Jorge AldeaICIFOR-INIA-CSIC · Dinamica y Gestion Forestal
Jorge Aldea
PhD Forestry
Forest management and climate change
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My research interest is related to silvicultural practices and forest management as adaptation tool to global change. Lately, my research has been directed towards growth, management and resilience of mixed-species stands.
Previously, I have carried out research on ecology, forest management and modelling of wild edible forest mushrooms yield. Accordingly, I have collaborated in several scientific studies on the economic value and recreational benefits generated by mushroom harvesters.
Some of my studies were also based on multi-criteria methodology, as goal or compromise programming, in deterministic and stochastic scenarios to integrate several ecosystem services into forest management plan.
Additional affiliations
April 2014 - May 2018
January 2013 - July 2014
October 2001 - July 2008
Publications (51)
El ICIFOR-INIA dispone de una red de parcelas permanentes que se inició en 1963, cuando se instalaron parcelas de producción para las especies de pino autóctonas presentes en la península ibérica. Posteriormente, la red se amplió para incluir otras especies de Quercus y Populus, así como otros objetivos. A lo largo de los años, los resultados de es...
Pinus sylvestris L. (Scots pine) and Picea abies [L.] H. Karst. (Norway spruce) are the most important economic tree species in Sweden. However, like every other tree species, they are affected by climate change, especially drought conditions. In this study, we analysed the effect of climate variability on the radial growth of Scots pine and Norway...
Forest dynamics are undergoing profound alteration due to the fact that climate change is increasing the frequency and severity of abiotic and biotic forest disturbances. Because of the unpredictable nature of the drought periods and the variation in their severity, Mediterranean forests are typically more vulnerable. Mediterranean Pinus pinaster f...
Climate change is projected to increase the frequency and severity of droughts, possibly causing sudden and elevated tree mortality. Better understanding and predictions of boreal forest responses to climate change are needed to efficiently adapt forest management. We used tree‐ring width chronologies from the Swedish National Forest Inventory, sam...
Thinning treatments along with the establishment of mixed forest stands have been put forward as possible adaptation strategies to cope with climate change, although the effectiveness of combining these two measures has scarcely been studied and may vary depending on stand conditions and the thinning regime employed. The aim of this study was to be...
This study's objectives were to suggest harmonised criteria for the definition of mixed forests for two Nordic countries, describe their principal mixture types, and provide an overview of their current extent. We used national forest inventory data compiled in Finland and Sweden, considering the forest available for wood supply (FAWS), excluding s...
Thinning treatment and mixed forest stands have been suggested as possible adaptation strategies to cope to climate change but there is still scarce knowledge about the combination of both subjects. In this study, we aim to better understand the thinning effect and the growth differences between two coexisting species on inter- and intra-annual cum...
Interest in mixed forests is increasing since they could provide higher benefits and positive externalities compared to monocultures, although their management is more complex and silvicultural prescriptions for them are still scarce. Growth simulations are a powerful tool for developing useful guidelines for mixed stands. Heureka and Motti are two...
Quercus robur/Quercus petraea and Pinus sylvestris are widely distributed and economically important tree species in Europe co-occurring on mesotrophic, xeric and mesic sites. Increasing dry conditions may reduce their growth, but growth reductions may be modified by mixture, competition and site conditions. The annual diameter growth in monospecif...
The increasing disturbances in monocultures around the world are testimony to their instability under global change. Many studies have claimed that temporal stability of productivity increases with species richness, although the ecological fundamentals have mainly been investigated through diversity experiments. To adequately manage forest ecosyste...
Climate change is increasing the severity and frequency of droughts around the globe, leading to tree mortality that reduces production and provision of other ecosystem services. Recent studies show that growth of mixed stands may be more resilient to drought than pure stands. The two most economically important and widely distributed tree species...
Heterogeneity of structure can increase mechanical stability, stress resistance and resilience, biodiversity and many other functions and services of forest stands. That is why many silvicultural measures aim at enhancing structural diversity. However, the effectiveness and potential of structuring may depend on the site conditions. Here, we reveal...
Competition plays a key role controlling tree growth in mixed forests. Contrary to monocultures, quantifying species mixing influence on tree growth suppose a challenge since the presence of two or more species requires to estimate the degree of intra- and inter-specific competition among trees. Moreover, it is well known that aridity can also infl...
Estimating tree height is essential for modelling and managing both pure and mixed forest stands. Although height–diameter (H–D) relationships have been traditionally fitted for pure stands, attention must be paid when analyzing this relationship behavior in stands composed of more than one species. The present context of global change makes also n...
Tree species diversity is an important determinant of the capacity of forests to support biodiversity and provide multiple ecosystem services. Tree diversity is also an important determinant of the ecological stability or vulnerability of the forests against disturbances, such as insect outbreaks or pathogen epidemics. Forest management decisions r...
Many oak stands (Quercus spp.) have been managed as coppices for firewood production for centuries in the Mediterranean area. After the abandonment of firewood production during the 1980s, current management practices attempt to convert coppices into coppices-with-standards through thinning and promoting forest regeneration via sexual reproduction....
Mixed forests are suggested as a strategic adaptation of forest management to climate change. Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) are tree species of high economic and ecological value for European forestry. Both species coexist naturally in a large part of their distributions but there is a lack of knowledg...
Mixed-species stands have been found to be more productive than would be expected from the performance of their component species in monocultures due to facilitation and complementarity between species, although these interactions depend on the combination of species present. Our study focuses on monospecific and mixed-species stands of Scots pine...
Species complementarity by morphological and physiological trait differences could cause distinct temporal and spatial use of resources. Accordingly, mixed stands may enhance production, biodiversity and/or provide a better adaptation to future climate conditions. We aim to identify species differences in intra-annual stem radial variation patterns...
Past failures of monocultures, caused by wind-throw or insect damages, and ongoing climate change currently strongly stimulate research into mixed-species stands. So far, the focus has mainly been on combinations of species with obvious complementary functional traits. However, for any generalization, a broad overview of the mixing reactions of fun...
Book of Abstracts for the IUFRO-Conference Mixed Species Forests: Risks, Resilience and Management.
Thinning treatment and mixed forest stands have been suggested as possible adaptation strategies to cope to climate change but there is scarce knowledge about the combination of both subjects. In this study, we aim to better understand the thinning effect and the growth differences on inter- and intra-annual cumulative radial increment patterns bet...
Tree species mixing has been widely promoted as a promising silvicultural tool for reducing drought stress. However, so far only a limited number of species combinations have been studied in detail, revealing inconsistent results. In this study, we analysed the effect of mixing Scots pine and oak (pedunculate oak and sessile oak) trees on their dro...
National accounting either ignores or fails to give due values to the ecosystem services, products, incomes and environmental assets of a country. To overcome these shortcomings, we apply spatially-explicit extended accounts that incorporate a novel environmental income indicator, which we test in the forests of Andalusia (Spain). Extende...
Climate change forecasts are particularly severe for the western Mediterranean Basin, where rising temperatures and decreased precipitation could increase the frequency of drought events. Understanding the specific weather drivers of radial variation in Mediterranean mixed forest stands will allow us to better predict the ecological and production...
National accounting either ignores or fails to give due values to a country ́s ecosystem services, products, total income and environmental asset variations. To overcome these shortcomings, wedevelop a spatially-explicit extended ecosystem accounting framework, which we test intheMediterranean forests of Andalusia (Spain). This framework goes beyon...
Despite the assumption that mushroom fruiting is dependent on climate conditions, recent changes in temperature and precipitation regimes in Mediterranean-type ecosystems have opened new questions about how climate changes impact epigeous sporocarps yields. Here, we described the epigeous fungal sporocarp yield anomalies together with temperature a...
Public demand for harvesting wild edible mushrooms has risen in recent decades and currently affects many forested areas around the world. The idea of introducing permits for users has been conceived as a tool for ecosystem management. The problem is that policy-makers lack the necessary means to help guide them when establishing prices for such ha...
Although climate change and variability can impact fungal phenology, the effects on community composition are less understood. Additionally, climatic variability might modify trait selection in fungi, including spore size and dispersal characteristics. Compositional and trait modifications of fungal communities would have important consequences for...
Mushrooms are amongst the most important of non-timber forest products, with growing economic value in many rural areas of the Mediterranean region. At the same time, the effects of climate variability on fungal ecology and productivity are insufficiently understood, because the belowground life cycle of fungi is mediated in many different ways and...
In this study, we propose a procedure for integrating several ecosystem services
into forest management by using the well-known multi-criteria approach called goal
programming. It shows how interactions with various stakeholders are essential in order to
choose the goal programming model applied, as well as some of its basic components
(variant, ta...
Terrestrial ecosystems, such as forestlands and grasslands, provide many ecosystems
services, and in most cases these services are provided by working landscapes that also
generates relevant manufactured products (Haines-Young and Potschin, 2013).
Conventional national accounts for agriculture and forestry activities neglect nonmarket
Although the important effects of pH and carbonate content of soils on "black truffle" (Tuber melanosporum) production are well known, we poorly understand the influence of soil physical properties. This study focuses on physical soil characteristics that drive successful production of black truffles in plantations. Seventy-eight Quercus ilex ssp....
Growing evidence suggests environmental change to be most severe across the semi-arid subtropics, with past, present and projected drying of the Mediterranean Basin posing a key multidisciplinary challenge. Consideration of a single climatic factor, however, often fails to explain spatiotemporal growth dynamics of drought-prone ecosystems. Here, we...
Some non-timber forestry products, such as mushrooms, have not typically been included in forest management plans, creating a scenario whereby timber production is the main objective and fungal resources are an afterthought. However, in certain forests, wild mushrooms reach a significant level of production. This paper researches a strategic forest...
Mushrooms in general, and Boletus edulis and Lactarius deliciosus in particular, are important non-wood forest products worldwide. Despite their economic and ecological importance, models that describe the influence of different factors on mushroom yield are few. These models would support multi-objective forest management and planning that takes i...
The ectomycorrhizal association between Cistus ladanifer and Boletus edulis is a productive relationship due to the economic value of the fungus and the role of the plant in the protection and restoration of areas heavily affected by fires. This study aims to define the realized niche of B. edulis and to predict its distribution in peninsular Spain...
Black truffle (Tuber melanosporum) is an edible ectomycorrhizal mushroom whose cultivation is an economicallyviable alternative in rural areas affected by depopulation. In the province of Teruel (Spain), truffle plantations occupy nowadays more than 4,500 ha, but no land use planning guidelines have been available. Species distribution models are t...
Black truffle (Tuber melanosporum) is an edible ectomycorrhizal mushroom whose cultivation is an economically viable alternative in rural areas affected by depopulation. In the province of Teruel (Spain), truffle plantations occupy nowadays more than 4,500 ha, but no land use planning guidelines have been available. Species distribution models are...