Jorge Rodríguez-Menés

Jorge Rodríguez-Menés
Pompeu Fabra University | UPF · Department of Political and Social Sciences

PhD Sociology (Northwestern University)


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September 2007 - present
Pompeu Fabra University
  • Coordinator od the PhD program


Publications (42)
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We test two theories explaining domestic exploitation and violent abuse against women in couples. Exchange theory predicts both to increase when men outpower women; status inconsistency, when women do. Because violence and exploitation can affect couple's resources, making the model recursive, we focus on native status. Using data from a women's vi...
This study explores how economic development and gender-egalitarian ideologies and institutions are associated with gender inequalities in the intergenerational transfer of socio-economic status within families. Using 2005 EU-SILC survey data from 21 European countries, it examines how fathers’ and mothers’ roles and statuses during their children’...
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The role of educational fields in the intergenerational transmission of advantage is underexplored. This paper aims to fill this gap by examining the moderating role of fields of study on the first-job earnings of Italian higher education graduates, using stepwise linear regression techniques. Our findings confirm that the effect of social class on...
The article describes the supply and demand of programs for imprisoned perpetrators of intimate partner violence and their consequences on recidivism in a Spanish penal system with multiple interventions. Four aspects are studied with descriptive, multinomial, survival, and canonical correlation analyses—programs’ features (number, content, duratio...
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This study investigates the impact on recidivism of offenders’ misconduct in prison, net of offenders’ socio-economic and criminal backgrounds, longer imprisonments, and of other, unobserved factors explaining selection into prison. The data come from representative samples of offenders (N = 4524) and prisoners (N = 1848) convicted of at least one...
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A partir del análisis de una encuesta realizada a las profesionales de distintos colectivos del ámbito de la ejecución penal del Departament de Justícia, Drets i Memòria de la Generalitat de Catalunya (2022), se busca identificar qué factores de riesgo aumentan la probabilidad de que las mujeres sean objeto de discriminación, abuso psicológico y vi...
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Esta investigación analiza las tendencias de movilidad social en España en los últimos cincuenta años y su relación con los cambios estructurales en la sociedad desde el modelo de ?logro de estatus?. El modelo incluye la educación y primera ocupación del hijo, la educación y ocupación del padre cuando el hijo tenía dieciséis años y cohortes de entr...
Effectiveness of in-prison IPV courses for reducing recidivism
Technical Report
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The shift from an industrial economy to a knowledge and service economy over the last four decades has ignited a debate about what skills are now the most critical to a society’s sustainability. The European Commission has placed skills development at the heart of its economic policies, as it believes that skill mismatches can lead to high unemploy...
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Using correspondence testing, we investigate how job characteristics affect gender discrimination in hiring. In particular, we analyse whether discrimination against women is moderated by the occupation’s sex composition, required level of decision-making and expected educational level. To do so, we carried out a correspondence study in 2016, in wh...
This article explores the relationship between face-to-face and online social life, by developing different constructs for each. The paper investigates if the online and offline forms of social capital mirror each other, and which socio-economic groups have benefitted the most from the digitalization of social life. Using data from a survey carried...
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Este trabajo evalúa la validez de la crítica antifeministas en tres aspectos clave de la violencia en pareja: ¿los agresores, son violentos generalistas que agreden a otras personas o especialistas que agreden solo a sus parejas? ¿Es la violencia en pareja unilateral, de hombre a mujer, o bilateral? ¿Es un fenómeno importado de fuera con los flujos...
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Using correspondence testing, we investigate if employers discriminate against women based on stereotypes or prejudices. We sent four (two pairs of fictitious man–woman) résumés to 1,372 job offers from a broad selection of occupations. In one pair, candidates had equivalent curriculum vitae (CVs) except for their sex and their qualifications (meet...
We explore how the worldwide economic downturn of the early 2000s affected imprisonment rates across Europe. We test three hypotheses: (i) the recession caused an increase in incarceration rates directly, regulating the excess in labour supply; (ii) it did it indirectly, by affecting crime; (iii) its effects varied according to the institutional co...
Correspondence studies are popular tools for assessing discrimination against minorities, for example, in the labor market. Typically, two fake Curriculum Vitae (CVs) are sent to multiple job openings. The CVs are equivalent except for a mark identifying the disadvantaged. While it is straightforward to establish discrimination from minorities’ low...
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Estudios previos sobre la vida en los centros penitenciarios españoles han tendido a hablar de ‘la’ prisión como una institución con condiciones de encarcelamiento uniformes. Sin embargo, la literatura internacional sugiere que la privación de libertad puede experimentarse de forma muy distinta según el centro penitenciario donde se cumpla condena....
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This paper proposes a new method to distinguish structural from exchange mobility in status attainment models with interval endogenous variables. In order to measure structural mobility, the paper proposes to trace occupational and educational changes across generations using information provided by children about their fathers. The validity of the...
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Which conditions foster accountability for health policy implementation in Spain’s 17 regional governments? We analyze five conditions: private management of health services, political salience of health policies, governments’ left ideological position, strong presence of non-statewide parties, and minority governments. We use fuzzy-set Qualitative...
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Using European Union Labour Force Survey data from 1998 to 2004, this research explores how the decrease in the positional value of education associated with educational expansion has affected occupational returns to education in Spain. The positional value of education is measured by taking the percentage of labour market entrants with at least th...
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This chapter explores the role of prison sentences on the risks of recidivism of male offenders sentenced for an intimate partner violence (IPV) crime. We track the reoffending trajectories of the full cohort of male offenders convicted of an IPV crime in the city of Barcelona between October 1st 2003 and December 31st 2006 within the next years, u...
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This paper proposes to conceptualize the division of labor functionally, as a response to environmental variations and instabilities that lead to alternative forms of horizontal – task – and vertical – role – differentiation. Relying on contingency theory, the paper describes the main sources and manifestations of these two forms of functional diff...
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We report results from pre-testing an Europe-wide Survey on Violence against Women. A questionnaire on women’s experiences of stalking, harassment, psychological, physical, and sexual violence by non-, ex-, and current partners was tested on 10 known victims of violence in intimate relations and 20 randomly selected women. Multiple Correspondence A...
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This paper explores the correlates of violence against women in intimate relations. Using data from a large victimization survey, we assess five theoretical explanations based on patterns of association between violence and key attitudinal and socio-demographic variables: sexism, family violence, dependency, exchange and status inconsistency. We co...
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El objetivo del artículo es evaluar los avances de la investigación actual sobre el efecto de la cohesión social en la generación de la riqueza. Con este fin, se repasan varias definiciones operativas del concepto de “cohesión social” y se opta por una definición funcional que lo asocia con una distribución equitativa de los recursos físicos, human...
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We analyse occupational change over the last two decades in Britain, Germany, Spain and Switzerland: which jobs have been expanding—high-paid jobs, lowpaid jobs or both? Based on individual-level data, four hypotheses are examined: skill-biased technical change, routinization, skill supply evolution and wagesetting institutions. We find massive occ...
We analyze the pattern of occupational change over the last two decades in Britain, Germany, Spain and Switzerland: which jobs have been expanding – high-paid jobs, low-paid jobs or both? Based on individual-level data, we examine what hypothesis is most consistent with the observed change: skill-biased technical change, routinization, skill supply...
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Purpose – This paper aims to conceptualise and measure the technical aspects of the division of labour (DoL) with a new survey indicator of technical complexity (ITC) at work. Design/methodology/approach – Two technical criteria skills and functions are used to distinguish positions in the DoL and to cluster and rank them into a 28‐category ordina...
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The behavioral and psychological symptoms related to dementia (BPSD) are difficult to manage and are associated with adverse patient outcomes. To systematically analyze the data on memantine in the treatment of BPSD. We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, Pharm-line, the Cochrane Centre Collaboration,,, and Ps...
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Previous findings indicate that mental health problems are common in Emergency departments; however, there are few studies of the extent of health-related problems and emergency service use in mental health populations as a whole. Record linkage methods were used to map the association between mental health, age, gender, and health-related harm acr...
Technical Report
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El estudio recaba información sobre las experiencias, condiciones de trabajo y de vida de la población adulta residente en España, para estudiar la estructura socio-económica y de clases española. La principal conclusión del estudio es que las clases sociales importan. El trabajo que realizan la clase obrera subalterna, la clase obrera aventajada,...
Background: Present research lacks a comprehensive approach to studying co-morbidity of traits, problems, and needs among mental health and offending populations. Aim: To establish whether mentally disordered offenders have more care needs and/or use more services than mental health patients or offenders. Methods: Case-linkage methods were used to...
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This study analyses new data on the service demands of gender and age subpopulations of occasional and frequent offenders shared by health, social care and criminal justice agencies in the UK. Using a case-linkage methodology borrowed from health studies, we tracked the population of offenders across multiple agencies within a Health Authority juri...
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There are very few large population studies combining information from mental health and criminal justice populations and therefore a lack of information about the characteristics, risks, and service utilisation of the mentally disordered offender population as a whole. This study, for the first time in the UK, combines anonymised data to link all...
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Esta investigación analiza las tendencias de movilidad social en España en los últimos cincuenta años y su relación con los cambios estructurales en la sociedad desde el modelo de ?logro de estatus?. El modelo incluye la educación y primera ocupación del hijo, la educación y ocupación del padre cuando el hijo tenía dieciséis años y cohortes de entr...
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Se investiga la relación entre las posiciones que ocupan los individuos en la división social del trabajo (categorías socioestructurales) y su comportamiento electoral. Mediante el desarrollo de un modelo teórico de relaciones entre esas dos dimensiones, se analiza la estabilidad del sistema de partidos en España, como quedó definido tras las elecc...
This dissertation examines whether Conservatives' recent victory in the Spanish general elections of 1996 constituted a long-term "realignment" of the society in their favor, or a possibly ephemeral outcome associated with a volatile political situation. To test this hypothesis, I pooled several macro-surveys conducted in Spain from 1988 to 1995--t...


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