Jorge Ibarra-Salazar

Jorge Ibarra-Salazar
Autonomous University of Nuevo León | UANL


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Publications (55)
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p>En este artículo analizamos el efecto fiscal y sobre el valor de las empresas de adoptar un esquema de moneda funcional en México. Nuestra hipótesis es que, más allá de los beneficios administrativos, reduciría el riesgo cambiario, y por tanto aumentaría el valor de las empresas. Utilizando datos de S&P Capital IQ encontramos que, con una tasa im...
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En este artículo se analiza la relación entre la cohesión social y la satisfacción con la colonia, un indicador del bienestar de los residentes. Usando datos de una encuesta aplicada a habitantes de dos colonias en Monterrey, Nuevo León, calculamos un índice de cohesión social considerando una serie de atributos del medio ambiente social (confianza...
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The objective of the article is to estimate the price elasticity of the demand for gasoline in Mexico’s Northern border based on applying monthly data of Mexican regions from 1997 to 2015. The results reveal that the demand for gasoline at the border is less inelastic than inland. A database is provided that includes more observations and regional...
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El objetivo es reconocer el ingreso fiscal local como una alternativa de financiamiento de infraestructura, estimando el efecto frontera en la recaudación del impuesto predial. Se utiliza un panel de datos anuales (2010-2019) de los municipios mexicanos para estimar distintos modelos por efectos fijos. Los resultados muestran que los municipios fro...
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Mediante un panel de datos municipales de los estados mexicanos ubicados en la frontera norte, estimamos las diferencias en la recaudación del impuesto predial en cada uno de ellos. Los estimados que se han presentado del efecto frontera en la recaudación del predial hasta ahora no son comparables, ya que han sido obtenidos usando diferentes método...
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div class="page" title="Page 1"> La política urbana y de vivienda de México enfatiza la importancia del medio ambiente social, a través de la promoción de la cohesión social. La convivencia con los vecinos es un componente de dicha cohesión. En este artículo, analizamos la influencia de la convivencia vecinal en el grado de satisfacción con la col...
Pictorial health warnings (PHW) were introduced in Mexico by the end of 2010. Different studies have assessed how PHW influence attitude or desire to renounce smoking, but they have not studied the actual effect on the demand of tobacco products. Our objective in this paper is to analyze the effect of duration of pictorial health warnings on consum...
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In this paper, we present the results of a survey applied to a sample of municipal officials about the 2014 Reform of the Social Infrastructure Fund (FAIS).The questionnaire was applied during the second quarter of 2015.We found that the majority of city officials considered appropriate the new rules of operation of the FAIS. Their concerns relate...
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In this paper, we investigate the effect of graphic warning labels on the Mexican tobacco demand. The conventional, myopic and rational models of demand are estimated with quarterly time series from 1994 to 2013. We use ordinary least squares and two-stage least squares with instrumental variables. We used the Prais-Winsten method to correct autoco...
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p>Los productos de tabaco en México están gravados con el IEPS y el IVA. El primero tiene un componente ad-valorem de 160% y otro específico de $0.35 por cigarrillo. Uno de los objetivos de los impuestos es reducir el consumo de tabaco para así bajar la incidencia de enfermedades asociadas al tabaquismo. Esto depende, sin embargo, de que el impuest...
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Background: The Social Infrastructure Fund (FAIS), created since 1998, is a conditional transfer distributed by the Mexican federal government between state and municipal governments to reduce poverty. The assignation formula used until 2013, distributed the Fund according to the relative poverty of each state in relation to the national poverty. T...
The classic single-period inventory problem (newsboy model) has been analysed to determine the qualitative effects of increases in the demand riskiness and of changes in fixed costs. This paper provides a sufficient condition for an increase in fixed costs to reduce orders. It has been shown that when the demand experiences a single spread around t...
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Antecedentes: El Fondo de Aportaciones para la Infraestructura Social (FAIS), instituido a partir de 1998, es una transferencia condicionada que distribuye el gobierno federal mexicano entre los estados y municipios para reducir la pobreza. La fórmula de asignación usada hasta 2013 distribuía este fondo de acuerdo con la pobreza relativa de cada es...
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In the present paper we analyze the influence over the nominal exchange rate of the MX USA interest rate differential, and the financial account of the balance of payments; and to prove whether there was structural change in the third quarter of 2008. In order to do this, we estimate models of nominal exchange rate using monthly data from 1996 to 2...
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En este artículo analizamos los determinantes de la satisfacción residencial en México a partir de los resultados de la Encuesta de Satisfacción Residencial 2013. Los datos están agregados en 512 conjuntos habitacionales. Estimamos diferentes especificaciones por mínimos cuadrados generalizados para relacionar el índice de satisfacción residencial...
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Using a production function that does not impose separability and/or substitution restrictions among the productive factors (translog function), in this paper we estimate the demand of inputs of the maquiladora industry. We use data than combine annual time series (1990- 2006) with cross section of nine economic sectors. We find that the own price...
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One of the components of the degree of residential satisfaction, regarded as an indicator of living standards, is individuals' satisfaction with their neighborhood. In this article, we estimated various models for assessing the degree of satisfaction with their neighbor-hood of a sample of households in the state of Zacatecas. The estimates enabled...
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El grado de satisfacción residencial, considerado como un indicador de nivel de vida, tiene como uno de sus componentes la satisfacción con la colonia de los individuos. En este artículo estimamos una serie de modelos para analizar el grado de satisfacción con la colonia de una muestra de hogares en el estado de Zacatecas. Las estimaciones nos perm...
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This article assesses the implementation of the federal housing program Tu Casa in the State of Zacatecas. To determine the social effects of the program, we compare the well-being of the direct beneficiaries with that of a control group. According to the geographic distribution of housing actions, seven out of the eight municipalities with the hig...
Article 115 of the Mexican Constitution was modified to grant Mexican municipalities prerogatives in order to improve their financial position through own-source revenue collection. This reform made it possible for the municipalities in the same state to face a different institutional fiscal framework without contradicting the corresponding legal f...
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Economic expansion in Mexico has caused fuel consumption to increase. Because Mexico does not have sufficient refinery capacity, over 40 percent of total gasoline consumed is imported. This has implications for the balance of payments. In this paper, gasoline demand is empirically examined using cointegration and error correction approaches. The sa...
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This article assesses the implementation of the federal housing program Tu Casa in the State of Zacatecas. To determine the social effects of the program, we compare the well-being of the direct beneficiaries with that of a control group. According to the geographic distribution of housing actions, seven out of the eight municipalities with the hig...
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Based on the study by Ibarra and Sotres (2009), in this article we provide additional evidence linking the characteristics of the northern border region and the institutional framework for property tax collection. We estimate a series of econometric specifications using a panel database for the 67 municipalities in Chihuahua corresponding to 2002-2...
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Basándonos en el estudio de Ibarra y Sotres (2009), en este artículo aportamos evidencia adicional que relaciona las características de la región frontera norte y el marco institucional con la recaudación del impuesto predial. Estimamos una serie de especificaciones econométricas usando una base de datos de panel para los 67 municipios de Chihuahua...
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Previous studies about the demand of productive factors of the Maquiladora Industry have focused in the labor demand. Such literature has advanced in two directions: specifying dynamic models of labor demand; or deriving the demand of productive factors from production functions that assume constant returns to scale, functional separability or cert...
In this article we define and estimate empirical models to study the determinants of adoption of performance indicators by Mexican municipalities. Building upon previous studies, we prove whether the adoption decision depends on the locality size, variables related to resources, and the political/cultural differences. We implement the empirical mod...
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The wage premium between skilled and unskilled workers in Mexican maquiladoras has increased, from nearly 2 times in 1981 to nearly 4 or 5 times in 2006, depending on the sector. This increase favoring skilled workers is examined against relative labor supplies within a class of models estimated by dynamic panel methods. Adapting a conventional mod...
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Specialized literature has analyzed the impact of changes to fiscal institutions such as The National System of Fiscal Coordination (1980) and the constitutional reforms of article 115 (1983 and 1999) on the degree of financial dependence of local (municipal) governments and the governmental functioning. Political environment as well, affects to an...
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Specialized literature has analyzed the impact of changes to fiscal institutions such as The National System of Fiscal Coordination (1980) and the constitutional reforms of article 115 (1983 and 1999) on the degree of financial dependence of local (municipal) governments and the governmental functioning. Political environment as well, affects to an...
Previous studies on financial dependence of Mexican states have concentrated on the effects of the National System of Fiscal Coordination, established in 1980, and regional characteristics of the states. In this paper we analyze the effects of the political framework over states' financial dependence on revenue sharing transfers. The variables comp...
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Previous studies on financial dependence of Mexican states have concentrated on the effects of the National System of Fiscal Coordination, established in 1980, and regional characteristics of the states. In this paper we analyze the effects of the political framework over states' financial dependence on revenue sharing transfers. The variables comp...
Poverty and incomplete markets led to relatively heavy government intervention in the housing market during the better part of the past 50 years in Mexico. Although the government remains actively involved in mortgage lending activities, private sector participation has increased substantially and continues to grow. As more data for private housing...
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Constitutional reforms 01 1983 and 1999 of article 115, grant Mexican municipalities the right of coordination and association in order to provide public services. Inner city neighbors can obtain economic, administrative and social benefits from security services. The Metropolitan Policy of the Altamira-Tampico-Ciudad Madero Area represents a case...
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Constitutional reforms of 1983 and 1999 of article 115, grant Mexican municipalities the right of coordination and association in order to provide public services. Inner city neighbors can obtain economic, administrative and social benefits from security services. The Metropolitan Policy of the Altamira–Tampico–Ciudad Madero Area represents a case...
This paper presents evidence of the effects on subnational financial dependence of the intergovernmental fiscal agreement implemented in 1980. In contrast with a previous study that uses annual time series national data, we use a panel of annual time series (1975–1995) of 31 Mexican states. We propose and estimate three different empirical models u...
Demographic and economic growth rates of Mexican northern border municipalities are much higher than other Mexican regions. This should in theory place a heavier demand for public services and infrastructure in those border areas. However, local border governments may be able to handle well these forces if they efficiently manage tax and expenditur...
This article connects the institutional fiscal framework and municipal geographic location with property tax revenues for the state of Tamaulipas's municipalities. Due to their economic and demographic dynamism, northern-border municipalities face higher demands for infrastructure and public services. Given this pressure, and municipalities' abilit...
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Este artículo relaciona el marco institucional fiscal y la ubicación geográfica municipal con la recaudación del impuesto predial de los municipios del estado de Tamaulipas. Debido a su dinamismo económico y demográfico, los municipios fronterizos enfrentan una mayor demanda por servicios e infraestructura pública. Ante esta presión, y puesto que p...
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En este artículo estimamos la elasticidad precio de la demanda de gasolina en México. Para ello empleamos un panel de datos que combina series de tiempo mensuales, de enero de 1997 a diciembre de 2003, con sección cruzada de los estados mexicanos. La hipótesis que fundamentalmente probamos en el artículo es que la demanda de gasolina en la región f...
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Mexican northern border municipalities have experienced economic and populational growth rates that are much higher than other Mexican regions resulting in higher demand for public services and infrastructure. The different institutional framework, both fiscal and legal, faced by municipalities in every Mexican State might impact the fiscal behavio...
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En este artículo se proponen y estiman algunos modelos de demanda de viajes de ajuste parcial para el aeropuerto de Querétaro. Consideramos tres formas funcionales y estimamos las elasticidades del precio de la demanda en el corto y largo plazos que corresponden a cada una de ellas. Encontramos que la demanda es inelástica tanto respecto a la ta­ri...
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Este artículo emplea el índice de desempeño gubernamental construido en el libro Desempeño de los gobiernos estatales mexicanos para realizar un análisis econométrico que explique sus variaciones entre los estados. Este índice global de desempeño es relacionado con variables económicas, demográficas, políticas y regionales, empleando mínimos cuadra...
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In this paper I extend the literature related with the newsboy model by analyzing the effect on orders of changes in risk and price. I show that risk aversion is necessary and sufficient condition for the newsboy to decrease orders when the demand suffers an FSD deterioration in risk, and analyze changes in price including an effect, which has been...
This paper uses the governmental performance index built in the book Mexican State Governments Perfomance to make an econometric analysis explaining its variations among states. This global index of performance is related to economic, demographic, political and regional variables, using ordinary squares minimums in a lineal model and techniques to...
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Los estados mexicanos ubicados en la frontera norte de México enfrentan una evolución económica y demográfica que contrasta con el resto del país. En este artículo pruebo la hipótesis de que tales diferencias hacen que las haciendas públicas estatales fronterizas muestren un menor grado de dependencia en las participaciones federales en comparación...
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In this paper we examine a proposal to distribute the federal revenue sharing transfers, consisting in that every state maintain the coefficient of participation in the General Transfer Fund. In addition to avoiding the reduction in the coefficient of every state, with the modification of the distribution system, our proposal implies the eliminatio...
In this paper we examine a proposal to distribute the federal revenue sharing transfers, consisting in that every state maintain the coefficient of participation in the General Transfer Fund. In addition to avoiding the reduction in the coefficient of every state, with the modification of the distribution system, our proposal implies the eliminatio...
En este artículo utilizamos pruebas de diferencias de medias para determinar si hay cambios en la estructura de ingresos de los municipios mexicanos en el periodo de 1975 a 1995. Además proponemos y estimamos un modelo de regresión lineal para explicar las variaciones en la dependencia de los gobiernos municipales en las participaciones federales....
In this paper we estimate price and substitution elasticity among inputs in the maquiladora industry located at the north border of Mexico. We postulate and estimate a three inputs (labor, materials, and capital) translog production function. We further test our model for functional separability. Our data set consists on a pooling of cross section...
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In this paper we represent the process of financing and providing public goods with a fulI-information bargaining model where both supply and demand sides are explicitly considered. In this bargaining process a consumer-voter and a bureaucrat negotiate the level of provision and the total tax-payment of the public good. After characterizing the fea...
In view of the growth experienced during the eighties in the input demands of the Mexican Maquiladora Industry, we estimate price elasticities and Allen partial elasticities of substitution among those inputs. We postulate and estimate a three inputs (labor, materials, and capital) translog production function. We further test our model for functio...
In this paper we define an empirical model to study the determinants of major change during college education. We implement that empirical model using a data base that consists of cross section information containing the academic profiles of 13,252 students enrolled in a Mexican private university during 2000. Logit and probit models estimate the l...


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