. that education has an essence, that it exists for its own sake and that it should be carefully distinguished f...
In this chapter we deal with the issue what it means to understand oneself as a teacher, and what it takes to become a teacher. Referring to the opposition between immanence and transcendence introduced in Chap. 5, we argue that the prevailing way to deal with this issue is transcendent in that the teacher is understood in terms of professionalism...
In this chapter we develop further the shift from a transcendent to an immanent approach towards education introduced in Chap. 5. We take the dominant logic of emancipation as a clear example of a transcendent approach, and the much less obvious logic of responsibility as the example of an immanent approach. The logic of emancipation is reconstruct...
In this chapter we turn our attention towards a concrete case of what we have analysed in this book as teaching out of love for the world: Leonard Bernstein as an educator. We present an analysis of his performance as a teacher on his famous TV series The Young People’s Concerts. The focus is on his doings and sayings. Such an analysis, we argue, i...
In this chapter we return to the phenomenon of education as a broader issue. We show that education can be conceived of either in an immanent or in a transcendent way. We take our inspiration here from Agamben’s classification of philosophies of life according to these two categories. More exactly, we show that a transcendent account of education i...
In this contribution I take issue with the dominant educational discourse on the role and the meaning of the human body for education, and develop an alternative to this discourse. This dominant view is bound up with Merleau-Ponty’s groundbreaking work on the importance of the lived body. Central to this view is the call to see the body as a forgot...
In this paper we explore the possibility of rethinking the concept of emotional intelligence within the context of education. By developing a pedagogical dialogue with Michel Henry’s phenomenology of incarnation, we try to move beyond existing models of emotional intelligence by shifting the emphasis from the intellectual significance of emotion to...
In this reply to Agbaria’s reflections on religious authority I first make a distinction between three forms of authority: theological, sociological and educational. Defending the need for a purely educational account of authority, I develop with Arendt a thing-centered approach towards education. This allows me to transcend the traditional opposit...
This introduction sets a framework for the special issue on Education and Hope which contains a selection of papers presented at the 16 th Conference of the International Network of Philosophers of Education. It sketches the issue of how education and hope are closely intertwined notions. This introduction also gives an overview of the articles inc...
It has been argued that we live in a post-theoretical and post-paradigmatic era (Reichenbach 2014). The argument says that theories and paradigms no longer structure the current academic discourse. Given the prominent role of empirical research methods in the educational studies as well as the pluralization of the educational-philosophical field, i...
In this chapter I introduce the work of the French philosopher Bernard Stiegler. I present his key ideas and terminologies, as well as the main influences on his thought. The focus is on the role which technologies – through processes of education – play in the constitution of subjectivity. I also zoom in on Stiegler’s analysis of the digitization...
In this chapter I deal with a topic that has become a serious subject of educational theory and philosophy only recently, viz. the human body. As a rule, the very fact that learning and teaching are events in which we are involved as bodies, i.e. as people made out of ‘flesh and blood’, has been disregarded, if not repressed. If educationalists hav...
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Sharing with critical pedagogy the belief that there is no necessity in the given order of things, and that we can always begin anew with the world, the post-critical educational philosophy articulated here seeks to overcome the internal contradictions of this paradigm by positing an affirmative, educational approach to educational philosophy. This...
In this article, we explore a new way of philosophizing and theorizing about education with the help of a detailed description and analysis of works of art. More precisely, we turn to three portrayals or figures of angels (as depicted by Albrecht Durer, Paul Klee, and William Hogarth) in order to figure something out about what it means to be a tea...
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In this short reply to Riis’ paper I first deal with his perceptive defence of ICT literacy, to which I fully subscribe, showing how his ideas might gain from highlighting the ‘technical’ dimensions involved in literacy practices. Second, this will allow me to make some comments regarding the curricular and organizational aspects of contemporary (s...
The article revisits Bollnow’s 1978 study on practising. The practice of practicing is regarded as defining what school education is (or has been) essentially about, and therefore I Bollnow’s phenomenological analyses are used in order to develop a view on the meaning of school practices, i.e. to flesh out their particular educational relevance. Bo...
In this article, we read together the work of two philosophers, Alain Badiou and Giorgio Agamben, as profound educational thinkers. This means that their philosophical approaches help us to articulate what is at stake in education today. As a starting point for this discussion we take their work on Saint Paul. This is because, throughout his Letter...
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The whole book is available at: https://punctumbooks.com/titles/manifesto-for-a-post-critical-pedagogy/ The Manifesto for a Post-Critical Pedagogy was written in September 2016 and first presented at Liverpool Hope University on 17th October 2016. At that launch event, we heard a keynote response from Tyson Lewis and further invited responses from...
In this article, I go deeper into the educational meaning of tiredness. Over and against the mainstream view that tiredness is an impediment for education, I show that this phenomenon is intrinsically meaningful. My arguments are based, first, on a detailed phenomenological analysis of tiredness, as proposed by Buytendijk. Tiredness can be defined...
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In this article Joris Vlieghe defends the view that technologies of reading and writing are more than merely instruments that support education, arguing that these technologies themselves decide what education is all about and that they form subjectivity in substantial ways. Expanding on insights taken from media theory, Vlieghe uses the work of Be...
In this article, I critically engage with a vital assumption behind the work of Paulo Freire, and more generally behind any critical pedagogy, viz. the belief that education is fundamentally about emancipation. My main goal is to conceive of a contemporary critical pedagogy which stays true to the original inspiration of Freire’s work, but which at...
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In this article, we take a concrete case study as a starting point for a reflection on preventive family support. More specifically, we conducted fieldwork in the setting of a waiting room of a childcare consultation office for parents with young children. The writings of the philosopher Giorgio Agamben allowed us to come to an alternative understa...


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